
196 lines
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# Nimbus - New sync approach - A fusion of snap, trie, beam and other methods
# Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
std/[sequtils, strutils],
eth/[common/eth_types, p2p],
stew/[byteutils, keyed_queue],
".."/[sync_desc, types],
./worker/[accounts_db, ticker],
{.push raises: [Defect].}
snapRequestBytesLimit* = 2 * 1024 * 1024
## Soft bytes limit to request in `snap` protocol calls.
maxPivotBlockWindow* = 500
## The maximal depth of two block headers. If the pivot block header
## (containing the current state root) is more than this many blocks
## away from a new pivot block header candidate, then the latter one
## replaces the current block header.
snapAccountsDumpRangeKiln = (high(UInt256) div 300000)
## Sample size for a single snap dump on `kiln` (for debugging)
snapAccountsDumpRange* = snapAccountsDumpRangeKiln
## Activated size of a data slice if dump is anabled
snapAccountsDumpMax* = 20
## Max number of snap proof dumps (for debugging)
snapAccountsDumpEnable* = false
## Enable data dump
seenBlocksMax = 500
## Internal size of LRU cache (for debugging)
WorkerBase* = ref object of RootObj
## Stub object, to be inherited in file `worker.nim`
BuddyStat* = distinct uint
SnapBuddyStats* = tuple
## Statistics counters for events associated with this peer.
## These may be used to recognise errors and select good peers.
ok: tuple[
reorgDetected: BuddyStat,
getBlockHeaders: BuddyStat,
getNodeData: BuddyStat]
minor: tuple[
timeoutBlockHeaders: BuddyStat,
unexpectedBlockHash: BuddyStat]
major: tuple[
networkErrors: BuddyStat,
excessBlockHeaders: BuddyStat,
wrongBlockHeader: BuddyStat]
SnapBuddyErrors* = tuple
## particular error counters so connections will not be cut immediately
## after a particular error.
nTimeouts: uint
# -------
WorkerSeenBlocks = KeyedQueue[array[32,byte],BlockNumber]
## Temporary for pretty debugging, `BlockHash` keyed lru cache
WorkerTickerBase* = ref object of RootObj
## Stub object, to be inherited in file `ticker.nim`
WorkerFetchBase* = ref object of RootObj
## Stub object, to be inherited in file `fetch.nim`
WorkerFetchEnvBase* = ref object of RootObj
## Stub object, to be inherited in file `fetch.nim`
SnapPivotRef* = ref object
## Stub object, cache for particular snap data environment
stateHeader*: BlockHeader ## Pivot state, containg state root
pivotAccount*: NodeTag ## Random account
availAccounts*: LeafRangeSet ## Accounts to fetch (organised as ranges)
nAccounts*: uint64 ## Number of accounts imported
# fetchEnv*: WorkerFetchEnvBase ## Opaque object reference
# ---
proofDumpOk*: bool
proofDumpInx*: int
SnapPivotTable* = ##\
## LRU table, indexed by state root
BuddyData* = object
## Local descriptor data extension
stats*: SnapBuddyStats ## Statistics counters
errors*: SnapBuddyErrors ## For error handling
pivotHeader*: Option[BlockHeader] ## For pivot state hunter
workerBase*: WorkerBase ## Opaque object reference for sub-module
CtxData* = object
## Globally shared data extension
seenBlock: WorkerSeenBlocks ## Temporary, debugging, pretty logs
rng*: ref HmacDrbgContext ## Random generator
dbBackend*: ChainDB ## Low level DB driver access (if any)
ticker*: TickerRef ## Ticker, logger
pivotTable*: SnapPivotTable ## Per state root environment
pivotCount*: uint64 ## Total of all created tab entries
pivotEnv*: SnapPivotRef ## Environment containing state root
accountRangeMax*: UInt256 ## Maximal length, high(u256)/#peers
accountsDb*: AccountsDbRef ## Proof processing for accounts
# ---
proofDumpOk*: bool
proofDumpFile*: File
SnapBuddyRef* = ##\
## Extended worker peer descriptor
SnapCtxRef* = ##\
## Extended global descriptor
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc inc(stat: var BuddyStat) {.borrow.}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions, debugging helpers (will go away eventually)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc pp*(ctx: SnapCtxRef; bh: BlockHash): string =
## Pretty printer for debugging
let rc =
if rc.isOk:
return "#" & $rc.value
"%" & $
proc pp*(ctx: SnapCtxRef; bh: BlockHash; bn: BlockNumber): string =
## Pretty printer for debugging
let rc =
if rc.isOk:
return "#" & $rc.value
"#" & $, bn, seenBlocksMax)
proc pp*(ctx: SnapCtxRef; bhn: HashOrNum): string =
if not bhn.isHash:
return "#" & $bhn.number
let rc =
if rc.isOk:
return "%" & $rc.value
return "%" & $
proc seen*(ctx: SnapCtxRef; bh: BlockHash; bn: BlockNumber) =
## Register for pretty printing
if not
discard, bn, seenBlocksMax)
proc pp*(a: MDigest[256]; collapse = true): string =
if not collapse:
elif a == BLANK_ROOT_HASH:
elif a == EMPTY_SHA3:
elif a == ZERO_HASH256:
else:[56 .. 63].toLowerAscii
proc pp*(bh: BlockHash): string =
"%" & bh.Hash256.pp
proc pp*(bn: BlockNumber): string =
if bn == high(BlockNumber): "#high"
else: "#" & $bn
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------