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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
eth/[common, rlp, trie/db, trie/hexary],
LegacyDbRef* = ref object of CoreDbRef
tdb: TrieDatabaseRef # copy of descriptor reference captured with closures
HexaryTrieRef = ref object
trie: HexaryTrie # nedded for decriptor capturing with closures
RecorderRef = ref object of RootRef
flags: set[CoreDbCaptFlags]
parent: TrieDatabaseRef
recorder: TrieDatabaseRef
appDb: CoreDbRef
proc init*(
db: LegacyDbRef;
dbType: CoreDbType;
tdb: TrieDatabaseRef;
): CoreDbRef {.gcsafe.}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template ifLegacyOk(db: CoreDbRef; body: untyped) =
case db.dbType:
of LegacyDbMemory, LegacyDbPersistent:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private mixin methods for `trieDB` (backport from capturedb/tracer sources)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc get(db: RecorderRef, key: openArray[byte]): Blob =
## Mixin for `trieDB()`
result = db.recorder.get(key)
if result.len == 0:
result = db.parent.get(key)
if result.len != 0:
db.recorder.put(key, result)
proc put(db: RecorderRef, key, value: openArray[byte]) =
## Mixin for `trieDB()`
db.recorder.put(key, value)
if PersistPut in db.flags:
db.parent.put(key, value)
proc contains(db: RecorderRef, key: openArray[byte]): bool =
## Mixin for `trieDB()`
result = db.parent.contains(key)
doAssert(db.recorder.contains(key) == result)
proc del(db: RecorderRef, key: openArray[byte]) =
## Mixin for `trieDB()`
if PersistDel in db.flags:
proc newRecorderRef(
tdb: TrieDatabaseRef;
flags: set[CoreDbCaptFlags] = {};
): RecorderRef =
## Capture constuctor, uses `mixin` values from above
result = RecorderRef(
flags: flags,
parent: tdb,
recorder: newMemoryDB())
result.appDb = LegacyDbRef().init(LegacyDbPersistent, trieDB result)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private database method function tables
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc miscMethods(tdb: TrieDatabaseRef): CoreDbMiscFns =
legacySetupFn: proc() =
tdb.put(EMPTY_ROOT_HASH.data, @[0x80u8]))
proc kvtMethods(tdb: TrieDatabaseRef): CoreDbKvtFns =
## Key-value database table handlers
getFn: proc(k: openArray[byte]): Blob = return tdb.get(k),
maybeGetFn: proc(k: openArray[byte]): Option[Blob] = return tdb.maybeGet(k),
delFn: proc(k: openArray[byte]) = tdb.del(k),
putFn: proc(k: openArray[byte]; v: openArray[byte]) = tdb.put(k,v),
containsFn: proc(k: openArray[byte]): bool = return tdb.contains(k),
pairsIt: iterator(): (Blob, Blob) {.gcsafe.} =
for k,v in tdb.pairsInMemoryDB:
yield (k,v))
proc mptMethods(mpt: HexaryTrieRef): CoreDbMptFns =
## Hexary trie database handlers
getFn: proc(k: openArray[byte]): Blob {.gcsafe, raises: [RlpError].} =
return mpt.trie.get(k),
maybeGetFn: proc(k: openArray[byte]): Option[Blob]
{.gcsafe, raises: [RlpError].} =
return mpt.trie.maybeGet(k),
delFn: proc(k: openArray[byte]) {.gcsafe, raises: [RlpError].} =
putFn: proc(k: openArray[byte]; v: openArray[byte])
{.gcsafe, raises: [RlpError].} =
containsFn: proc(k: openArray[byte]): bool {.gcsafe, raises: [RlpError].} =
return mpt.trie.contains(k),
rootHashFn: proc(): Hash256 =
return mpt.trie.rootHash,
isPruningFn: proc(): bool =
return mpt.trie.isPruning,
pairsIt: iterator(): (Blob, Blob) {.gcsafe, raises: [RlpError].} =
for k,v in mpt.trie.pairs():
yield (k,v),
replicateIt: iterator(): (Blob, Blob) {.gcsafe, raises: [RlpError].} =
for k,v in mpt.trie.replicate():
yield (k,v))
proc txMethods(tx: DbTransaction): CoreDbTxFns =
commitFn: proc(applyDeletes: bool) = tx.commit(applyDeletes),
rollbackFn: proc() = tx.rollback(),
disposeFn: proc() = tx.dispose(),
safeDisposeFn: proc() = tx.safeDispose())
proc tidMethods(tid: TransactionID; tdb: TrieDatabaseRef): CoreDbTxIdFns =
setIdFn: proc() =
roWrapperFn: proc(action: CoreDbTxIdActionFn)
{.gcsafe, raises: [CatchableError].} =
tdb.shortTimeReadOnly(tid, action()))
proc cptMethods(cpt: RecorderRef): CoreDbCaptFns =
recorderFn: proc(): CoreDbRef =
return cpt.appDb,
getFlagsFn: proc(): set[CoreDbCaptFlags] =
return cpt.flags)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private constructor functions table
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc constructors(tdb: TrieDatabaseRef, parent: CoreDbRef): CoreDbConstructors =
mptFn: proc(root: Hash256): CoreDbMptRef =
let mpt = HexaryTrieRef(trie: initHexaryTrie(tdb, root, false))
return newCoreDbMptRef(parent, mpt.mptMethods),
legacyMptFn: proc(root: Hash256; prune: bool): CoreDbMptRef =
let mpt = HexaryTrieRef(trie: initHexaryTrie(tdb, root, prune))
return newCoreDbMptRef(parent, mpt.mptMethods),
getIdFn: proc(): CoreDbTxID =
return newCoreDbTxID(parent, tdb.getTransactionID.tidMethods tdb),
beginFn: proc(): CoreDbTxRef =
return newCoreDbTxRef(parent, tdb.beginTransaction.txMethods),
captureFn: proc(flags: set[CoreDbCaptFlags] = {}): CoreDbCaptRef =
return newCoreDbCaptRef(parent, newRecorderRef(tdb, flags).cptMethods))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public constructor helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc init*(
db: LegacyDbRef;
dbType: CoreDbType;
tdb: TrieDatabaseRef;
): CoreDbRef =
db.tdb = tdb
dbType = dbType,
dbMethods = tdb.miscMethods,
kvtMethods = tdb.kvtMethods,
new = tdb.constructors db)
return db
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public constructor and low level data retrieval, storage & transation frame
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc newLegacyPersistentCoreDbRef*(db: TrieDatabaseRef): CoreDbRef =
LegacyDbRef().init(LegacyDbPersistent, db)
proc newLegacyMemoryCoreDbRef*(): CoreDbRef =
LegacyDbRef().init(LegacyDbMemory, newMemoryDB())
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public legacy helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc toLegacyTrieRef*(db: CoreDbRef): TrieDatabaseRef =
return db.LegacyDbRef.tdb
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------