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synced 2025-03-03 05:10:47 +00:00
Each branch node may have up to 16 sub-items - currently, these are given VertexID based when they are first needed leading to a mostly-random order of vertexid for each subitem. Here, we pre-allocate all 16 vertex ids such that when a branch subitem is filled, it already has a vertexid waiting for it. This brings several important benefits: * subitems are sorted and "close" in their id sequencing - this means that when rocksdb stores them, they are likely to end up in the same data block thus improving read efficiency * because the ids are consequtive, we can store just the starting id and a bitmap representing which subitems are in use - this reduces disk space usage for branches allowing more of them fit into a single disk read, further improving disk read and caching performance - disk usage at block 18M is down from 84 to 78gb! * the in-memory footprint of VertexRef reduced allowing more instances to fit into caches and less memory to be used overall. Because of the increased locality of reference, it turns out that we no longer need to iterate over the entire database to efficiently generate the hash key database because the normal computation is now faster - this significantly benefits "live" chain processing as well where each dirtied key must be accompanied by a read of all branch subitems next to it - most of the performance benefit in this branch comes from this locality-of-reference improvement. On a sample resync, there's already ~20% improvement with later blocks seeing increasing benefit (because the trie is deeper in later blocks leading to more benefit from branch read perf improvements) ``` blocks: 18729664, baseline: 190h43m49s, contender: 153h59m0s Time (total): -36h44m48s, -19.27% ``` Note: clients need to be resynced as the PR changes the on-disk format R.I.P. little bloom filter - your life in the repo was short but valuable
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# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
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# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
## Aristo DB -- Patricia Trie structural data types
## ================================================
{.push raises: [].}
std/[hashes, tables],
export stint
LeafTiePayload* = object
## Generalised key-value pair for a sub-trie. The main trie is the
## sub-trie with `root=VertexID(1)`.
leafTie*: LeafTie ## Full `Patricia Trie` path root-to-leaf
payload*: LeafPayload ## Leaf data payload (see below)
VertexType* = enum
## Type of `Aristo Trie` vertex
AristoAccount* = object
## Application relevant part of an Ethereum account. Note that the storage
## data/tree reference is not part of the account (see `LeafPayload` below.)
nonce*: AccountNonce ## Some `uint64` type
balance*: UInt256
codeHash*: Hash32
PayloadType* = enum
## Type of leaf data.
AccountData ## `Aristo account` with vertex IDs links
StoData ## Slot storage data
StorageID* = tuple
## Once a storage tree is allocated, its root vertex ID is registered in
## the leaf payload of an acoount. After subsequent storage tree deletion
## the root vertex ID will be kept in the leaf payload for re-use but set
## disabled (`.isValid` = `false`).
isValid: bool ## See also `isValid()` for `VertexID`
vid: VertexID ## Storage root vertex ID
LeafPayload* = object
## The payload type depends on the sub-tree used. The `VertexID(1)` rooted
## sub-tree only has `AccountData` type payload, stoID-based have StoData
case pType*: PayloadType
of AccountData:
account*: AristoAccount
stoID*: StorageID ## Storage vertex ID (if any)
of StoData:
stoData*: UInt256
VertexRef* = ref object
## Vertex for building a hexary Patricia or Merkle Patricia Trie
pfx*: NibblesBuf
## Portion of path segment - extension nodes are branch nodes with
## non-empty prefix
case vType*: VertexType
of Leaf:
lData*: LeafPayload ## Reference to data payload
of Branch:
startVid*: VertexID
used*: uint16
NodeRef* = ref object of RootRef
## Combined record for a *traditional* ``Merkle Patricia Tree` node merged
## with a structural `VertexRef` type object.
vtx*: VertexRef
key*: array[16,HashKey] ## Merkle hash/es for vertices
# ----------------------
VidVtxPair* = object
## Handy helper structure
vid*: VertexID ## Table lookup vertex ID (if any)
vtx*: VertexRef ## Reference to vertex
SavedState* = object
## Last saved state
key*: Hash32 ## Some state hash (if any)
serial*: uint64 ## Generic identifier from application
LayerRef* = ref LayerObj
LayerObj* = object
## Delta layers are stacked implying a tables hierarchy. Table entries on
## a higher level take precedence over lower layer table entries. So an
## existing key-value table entry of a layer on top supersedes same key
## entries on all lower layers. A missing entry on a higher layer indicates
## that the key-value pair might be fond on some lower layer.
## A zero value (`nil`, empty hash etc.) is considered am missing key-value
## pair. Tables on the `LayerDelta` may have stray zero key-value pairs for
## missing entries due to repeated transactions while adding and deleting
## entries. There is no need to purge redundant zero entries.
## As for `kMap[]` entries, there might be a zero value entriy relating
## (i.e. indexed by the same vertex ID) to an `sMap[]` non-zero value entry
## (of the same layer or a lower layer whatever comes first.) This entry
## is kept as a reminder that the hash value of the `kMap[]` entry needs
## to be re-compiled.
## The reasoning behind the above scenario is that every vertex held on the
## `sTab[]` tables must correspond to a hash entry held on the `kMap[]`
## tables. So a corresponding zero value or missing entry produces an
## inconsistent state that must be resolved.
sTab*: Table[RootedVertexID,VertexRef] ## Structural vertex table
kMap*: Table[RootedVertexID,HashKey] ## Merkle hash key mapping
vTop*: VertexID ## Last used vertex ID
accLeaves*: Table[Hash32, VertexRef] ## Account path -> VertexRef
stoLeaves*: Table[Hash32, VertexRef] ## Storage path -> VertexRef
txUid*: uint ## Transaction identifier if positive
GetVtxFlag* = enum
## Peek into, but don't update cache - useful on work loads that are
## unfriendly to caches
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public helpers (misc)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func bVid*(vtx: VertexRef, nibble: uint8): VertexID =
if (vtx.used and (1'u16 shl nibble)) > 0:
VertexID(uint64(vtx.startVid) + nibble)
func setUsed*(vtx: VertexRef, nibble: uint8, used: static bool): VertexID =
vtx.used =
when used:
vtx.used or (1'u16 shl nibble)
vtx.used and (not (1'u16 shl nibble))
func init*(T: type LayerRef): T =
## Constructor, returns empty layer
func hash*(node: NodeRef): Hash =
## Table/KeyedQueue/HashSet mixin
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public helpers: `NodeRef` and `LeafPayload`
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc `==`*(a, b: LeafPayload): bool =
## Beware, potential deep comparison
if unsafeAddr(a) != unsafeAddr(b):
if a.pType != b.pType:
return false
case a.pType:
of AccountData:
if a.account != b.account or
a.stoID != b.stoID:
return false
of StoData:
if a.stoData != b.stoData:
return false
proc `==`*(a, b: VertexRef): bool =
## Beware, potential deep comparison
if a.isNil:
return b.isNil
if b.isNil:
return false
if unsafeAddr(a[]) != unsafeAddr(b[]):
if a.vType != b.vType:
return false
case a.vType:
of Leaf:
if a.pfx != b.pfx or a.lData != b.lData:
return false
of Branch:
if a.pfx != b.pfx or a.startVid != b.startVid or a.used != b.used:
return false
iterator pairs*(vtx: VertexRef): tuple[nibble: uint8, vid: VertexID] =
## Iterates over the sub-vids of a branch (does nothing for leaves)
case vtx.vType:
of Leaf:
of Branch:
for n in 0'u8 .. 15'u8:
if (vtx.used and (1'u16 shl n)) > 0:
yield (n, VertexID(uint64(vtx.startVid) + n))
iterator allPairs*(vtx: VertexRef): tuple[nibble: uint8, vid: VertexID] =
## Iterates over the sub-vids of a branch (does nothing for leaves) including
## currently unset nodes
case vtx.vType:
of Leaf:
of Branch:
for n in 0'u8 .. 15'u8:
if (vtx.used and (1'u16 shl n)) > 0:
yield (n, VertexID(uint64(vtx.startVid) + n))
yield (n, default(VertexID))
proc `==`*(a, b: NodeRef): bool =
## Beware, potential deep comparison
if a.vtx != b.vtx:
return false
case a.vtx.vType:
of Branch:
for n in 0'u8..15'u8:
if a.vtx.bVid(n) != 0.VertexID or b.vtx.bVid(n) != 0.VertexID:
if a.key[n] != b.key[n]:
return false
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public helpers, miscellaneous functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func dup*(pld: LeafPayload): LeafPayload =
## Duplicate payload.
case pld.pType:
of AccountData:
pType: AccountData,
account: pld.account,
stoID: pld.stoID)
of StoData:
pType: StoData,
stoData: pld.stoData
func dup*(vtx: VertexRef): VertexRef =
## Duplicate vertex.
# Not using `deepCopy()` here (some `gc` needs `--deepcopy:on`.)
if vtx.isNil:
case vtx.vType:
of Leaf:
vType: Leaf,
pfx: vtx.pfx,
lData: vtx.lData.dup)
of Branch:
vType: Branch,
pfx: vtx.pfx,
startVid: vtx.startVid,
used: vtx.used)
func dup*(node: NodeRef): NodeRef =
## Duplicate node.
# Not using `deepCopy()` here (some `gc` needs `--deepcopy:on`.)
if node.isNil:
vtx: node.vtx.dup(),
key: node.key)
func dup*(wp: VidVtxPair): VidVtxPair =
## Safe copy of `wp` argument
vid: wp.vid,
vtx: wp.vtx.dup)
# ---------------
func to*(node: NodeRef; T: type VertexRef): T =
## Extract a copy of the `VertexRef` part from a `NodeRef`.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------