95 lines
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95 lines
3.3 KiB
# Fluffy
# Copyright (c) 2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
import results, eth/common, ./state_content
export results, common
func decodePrefix*(nodePrefixRlp: Rlp): (byte, bool, Nibbles) {.raises: RlpError.} =
doAssert(not nodePrefixRlp.isEmpty())
rlpBytes = nodePrefixRlp.toBytes()
firstNibble = (rlpBytes[0] and 0xF0) shr 4
isLeaf = firstNibble == 2 or firstNibble == 3
isEven = firstNibble == 0 or firstNibble == 2
startIdx = if isEven: 1 else: 0
nibbles = Nibbles.init(rlpBytes[startIdx .. ^1], isEven)
(firstNibble.byte, isLeaf, nibbles)
func rlpDecodeAccountTrieNode*(accountTrieNode: TrieNode): Result[Account, string] =
let accNodeRlp = rlpFromBytes(accountTrieNode.asSeq())
if accNodeRlp.isEmpty() or accNodeRlp.listLen() != 2:
return err("invalid account trie node - malformed")
let accNodePrefixRlp = accNodeRlp.listElem(0)
if accNodePrefixRlp.isEmpty():
return err("invalid account trie node - empty prefix")
let (_, isLeaf, _) = decodePrefix(accNodePrefixRlp)
if not isLeaf:
return err("invalid account trie node - leaf prefix expected")
decodeRlp(accNodeRlp.listElem(1).toBytes(), Account)
except RlpError as e:
func rlpDecodeContractTrieNode*(contractTrieNode: TrieNode): Result[UInt256, string] =
let storageNodeRlp = rlpFromBytes(contractTrieNode.asSeq())
if storageNodeRlp.isEmpty() or storageNodeRlp.listLen() != 2:
return err("invalid contract trie node - malformed")
let storageNodePrefixRlp = storageNodeRlp.listElem(0)
if storageNodePrefixRlp.isEmpty():
return err("invalid contract trie node - empty prefix")
let (_, isLeaf, _) = decodePrefix(storageNodePrefixRlp)
if not isLeaf:
return err("invalid contract trie node - leaf prefix expected")
decodeRlp(storageNodeRlp.listElem(1).toBytes(), UInt256)
except RlpError as e:
func toAccount*(accountProof: TrieProof): Result[Account, string] {.inline.} =
doAssert(accountProof.len() > 0)
func toSlot*(storageProof: TrieProof): Result[UInt256, string] {.inline.} =
doAssert(storageProof.len() > 0)
func removeLeafKeyEndNibbles*(
nibbles: Nibbles, leafNode: TrieNode
): Nibbles {.raises: RlpError.} =
let nodeRlp = rlpFromBytes(leafNode.asSeq())
doAssert(nodeRlp.listLen() == 2)
let (_, isLeaf, prefix) = decodePrefix(nodeRlp.listElem(0))
let leafPrefix = prefix.unpackNibbles()
var unpackedNibbles = nibbles.unpackNibbles()
doAssert(unpackedNibbles[^leafPrefix.len() .. ^1] == leafPrefix)
func toPath*(hash: KeccakHash): Nibbles {.inline.} =
Nibbles.init(hash.data, isEven = true)
func toPath*(address: EthAddress): Nibbles {.inline.} =
func toPath*(slotKey: UInt256): Nibbles {.inline.} =