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synced 2025-03-01 12:20:49 +00:00
This kind of data is not used except in tests where it is used only to create databases that don't match actual usage of aristo. Removing simplifies future optimizations that can focus on processing specific leaf types more efficiently. A casualty of this removal is some test code as well as some proof generation code that is unused - on the surface, it looks like it should be possible to port both of these to the more specific data types - doing so would ensure that a database written by one part of the codebase can interact with the other - as it stands, there is confusion on this point since using the proof generation code will result in a database of a shape that is incompatible with the rest of eth1.
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# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
## Aristo DB -- Add single vertices and maintain partiel tries
## ===========================================================
{.push raises: [].}
std/[sets, sequtils],
"."/[aristo_desc, aristo_fetch, aristo_get, aristo_merge, aristo_layers,
./aristo_part/[part_chain_rlp, part_ctx, part_desc, part_helpers]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public constructor and other admin functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc roots*(ps: PartStateRef): seq[VertexID] =
## Getter: list of root vertex IDs from `ps`.
iterator perimeter*(
ps: PartStateRef;
root: VertexID;
): (RootedVertexID, HashKey) =
## Retrieve the list of dangling vertex IDs relative to `ps`.
for (key,rvid) in ps.byKey.pairs:
if rvid.root == root and key notin keys[] and key notin ps.changed:
yield (rvid,key)
iterator updated*(
ps: PartStateRef;
root: VertexID;
): (RootedVertexID, HashKey) =
## Retrieve the list of changed vertex IDs relative to `ps`. These vertices
## IDs are not considered on the perimeter, anymore.
for key in ps.changed:
let rvid = ps[key]
if rvid.root == root:
yield (rvid,key)
iterator vkPairs*(ps: PartStateRef): (RootedVertexID, HashKey) =
## Retrieve the list of cached `(key,vertex-ID)` pairs.
for (key, rvid) in ps.byKey.pairs:
yield (rvid, key)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc partGenericTwig*(
db: AristoDbRef;
root: VertexID;
path: NibblesBuf;
): Result[(seq[seq[byte]],bool), AristoError] =
## This function returns a chain of rlp-encoded nodes along the argument
## path `(root,path)` followed by a `true` value if the `path` argument
## exists in the database. If the argument `path` is not on the database,
## a partial path will be returned follwed by a `false` value.
## Errors will only be returned for invalid paths.
var chain: seq[seq[byte]]
let rc = db.chainRlpNodes((root,root), path, chain)
if rc.isOk:
ok((chain, true))
elif rc.error in ChainRlpNodesNoEntry:
ok((chain, false))
proc partGenericTwig*(
db: AristoDbRef;
root: VertexID;
path: openArray[byte];
): Result[(seq[seq[byte]],bool), AristoError] =
## Variant of `partGenericTwig()`.
## Note: This function provides a functionality comparable to the
## `getBranch()` function from `hexary.nim`
db.partGenericTwig(root, NibblesBuf.fromBytes path)
proc partAccountTwig*(
db: AristoDbRef;
accPath: Hash32;
): Result[(seq[seq[byte]],bool), AristoError] =
## Variant of `partGenericTwig()`.
db.partGenericTwig(VertexID(1), NibblesBuf.fromBytes accPath.data)
proc partStorageTwig*(
db: AristoDbRef;
accPath: Hash32;
stoPath: Hash32;
): Result[(seq[seq[byte]],bool), AristoError] =
## Variant of `partGenericTwig()`. Note that the function returns an error unless
## the argument `accPath` is valid.
let vid = db.fetchStorageID(accPath).valueOr:
if error == FetchPathStoRootMissing:
return ok((@[],false))
return err(error)
db.partGenericTwig(vid, NibblesBuf.fromBytes stoPath.data)
# ----------
proc partUntwigGeneric*(
chain: openArray[seq[byte]];
root: Hash32;
path: openArray[byte];
): Result[Opt[seq[byte]],AristoError] =
## Verify the chain of rlp-encoded nodes and return the payload. If a
## `Opt.none()` result is returned then the `path` argument does provably
## not exist relative to `chain`.
nibbles = NibblesBuf.fromBytes path
rc = chain.trackRlpNodes(root.to(HashKey), nibbles, start=true)
if rc.isOk:
return ok(Opt.some rc.value)
if rc.error in TrackRlpNodesNoEntry:
return ok(Opt.none seq[byte])
return err(rc.error)
except RlpError:
return err(PartTrkRlpError)
proc partUntwigPath*(
chain: openArray[seq[byte]];
root: Hash32;
path: Hash32;
): Result[Opt[seq[byte]],AristoError] =
## Variant of `partUntwigGeneric()`.
chain.partUntwigGeneric(root, path.data)
proc partUntwigGenericOk*(
chain: openArray[seq[byte]];
root: Hash32;
path: openArray[byte];
payload: Opt[seq[byte]];
): Result[void,AristoError] =
## Verify the argument `chain` of rlp-encoded nodes against the `path`
## and `payload` arguments.
## Note: This function provides a functionality comparable to the
## `isValidBranch()` function from `hexary.nim`.
if payload == ? chain.partUntwigGeneric(root, path):
proc partUntwigPathOk*(
chain: openArray[seq[byte]];
root: Hash32;
path: Hash32;
payload: Opt[seq[byte]];
): Result[void,AristoError] =
## Variant of `partUntwigGenericOk()`.
chain.partUntwigGenericOk(root, path.data, payload)
# ----------------
proc partPut*(
ps: PartStateRef; # Partial database descriptor
proof: openArray[seq[byte]]; # RLP encoded proof nodes
mode = AutomaticPayload; # Try accounts, otherwise generic
): Result[void,AristoError] =
## Decode an argument list `proof` of RLP encoded nodes and add them to
## a partial `Patricia` tree. The `Merkle` keys will all be cached in the
## state descriptor `ps`.
nodes = ? proof.toNodesTab(mode)
bl = nodes.backLinks()
# Check wether the chain has an accounts leaf node
? ps.updateAccountsTree(nodes, bl, mode)
when false: # or true:
echo ">>> partPut",
"\n chains\n ", bl.chains.pp(ps),
# Assign vertex IDs. If possible, use IDs from `state` lookup
var seen: HashSet[HashKey]
for chain in bl.chains:
# Calculate root vertex ID
let root = ? ps.getTreeRootVid chain[^1]
for n,key in chain:
rvid: RootedVertexID
(stopHere, vidFromStateDb) = (false,false) # not both `true`
# Parent might have been part of an earlier chain, already
if n < chain.len - 1:
let parKey = chain[n+1]
if parKey in seen:
block findLink:
let parent = nodes.getOrDefault parKey
for (subVid,subKey) in parent.subVidKeys:
if subKey == key:
rvid = (root,subVid)
stopHere = true
break findLink
# In theory, the following clause cannot happen
return err(PartMissingUplinkInternalError)
let node = nodes.getOrDefault key
# Get vertex ID and set a flag whether it was seen on state lookup
if not rvid.isValid:
(rvid, vidFromStateDb) = ? ps.getRvid(root, key)
# Use from partial state database if possible
if vidFromStateDb and not ps.isCore(key):
let vtx = ps.db.getVtx rvid
if vtx.isValid:
# Register core node. Even though these nodes are only local to this
# loop local, they need to be updated because another `chain` might
# merge into this one at exactly this node.
case node.vtx.vType:
of Leaf:
node.vtx.lData = vtx.lData
of Branch:
node.vtx.bVid = vtx.bVid
ps.addCore(root, key) # register core node
ps.pureExt.del key # core node can't be an extension
# Handle raw extension (there should not be many.) These records are
# stored separately off the database and will only be temporarily
# inserted into the database on demand.
if node.prfType == isExtension:
ps.pureExt[key] = PrfExtension(xPfx: node.vtx.pfx, xLink: node.key[0])
# Otherwise assign new VIDs to a core node. Even though these nodes are
# only local to this loop local, they need to be updated because another
# `chain` might merge into this one at exactly this node.
case node.vtx.vType:
of Leaf:
let lKey = node.key[0]
if node.vtx.lData.pType == AccountData and lKey.isValid:
node.vtx.lData.stoID = (true, (? ps.getRvid(root, lKey))[0].vid)
of Branch:
for n in 0 .. 15:
let bKey = node.key[n]
if bKey.isValid:
node.vtx.bVid[n] = (? ps.getRvid(root, bKey))[0].vid
ps.addCore(root, key) # register core node
ps.pureExt.del key # core node can't be an extension
# Store vertex on database
ps.db.layersPutVtx(rvid, node.vtx)
seen.incl key # node was processed here
if stopHere: # follow up tail of earlier chain
#discard ps.pp()
#echo ">>> partPut (2) stop at ", key.pp(ps.db)
when false: # or true:
for (rvid,key) in ps.vkPairs:
ps.db.top.kMap[rvid] = key
echo ">>> partPut (8)",
"\n ps\n ", ps.pp(), # byKeyOk=false),
"\n chains\n ", bl.chains.pp(ps),
"\n perimeter\n ", ps.perimeter(VertexID 2).toSeq.sorted.pp,
for (rvid,_) in ps.vkPairs:
ps.db.top.kMap.del rvid
proc partGetSubTree*(ps: PartStateRef; rootHash: Hash32): VertexID =
## For the argument `roothash` retrieve the root vertex ID of a particular
## sub tree from the partial state descriptor argument `ps`. The function
## returns `VertexID(0)` if there is no match.
for vid in ps.core.keys:
if ps[vid].to(Hash32) == rootHash:
return vid
proc partReRoot*(
ps: PartStateRef;
frRoot: VertexID;
toRoot: VertexID;
): Result[void,AristoError] =
## Realign a generic root vertex (i.e `$2`..`$(LEAST_FREE_VID-1)`) for a
## `proof` state to a new root vertex.
if frRoot == toRoot:
return ok() # nothing to do
if frRoot notin ps.core:
return err(PartArgNotInCore)
if frRoot < VertexID(2) or LEAST_FREE_VID <= frRoot.ord or
toRoot < VertexID(2) or LEAST_FREE_VID <= toRoot.ord:
return err(PartArgNotGenericRoot)
# Verify that the tree slot is free
if toRoot in ps.core:
return err(PartArgRootAlreadyUsed)
if ps.db.getVtx((toRoot,toRoot)).isValid:
return err(PartArgRootAlreadyOnDatabase)
# Migrate
for key in ps.byKey.keys:
let frRvid = ps[key]
if frRvid.root != frRoot:
let toRvid = if frRvid.vid == frRoot: (toRoot,toRoot)
else: (toRoot,frRvid.vid)
# Update lookup table
ps[key] = toRvid
# Get vertex from database (if any)
var vtx = ps.db.getVtx frRvid
if ps.isCore(key):
if not vtx.isValid:
return err(PartChkCoreVtxMissing)
elif key in ps.changed:
if not vtx.isValid:
return err(PartChkChangedVtxMissing)
if vtx.isValid:
return err(PartChkPerimeterVtxMustNotExist)
# Move vertex on database
ps.db.layersPutVtx(toRvid, vtx)
# Update links
for childVid in vtx.subVids:
ps[ps[childVid]] = (toRoot,childVid)
#echo ">>> putReRoot (9)",
# "\n ps\n ", ps.pp(byKeyOk=false),
# "\n ==========",
# ""
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public merge functions on partial tree database
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc partMergeAccountRecord*(
ps: PartStateRef;
accPath: Hash32; # Even nibbled byte path
accRec: AristoAccount; # Account data
): Result[bool,AristoError] =
## ..
let mergeError = block:
# Opportunistically try whether it just works
let rc = ps.db.mergeAccountRecord(accPath, accRec)
if rc.isOk or rc.error != GetVtxNotFound:
return rc
# Otherwise clean the way removing blind link and retry
ctx = ps.ctxMergeBegin(accPath).valueOr:
let ctxErr = if error == PartCtxNotAvailable: mergeError else: error
return err(ctxErr)
rc = ps.db.mergeAccountRecord(accPath, accRec)
# Evaluate result => commit/rollback
if rc.isErr:
? ctx.ctxMergeRollback()
return rc
if not ? ctx.ctxMergeCommit():
return err(PartVtxSlotWasNotModified)
proc mergeStorageData*(
ps: PartStateRef;
accPath: Hash32; # Needed for accounts payload
stoPath: Hash32; # Storage data path (aka key)
stoData: UInt256; # Storage data payload value
): Result[void,AristoError] =
# Opportunistically try whether it just works
let rc = ps.db.mergeStorageData(accPath, stoPath, stoData)
if rc.isOk or rc.error != GetVtxNotFound:
return rc
raiseAssert "TODO: mergeStorageData() is not fully functional yet"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public proof functions on partial tree database
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc partWithExtBegin*(ps: PartStateRef): Result[void,AristoError] =
var rollback: seq[RootedVertexID]
proc restore() =
for rv in rollback:
for (key,ext) in ps.pureExt.pairs:
let rvid = ps[key]
if ps.db.getKey(rvid).isValid:
return err(PartExtVtxExistsAlready)
ps.db.layersPutVtx(rvid, VertexRef(vType: Branch, pfx: ext.xPfx))
rollback.add rvid
proc partWithExtEnd*(ps: PartStateRef): Result[void,AristoError] =
var rollback: seq[(RootedVertexID,PrfExtension)]
proc restore() =
for (rvid,ext) in rollback:
ps.db.layersPutVtx(rvid, VertexRef(vType: Branch, pfx: ext.xPfx))
for (key,ext) in ps.pureExt.pairs:
let rvid = ps[key]
# Check vertex whether it has changed
let vtx = ps.db.getVtx(rvid)
if not vtx.isValid:
return err(PartExtVtxHasVanished)
if vtx.vType != Branch or
vtx.pfx != ext.xPfx or
vtx.bVid != array[16,VertexID].default:
return err(PartExtVtxWasModified)
rollback.add (rvid,ext)
template partWithExtensions*(ps: PartStateRef; code: untyped): untyped =
const info = "partWithExtensions"
let rc = ps.partWithExtBegin()
if rc.isErr:
raiseAssert: info & ": " & $rc.error
let rc = ps.partWithExtEnd()
if rc.isErr:
raiseAssert: info & ": " & $rc.error
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------