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synced 2025-03-03 05:10:47 +00:00
236 lines
7.6 KiB
236 lines
7.6 KiB
# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
from os import DirSep, AltSep
vendorPath = currentSourcePath.rsplit({DirSep, AltSep}, 3)[0] & "/vendor"
srcPath = vendorPath & "/libtommath"
{.passc: "-DMP_32BIT"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_radix_size.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_to_radix.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_init_u64.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_init_i32.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_init_multi.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_init.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_init_size.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_init_copy.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_invmod.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_abs.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_set_u64.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_set_u32.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_set_i32.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_get_i32.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_get_i64.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_exptmod.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_clear_multi.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_clear.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_montgomery_reduce.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_clamp.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_grow.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_mul.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_mul_2.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_mul_2d.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_mod_2d.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_log_n.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_div_2.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_div_d.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_add.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_sub.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_exch.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_rshd.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_lshd.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_zero.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_dr_reduce.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_cmp_mag.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_cutoffs.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_reduce.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_count_bits.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_montgomery_setup.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_dr_setup.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_reduce_2k_setup.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_reduce_2k_setup_l.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_reduce_2k.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_reduce_2k_l.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_reduce_is_2k_l.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_reduce_is_2k.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_reduce_setup.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_dr_is_modulus.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_mulmod.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_set.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_mod.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_copy.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_div.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_div_2d.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_mul_d.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_2expt.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_cmp.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_cmp_d.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_log.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_sub_d.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_add_d.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_cnt_lsb.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_expt_n.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_get_mag_u32.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_get_mag_u64.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_from_ubin.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_ubin_size.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_to_ubin.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/mp_montgomery_calc_normalization.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_exptmod.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_exptmod_fast.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_zero_digs.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_montgomery_reduce_comba.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_add.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_sub.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_mul.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_mul_comba.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_mul_toom.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_mul_karatsuba.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_mul_balance.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_copy_digs.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_div_3.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_sqr.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_sqr_comba.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_sqr_toom.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_sqr_karatsuba.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_zero_buf.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_radix_map.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_invmod.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_invmod_odd.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_mul_high.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_mul_high_comba.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_div_recursive.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_div_school.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_fp_log_d.c"}
{.compile: srcPath & "/s_mp_fp_log.c"}
{.passc: "-I" & srcPath .}
mp_int {.importc: "mp_int",
header: "tommath.h", byref.} = object
mp_digit = uint32
mp_err {.importc: "mp_err",
header: "tommath.h".} = cint
mp_ord = cint
{.pragma: mp_abi, importc, cdecl, header: "tommath.h".}
MP_OKAY = 0.mp_err
MP_LT* = -1
MP_EQ* = 0
MP_GT* = 1
template getPtr(z: untyped): untyped =
when (NimMajor, NimMinor) > (1,6):
# init a bignum
# proc mp_init(a: mp_int): mp_err {.mp_abi.}
# proc mp_init_size(a: mp_int, size: cint): mp_err {.mp_abi.}
# init multiple bignum, 2nd, 3rd, and soon use addr, terminated with nil
proc mp_init_multi(mp: mp_int): mp_err {.mp_abi, varargs.}
# free a bignum
when false:
proc mp_clear(a: mp_int) {.mp_abi.}
# clear multiple mp_ints, terminated with nil
proc mp_clear_multi(mp: mp_int) {.mp_abi, varargs.}
# compare against a single digit
proc mp_cmp_d(a: mp_int, b: mp_digit): mp_ord {.mp_abi.}
# conversion from/to big endian bytes
proc mp_ubin_size(a: mp_int): csize_t {.mp_abi.}
proc mp_from_ubin(a: mp_int, buf: ptr byte, size: csize_t): mp_err {.mp_abi.}
proc mp_to_ubin(a: mp_int, buf: ptr byte, maxlen: csize_t, written: var csize_t): mp_err {.mp_abi.}
# Y = G**X (mod P)
proc mp_exptmod(G, X, P, Y: mp_int): mp_err {.mp_abi.}
#proc mp_get_i32(a: mp_int): int32 {.mp_abi.}
#proc mp_get_u32(a: mp_int): uint32 =
# cast[uint32](mp_get_i32(a))
# proc mp_init_u64(a: mp_int, b: uint64): mp_err {.mp_abi.}
# proc mp_set_u64(a: mp_int, b: uint64) {.mp_abi.}
proc mp_to_radix(a: mp_int, str: ptr char, maxlen: csize_t, written: var csize_t, radix: cint): mp_err {.mp_abi.}
proc mp_radix_size(a: mp_int, radix: cint, size: var csize_t): mp_err {.mp_abi.}
proc toString*(a: mp_int): string =
var size: csize_t
if mp_radix_size(a, 10.cint, size) != MP_OKAY:
if size.int == 0:
result = newString(size.int)
if mp_to_radix(a, result[0].getPtr, size, size, 10.cint) != MP_OKAY:
proc modExp*(b, e, m: openArray[byte]): seq[byte] =
base, exp, modulo, res: mp_int
if m.len == 0:
return @[0.byte]
if mp_init_multi(base, exp.addr, modulo.addr, nil) != MP_OKAY:
if m.len > 0:
discard mp_from_ubin(modulo, m[0].getPtr, m.len.csize_t)
if mp_cmp_d(modulo, 1.mp_digit) <= MP_EQ:
# EVM special case 1
# If m == 0: EVM returns 0.
# If m == 1: we can shortcut that to 0 as well
mp_clear_multi(base, exp.addr, modulo.addr, nil)
return @[0.byte]
if e.len > 0:
discard mp_from_ubin(exp, e[0].getPtr, e.len.csize_t)
if mp_cmp_d(exp, 0.mp_digit) == MP_EQ:
# EVM special case 2
# If 0^0: EVM returns 1
# For all x != 0, x^0 == 1 as well
mp_clear_multi(base, exp.addr, modulo.addr, nil)
return @[1.byte]
mp_clear_multi(base, exp.addr, modulo.addr, nil)
return @[1.byte]
if b.len > 0:
discard mp_from_ubin(base, b[0].getPtr, b.len.csize_t)
if mp_exptmod(base, exp, modulo, res) == MP_OKAY:
let size = mp_ubin_size(res)
if size.int > 0:
var written: csize_t
result = newSeq[byte](size.int)
discard mp_to_ubin(res, result[0].getPtr, size, written)
mp_clear_multi(base, exp.addr, modulo.addr, res.addr, nil)