jangko cc1034aecf
hive: fixes mapper.jq related to DAO fork
hive always set 'HIVE_FORK_DAO_VOTE' to '1'.

set 'daoForkSupport' to 'true' if only 'HIVE_FORK_DAO_BLOCK'
is set by hive, not depends only on 'HIVE_FORK_DAO_VOTE'.

This is because 'nimbus-eth1' internal is different compared to 'geth'.
2021-05-18 09:23:12 +07:00

69 lines
1.8 KiB

def walk(f):
. as $in
| if type == "object" then
reduce keys_unsorted[] as $key
( {}; . + { ($key): ($in[$key] | walk(f)) } ) | f
elif type == "array" then map( walk(f) ) | f
else f
# Removes all empty keys and values in input.
def remove_empty:
. | walk(
if type == "object" then
.value != null and
.value != "" and
.value != [] and
.key != null and
.key != ""
else .
# Converts decimal string to number.
def to_int:
if . == null then . else .|tonumber end
# Converts "1" / "0" to boolean.
def to_bool:
if . == null then . else
if . == "1" then true else false end
# Replace config in input.
"genesis": {
"coinbase" : .coinbase,
"difficulty" : .difficulty,
"extraData" : .extraData,
"gasLimit" : .gasLimit,
"mixHash" : .mixHash,
"nonce" : .nonce,
"parentHash" : .parentHash,
"timestamp" : .timestamp,
"alloc" : .alloc
"config": {
"chainId": env.HIVE_CHAIN_ID|to_int,
"homesteadBlock": env.HIVE_FORK_HOMESTEAD|to_int,
"daoForkBlock": env.HIVE_FORK_DAO_BLOCK|to_int,
"daoForkSupport": (if env.HIVE_FORK_DAO_BLOCK then env.HIVE_FORK_DAO_VOTE|to_bool else null end),
"eip150Block": env.HIVE_FORK_TANGERINE|to_int,
"eip155Block": env.HIVE_FORK_SPURIOUS|to_int,
"eip158Block": env.HIVE_FORK_SPURIOUS|to_int,
"byzantiumBlock": env.HIVE_FORK_BYZANTIUM|to_int,
"constantinopleBlock": env.HIVE_FORK_CONSTANTINOPLE|to_int,
"petersburgBlock": env.HIVE_FORK_PETERSBURG|to_int,
"istanbulBlock": env.HIVE_FORK_ISTANBUL|to_int,
"muirGlacierBlock": env.HIVE_FORK_MUIR_GLACIER|to_int,
"berlinBlock": env.HIVE_FORK_BERLIN|to_int