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synced 2025-03-03 05:10:47 +00:00
A bit unexpectedly, nibble handling shows up in the profiler mainly because the current impl is tuned towards slicing while the most common operation is prefix comparison - since the code is simple, might has well get rid of some of the excess fat by always aliging the nibbles to the byte buffer.
273 lines
7.8 KiB
273 lines
7.8 KiB
# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [], gcsafe, inline.}
import stew/[arraybuf, arrayops, bitops2, endians2, staticfor]
export arraybuf
NibblesBuf* = object
## Allocation-free type for storing up to 64 4-bit nibbles, as seen in the
## Ethereum MPT
limbs: array[4, uint64]
# Each limb holds 16 nibbles in big endian order - for buffers shorter
# 64 nibbles we make sure the last limb holding any data is zero-padded
# (so as to avoid UB on uninitialized reads) - for example a buffer
# holding one nibble will have one fully initialized limb and 3
# uninitialized limbs.
iend: uint8
# Where valid nibbles can be found - we use indices here to avoid copies
# wen slicing - iend not inclusive
HexPrefixBuf* = ArrayBuf[33, byte]
func high*(T: type NibblesBuf): int =
func nibble*(T: type NibblesBuf, nibble: byte): T {.noinit.} =
result.limbs[0] = uint64(nibble) shl (64 - 4)
result.iend = 1
template limb(i: int | uint8): uint8 =
# In which limb can nibble i be found?
uint8(i) shr 4 # shr 4 = div 16 = 16 nibbles per limb
template shift(i: int | uint8): int =
# How many bits to shift to find nibble i within its limb?
60 - ((i mod 16) shl 2) # shl 2 = 4 bits per nibble
func `[]`*(r: NibblesBuf, i: int): byte =
ilimb = i.limb
ishift = i.shift
byte((r.limbs[ilimb] shr ishift) and 0x0f)
func `[]=`*(r: var NibblesBuf, i: int, v: byte) =
ilimb = i.limb
ishift = i.shift
r.limbs[ilimb] =
(uint64(v and 0x0f) shl ishift) or ((r.limbs[ilimb] and not (0x0f'u64 shl ishift)))
func fromBytes*(T: type NibblesBuf, bytes: openArray[byte]): T {.noinit.} =
if bytes.len >= 32:
result.iend = 64
staticFor i, 0 ..< result.limbs.len:
const pos = i * 8 # 16 nibbles per limb, 2 nibbles per byte
result.limbs[i] = uint64.fromBytesBE(bytes.toOpenArray(pos, pos + 7))
let blen = uint8(bytes.len)
result.iend = blen * 2
block done:
staticFor i, 0 ..< result.limbs.len:
const pos = i * 8
if pos + 7 < blen:
result.limbs[i] = uint64.fromBytesBE(bytes.toOpenArray(pos, pos + 7))
if pos < blen:
var tmp = 0'u64
var shift = 56'u8
for j in uint8(pos) ..< blen:
tmp = tmp or uint64(bytes[j]) shl shift
shift -= 8
result.limbs[i] = tmp
break done
func len*(r: NibblesBuf): int =
func `$`*(r: NibblesBuf): string =
result = newStringOfCap(64)
for i in 0 ..< r.len:
const chars = "0123456789abcdef"
result.add chars[r[i]]
func `==`*(lhs, rhs: NibblesBuf): bool =
if lhs.iend != rhs.iend:
return false
staticFor i, 0 ..< lhs.limbs.len:
if uint8(i * 16) >= lhs.iend:
return true
if lhs.limbs[i] != rhs.limbs[i]:
return false
func sharedPrefixLen*(lhs, rhs: NibblesBuf): int =
let len = min(lhs.iend, rhs.iend)
staticFor i, 0 ..< lhs.limbs.len:
const pos = i * 16
if (pos + 16) >= len or lhs.limbs[i] != rhs.limbs[i]:
if pos < len:
let mask =
if len - pos >= 16:
(not 0'u64) shr ((len - pos) * 4)
pos + leadingZeros((lhs.limbs[i] xor rhs.limbs[i]) or mask) shr 2
func startsWith*(lhs, rhs: NibblesBuf): bool =
sharedPrefixLen(lhs, rhs) == rhs.len
func slice*(r: NibblesBuf, ibegin: int, iend = -1): NibblesBuf {.noinit.} =
let e =
if iend < 0:
min(64, r.len + iend + 1)
min(64, iend)
# With noinit, we have to be careful not to read result.bytes
result.iend = uint8(e - ibegin)
var ilimb = ibegin.limb
block done:
let shift = (ibegin mod 16) shl 2
if shift == 0: # Must be careful not to shift by 64 which is UB!
staticFor i, 0 ..< result.limbs.len:
if uint8(i * 16) >= result.iend:
break done
result.limbs[i] = r.limbs[ilimb]
ilimb += 1
staticFor i, 0 ..< result.limbs.len:
if uint8(i * 16) >= result.iend:
break done
let cur = r.limbs[ilimb] shl shift
ilimb += 1
result.limbs[i] =
if (ilimb * 16) < uint8 r.iend:
let next = r.limbs[ilimb] shr (64 - shift)
cur or next
template copyshr(aend: uint8) =
block adone: # copy aend nibbles of a
staticFor i, 0 ..< result.limbs.len:
if uint8(i * 16) >= aend:
break adone
result.limbs[i] = a.limbs[i]
block bdone:
let shift = (aend mod 16) shl 2
var alimb = aend.limb
if shift == 0:
staticFor i, 0 ..< result.limbs.len:
if uint8(i * 16) >= b.iend:
break bdone
result.limbs[alimb] = b.limbs[i]
alimb += 1
# remove the part of a that should be b from the last a limb
result.limbs[alimb] = result.limbs[alimb] and ((not 0'u64) shl (64 - shift))
staticFor i, 0 ..< result.limbs.len:
if uint8(i * 16) >= b.iend:
break bdone
# reading result.limbs here is safe because because the previous loop
# iteration will have initialized it (or the a copy on initial iteration)
result.limbs[alimb] = result.limbs[alimb] or b.limbs[i] shr shift
alimb += 1
if (alimb * 16) < result.iend:
result.limbs[alimb] = b.limbs[i] shl (64 - shift)
func `&`*(a, b: NibblesBuf): NibblesBuf {.noinit.} =
result.iend = min(64'u8, a.iend + b.iend)
let aend = a.iend
func replaceSuffix*(a, b: NibblesBuf): NibblesBuf {.noinit.} =
if b.iend >= a.iend:
result = b
elif b.iend == 0:
result = a
result.iend = a.iend
let aend = a.iend - b.iend
func toHexPrefix*(r: NibblesBuf, isLeaf = false): HexPrefixBuf {.noinit.} =
# We'll adjust to the actual length below, but this hack allows us to write
# full limbs
result.n = 33 # careful with noinit, to not call setlen
limbs = (r.iend + 15).limb
isOdd = (r.iend and 1) > 0
result[0] = (byte(isLeaf) * 2 + byte(isOdd)) shl 4
if isOdd:
result[0] = result[0] or byte(r.limbs[0] shr 60)
staticFor i, 0 ..< r.limbs.len:
if i < limbs:
let next =
when i == r.limbs.high:
r.limbs[i + 1]
let limb = r.limbs[i] shl 4 or next shr 60
const pos = i * 8 + 1
assign(result.data.toOpenArray(pos, pos + 7), limb.toBytesBE())
staticFor i, 0 ..< r.limbs.len:
if i < limbs:
let limb = r.limbs[i]
const pos = i * 8 + 1
assign(result.data.toOpenArray(pos, pos + 7), limb.toBytesBE())
result.setLen(int((r.iend shr 1) + 1))
func fromHexPrefix*(
T: type NibblesBuf, bytes: openArray[byte]
): tuple[isLeaf: bool, nibbles: NibblesBuf] {.noinit.} =
if bytes.len > 0:
result.isLeaf = (bytes[0] and 0x20) != 0
let hasOddLen = (bytes[0] and 0x10) != 0
if hasOddLen:
let high = uint8(min(31, bytes.len - 1))
result.nibbles =
NibblesBuf.nibble(bytes[0] and 0x0f) &
NibblesBuf.fromBytes(bytes.toOpenArray(1, int high))
result.nibbles = NibblesBuf.fromBytes(bytes.toOpenArray(1, bytes.high()))
result.isLeaf = false
result.nibbles.iend = 0
func getBytes*(a: NibblesBuf): array[32, byte] =
staticFor i, 0 ..< a.limbs.len:
const pos = i * 8
assign(result.toOpenArray(pos, pos + 7), a.limbs[i].toBytesBE)