mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 04:10:45 +00:00
* renamed nimbus folder to execution_chain * Renamed "nimbus" references to "execution_chain" * fixed wrongly changed http reference * delete snap types file given that it was deleted before this PR merge * missing 'execution_chain' replacement --------- Co-authored-by: pmmiranda <pedro.miranda@nimbus.team>
351 lines
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351 lines
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# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
stew/[arrayops, endians2],
export aristo_desc, results
# Allocation-free version short big-endian encoding that skips the leading
# zeroes
SbeBuf*[I] = object
buf*: array[sizeof(I), byte]
len*: byte
RVidBuf* = object
buf*: array[sizeof(SbeBuf[VertexID]) * 2, byte]
len*: byte
func significantBytesBE(val: openArray[byte]): byte =
for i in 0 ..< val.len:
if val[i] != 0:
return byte(val.len - i)
return 1
func blobify*(v: VertexID|uint64): SbeBuf[typeof(v)] =
let b = v.uint64.toBytesBE()
SbeBuf[typeof(v)](buf: b, len: significantBytesBE(b))
func blobify*(v: StUint): SbeBuf[typeof(v)] =
let b = v.toBytesBE()
SbeBuf[typeof(v)](buf: b, len: significantBytesBE(b))
template data*(v: SbeBuf): openArray[byte] =
let vv = v
vv.buf.toOpenArray(vv.buf.len - int(vv.len), vv.buf.high)
func blobify*(rvid: RootedVertexID): RVidBuf =
# Length-prefixed root encoding creates a unique and common prefix for all
# verticies sharing the same root
# TODO evaluate an encoding that colocates short roots (like VertexID(1)) with
# the length
let root = rvid.root.blobify()
result.buf[0] = root.len
assign(result.buf.toOpenArray(1, root.len), root.data())
if rvid.root == rvid.vid:
result.len = root.len + 1
# We can derive the length of the `vid` from the total length
let vid = rvid.vid.blobify()
assign(result.buf.toOpenArray(root.len + 1, root.len + vid.len), vid.data())
result.len = root.len + 1 + vid.len
proc deblobify*[T: uint64|VertexID](data: openArray[byte], _: type T): Result[T,AristoError] =
if data.len < 1 or data.len > 8:
return err(Deblob64LenUnsupported)
var tmp = 0'u64
let start = 8 - data.len
for i in 0..<data.len:
tmp += uint64(data[i]) shl (8*(7-(i + start)))
ok T(tmp)
proc deblobify*(data: openArray[byte], _: type UInt256): Result[UInt256,AristoError] =
if data.len < 1 or data.len > 32:
return err(Deblob256LenUnsupported)
ok UInt256.fromBytesBE(data)
func deblobify*(data: openArray[byte], T: type RootedVertexID): Result[T, AristoError] =
let rlen = int(data[0])
if data.len < 2:
return err(DeblobRVidLenUnsupported)
if data.len < rlen + 1:
return err(DeblobRVidLenUnsupported)
root = ?deblobify(data.toOpenArray(1, rlen), VertexID)
vid = if data.len > rlen + 1:
?deblobify(data.toOpenArray(rlen + 1, data.high()), VertexID)
ok (root, vid)
template data*(v: RVidBuf): openArray[byte] =
let vv = v
vv.buf.toOpenArray(0, vv.len - 1)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helper
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc load64(data: openArray[byte]; start: var int, len: int): Result[uint64,AristoError] =
if data.len < start + len:
return err(Deblob256LenUnsupported)
let val = ?deblobify(data.toOpenArray(start, start + len - 1), uint64)
start += len
ok val
proc load256(data: openArray[byte]; start: var int, len: int): Result[UInt256,AristoError] =
if data.len < start + len:
return err(Deblob256LenUnsupported)
let val = ?deblobify(data.toOpenArray(start, start + len - 1), UInt256)
start += len
ok val
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc blobifyTo*(pyl: LeafPayload, data: var seq[byte]) =
case pyl.pType
of AccountData:
# `lens` holds `len-1` since `mask` filters out the zero-length case (which
# allows saving 1 bit per length)
var lens: uint16
var mask: byte
if 0 < pyl.account.nonce:
mask = mask or 0x01
let tmp = pyl.account.nonce.blobify()
lens += tmp.len - 1 # 3 bits
data &= tmp.data()
if 0 < pyl.account.balance:
mask = mask or 0x02
let tmp = pyl.account.balance.blobify()
lens += uint16(tmp.len - 1) shl 3 # 5 bits
data &= tmp.data()
if pyl.stoID.isValid:
mask = mask or 0x04
let tmp = pyl.stoID.vid.blobify()
lens += uint16(tmp.len - 1) shl 8 # 3 bits
data &= tmp.data()
if pyl.account.codeHash != EMPTY_CODE_HASH:
mask = mask or 0x08
data &= pyl.account.codeHash.data
data &= lens.toBytesBE()
data &= [mask]
of StoData:
data &= pyl.stoData.blobify().data
data &= [0x20.byte]
proc blobifyTo*(vtx: VertexRef, key: HashKey, data: var seq[byte]) =
## This function serialises the vertex argument to a database record.
## Contrary to RLP based serialisation, these records aim to align on
## fixed byte boundaries.
## ::
## Branch:
## <HashKey> -- optional hash key
## [VertexID, ..] -- list of up to 16 child vertices lookup keys
## seq[byte] -- hex encoded partial path (non-empty for extension nodes)
## uint64 -- lengths of each child vertex, each taking 4 bits
## 0x80 + xx -- marker(0/2) + pathSegmentLen(6)
## Leaf:
## seq[byte] -- opaque leaf data payload (might be zero length)
## seq[byte] -- hex encoded partial path (at least one byte)
## 0xc0 + yy -- marker(3) + partialPathLen(6)
## For a branch record, the bytes of the `access` array indicate the position
## of the Patricia Trie vertex reference. So the `vertexID` with index `n` has
## ::
## 8 * n * ((access shr (n * 4)) and 15)
doAssert vtx.isValid
bits =
case vtx.vType
of Branch:
let bits =
if key.isValid and key.len == 32:
# Shorter keys can be loaded from the vertex directly
data.add key.data()
data.add vtx.startVid.blobify().data()
data.add toBytesBE(vtx.used)
of Leaf:
pSegm =
if vtx.pfx.len > 0:
vtx.pfx.toHexPrefix(isleaf = vtx.vType == Leaf)
psLen = pSegm.len.byte
data &= pSegm.data()
data &= [(bits shl 6) or psLen]
proc blobify*(vtx: VertexRef, key: HashKey): seq[byte] =
## Variant of `blobify()`
result = newSeqOfCap[byte](128)
vtx.blobifyTo(key, result)
proc blobifyTo*(lSst: SavedState; data: var seq[byte]) =
## Serialise a last saved state record
data.add lSst.key.data
data.add lSst.serial.toBytesBE
data.add @[0x7fu8]
proc blobify*(lSst: SavedState): seq[byte] =
## Variant of `blobify()`
var data: seq[byte]
lSst.blobifyTo data
# -------------
proc deblobify(
data: openArray[byte];
pyl: var LeafPayload;
): Result[void,AristoError] =
if data.len == 0:
return err(DeblobVtxTooShort)
let mask = data[^1]
if (mask and 0x20) > 0: # Slot storage data
pyl = LeafPayload(
pType: StoData,
stoData: ?deblobify(data.toOpenArray(0, data.len - 2), UInt256))
elif (mask and 0xf0) == 0: # Only account fields set
pyl = LeafPayload(pType: AccountData)
start = 0
lens = uint16.fromBytesBE(data.toOpenArray(data.len - 3, data.len - 2))
if (mask and 0x01) > 0:
let len = lens and 0b111
pyl.account.nonce = ? load64(data, start, int(len + 1))
if (mask and 0x02) > 0:
let len = (lens shr 3) and 0b11111
pyl.account.balance = ? load256(data, start, int(len + 1))
if (mask and 0x04) > 0:
let len = (lens shr 8) and 0b111
pyl.stoID = (true, VertexID(? load64(data, start, int(len + 1))))
if (mask and 0x08) > 0:
if data.len() < start + 32:
return err(DeblobCodeLenUnsupported)
discard pyl.account.codeHash.data.copyFrom(data.toOpenArray(start, start + 31))
pyl.account.codeHash = EMPTY_CODE_HASH
proc deblobifyType*(record: openArray[byte]; T: type VertexRef):
Result[VertexType, AristoError] =
if record.len < 3: # minimum `Leaf` record
return err(DeblobVtxTooShort)
ok if ((record[^1] shr 6) and 0b01'u8) > 0:
proc deblobify*(
record: openArray[byte];
T: type VertexRef;
): Result[T,AristoError] =
## De-serialise a data record encoded with `blobify()`. The second
## argument `vtx` can be `nil`.
if record.len < 3: # minimum `Leaf` record
return err(DeblobVtxTooShort)
bits = record[^1] shr 6
vType = if (bits and 0b01'u8) > 0: Leaf else: Branch
hasKey = (bits and 0b10'u8) > 0
psLen = int(record[^1] and 0b00111111)
start = if hasKey: 32 else: 0
if psLen > record.len - 2 or start > record.len - 2 - psLen:
return err(DeblobBranchTooShort)
psPos = record.len - psLen - 1
(_, pathSegment) =
NibblesBuf.fromHexPrefix record.toOpenArray(psPos, record.len - 2)
ok case vType
of Branch:
var pos = start
svLen = psPos - pos - 2
startVid = VertexID(?load64(record, pos, svLen))
used = uint16.fromBytesBE(record.toOpenArray(pos, pos + 1))
pos += 2
VertexRef(vType: Branch, pfx: pathSegment, startVid: startVid, used: used)
of Leaf:
let vtx = VertexRef(vType: Leaf, pfx: pathSegment)
?record.toOpenArray(start, psPos - 1).deblobify(vtx.lData)
proc deblobify*(record: openArray[byte], T: type HashKey): Opt[HashKey] =
if record.len > 33 and (((record[^1] shr 6) and 0b10'u8) > 0):
HashKey.fromBytes(record.toOpenArray(0, 31))
proc deblobify*(
data: openArray[byte];
T: type SavedState;
): Result[SavedState,AristoError] =
## De-serialise the last saved state data record previously encoded with
## `blobify()`.
if data.len != 41:
return err(DeblobWrongSize)
if data[^1] != 0x7f:
return err(DeblobWrongType)
key: Hash32(array[32, byte].initCopyFrom(data.toOpenArray(0, 31))),
serial: uint64.fromBytesBE data.toOpenArray(32, 39)))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------