464 lines
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464 lines
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# nim-eth
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
std/[sets, options, random, hashes, sequtils],
eth/[common, p2p],
eth/p2p/[private/p2p_types, peer_pool],
"."/[protocol, types],
{.push raises:[Defect].}
topics = "fast-sync"
minPeersToStartSync* = 2 # Wait for consensus of at least this
# number of peers before syncing
#SyncStatus = enum
# syncSuccess
# syncNotEnoughPeers
# syncTimeOut
BlockchainSyncDefect* = object of Defect
## Catch and relay exception
WantedBlocksState = enum
WantedBlocks = object
startIndex: BlockNumber
numBlocks: uint
state: WantedBlocksState
headers: seq[BlockHeader]
bodies: seq[BlockBody]
FastSyncCtx* = ref object
workQueue: seq[WantedBlocks]
endBlockNumber: BlockNumber
finalizedBlock: BlockNumber # Block which was downloaded and verified
chain: Chain
peerPool: PeerPool
trustedPeers: HashSet[Peer]
hasOutOfOrderBlocks: bool
proc hash*(p: Peer): Hash = hash(cast[pointer](p))
proc endIndex(b: WantedBlocks): BlockNumber =
result = b.startIndex
result += (b.numBlocks - 1).toBlockNumber
proc availableWorkItem(ctx: FastSyncCtx): int =
var maxPendingBlock = ctx.finalizedBlock # the last downloaded & processed
trace "queue len", length = ctx.workQueue.len
result = -1
for i in 0 .. ctx.workQueue.high:
case ctx.workQueue[i].state
of Initial:
# When there is a work item at Initial state, immediatly use this one.
# This usually means a previous work item that failed somewhere in the
# process, and thus can be reused to work on.
return i
of Persisted:
# In case of Persisted, we can reset this work item to a new one.
result = i
# No break here to give work items in Initial state priority and to
# calculate endBlock.
# Check all endBlocks of all workqueue items to decide on next range of
# blocks to collect & process.
let endBlock = ctx.workQueue[i].endIndex
if endBlock > maxPendingBlock:
maxPendingBlock = endBlock
let nextRequestedBlock = maxPendingBlock + 1
# If this next block doesn't exist yet according to any of our peers, don't
# return a work item (and sync will be stopped).
if nextRequestedBlock >= ctx.endBlockNumber:
return -1
# Increase queue when there are no free (Initial / Persisted) work items in
# the queue. At start, queue will be empty.
if result == -1:
result = ctx.workQueue.len
ctx.workQueue.setLen(result + 1)
# Create new work item when queue was increased, reset when selected work item
# is at Persisted state.
var numBlocks = (ctx.endBlockNumber - nextRequestedBlock).truncate(int)
if numBlocks > maxHeadersFetch:
numBlocks = maxHeadersFetch
ctx.workQueue[result] = WantedBlocks(startIndex: nextRequestedBlock, numBlocks: numBlocks.uint, state: Initial)
proc persistWorkItem(ctx: FastSyncCtx, wi: var WantedBlocks): ValidationResult
{.gcsafe, raises:[Defect,CatchableError].} =
result = ctx.chain.persistBlocks(wi.headers, wi.bodies)
except CatchableError as e:
error "storing persistent blocks failed",
error = $e.name, msg = e.msg
result = ValidationResult.Error
except Defect as e:
# Pass through
raise e
except Exception as e:
# Notorious case where the `Chain` reference applied to `persistBlocks()`
# has the compiler traced a possible `Exception` (i.e. `ctx.chain` could
# be uninitialised.)
error "exception while storing persistent blocks",
error = $e.name, msg = e.msg
raise (ref Defect)(msg: $e.name & ": " & e.msg)
case result
of ValidationResult.OK:
ctx.finalizedBlock = wi.endIndex
wi.state = Persisted
of ValidationResult.Error:
wi.state = Initial
# successful or not, we're done with these blocks
wi.headers = @[]
wi.bodies = @[]
proc persistPendingWorkItems(ctx: FastSyncCtx): (int, ValidationResult)
{.gcsafe, raises:[Defect,CatchableError].} =
var nextStartIndex = ctx.finalizedBlock + 1
var keepRunning = true
var hasOutOfOrderBlocks = false
trace "Looking for out of order blocks"
while keepRunning:
keepRunning = false
hasOutOfOrderBlocks = false
# Go over the full work queue and check for every work item if it is in
# Received state and has the next blocks in line to be processed.
for i in 0 ..< ctx.workQueue.len:
let start = ctx.workQueue[i].startIndex
# There should be at least 1 like this, namely the just received work item
# that initiated this call.
if ctx.workQueue[i].state == Received:
if start == nextStartIndex:
trace "Processing pending work item", number = start
result = (i, ctx.persistWorkItem(ctx.workQueue[i]))
# TODO: We can stop here on failure, but have to set
# hasOutofORderBlocks. Is this always valid?
nextStartIndex = ctx.finalizedBlock + 1
keepRunning = true
hasOutOfOrderBlocks = true
ctx.hasOutOfOrderBlocks = hasOutOfOrderBlocks
proc returnWorkItem(ctx: FastSyncCtx, workItem: int): ValidationResult
{.gcsafe, raises:[Defect,CatchableError].} =
let wi = addr ctx.workQueue[workItem]
let askedBlocks = wi.numBlocks.int
let receivedBlocks = wi.headers.len
let start = wi.startIndex
if askedBlocks == receivedBlocks:
trace "Work item complete",
if wi.startIndex != ctx.finalizedBlock + 1:
trace "Blocks out of order", start, final = ctx.finalizedBlock
ctx.hasOutOfOrderBlocks = true
if ctx.hasOutOfOrderBlocks:
let (index, validation) = ctx.persistPendingWorkItems()
# Only report an error if it was this peer's work item that failed
if validation == ValidationResult.Error and index == workItem:
result = ValidationResult.Error
# TODO: What about failures on other peers' work items?
# In that case the peer will probably get disconnected on future erroneous
# work items, but before this occurs, several more blocks (that will fail)
# might get downloaded from this peer. This will delay the sync and this
# should be improved.
trace "Processing work item", number = wi.startIndex
# Validation result needs to be returned so that higher up can be decided
# to disconnect from this peer in case of error.
result = ctx.persistWorkItem(wi[])
trace "Work item complete but we got fewer blocks than requested, so we're ditching the whole thing.",
return ValidationResult.Error
proc handleLostPeer(ctx: FastSyncCtx) =
# TODO: ask the PeerPool for new connections and then call
# `obtainBlocksFromPeer`
proc getBestBlockNumber(p: Peer): Future[BlockNumber] {.async.} =
let request = BlocksRequest(
startBlock: HashOrNum(isHash: true,
hash: p.state(eth).bestBlockHash),
maxResults: 1,
skip: 0,
reverse: true)
trace trEthSendSendingGetBlockHeaders, peer=p,
startBlock=request.startBlock.hash.toHex, max=request.maxResults
let latestBlock = await p.getBlockHeaders(request)
if latestBlock.isSome:
if latestBlock.get.headers.len > 0:
result = latestBlock.get.headers[0].blockNumber
trace trEthRecvReceivedBlockHeaders, peer=p,
blockNumber=(if latestBlock.get.headers.len > 0: $result else: "missing")
proc obtainBlocksFromPeer(syncCtx: FastSyncCtx, peer: Peer) {.async.} =
# Update our best block number
let bestBlockNumber = await peer.getBestBlockNumber()
if bestBlockNumber > syncCtx.endBlockNumber:
trace "New sync end block number", number = bestBlockNumber
syncCtx.endBlockNumber = bestBlockNumber
except TransportError:
debug "Transport got closed during obtainBlocksFromPeer"
except CatchableError as e:
debug "Exception in getBestBlockNumber()", exc = e.name, err = e.msg
# no need to exit here, because the context might still have blocks to fetch
# from this peer
discard e
while (let workItemIdx = syncCtx.availableWorkItem(); workItemIdx != -1 and
peer.connectionState notin {Disconnecting, Disconnected}):
template workItem: auto = syncCtx.workQueue[workItemIdx]
workItem.state = Requested
trace "Requesting block headers", start = workItem.startIndex,
count = workItem.numBlocks, peer = peer.remote.node
let request = BlocksRequest(
startBlock: HashOrNum(isHash: false, number: workItem.startIndex),
maxResults: workItem.numBlocks,
skip: 0,
reverse: false)
var dataReceived = false
trace trEthSendSendingGetBlockHeaders, peer,
startBlock=request.startBlock.number, max=request.maxResults,
let results = await peer.getBlockHeaders(request)
if results.isSome:
trace trEthRecvReceivedBlockHeaders, peer,
count=results.get.headers.len, requested=request.maxResults
shallowCopy(workItem.headers, results.get.headers)
var bodies = newSeqOfCap[BlockBody](workItem.headers.len)
var hashes = newSeqOfCap[KeccakHash](maxBodiesFetch)
template fetchBodies() =
trace trEthSendSendingGetBlockBodies, peer,
let b = await peer.getBlockBodies(hashes)
if b.isNone:
raise newException(
CatchableError, "Was not able to get the block bodies")
let bodiesLen = b.get.blocks.len
trace trEthRecvReceivedBlockBodies, peer,
count=bodiesLen, requested=hashes.len
if bodiesLen == 0:
raise newException(CatchableError, "Zero block bodies received for request")
elif bodiesLen < hashes.len:
hashes.delete(0, bodiesLen - 1)
elif bodiesLen == hashes.len:
raise newException(CatchableError, "Too many block bodies received for request")
var nextIndex = workItem.startIndex
for i in workItem.headers:
if i.blockNumber != nextIndex:
raise newException(CatchableError, "The block numbers are not in sequence. Not processing this workItem.")
nextIndex = nextIndex + 1
if hashes.len == maxBodiesFetch:
while hashes.len != 0:
if bodies.len == workItem.headers.len:
shallowCopy(workItem.bodies, bodies)
dataReceived = true
warn "Bodies len != headers.len", bodies = bodies.len, headers = workItem.headers.len
except TransportError:
debug "Transport got closed during obtainBlocksFromPeer"
except CatchableError as e:
# the success case sets `dataReceived`, so we can just fall back to the
# failure path below. If we signal time-outs with exceptions such
# failures will be easier to handle.
debug "Exception in obtainBlocksFromPeer()", exc = e.name, err = e.msg
var giveUpOnPeer = false
if dataReceived:
workItem.state = Received
if syncCtx.returnWorkItem(workItemIdx) != ValidationResult.OK:
giveUpOnPeer = true
giveUpOnPeer = true
if giveUpOnPeer:
workItem.state = Initial
await peer.disconnect(SubprotocolReason)
except CatchableError:
trace "Finished obtaining blocks", peer
proc peersAgreeOnChain(a, b: Peer): Future[bool] {.async.} =
# Returns true if one of the peers acknowledges existence of the best block
# of another peer.
a = a
b = b
if a.state(eth).bestDifficulty < b.state(eth).bestDifficulty:
swap(a, b)
let request = BlocksRequest(
startBlock: HashOrNum(isHash: true,
hash: b.state(eth).bestBlockHash),
maxResults: 1,
skip: 0,
reverse: true)
trace trEthSendSendingGetBlockHeaders, peer=a,
startBlock=request.startBlock.hash.toHex, max=request.maxResults
let latestBlock = await a.getBlockHeaders(request)
result = latestBlock.isSome and latestBlock.get.headers.len > 0
if latestBlock.isSome:
let blockNumber = if result: $latestBlock.get.headers[0].blockNumber
else: "missing"
trace trEthRecvReceivedBlockHeaders, peer=a,
count=latestBlock.get.headers.len, blockNumber
proc randomTrustedPeer(ctx: FastSyncCtx): Peer =
var k = rand(ctx.trustedPeers.len - 1)
var i = 0
for p in ctx.trustedPeers:
result = p
if i == k: return
inc i
proc startSyncWithPeer(ctx: FastSyncCtx, peer: Peer) {.async.} =
trace "Start sync", peer, trustedPeers = ctx.trustedPeers.len
if ctx.trustedPeers.len >= minPeersToStartSync:
# We have enough trusted peers. Validate new peer against trusted
if await peersAgreeOnChain(peer, ctx.randomTrustedPeer()):
asyncSpawn ctx.obtainBlocksFromPeer(peer)
elif ctx.trustedPeers.len == 0:
# Assume the peer is trusted, but don't start sync until we reevaluate
# it with more peers
trace "Assume trusted peer", peer
# At this point we have some "trusted" candidates, but they are not
# "trusted" enough. We evaluate `peer` against all other candidates.
# If one of the candidates disagrees, we swap it for `peer`. If all
# candidates agree, we add `peer` to trusted set. The peers in the set
# will become "fully trusted" (and sync will start) when the set is big
# enough
agreeScore = 0
disagreedPeer: Peer
for tp in ctx.trustedPeers:
if await peersAgreeOnChain(peer, tp):
inc agreeScore
disagreedPeer = tp
let disagreeScore = ctx.trustedPeers.len - agreeScore
if agreeScore == ctx.trustedPeers.len:
ctx.trustedPeers.incl(peer) # The best possible outcome
elif disagreeScore == 1:
trace "Peer is no longer trusted for sync", peer
trace "Peer not trusted for sync", peer
if ctx.trustedPeers.len == minPeersToStartSync:
for p in ctx.trustedPeers:
asyncSpawn ctx.obtainBlocksFromPeer(p)
proc onPeerConnected(ctx: FastSyncCtx, peer: Peer) =
trace "New candidate for sync", peer
let f = ctx.startSyncWithPeer(peer)
f.callback = proc(data: pointer) {.gcsafe.} =
if f.failed:
if f.error of TransportError:
debug "Transport got closed during startSyncWithPeer"
error "startSyncWithPeer failed", msg = f.readError.msg, peer
except TransportError:
debug "Transport got closed during startSyncWithPeer"
except CatchableError as e:
debug "Exception in startSyncWithPeer()", exc = e.name, err = e.msg
proc onPeerDisconnected(ctx: FastSyncCtx, p: Peer) =
trace "peer disconnected ", peer = p
proc new*(T: type FastSyncCtx; ethNode: EthereumNode; chain: Chain): T
{.gcsafe, raises:[Defect,CatchableError].} =
# workQueue: n/a
# endBlockNumber: n/a
# hasOutOfOrderBlocks: n/a
chain: chain,
peerPool: ethNode.peerPool,
trustedPeers: initHashSet[Peer](),
finalizedBlock: chain.db.getCanonicalHead().blockNumber)
proc start*(ctx: FastSyncCtx) =
## Code for the fast blockchain sync procedure:
## <https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Parallel-Block-Downloads>_
## <https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/pull/1889__
var po = PeerObserver(
proc(p: Peer) {.gcsafe.} =
proc(p: Peer) {.gcsafe.} =
po.setProtocol eth
ctx.peerPool.addObserver(ctx, po)
# End