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synced 2025-03-01 12:20:49 +00:00
When walking AriVtx, parsing integers and nibbles actually becomes a hotspot - these trivial changes reduces CPU usage during initial key cache computation by ~15%.
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162 lines
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# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
import stew/[arraybuf, arrayops]
export arraybuf
NibblesBuf* = object
## Allocation-free type for storing up to 64 4-bit nibbles, as seen in the
## Ethereum MPT
bytes: array[32, byte]
ibegin, iend: int8
# Where valid nibbles can be found - we use indices here to avoid copies
# wen slicing - iend not inclusive
HexPrefixBuf* = ArrayBuf[33, byte]
func high*(T: type NibblesBuf): int =
func fromBytes*(T: type NibblesBuf, bytes: openArray[byte]): T =
result.iend = 2 * (int8 result.bytes.copyFrom(bytes))
func nibble*(T: type NibblesBuf, nibble: byte): T =
result.bytes[0] = nibble shl 4
result.iend = 1
template `[]`*(r: NibblesBuf, i: int): byte =
let pos = r.ibegin + i
if (pos and 1) != 0:
(r.bytes[pos shr 1] and 0xf)
(r.bytes[pos shr 1] shr 4)
template `[]=`*(r: NibblesBuf, i: int, v: byte) =
let pos = r.ibegin + i
r.bytes[pos shr 1] =
if (pos and 1) != 0:
(v and 0x0f) or (r.bytes[pos shr 1] and 0xf0)
(v shl 4) or (r.bytes[pos shr 1] and 0x0f)
func len*(r: NibblesBuf): int =
r.iend - r.ibegin
func `==`*(lhs, rhs: NibblesBuf): bool =
if lhs.len == rhs.len:
for i in 0 ..< lhs.len:
if lhs[i] != rhs[i]:
return false
return true
return false
func `$`*(r: NibblesBuf): string =
result = newStringOfCap(64)
for i in 0 ..< r.len:
const chars = "0123456789abcdef"
result.add chars[r[i]]
func slice*(r: NibblesBuf, ibegin: int, iend = -1): NibblesBuf {.noinit.} =
result.bytes = r.bytes
result.ibegin = r.ibegin + ibegin.int8
let e =
if iend < 0:
min(64, r.iend + iend + 1)
min(64, r.ibegin + iend)
doAssert ibegin >= 0 and e <= result.bytes.len * 2
result.iend = e.int8
func replaceSuffix*(r: NibblesBuf, suffix: NibblesBuf): NibblesBuf =
for i in 0 ..< r.len - suffix.len:
result[i] = r[i]
for i in 0 ..< suffix.len:
result[i + r.len - suffix.len] = suffix[i]
result.iend = min(64, r.len + suffix.len).int8
template writeFirstByte(nibbleCountExpr) {.dirty.} =
let nibbleCount = nibbleCountExpr
var oddnessFlag = (nibbleCount and 1) != 0
result.setLen((nibbleCount div 2) + 1)
result[0] = byte((int(isLeaf) * 2 + int(oddnessFlag)) shl 4)
var writeHead = 0
template writeNibbles(r) {.dirty.} =
for i in 0 ..< r.len:
let nextNibble = r[i]
if oddnessFlag:
result[writeHead] = result[writeHead] or nextNibble
inc writeHead
result[writeHead] = nextNibble shl 4
oddnessFlag = not oddnessFlag
func toHexPrefix*(r: NibblesBuf, isLeaf = false): HexPrefixBuf =
func toHexPrefix*(r1, r2: NibblesBuf, isLeaf = false): HexPrefixBuf =
writeFirstByte(r1.len + r2.len)
func sharedPrefixLen*(lhs, rhs: NibblesBuf): int =
result = 0
while result < lhs.len and result < rhs.len:
if lhs[result] != rhs[result]:
inc result
func startsWith*(lhs, rhs: NibblesBuf): bool =
sharedPrefixLen(lhs, rhs) == rhs.len
func fromHexPrefix*(
T: type NibblesBuf, r: openArray[byte]
): tuple[isLeaf: bool, nibbles: NibblesBuf] {.noinit.} =
result.nibbles.ibegin = 0
if r.len > 0:
result.isLeaf = (r[0] and 0x20) != 0
let hasOddLen = (r[0] and 0x10) != 0
result.nibbles.iend =
if hasOddLen:
result.nibbles.bytes[0] = r[0] shl 4
let bytes = min(31, r.len - 1)
for j in 0 ..< bytes:
result.nibbles.bytes[j] = result.nibbles.bytes[j] or r[j + 1] shr 4
result.nibbles.bytes[j + 1] = r[j + 1] shl 4
int8(bytes) * 2 + 1
let bytes = min(32, r.len - 1)
assign(result.nibbles.bytes.toOpenArray(0, bytes - 1), r.toOpenArray(1, bytes))
int8(bytes) * 2
result.isLeaf = false
result.nibbles.iend = 0
func `&`*(a, b: NibblesBuf): NibblesBuf {.noinit.} =
result.ibegin = 0
for i in 0 ..< a.len:
result[i] = a[i]
for i in 0 ..< b.len:
result[i + a.len] = b[i]
result.iend = int8(min(64, a.len + b.len))
template getBytes*(a: NibblesBuf): array[32, byte] =