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synced 2025-03-01 12:20:49 +00:00
It is common for many accounts to share the same code - at the database level, code is stored by hash meaning only one copy exists per unique program but when loaded in memory, a copy is made for each account. Further, every time we execute the code, it must be scanned for invalid jump destinations which slows down EVM exeuction. Finally, the extcodesize call causes code to be loaded even if only the size is needed. This PR improves on all these points by introducing a shared CodeBytesRef type whose code section is immutable and that can be shared between accounts. Further, a dedicated `len` API call is added so that the EXTCODESIZE opcode can operate without polluting the GC and code cache, for cases where only the size is requested - rocksdb will in this case cache the code itself in the row cache meaning that lookup of the code itself remains fast when length is asked for first. With 16k code entries, there's a 90% hit rate which goes up to 99% during the 2.3M attack - the cache significantly lowers memory consumption and execution time not only during this event but across the board.
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164 lines
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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
std/[os, macros, json, strformat, strutils, tables],
stew/byteutils, net, eth/[keys, p2p], unittest2,
../nimbus/[constants, config, transaction, errors],
../nimbus/common/[context, common]
func revmap(x: Table[EVMFork, string]): Table[string, EVMFork] =
result = Table[string, EVMFork]()
for k, v in x:
result[v] = k
# from https://ethereum-tests.readthedocs.io/en/latest/test_types/state_tests.html
forkNames* = {
FkFrontier: "Frontier",
FkHomestead: "Homestead",
FkTangerine: "EIP150",
FkSpurious: "EIP158",
FkByzantium: "Byzantium",
FkConstantinople: "Constantinople",
FkPetersburg: "ConstantinopleFix",
FkIstanbul: "Istanbul",
FkBerlin: "Berlin",
FkLondon: "London",
FkParis: "Merge",
FkPrague: "Prague",
nameToFork* = revmap(forkNames)
func skipNothing*(folder: string, name: string): bool = false
var status = initOrderedTable[string, OrderedTable[string, Status]]()
proc jsonTestImpl*(inputFolder, outputName: string, handler, skipTest: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
testStatusIMPL = ident("testStatusIMPL")
# workaround for strformat in quote do: https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/8220
symbol {.used.} = newIdentNode"symbol"
final {.used.} = newIdentNode"final"
name {.used.} = newIdentNode"name"
formatted {.used.} = newStrLitNode"{symbol[final]} {name:<64}{$final}{'\n'}"
result = quote:
var filenames: seq[string] = @[]
let inputPath = "tests" / "fixtures" / `inputFolder`
for filename in walkDirRec(inputPath):
if not filename.endsWith(".json"):
var (folder, name) = filename.splitPath()
let last = folder.splitPath().tail
if not status.hasKey(last):
status[last] = initOrderedTable[string, Status]()
status[last][name] = Status.Skip
if `skipTest`(last, name):
doAssert(filenames.len > 0)
for fname in filenames:
let filename = fname
test fname.subStr(inputPath.len + 1):
(folder, name) = filename.splitPath()
last = folder.splitPath().tail
# we set this here because exceptions might be raised in the handler:
status[last][name] = Status.Fail
let fixtures = parseJson(readFile(filename))
`handler`(fixtures, `testStatusIMPL`)
if `testStatusIMPL` == OK:
status[last][name] = Status.OK
elif `testStatusIMPL` == SKIPPED:
status[last][name] = Status.Skip
status.sort do (a: (string, OrderedTable[string, Status]),
b: (string, OrderedTable[string, Status])) -> int: cmp(a[0], b[0])
generateReport(`outputName`, status)
macro jsonTest*(inputFolder, outputName: static[string], handler: untyped, skipTest: untyped = skipNothing): untyped =
result = jsonTestImpl(inputFolder, outputName, handler, skipTest)
macro jsonTest*(inputFolder: static[string], handler: untyped, skipTest: untyped = skipNothing): untyped =
result = jsonTestImpl(inputFolder, inputFolder, handler, skipTest)
func ethAddressFromHex*(s: string): EthAddress = hexToByteArray(s, result)
func safeHexToSeqByte*(hexStr: string): seq[byte] =
if hexStr == "":
func getHexadecimalInt*(j: JsonNode): int64 =
# parseutils.parseHex works with int which will overflow in 32 bit
var data: StUint[64]
data = fromHex(StUint[64], j.getStr)
result = cast[int64](data)
proc verifyStateDB*(wantedState: JsonNode, stateDB: ReadOnlyStateDB) =
for ac, accountData in wantedState:
let account = ethAddressFromHex(ac)
for slot, value in accountData{"storage"}:
slotId = UInt256.fromHex slot
wantedValue = UInt256.fromHex value.getStr
let actualValue = stateDB.getStorage(account, slotId)
#if not found:
# raise newException(ValidationError, "account not found: " & ac)
if actualValue != wantedValue:
raise newException(ValidationError, &"{ac} storageDiff: [{slot}] {actualValue.toHex} != {wantedValue.toHex}")
wantedCode = hexToSeqByte(accountData{"code"}.getStr)
wantedBalance = UInt256.fromHex accountData{"balance"}.getStr
wantedNonce = accountData{"nonce"}.getHexadecimalInt.AccountNonce
actualCode = stateDB.getCode(account).bytes()
actualBalance = stateDB.getBalance(account)
actualNonce = stateDB.getNonce(account)
if wantedCode != actualCode:
raise newException(ValidationError, &"{ac} codeDiff {wantedCode.toHex} != {actualCode.toHex}")
if wantedBalance != actualBalance:
raise newException(ValidationError, &"{ac} balanceDiff {wantedBalance.toHex} != {actualBalance.toHex}")
if wantedNonce != actualNonce:
raise newException(ValidationError, &"{ac} nonceDiff {wantedNonce.toHex} != {actualNonce.toHex}")
proc setupEthNode*(
conf: NimbusConf, ctx: EthContext,
capabilities: varargs[ProtocolInfo, `protocolInfo`]): EthereumNode =
let keypair = ctx.getNetKeys(conf.netKey, conf.dataDir.string).tryGet()
let srvAddress = Address(
ip: conf.listenAddress, tcpPort: conf.tcpPort, udpPort: conf.udpPort)
var node = newEthereumNode(
keypair, srvAddress,
addAllCapabilities = false,
bindUdpPort = conf.udpPort, bindTcpPort = conf.tcpPort)
for capability in capabilities:
node.addCapability capability
proc makeTestConfig*(): NimbusConf =
# commandLineParams() will not works inside all_tests