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160 lines
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# Nimbus - Portal Network
# Copyright (c) 2022 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [Defect].}
json_serialization, json_serialization/std/tables,
stew/[byteutils, io2, results], nimcrypto/keccak, chronos, chronicles,
eth/[rlp, common/eth_types],
# Helper calls to, offline, populate the database with the current existing json
# files with block data. Might move to some other storage format later on.
# Perhaps https://github.com/status-im/nimbus-eth2/blob/stable/docs/e2store.md
# can be interesting here too.
BlockData* = object
rlp: string
# uint64, but then it expects a string for some reason.
# Fix in nim-json-serialization or should I overload something here?
number: int
BlockDataTable* = Table[string, BlockData]
proc readBlockData*(dataFile: string): Result[BlockDataTable, string] =
let blockData = readAllFile(dataFile)
if blockData.isErr(): # TODO: map errors
return err("Failed reading data-file")
let decoded =
Json.decode(blockData.get(), BlockDataTable)
except CatchableError as e:
return err("Failed decoding json data-file: " & e.msg)
iterator blockHashes*(blockData: BlockDataTable): BlockHash =
for k,v in blockData:
var blockHash: BlockHash
blockHash.data = hexToByteArray[sizeof(BlockHash)](k)
except ValueError as e:
error "Invalid hex for block hash", error = e.msg, number = v.number
yield blockHash
iterator blocks*(
blockData: BlockDataTable, verify = false): seq[(ContentKey, seq[byte])] =
for k,v in blockData:
var res: seq[(ContentKey, seq[byte])]
var rlp =
except ValueError as e:
error "Invalid hex for rlp data", error = e.msg, number = v.number
# The data is currently formatted as an rlp encoded `EthBlock`, thus
# containing header, txs and uncles: [header, txs, uncles]. No receipts are
# available.
# TODO: Change to format to rlp data as it gets stored and send over the
# network over the network. I.e. [header, [txs, uncles], receipts]
if rlp.enterList():
var blockHash: BlockHash
blockHash.data = hexToByteArray[sizeof(BlockHash)](k)
except ValueError as e:
error "Invalid hex for block hash", error = e.msg, number = v.number
let contentKeyType =
ContentKeyType(chainId: 1'u16, blockHash: blockHash)
# If wanted the hash for the corresponding header can be verified
if verify:
if keccak256.digest(rlp.rawData()) != blockHash:
error "Data is not matching hash, skipping", number = v.number
let contentKey = ContentKey(
contentType: blockHeader,
blockHeaderKey: contentKeyType)
res.add((contentKey, @(rlp.rawData())))
let contentKey = ContentKey(
contentType: blockBody,
blockBodyKey: contentKeyType)
# Note: Temporary until the data format gets changed.
let blockBody = BlockBody(
transactions: rlp.read(seq[Transaction]),
uncles: rlp.read(seq[BlockHeader]))
let rlpdata = encode(blockBody)
res.add((contentKey, rlpdata))
# res.add((contentKey, @(rlp.rawData())))
# rlp.skipElem()
# Note: No receipts yet in the data set
# block:
# let contentKey = ContentKey(
# contentType: receipts,
# receiptsKey: contentKeyType)
# res.add((contentKey, @(rlp.rawData())))
# rlp.skipElem()
except RlpError as e:
error "Invalid rlp data", number = v.number, error = e.msg
yield res
error "Item is not a valid rlp list", number = v.number
proc populateHistoryDb*(
db: ContentDB, dataFile: string, verify = false): Result[void, string] =
let blockData = ? readBlockData(dataFile)
for b in blocks(blockData, verify):
for value in b:
# Note: This is the slowest part due to the hashing that takes place.
db.put(history_content.toContentId(value[0]), value[1])
proc propagateHistoryDb*(
p: PortalProtocol, dataFile: string, verify = false):
Future[Result[void, string]] {.async.} =
let blockData = readBlockData(dataFile)
if blockData.isOk():
for b in blocks(blockData.get(), verify):
for value in b:
# Note: This is the slowest part due to the hashing that takes place.
p.contentDB.put(history_content.toContentId(value[0]), value[1])
# TODO: This call will get the content we just stored in the db, so it
# might be an improvement to directly pass it.
await p.neighborhoodGossip(ContentKeysList(@[encode(value[0])]))
return ok()
return err(blockData.error)