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synced 2025-03-03 05:10:47 +00:00
The state and account MPT:s currenty share key space in the database based on that vertex id:s are assigned essentially randomly, which means that when two adjacent slot values from the same contract are accessed, they might reside at large distance from each other. Here, we prefix each vertex id by its root causing them to be sorted together thus bringing all data belonging to a particular contract closer together - the same effect also happens for the main state MPT whose nodes now end up clustered together more tightly. In the future, the prefix given to the storage keys can also be used to perform range operations such as reading all the storage at once and/or deleting an account with a batch operation. Notably, parts of the API already supported this rooting concept while parts didn't - this PR makes the API consistent by always working with a root+vid.
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332 lines
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# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
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## Rocksdb backend for Aristo DB
## =============================
## The iterators provided here are currently available only by direct
## backend access
## ::
## import
## aristo/aristo_init,
## aristo/aristo_init/aristo_rocksdb
## let rc = AristoDb.init(BackendRocksDB, "/var/tmp")
## if rc.isOk:
## let be = rc.value.to(RdbBackendRef)
## for (n, key, vtx) in be.walkVtx:
## ...
{.push raises: [].}
./rocks_db/[rdb_desc, rdb_get, rdb_init, rdb_put, rdb_walk],
extraTraceMessages = false
## Enabled additional logging noise
RdbBackendRef* = ref object of TypedBackendRef
rdb: RdbInst ## Allows low level access to database
RdbPutHdlRef = ref object of TypedPutHdlRef
when extraTraceMessages:
import chronicles
topics = "aristo-backend"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc newSession(db: RdbBackendRef): RdbPutHdlRef =
new result
result.TypedPutHdlRef.beginSession db
proc getSession(hdl: PutHdlRef; db: RdbBackendRef): RdbPutHdlRef =
hdl.TypedPutHdlRef.verifySession db
proc endSession(hdl: PutHdlRef; db: RdbBackendRef): RdbPutHdlRef =
hdl.TypedPutHdlRef.finishSession db
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions: interface
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc getVtxFn(db: RdbBackendRef): GetVtxFn =
result =
proc(rvid: RootedVertexID): Result[VertexRef,AristoError] =
# Fetch serialised data record
let vtx = db.rdb.getVtx(rvid).valueOr:
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "getVtxFn() failed", vid, error=error[0], info=error[1]
return err(error[0])
if vtx.isValid:
return ok(vtx)
proc getKeyFn(db: RdbBackendRef): GetKeyFn =
result =
proc(rvid: RootedVertexID): Result[HashKey,AristoError] =
# Fetch serialised data record
let key = db.rdb.getKey(rvid).valueOr:
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "getKeyFn: failed", vid, error=error[0], info=error[1]
return err(error[0])
if key.isValid:
return ok(key)
proc getTuvFn(db: RdbBackendRef): GetTuvFn =
result =
proc(): Result[VertexID,AristoError]=
# Fetch serialised data record.
let data = db.rdb.getAdm(AdmTabIdTuv).valueOr:
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "getTuvFn: failed", error=error[0], info=error[1]
return err(error[0])
# Decode data record
if data.len == 0:
return ok VertexID(0)
# Decode data record
result = data.deblobify VertexID
proc getLstFn(db: RdbBackendRef): GetLstFn =
result =
proc(): Result[SavedState,AristoError]=
# Fetch serialised data record.
let data = db.rdb.getAdm(AdmTabIdLst).valueOr:
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "getLstFn: failed", error=error[0], info=error[1]
return err(error[0])
# Decode data record
data.deblobify SavedState
# -------------
proc putBegFn(db: RdbBackendRef): PutBegFn =
result =
proc(): Result[PutHdlRef,AristoError] =
ok db.newSession()
proc putVtxFn(db: RdbBackendRef): PutVtxFn =
result =
proc(hdl: PutHdlRef; rvid: RootedVertexID; vtx: VertexRef) =
let hdl = hdl.getSession db
if hdl.error.isNil:
db.rdb.putVtx(rvid, vtx).isOkOr:
hdl.error = TypedPutHdlErrRef(
pfx: VtxPfx,
vid: error[0],
code: error[1],
info: error[2])
proc putKeyFn(db: RdbBackendRef): PutKeyFn =
result =
proc(hdl: PutHdlRef; rvid: RootedVertexID, key: HashKey) =
let hdl = hdl.getSession db
if hdl.error.isNil:
db.rdb.putKey(rvid, key).isOkOr:
hdl.error = TypedPutHdlErrRef(
pfx: KeyPfx,
vid: error[0],
code: error[1],
info: error[2])
proc putTuvFn(db: RdbBackendRef): PutTuvFn =
result =
proc(hdl: PutHdlRef; vs: VertexID) =
let hdl = hdl.getSession db
if hdl.error.isNil:
if vs.isValid:
db.rdb.putAdm(AdmTabIdTuv, vs.blobify.data()).isOkOr:
hdl.error = TypedPutHdlErrRef(
pfx: AdmPfx,
aid: AdmTabIdTuv,
code: error[1],
info: error[2])
proc putLstFn(db: RdbBackendRef): PutLstFn =
result =
proc(hdl: PutHdlRef; lst: SavedState) =
let hdl = hdl.getSession db
if hdl.error.isNil:
let data = lst.blobify.valueOr:
hdl.error = TypedPutHdlErrRef(
pfx: AdmPfx,
aid: AdmTabIdLst,
code: error)
db.rdb.putAdm(AdmTabIdLst, data).isOkOr:
hdl.error = TypedPutHdlErrRef(
pfx: AdmPfx,
aid: AdmTabIdLst,
code: error[1],
info: error[2])
proc putEndFn(db: RdbBackendRef): PutEndFn =
result =
proc(hdl: PutHdlRef): Result[void,AristoError] =
let hdl = hdl.endSession db
if not hdl.error.isNil:
when extraTraceMessages:
case hdl.error.pfx:
of VtxPfx, KeyPfx: trace logTxt "putEndFn: vtx/key failed",
pfx=hdl.error.pfx, vid=hdl.error.vid, error=hdl.error.code
of FilPfx: trace logTxt "putEndFn: filter failed",
pfx=FilPfx, qid=hdl.error.qid, error=hdl.error.code
of AdmPfx: trace logTxt "putEndFn: admin failed",
pfx=AdmPfx, aid=hdl.error.aid.uint64, error=hdl.error.code
of Oops: trace logTxt "putEndFn: oops",
pfx=hdl.error.pfx, error=hdl.error.code
return err(hdl.error.code)
# Commit session
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "putEndFn: failed", error=($error[0]), info=error[1]
return err(error[0])
proc closeFn(db: RdbBackendRef): CloseFn =
result =
proc(eradicate: bool) =
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions: hosting interface changes
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc putBegHostingFn(db: RdbBackendRef): PutBegFn =
result =
proc(): Result[PutHdlRef,AristoError] =
if db.rdb.trgWriteEvent(db.rdb.session):
ok db.newSession()
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "putBegFn: guest trigger aborted session"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc rocksDbBackend*(
path: string;
dbOpts: DbOptionsRef;
cfOpts: ColFamilyOptionsRef;
guestCFs: openArray[ColFamilyDescriptor];
): Result[(BackendRef, seq[ColFamilyReadWrite]),AristoError] =
let db = RdbBackendRef(
beKind: BackendRocksDB)
# Initialise RocksDB
let oCfs = block:
let rc = db.rdb.init(path, dbOpts, cfOpts, guestCFs)
if rc.isErr:
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "constructor failed",
error=rc.error[0], info=rc.error[1]
return err(rc.error[0])
db.getVtxFn = getVtxFn db
db.getKeyFn = getKeyFn db
db.getTuvFn = getTuvFn db
db.getLstFn = getLstFn db
db.putBegFn = putBegFn db
db.putVtxFn = putVtxFn db
db.putKeyFn = putKeyFn db
db.putTuvFn = putTuvFn db
db.putLstFn = putLstFn db
db.putEndFn = putEndFn db
db.closeFn = closeFn db
ok((db, oCfs))
proc rocksDbSetEventTrigger*(
be: BackendRef;
hdl: RdbWriteEventCb;
): Result[void,AristoError] =
## Store event trigger. This also changes the backend type.
if hdl.isNil:
let db = RdbBackendRef(be)
db.rdb.trgWriteEvent = hdl
db.beKind = BackendRdbHosting
db.putBegFn = putBegHostingFn db
proc dup*(db: RdbBackendRef): RdbBackendRef =
## Duplicate descriptor shell as needed for API debugging
new result
init_common.init(result[], db[])
result.rdb = db.rdb
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public iterators (needs direct backend access)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iterator walkVtx*(
be: RdbBackendRef;
): tuple[evid: RootedVertexID, vtx: VertexRef] =
## Variant of `walk()` iteration over the vertex sub-table.
for (rvid, data) in be.rdb.walkVtx:
let rc = data.deblobify VertexRef
if rc.isOk:
yield (rvid, rc.value)
iterator walkKey*(
be: RdbBackendRef;
): tuple[rvid: RootedVertexID, key: HashKey] =
## Variant of `walk()` iteration over the Markle hash sub-table.
for (rvid, data) in be.rdb.walkKey:
let lid = HashKey.fromBytes(data).valueOr:
yield (rvid, lid)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------