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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
## Heal accounts DB:
## =================
## Flow chart for healing algorithm
## --------------------------------
## ::
## |
## | +--------------------------------+
## | | |
## | v |
## | <inspect-trie> |
## | | |
## | | +-----------------------+ |
## | | | +------------------+ | |
## | | | | | | |
## v v v v | | |
## {missing-nodes} | | |
## | | | |
## v | | |
## <get-trie-nodes-via-snap/1> ---+ | |
## | | |
## v | |
## <merge-nodes-into-database> -----+ |
## | | |
## v v |
## {leaf-nodes} {check-nodes} -------+
## |
## v \
## <update-accounts-batch> |
## | | similar actions for single leaf
## v \ nodes that otherwise would be
## {storage-roots} / done for account hash ranges in
## | | the function storeAccounts()
## v |
## <update-storage-processor-batch> /
## Legend:
## * `<..>`: some action, process, etc.
## * `{missing-nodes}`: list implemented as `env.fetchAccounts.sickSubTries`
## * `{leaf-nodes}`: list is optimised out
## * `{check-nodes}`: list implemented as `env.fetchAccounts.checkNodes`
## * `{storage-roots}`: list implemented as pair of queues
## `env.fetchStorageFull` and `env.fetchStoragePart`
## Discussion of flow chart
## ------------------------
## * If there are no missing nodes, START proceeds with the `<inspect-trie>`
## process.
## * Nodes of the `{missing-nodes}` list are fetched from the network and
## merged into the persistent accounts trie database.
## + Successfully merged non-leaf nodes are collected in the `{check-nodes}`
## list which is fed back into the `<inspect-trie>` process.
## + Successfully merged leaf nodes are processed as single entry accounts
## node ranges.
## * Input nodes for `<inspect-trie>` are checked for dangling child node
## links which in turn are collected as output.
## * If there is a problem with a node travelling from the source list
## `{missing-nodes}` towards either target list `{leaf-nodes}` or
## `{check-nodes}`, this problem node will fed back to the `{missing-nodes}`
## source list.
## * In order to avoid double processing, the `{missing-nodes}` list is
## regularly checked for whether nodes are still missing or some other
## process has done the magic work of merging some of then into the
## trie database.
## Competing with other trie algorithms
## ------------------------------------
## * Healing runs (semi-)parallel to processing *GetAccountRange* network
## messages from the `snap/1` protocol (see `storeAccounts()`). Considering
## network bandwidth, the *GetAccountRange* message processing is way more
## efficient in comparison with the healing algorithm as there are no
## intermediate trie nodes involved.
## * The healing algorithm visits all nodes of a complete trie unless it is
## stopped in between.
## * If a trie node is missing, it can be fetched directly by the healing
## algorithm or one can wait for another process to do the job. Waiting for
## other processes to do the job also applies to problem nodes (and vice
## versa.)
## * Network bandwidth can be saved if nodes are fetched by the more efficient
## *GetAccountRange* message processing (if that is available.) This suggests
## that fetching missing trie nodes by the healing algorithm should kick in
## very late when the trie database is nearly complete.
## * Healing applies to a hexary trie database associated with the currently
## latest *state root*, where tha latter may change occasionally. This
## suggests to start the healing algorithm very late at a time when most of
## the accounts have been updated by any *state root*, already. There is a
## good chance that the healing algorithm detects and activates account data
## from previous *state roots* that have not changed.
std/[sequtils, tables],
eth/[common, p2p, trie/nibbles, trie/trie_defs, rlp],
stew/[interval_set, keyed_queue],
".."/[constants, range_desc, worker_desc],
./com/[com_error, get_trie_nodes],
./db/[hexary_desc, hexary_error, snapdb_accounts],
{.push raises: [Defect].}
topics = "snap-heal"
extraTraceMessages = false or true
## Enabled additional logging noise
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private logging helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template logTxt(info: static[string]): static[string] =
"Accounts healing " & info
proc healingCtx(
buddy: SnapBuddyRef;
env: SnapPivotRef;
): string =
let ctx = buddy.ctx
"{" &
"pivot=" & "#" & $env.stateHeader.blockNumber & "," &
"nAccounts=" & $env.nAccounts & "," &
("covered=" & env.fetchAccounts.processed.fullFactor.toPC(0) & "/" &
ctx.data.coveredAccounts.fullFactor.toPC(0)) & "," &
"nCheckNodes=" & $env.fetchAccounts.checkNodes.len & "," &
"nSickSubTries=" & $env.fetchAccounts.sickSubTries.len & "}"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc updateMissingNodesList(
buddy: SnapBuddyRef;
env: SnapPivotRef;
): Future[bool]
{.async.} =
## Starting with a given set of potentially dangling account nodes
## `checkNodes`, this set is filtered and processed. The outcome is
## fed back to the vey same list `checkNodes`
ctx = buddy.ctx
peer = buddy.peer
db = ctx.data.snapDb
let rc = await db.getAccountFn.subTriesFromPartialPaths(
env.stateHeader.stateRoot, # State root related to pivot
env.fetchAccounts, # Account download specs
snapRequestTrieNodesFetchMax) # Maxinmal datagram request size
if rc.isErr:
if rc.error == TrieIsLockedForPerusal:
trace logTxt "failed", peer,
ctx=buddy.healingCtx(env), error=rc.error
error logTxt "failed => stop", peer,
ctx=buddy.healingCtx(env), error=rc.error
# Attempt to switch pivot, there is not much else one can do here
buddy.ctrl.zombie = true
return false
return true
proc getMissingNodesFromNetwork(
buddy: SnapBuddyRef;
env: SnapPivotRef;
): Future[seq[NodeSpecs]]
{.async.} =
## Extract from `sickSubTries` the next batch of nodes that need
## to be merged it into the database
ctx = buddy.ctx
peer = buddy.peer
stateRoot = env.stateHeader.stateRoot
pivot = "#" & $env.stateHeader.blockNumber # for logging
nSickSubTries = env.fetchAccounts.sickSubTries.len
inxLeft = max(0, nSickSubTries - snapRequestTrieNodesFetchMax)
# There is no point in processing too many nodes at the same time. So leave
# the rest on the `sickSubTries` queue to be handled later.
let fetchNodes = env.fetchAccounts.sickSubTries[inxLeft ..< nSickSubTries]
# Initalise for `getTrieNodes()` for fetching nodes from the network
nodeKey: Table[Blob,NodeKey] # Temporary `path -> key` mapping
pathList: seq[seq[Blob]] # Function argument for `getTrieNodes()`
for w in fetchNodes:
pathList.add @[w.partialPath]
nodeKey[w.partialPath] = w.nodeKey
# Fetch nodes from the network. Note that the remainder of the
# `sickSubTries` list might be used by another process that runs
# semi-parallel.
let rc = await buddy.getTrieNodes(stateRoot, pathList, pivot)
if rc.isOk:
# Reset error counts for detecting repeated timeouts, network errors, etc.
# Register unfetched missing nodes for the next pass
for w in rc.value.leftOver:
env.fetchAccounts.sickSubTries.add NodeSpecs(
partialPath: w[0],
nodeKey: nodeKey[w[0]])
return rc.value.nodes.mapIt(NodeSpecs(
partialPath: it.partialPath,
nodeKey: nodeKey[it.partialPath],
data: it.data))
# Restore missing nodes list now so that a task switch in the error checker
# allows other processes to access the full `sickSubTries` list.
env.fetchAccounts.sickSubTries = env.fetchAccounts.sickSubTries & fetchNodes
let error = rc.error
if await buddy.ctrl.stopAfterSeriousComError(error, buddy.data.errors):
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "fetch nodes error => stop", peer,
ctx=buddy.healingCtx(env), error
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "fetch nodes error", peer,
ctx=buddy.healingCtx(env), error
return @[]
proc kvAccountLeaf(
buddy: SnapBuddyRef;
node: NodeSpecs;
env: SnapPivotRef;
): (bool,NodeKey,Account)
{.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,RlpError]} =
## Re-read leaf node from persistent database (if any)
peer = buddy.peer
nodeRlp = rlpFromBytes node.data
(_,prefix) = hexPrefixDecode node.partialPath
(_,segment) = hexPrefixDecode nodeRlp.listElem(0).toBytes
nibbles = prefix & segment
if nibbles.len == 64:
let data = nodeRlp.listElem(1).toBytes
return (true, nibbles.getBytes.convertTo(NodeKey), rlp.decode(data,Account))
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "non-leaf node path", peer,
ctx=buddy.healingCtx(env), nNibbles=nibbles.len
proc registerAccountLeaf(
buddy: SnapBuddyRef;
accKey: NodeKey;
acc: Account;
env: SnapPivotRef;
) =
## Process single account node as would be done with an interval by
## the `storeAccounts()` function
peer = buddy.peer
pt = accKey.to(NodeTag)
# Register isolated leaf node
if 0 < env.fetchAccounts.processed.merge(pt,pt) :
discard buddy.ctx.data.coveredAccounts.merge(pt,pt)
# Update storage slots batch
if acc.storageRoot != emptyRlpHash:
env.fetchStorageFull.merge AccountSlotsHeader(
acckey: accKey,
storageRoot: acc.storageRoot)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions: do the healing for one round
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc accountsHealingImpl(
buddy: SnapBuddyRef;
env: SnapPivotRef;
): Future[int]
{.async.} =
## Fetching and merging missing account trie database nodes. It returns the
## number of nodes fetched from the network, and -1 upon error.
ctx = buddy.ctx
db = ctx.data.snapDb
peer = buddy.peer
# Update for changes since last visit
env.stateHeader.stateRoot.to(NodeKey), env.fetchAccounts)
except Exception as e:
raiseAssert "Not possible @ accountsHealingImpl(" & $e.name & "):" & e.msg
if env.fetchAccounts.sickSubTries.len == 0:
# Traverse the hexary trie for more missing nodes. This call is expensive.
if await buddy.updateMissingNodesList(env):
# Check whether the trie is complete.
if env.fetchAccounts.sickSubTries.len == 0:
trace logTxt "complete", peer, ctx=buddy.healingCtx(env)
return 0 # nothing to do
# Get next batch of nodes that need to be merged it into the database
let nodeSpecs = await buddy.getMissingNodesFromNetwork(env)
if nodeSpecs.len == 0:
return 0
# Store nodes onto disk
let report = db.importRawAccountsNodes(peer, nodeSpecs)
if 0 < report.len and report[^1].slot.isNone:
# Storage error, just run the next lap (not much else that can be done)
error logTxt "error updating persistent database", peer,
ctx=buddy.healingCtx(env), nNodes=nodeSpecs.len, error=report[^1].error
env.fetchAccounts.sickSubTries = env.fetchAccounts.sickSubTries & nodeSpecs
return -1
# Filter out error and leaf nodes
var nLeafNodes = 0 # for logging
for w in report:
if w.slot.isSome: # non-indexed entries appear typically at the end, though
inx = w.slot.unsafeGet
nodePath = nodeSpecs[inx].partialPath
if w.error != NothingSerious or w.kind.isNone:
# error, try downloading again
env.fetchAccounts.sickSubTries.add nodeSpecs[inx]
elif w.kind.unsafeGet != Leaf:
# re-check this node
env.fetchAccounts.checkNodes.add nodePath
# Node has been stored, double check
let (isLeaf, key, acc) = buddy.kvAccountLeaf(nodeSpecs[inx], env)
if isLeaf:
# Update `uprocessed` registry, collect storage roots (if any)
buddy.registerAccountLeaf(key, acc, env)
env.fetchAccounts.checkNodes.add nodePath
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "merged into database", peer,
ctx=buddy.healingCtx(env), nNodes=nodeSpecs.len, nLeafNodes
return nodeSpecs.len
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc healAccounts*(
buddy: SnapBuddyRef;
env: SnapPivotRef;
) {.async.} =
## Fetching and merging missing account trie database nodes.
ctx = buddy.ctx
peer = buddy.peer
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "started", peer, ctx=buddy.healingCtx(env)
nNodesFetched = 0
nFetchLoop = 0
# Stop after `healAccountsBatchFetchMax` nodes have been fetched
while nNodesFetched < healAccountsBatchFetchMax:
var nNodes = await buddy.accountsHealingImpl(env)
if nNodes <= 0:
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "job done", peer, ctx=buddy.healingCtx(env),
nNodesFetched, nFetchLoop, runState=buddy.ctrl.state
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------