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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
stew/[byteutils, endians2]
include ../nimbus/db/accounts_cache
func initAddr(z: int): EthAddress =
const L = sizeof(result)
result[L-sizeof(uint32)..^1] = toBytesBE(z.uint32)
proc stateDBMain*() =
suite "Account State DB":
const emptyAcc {.used.} = newAccount()
memDB = newMemoryDB()
acDB {.used.} = newMemoryDB()
trie = initHexaryTrie(memDB)
stateDB {.used.} = newAccountStateDB(memDB, trie.rootHash, true)
address {.used.} = hexToByteArray[20]("0x0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6")
code {.used.} = hexToSeqByte("0x0f572e5295c57f15886f9b263e2f6d2d6c7b5ec6")
rootHash {.used.} : KeccakHash
test "accountExists and isDeadAccount":
check stateDB.accountExists(address) == false
check stateDB.isDeadAccount(address) == true
var acc = stateDB.getAccount(address)
acc.balance = 1000.u256
stateDB.setAccount(address, acc)
check stateDB.accountExists(address) == true
check stateDB.isDeadAccount(address) == false
acc.balance = 0.u256
acc.nonce = 1
stateDB.setAccount(address, acc)
check stateDB.isDeadAccount(address) == false
stateDB.setCode(address, code)
stateDB.setNonce(address, 0)
check stateDB.isDeadAccount(address) == false
stateDB.setCode(address, [])
check stateDB.isDeadAccount(address) == true
check stateDB.accountExists(address) == true
test "clone storage":
var x = RefAccount(
overlayStorage: initTable[UInt256, UInt256](),
originalStorage: newTable[UInt256, UInt256]()
x.overlayStorage[10.u256] = 11.u256
x.overlayStorage[11.u256] = 12.u256
x.originalStorage[10.u256] = 11.u256
x.originalStorage[11.u256] = 12.u256
var y = x.clone(cloneStorage = true)
y.overlayStorage[12.u256] = 13.u256
y.originalStorage[12.u256] = 13.u256
check 12.u256 notin x.overlayStorage
check 12.u256 in y.overlayStorage
check x.overlayStorage.len == 2
check y.overlayStorage.len == 3
check 12.u256 in x.originalStorage
check 12.u256 in y.originalStorage
check x.originalStorage.len == 3
check y.originalStorage.len == 3
test "accounts cache":
var ac = init(AccountsCache, acDB, emptyRlpHash, true)
var addr1 = initAddr(1)
check ac.isDeadAccount(addr1) == true
check ac.accountExists(addr1) == false
check ac.hasCodeOrNonce(addr1) == false
ac.setBalance(addr1, 1000.u256)
check ac.getBalance(addr1) == 1000.u256
ac.subBalance(addr1, 100.u256)
check ac.getBalance(addr1) == 900.u256
ac.addBalance(addr1, 200.u256)
check ac.getBalance(addr1) == 1100.u256
ac.setNonce(addr1, 1)
check ac.getNonce(addr1) == 1
check ac.getNonce(addr1) == 2
ac.setCode(addr1, code)
check ac.getCode(addr1) == code
ac.setStorage(addr1, 1.u256, 10.u256)
check ac.getStorage(addr1, 1.u256) == 10.u256
check ac.getCommittedStorage(addr1, 1.u256) == 0.u256
check ac.hasCodeOrNonce(addr1) == true
check ac.getCodeSize(addr1) == code.len
rootHash = ac.rootHash
var db = newAccountStateDB(memDB, emptyRlpHash, true)
db.setBalance(addr1, 1100.u256)
db.setNonce(addr1, 2)
db.setCode(addr1, code)
db.setStorage(addr1, 1.u256, 10.u256)
check rootHash == db.rootHash
test "accounts cache readonly operations":
# use previous hash
var ac = init(AccountsCache, acDB, rootHash, true)
var addr2 = initAddr(2)
check ac.getCodeHash(addr2) == emptyAcc.codeHash
check ac.getBalance(addr2) == emptyAcc.balance
check ac.getNonce(addr2) == emptyAcc.nonce
check ac.getCode(addr2) == []
check ac.getCodeSize(addr2) == 0
check ac.getCommittedStorage(addr2, 1.u256) == 0.u256
check ac.getStorage(addr2, 1.u256) == 0.u256
check ac.hasCodeOrNonce(addr2) == false
check ac.accountExists(addr2) == false
check ac.isDeadAccount(addr2) == true
# readonly operations should not modify
# state trie at all
check ac.rootHash == rootHash
test "accounts cache code retrieval after persist called":
var ac = init(AccountsCache, acDB)
var addr2 = initAddr(2)
ac.setCode(addr2, code)
check ac.getCode(addr2) == code
let key = contractHashKey(keccakHash(code))
check acDB.get(key.toOpenArray) == code
test "accessList operations":
proc verifyAddrs(ac: AccountsCache, addrs: varargs[int]): bool =
for c in addrs:
if not ac.inAccessList(c.initAddr):
return false
proc verifySlots(ac: AccountsCache, address: int, slots: varargs[int]): bool =
let a = address.initAddr
if not ac.inAccessList(a):
return false
for c in slots:
if not ac.inAccessList(a, c.u256):
return false
proc accessList(ac: var AccountsCache, address: int) {.inline.} =
proc accessList(ac: var AccountsCache, address, slot: int) {.inline.} =
ac.accessList(address.initAddr, slot.u256)
var ac = init(AccountsCache, acDB)
ac.accessList(0xbb, 0x01)
ac.accessList(0xbb, 0x02)
check ac.verifyAddrs(0xaa, 0xbb)
check ac.verifySlots(0xbb, 0x01, 0x02)
check ac.verifySlots(0xaa, 0x01) == false
check ac.verifySlots(0xaa, 0x02) == false
var sp = ac.beginSavepoint
# some new ones
ac.accessList(0xbb, 0x03)
ac.accessList(0xaa, 0x01)
ac.accessList(0xcc, 0x01)
check ac.verifyAddrs(0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc)
check ac.verifySlots(0xaa, 0x01)
check ac.verifySlots(0xbb, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03)
check ac.verifySlots(0xcc, 0x01)
check ac.verifyAddrs(0xaa, 0xbb)
check ac.verifyAddrs(0xcc) == false
check ac.verifySlots(0xcc, 0x01) == false
sp = ac.beginSavepoint
ac.accessList(0xbb, 0x03)
ac.accessList(0xaa, 0x01)
ac.accessList(0xcc, 0x01)
ac.accessList(0xdd, 0x04)
check ac.verifyAddrs(0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc)
check ac.verifySlots(0xaa, 0x01)
check ac.verifySlots(0xbb, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03)
check ac.verifySlots(0xcc, 0x01)
check ac.verifySlots(0xdd, 0x04)
test "transient storage operations":
var ac = init(AccountsCache, acDB)
proc tStore(ac: AccountsCache, address, slot, val: int) =
ac.setTransientStorage(address.initAddr, slot.u256, val.u256)
proc tLoad(ac: AccountsCache, address, slot: int): UInt256 =
ac.getTransientStorage(address.initAddr, slot.u256)
proc vts(ac: AccountsCache, address, slot, val: int): bool =
ac.tLoad(address, slot) == val.u256
ac.tStore(0xaa, 3, 66)
ac.tStore(0xbb, 1, 33)
ac.tStore(0xbb, 2, 99)
check ac.vts(0xaa, 3, 66)
check ac.vts(0xbb, 1, 33)
check ac.vts(0xbb, 2, 99)
check ac.vts(0xaa, 1, 33) == false
check ac.vts(0xbb, 1, 66) == false
var sp = ac.beginSavepoint
# some new ones
ac.tStore(0xaa, 3, 77)
ac.tStore(0xbb, 1, 55)
ac.tStore(0xcc, 7, 88)
check ac.vts(0xaa, 3, 77)
check ac.vts(0xbb, 1, 55)
check ac.vts(0xcc, 7, 88)
check ac.vts(0xaa, 3, 66) == false
check ac.vts(0xbb, 1, 33) == false
check ac.vts(0xbb, 2, 99)
check ac.vts(0xaa, 3, 66)
check ac.vts(0xbb, 1, 33)
check ac.vts(0xbb, 2, 99)
check ac.vts(0xcc, 7, 88) == false
sp = ac.beginSavepoint
ac.tStore(0xaa, 3, 44)
ac.tStore(0xaa, 4, 55)
ac.tStore(0xbb, 1, 22)
ac.tStore(0xdd, 2, 66)
check ac.vts(0xaa, 3, 44)
check ac.vts(0xaa, 4, 55)
check ac.vts(0xbb, 1, 22)
check ac.vts(0xbb, 1, 55) == false
check ac.vts(0xbb, 2, 99)
check ac.vts(0xcc, 7, 88) == false
check ac.vts(0xdd, 2, 66)
check ac.vts(0xaa, 3, 44) == false
check ac.vts(0xaa, 4, 55) == false
check ac.vts(0xbb, 1, 22) == false
check ac.vts(0xbb, 1, 55) == false
check ac.vts(0xbb, 2, 99) == false
check ac.vts(0xcc, 7, 88) == false
check ac.vts(0xdd, 2, 66) == false
when isMainModule: