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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
std/[strformat, strutils, sequtils, macros],
chronicles, chronos, eth/common,
../utils/functors/[identity, futures, possible_futures],
../errors, ./validation,
topics = "vm stack"
# Now that we need a stack that contains values that may not be available yet,
# the terminology below makes a clearer distinction between:
# "stack value" (the actual UInt256)
# "stack element" (the possibly-not-resolved-yet box that will eventually hold the value).
type StackElement = SpeculativeExecutionCell[UInt256]
proc pureStackElement*(v: UInt256): StackElement {.inline.} = pureCell(v)
Stack* = ref object of RootObj
elements*: seq[StackElement]
proc values*(stack: Stack): seq[UInt256] = StackElement): UInt256 =
proc len*(stack: Stack): int {.inline.} =
template ensureStackLimit: untyped =
if len(stack.elements) > 1023:
raise newException(FullStack, "Stack limit reached")
proc stackValueFrom*(v: UInt256): UInt256 {.inline.} = v
proc stackValueFrom*(v: uint | int | GasInt): UInt256 {.inline.} = v.u256
proc stackValueFrom*(v: EthAddress): UInt256 {.inline.} = result.initFromBytesBE(v)
proc stackValueFrom*(v: MDigest): UInt256 {.inline.} = result.initFromBytesBE(, allowPadding = false)
proc stackValueFrom*(v: openArray[byte]): UInt256 {.inline.} =
# TODO: This needs to go
validateStackItem(v) # This is necessary to pass stack tests
proc fromStackValue(i: UInt256, v: var UInt256) {.inline.} = v = i
proc fromStackValue(i: UInt256, v: var EthAddress) {.inline.} = v[0 .. ^1] = i.toByteArrayBE().toOpenArray(12, 31)
proc fromStackValue(i: UInt256, v: var Hash256) {.inline.} = = i.toByteArrayBE()
proc fromStackValue(i: UInt256, v: var Topic) {.inline.} = v = i.toByteArrayBE()
proc intFromStackValue*(i: UInt256): UInt256 {.inline.} = i
proc addressFromStackValue*(i: UInt256): EthAddress {.inline.} = fromStackValue(i, result)
proc hashFromStackValue*(i: UInt256): Hash256 {.inline.} = fromStackValue(i, result)
proc topicFromStackValue*(i: UInt256): Topic {.inline.} = fromStackValue(i, result)
proc futureStackValue*(elem: StackElement): Future[UInt256] =
proc futureInt* (elem: StackElement): Future[UInt256] {.async.} = return intFromStackValue(await futureStackValue(elem))
proc futureAddress*(elem: StackElement): Future[EthAddress] {.async.} = return addressFromStackValue(await futureStackValue(elem))
proc futureHash* (elem: StackElement): Future[Hash256] {.async.} = return hashFromStackValue(await futureStackValue(elem))
proc futureTopic* (elem: StackElement): Future[Topic] {.async.} = return topicFromStackValue(await futureStackValue(elem))
# FIXME-Adam: we may not need anything other than the StackElement one, after we're done refactoring
proc pushAux[T](stack: var Stack, value: T) =
stack.elements.setLen(stack.elements.len + 1)
stack.elements[^1] = pureStackElement(stackValueFrom(value))
proc push*(stack: var Stack, value: uint | int | GasInt | UInt256 | EthAddress | Hash256) {.inline.} =
pushAux(stack, value)
proc push*(stack: var Stack, value: openArray[byte]) {.inline.} =
# TODO: This needs to go...
pushAux(stack, value)
proc pushElement*(stack: var Stack, elem: StackElement) =
stack.elements.setLen(stack.elements.len + 1)
stack.elements[^1] = elem
proc push*(stack: var Stack, elem: StackElement) =
proc ensurePop(stack: Stack, expected: int) =
let num = stack.len
if num < expected:
raise newException(InsufficientStack,
&"Stack underflow: expected {expected} elements, got {num} instead.")
proc internalPopElementsTuple(stack: var Stack, v: var tuple, tupleLen: static[int]) =
ensurePop(stack, tupleLen)
var i = 0
let sz = stack.elements.high
for f in fields(v):
f = stack.elements[sz - i]
inc i
stack.elements.setLen(sz - tupleLen + 1)
macro genTupleType*(len: static[int], elemType: untyped): untyped =
result = nnkTupleConstr.newNimNode()
for i in 0 ..< len: result.add(elemType)
proc popElement*(stack: var Stack): StackElement {.inline.} =
ensurePop(stack, 1)
result = stack.elements[^1]
stack.elements.setLen(stack.elements.len - 1)
proc popElements*(stack: var Stack, numItems: static[int]): auto {.inline.} =
var r: genTupleType(numItems, StackElement)
stack.internalPopElementsTuple(r, numItems)
return r
proc popSeqOfElements*(stack: var Stack, numItems: int): seq[StackElement] {.inline.} =
ensurePop(stack, numItems)
let sz = stack.elements.high
for i in 0 ..< numItems:
result.add(stack.elements[sz - i])
stack.elements.setLen(sz - numItems + 1)
template popAndMap*(stack: var Stack, lvalueA: untyped, body: untyped): StackElement =
map(stack.popElement) do (lvalueA: UInt256) -> UInt256:
template popAndCombine*(stack: var Stack, lvalueA: untyped, lvalueB: untyped, body: untyped): StackElement =
combineAndApply(stack.popElements(2)) do (lvalueA, lvalueB: UInt256) -> UInt256:
template popAndCombine*(stack: var Stack, lvalueA: untyped, lvalueB: untyped, lvalueC: untyped, body: untyped): StackElement =
combineAndApply(stack.popElements(3)) do (lvalueA, lvalueB, lvalueC: UInt256) -> UInt256:
proc newStack*(): Stack =
result.elements = @[]
proc swap*(stack: var Stack, position: int) =
## Perform a SWAP operation on the stack
var idx = position + 1
if idx < len(stack) + 1:
(stack.elements[^1], stack.elements[^idx]) = (stack.elements[^idx], stack.elements[^1])
raise newException(InsufficientStack,
&"Insufficient stack items for SWAP{position}")
template getInt(x: int): int = x
proc dup*(stack: var Stack, position: int | UInt256) =
## Perform a DUP operation on the stack
let position = position.getInt
if position in 1 .. stack.len:
raise newException(InsufficientStack,
&"Insufficient stack items for DUP{position}")
proc peekElement*(stack: Stack): StackElement =
proc peek*(stack: Stack): UInt256 =
# This should be used only for testing purposes!
proc `$`*(elem: StackElement): string =
let m = maybeAlreadyAvailableValueOf(elem)
if m.isSome:
"not yet available"
proc `$`*(stack: Stack): string =
let elements = stack.elements.mapIt(&" {$it}").join("\n")
# FIXME-Adam: is it okay for this to be unsafe?
proc `[]`*(stack: Stack, i: BackwardsIndex, T: typedesc): T =
ensurePop(stack, int(i))
fromStackValue(unsafeGetAlreadyAvailableValue(stack.elements[i]), result)
proc replaceTopElement*(stack: Stack, newTopElem: StackElement) {.inline.} =
stack.elements[^1] = newTopElem
# FIXME-Adam: These need to be removed, because calling waitFor is obviously
# not what we want. I'm only leaving them here for now to keep the compiler
# happy until we switch over to the new way.
proc popInt*(stack: var Stack): UInt256 =
let elem = stack.popElement
proc popAddress*(stack: var Stack): EthAddress =
let elem = stack.popElement
proc popTopic*(stack: var Stack): Topic =
let elem = stack.popElement
proc internalPopTuple(stack: var Stack, v: var tuple, tupleLen: static[int]) =
ensurePop(stack, tupleLen)
var i = 0
let sz = stack.elements.high
for f in fields(v):
let elem = stack.elements[sz - i]
# FIXME-Adam: terrible idea, waits after each one instead of waiting once for
# all of them, but this is temporary code that will be deleted after we've
# switched over to the new way.
let v = unsafeGetAlreadyAvailableValue(elem)
fromStackValue(v, f)
inc i
stack.elements.setLen(sz - tupleLen + 1)
proc popInt*(stack: var Stack, numItems: static[int]): auto {.inline.} =
var r: genTupleType(numItems, UInt256)
stack.internalPopTuple(r, numItems)
return r