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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
## EVM Opcode Handlers: Environmental Information
## ==============================================
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc writePaddedResult(mem: var Memory,
data: openarray[byte],
memPos, dataPos, len: Natural,
paddingValue = 0.byte) =
mem.extend(memPos, len)
let dataEndPosition = dataPos.int64 + len - 1
let sourceBytes =
data[min(dataPos, data.len) .. min(data.len - 1, dataEndPosition)]
mem.write(memPos, sourceBytes)
# Don't duplicate zero-padding of mem.extend
let paddingOffset = min(memPos + sourceBytes.len, mem.len)
let numPaddingBytes = min(mem.len - paddingOffset, len - sourceBytes.len)
if numPaddingBytes > 0:
# TODO: avoid unnecessary memory allocation
mem.write(paddingOffset, repeat(paddingValue, numPaddingBytes))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private, op handlers implementation
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
addressOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x30, Get address of currently executing account.
# ------------------
balanceOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x31, Get balance of the given account.
let address = k.cpt.stack.popAddress
balanceEIP2929Op: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x31, EIP292: Get balance of the given account for Berlin and later
let address = k.cpt.stack.popAddress()
address, gasFees[k.cpt.fork][GasBalance])
# ------------------
originOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x32, Get execution origination address.
callerOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x33, Get caller address.
callValueOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x34, Get deposited value by the instruction/transaction
## responsible for this execution
callDataLoadOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x35, Get input data of current environment
let (startPos) = k.cpt.stack.popInt(1)
let start = startPos.cleanMemRef
if start >= k.cpt.msg.data.len:
# If the data does not take 32 bytes, pad with zeros
let endRange = min(k.cpt.msg.data.len - 1, start + 31)
let presentBytes = endRange - start
# We rely on value being initialized with 0 by default
var value: array[32, byte]
value[0 .. presentBytes] = k.cpt.msg.data.toOpenArray(start, endRange)
callDataSizeOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x36, Get size of input data in current environment.
callDataCopyOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x37, Copy input data in current environment to memory.
let (memStartPos, copyStartPos, size) = k.cpt.stack.popInt(3)
# TODO tests: https://github.com/status-im/nimbus/issues/67
let (memPos, copyPos, len) =
(memStartPos.cleanMemRef, copyStartPos.cleanMemRef, size.cleanMemRef)
k.cpt.gasCosts[CallDataCopy].m_handler(k.cpt.memory.len, memPos, len),
reason = "CallDataCopy fee")
k.cpt.memory.writePaddedResult(k.cpt.msg.data, memPos, copyPos, len)
codeSizeOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x38, Get size of code running in current environment.
codeCopyOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x39, Copy code running in current environment to memory.
let (memStartPos, copyStartPos, size) = k.cpt.stack.popInt(3)
# TODO tests: https://github.com/status-im/nimbus/issues/67
let (memPos, copyPos, len) =
(memStartPos.cleanMemRef, copyStartPos.cleanMemRef, size.cleanMemRef)
k.cpt.gasCosts[CodeCopy].m_handler(k.cpt.memory.len, memPos, len),
reason = "CodeCopy fee")
k.cpt.memory.writePaddedResult(k.cpt.code.bytes, memPos, copyPos, len)
gasPriceOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x3A, Get price of gas in current environment.
# -----------
extCodeSizeOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x3b, Get size of an account's code
let address = k.cpt.stack.popAddress()
extCodeSizeEIP2929Op: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x3b, Get size of an account's code
let address = k.cpt.stack.popAddress()
address, gasFees[k.cpt.fork][GasExtCode])
# -----------
extCodeCopyOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x3c, Copy an account's code to memory.
let address = k.cpt.stack.popAddress()
let (memStartPos, codeStartPos, size) = k.cpt.stack.popInt(3)
let (memPos, codePos, len) =
(memStartPos.cleanMemRef, codeStartPos.cleanMemRef, size.cleanMemRef)
k.cpt.gasCosts[ExtCodeCopy].m_handler(k.cpt.memory.len, memPos, len),
reason = "ExtCodeCopy fee")
let codeBytes = k.cpt.getCode(address)
k.cpt.memory.writePaddedResult(codeBytes, memPos, codePos, len)
extCodeCopyEIP2929Op: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x3c, Copy an account's code to memory.
let address = k.cpt.stack.popAddress()
let (memStartPos, codeStartPos, size) = k.cpt.stack.popInt(3)
let (memPos, codePos, len) = (memStartPos.cleanMemRef,
codeStartPos.cleanMemRef, size.cleanMemRef)
k.cpt.gasCosts[ExtCodeCopy].m_handler(k.cpt.memory.len, memPos, len),
reason = "ExtCodeCopy fee")
address, gasFees[k.cpt.fork][GasExtCode])
let codeBytes = k.cpt.getCode(address)
k.cpt.memory.writePaddedResult(codeBytes, memPos, codePos, len)
# -----------
returnDataSizeOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x3d, Get size of output data from the previous call from the
## current environment.
returnDataCopyOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x3e, Copy output data from the previous call to memory.
let (memStartPos, copyStartPos, size) = k.cpt.stack.popInt(3)
let (memPos, copyPos, len) =
(memStartPos.cleanMemRef, copyStartPos.cleanMemRef, size.cleanMemRef)
let gasCost = k.cpt.gasCosts[ReturnDataCopy].m_handler(
k.cpt.memory.len, memPos, len)
k.cpt.gasMeter.consumeGas(gasCost, reason = "returnDataCopy fee")
if copyPos + len > k.cpt.returnData.len:
raise newException(
"Return data length is not sufficient to satisfy request. Asked\n"&
&"for data from index {copyStartPos} to {copyStartPos + size}. "&
&"Return data is {k.cpt.returnData.len} in \n" &
k.cpt.memory.writePaddedResult(k.cpt.returnData, memPos, copyPos, len)
# ---------------
extCodeHashOp: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x3f, Returns the keccak256 hash of a contract’s code
let address = k.cpt.stack.popAddress()
extCodeHashEIP2929Op: Vm2OpFn = proc (k: var Vm2Ctx) =
## 0x3f, EIP2929: Returns the keccak256 hash of a contract’s code
let address = k.cpt.stack.popAddress()
address, gasFees[k.cpt.fork][GasExtCodeHash])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public, op exec table entries
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
vm2OpExecEnvInfo*: seq[Vm2OpExec] = @[
(opCode: Address, ## 0x20, Address
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "address",
info: "Get address of currently executing account",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: addressOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: Balance, ## 0x31, Balance
forks: Vm2OpAllForks - Vm2OpBerlinAndLater,
name: "balance",
info: "Get balance of the given account",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: balanceOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: Balance, ## 0x31, Balance for Berlin and later
forks: Vm2OpBerlinAndLater,
name: "balanceEIP2929",
info: "EIP2929: Get balance of the given account",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: balanceEIP2929Op,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: Origin, ## 0x32, Origination address
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "origin",
info: "Get execution origination address",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: originOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: Caller, ## 0x33, Caller address
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "caller",
info: "Get caller address",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: callerOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: CallValue, ## 0x34, Execution deposited value
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "callValue",
info: "Get deposited value by the instruction/transaction " &
"responsible for this execution",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: callValueOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: CallDataLoad, ## 0x35, Input data
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "callDataLoad",
info: "Get input data of current environment",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: callDataLoadOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: CallDataSize, ## 0x36, Size of input data
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "callDataSize",
info: "Get size of input data in current environment",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: callDataSizeOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: CallDataCopy, ## 0x37, Copy input data to memory.
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "callDataCopy",
info: "Copy input data in current environment to memory",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: callDataCopyOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: CodeSize, ## 0x38, Size of code
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "codeSize",
info: "Get size of code running in current environment",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: codeSizeOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: CodeCopy, ## 0x39, Copy code to memory.
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "codeCopy",
info: "Copy code running in current environment to memory",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: codeCopyOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: GasPrice, ## 0x3a, Gas price
forks: Vm2OpAllForks,
name: "gasPrice",
info: "Get price of gas in current environment",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: gasPriceOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: ExtCodeSize, ## 0x3b, Account code size
forks: Vm2OpAllForks - Vm2OpBerlinAndLater,
name: "extCodeSize",
info: "Get size of an account's code",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: extCodeSizeOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: ExtCodeSize, ## 0x3b, Account code size for Berlin and later
forks: Vm2OpBerlinAndLater,
name: "extCodeSizeEIP2929",
info: "EIP2929: Get size of an account's code",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: extCodeSizeEIP2929Op,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: ExtCodeCopy, ## 0x3c, Account code copy to memory.
forks: Vm2OpAllForks - Vm2OpBerlinAndLater,
name: "extCodeCopy",
info: "Copy an account's code to memory",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: extCodeCopyOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: ExtCodeCopy, ## 0x3c, Account Code-copy for Berlin and later
forks: Vm2OpBerlinAndLater,
name: "extCodeCopyEIP2929",
info: "EIP2929: Copy an account's code to memory",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: extCodeCopyEIP2929Op,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: ReturnDataSize, ## 0x3d, Previous call output data size
forks: Vm2OpByzantiumAndLater,
name: "returnDataSize",
info: "Get size of output data from the previous call " &
"from the current environment",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: returnDataSizeOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: ReturnDataCopy, ## 0x3e, Previous call output data copy to memory
forks: Vm2OpByzantiumAndLater,
name: "returnDataCopy",
info: "Copy output data from the previous call to memory",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: returnDataCopyOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: ExtCodeHash, ## 0x3f, Contract hash
forks: Vm2OpConstantinopleAndLater - Vm2OpBerlinAndLater,
name: "extCodeHash",
info: "Returns the keccak256 hash of a contract’s code",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: extCodeHashOp,
post: vm2OpIgnore)),
(opCode: ExtCodeHash, ## 0x3f, Contract hash for berlin and later
forks: Vm2OpBerlinAndLater,
name: "extCodeHashEIP2929",
info: "EIP2929: Returns the keccak256 hash of a contract’s code",
exec: (prep: vm2OpIgnore,
run: extCodeHashEIP2929Op,
post: vm2OpIgnore))]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------