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17 KiB

# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
std/[algorithm, sequtils, strformat, strutils, tables, times],
eth/[keys, rlp],
../../nimbus/[config, constants],
./voter_samples as vs
vs, snapshot_desc
prngSeed = 42
## The `TestSpecs` sample depends on this seed,
XSealKey = array[EXTRA_SEAL,byte]
XSealValue = object
blockNumber: uint64
account: string
TesterPool* = ref object ## Pool to maintain currently active tester accounts,
## mapped from textual names used in the tests below
## to actual Ethereum private keys capable of signing
## transactions.
prng: uint32 ## random state
accounts: Table[string,PrivateKey] ## accounts table
networkId: NetworkId
boot: NetworkParams ## imported Genesis configuration
batch: seq[seq[BlockHeader]] ## collect header chains
chain: ChainRef
names: Table[EthAddress,string] ## reverse lookup for debugging
xSeals: Table[XSealKey,XSealValue] ## collect signatures for debugging
noisy*: bool
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private Prng (Clique keeps generated addresses sorted)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc posixPrngInit(state: var uint32; seed: uint32) =
state = seed
proc posixPrngRand(state: var uint32): byte =
## POSIX.1-2001 example of a rand() implementation, see manual page rand(3).
## Clique relies on the even/odd position of an address after sorting. For
## address generation, the Nim PRNG was used which seems to have changed
## with Nim 1.6.11 (Linux, Windoes only.)
## The `TestSpecs` sample depends on `prngSeed` and `posixPrngRand()`.
state = state * 1103515245 + 12345;
let val = (state shr 16) and 32767 # mod 2^31
(val shr 8).byte # Extract second byte
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private Helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc getBlockHeader(ap: TesterPool; number: BlockNumber): BlockHeader =
## Shortcut => db/db_chain.getBlockHeader()
doAssert ap.chain.clique.db.getBlockHeader(number, result)
proc getBlockHeader(ap: TesterPool; hash: Hash256): BlockHeader =
## Shortcut => db/db_chain.getBlockHeader()
doAssert ap.chain.clique.db.getBlockHeader(hash, result)
proc isZero(a: openArray[byte]): bool =
result = true
for w in a:
if w != 0:
return false
proc rand(ap: TesterPool): byte =
proc newPrivateKey(ap: TesterPool): PrivateKey =
## Roughly modelled after `random(PrivateKey,getRng()[])` with
## non-secure but reproducible PRNG
var data{.noinit.}: array[SkRawSecretKeySize,byte]
for n in 0 ..< data.len:
data[n] = ap.rand
# verify generated key, see keys.random(PrivateKey) from eth/keys.nim
var dataPtr0 = cast[ptr cuchar](unsafeAddr data[0])
doAssert secp256k1_ec_seckey_verify(
secp256k1_context_no_precomp, dataPtr0) == 1
# Convert to PrivateKey
proc privateKey(ap: TesterPool; account: string): PrivateKey =
## Return private key for given tester `account`
if account != "":
if account in ap.accounts:
result = ap.accounts[account]
result = ap.newPrivateKey
ap.accounts[account] = result
let address = result.toPublicKey.toCanonicalAddress
ap.names[address] = account
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private pretty printer call backs
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc findName(ap: TesterPool; address: EthAddress): string =
## Find name for a particular address
if address notin ap.names:
ap.names[address] = &"X{ap.names.len+1}"
proc findSignature(ap: TesterPool; sig: openArray[byte]): XSealValue =
## Find a previusly registered signature
if sig.len == XSealKey.len:
let key = toArray(XSealKey.len,sig)
if key in ap.xSeals:
result = ap.xSeals[key]
proc pp(ap: TesterPool; v: BlockNonce): string =
## Pretty print nonce
if v == NONCE_AUTH:
elif v == NONCE_DROP:
proc pp(ap: TesterPool; v: EthAddress): string =
## Pretty print address
if v.isZero:
result = "@0"
let a = ap.findName(v)
if a == "":
result = &"@{v}"
result = &"@{a}"
proc pp*(ap: TesterPool; v: openArray[EthAddress]): seq[string] =
## Pretty print address list
proc pp(ap: TesterPool; v: Blob): string =
## Visualise `extraData` field
((v.len - (EXTRA_VANITY + EXTRA_SEAL)) mod EthAddress.len) != 0:
result = &"0x{v.toHex}[{v.len}]"
var data = v
# extra vanity prefix
let vanity = data[0 ..< EXTRA_VANITY]
data = data[EXTRA_VANITY ..< data.len]
result = if vanity.isZero: "0u256+" else: &"{vanity.toHex}+"
# list of addresses
if EthAddress.len + EXTRA_SEAL <= data.len:
var glue = "["
while EthAddress.len + EXTRA_SEAL <= data.len:
let address = toArray(EthAddress.len,data[0 ..< EthAddress.len])
data = data[EthAddress.len ..< data.len]
result &= &"{glue}{ap.pp(address)}"
glue = ","
result &= "]+"
# signature
let val = ap.findSignature(data)
if val.account != "":
result &= &"<#{val.blockNumber},{val.account}>"
elif data.isZero:
result &= &"<0>"
let sig = SkSignature.fromRaw(data)
if sig.isOk:
result &= &"<{sig.value.toHex}>"
result &= &"0x{data.toHex}[{data.len}]"
proc pp(ap: TesterPool; v: Vote): string =
proc authorized(b: bool): string =
if b: "authorise" else: "de-authorise"
"(" &
&"address={ap.pp(v.address)}" &
&",signer={ap.pp(v.signer)}" &
&",blockNumber=#{v.blockNumber}" &
&",{authorized(v.authorize)}" & ")"
proc pp(ap: TesterPool; h: AddressHistory): string =
.mapIt("#" & $it & ":" & ap.pp(h[it.u256]))
proc votesList(ap: TesterPool; s: Snapshot; sep: string): string =
proc s3Cmp(a, b: (string,string,Vote)): int =
result = cmp(a[0], b[0])
if result == 0:
result = cmp(a[1], b[1])
let votes = s.ballot.votesInternal
.sorted(cmp = s3Cmp)
proc signersList(ap: TesterPool; s: Snapshot): string =
proc pp*(ap: TesterPool; s: Snapshot; delim: string): string =
## Pretty print descriptor
p1 = if 0 < delim.len: delim else: ";"
p2 = if 0 < delim.len and delim[0] == '\n': delim & ' '.repeat(7) else: ";"
"(" &
&"blockNumber=#{s.blockNumber}" &
&"{p1}recents=" & "{" & ap.pp(s.recents) & "}" &
&"{p1}signers=" & "{" & ap.signersList(s) & "}" &
&"{p1}votes=[" & ap.votesList(s,p2) & "])"
proc pp*(ap: TesterPool; s: Snapshot; indent = 0): string =
## Pretty print descriptor
let delim = if 0 < indent: "\n" & ' '.repeat(indent) else: " "
ap.pp(s, delim)
proc pp(ap: TesterPool; v: BlockHeader; delim: string): string =
## Pretty print block header
let sep = if 0 < delim.len: delim else: ";"
&"(blockNumber=#{v.blockNumber}" &
&"{sep}parentHash={v.parentHash}" &
&"{sep}selfHash={v.blockHash}" &
&"{sep}stateRoot={v.stateRoot}" &
&"{sep}coinbase={ap.pp(v.coinbase)}" &
&"{sep}nonce={ap.pp(v.nonce)}" &
proc pp(ap: TesterPool; v: BlockHeader; indent = 3): string =
## Pretty print block header, NL delimited, indented fields
let delim = if 0 < indent: "\n" & ' '.repeat(indent) else: " "
ap.pp(v, delim)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private: Constructor helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc resetChainDb(ap: TesterPool; extraData: Blob; debug = false) =
## Setup new block chain with bespoke genesis
# new genesis block
if 0 < extraData.len:
ap.boot.genesis.extraData = extraData
let com =
networkId = ap.networkId,
params = ap.boot)
ap.chain = newChain(com)
ap.noisy = debug
proc initTesterPool(ap: TesterPool): TesterPool {.discardable.} =
result = ap
result.batch = @[newSeq[BlockHeader]()]
result.accounts = initTable[string,PrivateKey]()
result.xSeals = initTable[XSealKey,XSealValue]()
result.names = initTable[EthAddress,string]()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public: pretty printer support
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc say*(t: TesterPool; v: varargs[string,`$`]) =
if t.noisy:
stderr.write v.join & "\n"
proc sayHeaderChain*(ap: TesterPool; indent = 0): TesterPool {.discardable.} =
result = ap
let pfx = ' '.repeat(indent)
var top = if 0 < ap.batch[^1].len: ap.batch[^1][^1]
else: ap.getBlockHeader(0.u256)
ap.say pfx, " top header: " & ap.pp(top, 16+indent)
while not top.blockNumber.isZero:
top = ap.getBlockHeader(top.parentHash)
ap.say pfx, "parent header: " & ap.pp(top, 16+indent)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public: Constructor
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc newVoterPool*(networkId = GoerliNet): TesterPool =
networkId: networkId,
boot: networkParams(networkId)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public: getter
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc chain*(ap: TesterPool): ChainRef =
## Getter
proc clique*(ap: TesterPool): Clique =
## Getter
proc db*(ap: TesterPool): ChainDBRef =
## Getter
proc cliqueSigners*(ap: TesterPool): seq[EthAddress] =
## Getter
proc cliqueSignersLen*(ap: TesterPool): int =
## Getter
proc snapshot*(ap: TesterPool): Snapshot =
## Getter
proc failed*(ap: TesterPool): CliqueFailed =
## Getter
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public: setter
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc `verifyFrom=`*(ap: TesterPool; verifyFrom: uint64) =
## Setter, block number where `Clique` should start
ap.chain.verifyFrom = verifyFrom
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# clique/snapshot_test.go(62): func (ap *testerAccountPool) address(account [..]
proc address*(ap: TesterPool; account: string): EthAddress =
## retrieves the Ethereum address of a tester account by label, creating
## a new account if no previous one exists yet.
if account != "":
result = ap.privateKey(account).toPublicKey.toCanonicalAddress
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public: set up & manage voter database
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc resetVoterChain*(ap: TesterPool; signers: openArray[string];
epoch = 0; runBack = true): TesterPool {.discardable.} =
## Reset the batch list for voter headers and update genesis block
result = ap
ap.batch = @[newSeq[BlockHeader]()]
# clique/snapshot_test.go(384): signers := make([]common.Address, [..]
let signers = signers.mapIt(ap.address(it)).sorted(EthAscending)
var extraData = 0.byte.repeat(EXTRA_VANITY)
# clique/snapshot_test.go(399): for j, signer := range signers {
for signer in signers:
extraData.add signer.toSeq
# clique/snapshot_test.go(397):
extraData.add 0.byte.repeat(EXTRA_SEAL)
# store modified genesis block and epoch
ap.resetChainDb(extraData, ap.noisy)
ap.clique.cfg.epoch = epoch
ap.clique.applySnapsMinBacklog = runBack
# clique/snapshot_test.go(415): blocks, _ := core.GenerateChain(&config, [..]
proc appendVoter*(ap: TesterPool;
voter: TesterVote): TesterPool {.discardable.} =
## Append a voter header to the block chain batch list
result = ap
doAssert 0 < ap.batch.len # see initTesterPool() and resetVoterChain()
let parent = if ap.batch[^1].len == 0:
let header = ap.chain.clique.cliqueGenvote(
voter = ap.address(voter.voted),
seal = ap.privateKey(voter.signer),
parent = parent,
elapsed = initDuration(seconds = 100),
voteInOk = voter.auth,
outOfTurn = voter.noTurn,
checkPoint = voter.checkpoint.mapIt(ap.address(it)).sorted(EthAscending))
if 0 < voter.checkpoint.len:
doAssert (header.blockNumber mod ap.clique.cfg.epoch) == 0
# Register for debugging
extraLen = header.extraData.len
extraSeal = header.extraData[extraLen - EXTRA_SEAL ..< extraLen]
ap.xSeals[toArray(XSealKey.len,extraSeal)] = XSealValue(
blockNumber: header.blockNumber.truncate(uint64),
account: voter.signer)
if voter.newbatch:
ap.batch.add @[]
ap.batch[^1].add header
proc appendVoter*(ap: TesterPool;
voters: openArray[TesterVote]): TesterPool {.discardable.} =
## Append a list of voter headers to the block chain batch list
result = ap
for voter in voters:
proc commitVoterChain*(ap: TesterPool; postProcessOk = false;
stopFaultyHeader = false): TesterPool {.discardable.} =
## Write the headers from the voter header batch list to the block chain DB.
## If `postProcessOk` is set, an additional verification step is added at
## the end of each transaction.
## if `stopFaultyHeader` is set, the function stops immediately on error.
## Otherwise the offending block is removed, the rest of the batch is
## adjusted and applied again repeatedly.
result = ap
var reChainOk = false
for n in 0 ..< ap.batch.len:
block forLoop:
var headers = ap.batch[n]
while true:
if headers.len == 0:
break forLoop # continue with for loop
ap.say &"*** transaction ({n}) list: [",
headers.mapIt(&"#{it.blockNumber}").join(", "), "]"
# Realign rest of transaction to existing block chain
if reChainOk:
var parent = ap.chain.clique.db.getCanonicalHead
for i in 0 ..< headers.len:
headers[i].parentHash = parent.blockHash
headers[i].blockNumber = parent.blockNumber + 1
parent = headers[i]
# Perform transaction into the block chain
let bodies = BlockBody().repeat(headers.len)
if ap.chain.persistBlocks(headers,bodies) == ValidationResult.OK:
if stopFaultyHeader:
# If the offending block is the last one of the last transaction,
# then there is nothing to do.
let culprit = headers.filterIt(ap.failed[0] == it.blockHash)
doAssert culprit.len == 1
let number = culprit[0].blockNumber
if n + 1 == ap.batch.len and number == headers[^1].blockNumber:
# Remove offending block and try again for the rest
ap.say "*** persistBlocks failed, omitting block #", culprit
let prevLen = headers.len
headers = headers.filterIt(number != it.blockNumber)
doAssert headers.len < prevLen
reChainOk = true
if ap.noisy:
ap.say "*** snapshot argument: #", headers[^1].blockNumber
when false: # all addresses are typically pp-mappable
ap.say " address map: ", toSeq(ap.names.pairs)
.join("\n" & ' '.repeat(23))
if postProcessOk:
discard ap.clique.cliqueSnapshot(headers[^1])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------