Jacek Sieka 42bb640443
Simplify shared rocksdb instance / write batch handling (#3063)
By introducing the "shared rocksdb instance" concept to the backend, we
can remove the "piggybacking" mode , thus reducing the complexity of
database initialisation and opening the possibility of extending how
write batching works across kvt/aristo.

The change makes explicit the hidden shared state that was previously
hiding in closures and provides the first step towards simplifying the
"commit/persist" interface of coredb, preparing it for optimizations to
reduce the "layering tax" that `forked-layers` introduced.
2025-02-14 09:40:22 +01:00

269 lines
8.0 KiB

# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
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## Rocksdb backend for Aristo DB
## =============================
## The iterators provided here are currently available only by direct
## backend access
## ::
## import
## aristo/aristo_init,
## aristo/aristo_init/aristo_rocksdb
## let rc = AristoDb.init(BackendRocksDB, "/var/tmp")
## if rc.isOk:
## let be = rc.value.to(RdbBackendRef)
## for (n, key, vtx) in be.walkVtx:
## ...
{.push raises: [].}
./rocks_db/[rdb_desc, rdb_get, rdb_init, rdb_put, rdb_walk],
export rdb_desc
extraTraceMessages = false
## Enabled additional logging noise
RdbBackendRef* = ref object of TypedBackendRef
rdb: RdbInst ## Allows low level access to database
RdbPutHdlRef = ref object of TypedPutHdlRef
session*: SharedWriteBatchRef
when extraTraceMessages:
import chronicles
topics = "aristo-backend"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc newSession(db: RdbBackendRef, session: SharedWriteBatchRef): RdbPutHdlRef =
result = RdbPutHdlRef(session: session)
result.TypedPutHdlRef.beginSession db
proc getSession(hdl: PutHdlRef; db: RdbBackendRef): RdbPutHdlRef =
hdl.TypedPutHdlRef.verifySession db
proc endSession(hdl: PutHdlRef; db: RdbBackendRef): RdbPutHdlRef =
hdl.TypedPutHdlRef.finishSession db
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions: interface
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc getVtxFn(db: RdbBackendRef): GetVtxFn =
result =
proc(rvid: RootedVertexID, flags: set[GetVtxFlag]): Result[VertexRef,AristoError] =
# Fetch serialised data record
let vtx = db.rdb.getVtx(rvid, flags).valueOr:
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "getVtxFn() failed", rvid, error=error[0], info=error[1]
return err(error[0])
if vtx.isValid:
return ok(vtx)
proc getKeyFn(db: RdbBackendRef): GetKeyFn =
result =
proc(rvid: RootedVertexID, flags: set[GetVtxFlag]): Result[(HashKey, VertexRef),AristoError] =
# Fetch serialised data record
let key = db.rdb.getKey(rvid, flags).valueOr:
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "getKeyFn: failed", rvid, error=error[0], info=error[1]
return err(error[0])
if (key[0].isValid or key[1].isValid):
return ok(key)
proc getTuvFn(db: RdbBackendRef): GetTuvFn =
result =
proc(): Result[VertexID,AristoError]=
# Fetch serialised data record.
let data = db.rdb.getAdm(AdmTabIdTuv).valueOr:
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "getTuvFn: failed", error=error[0], info=error[1]
return err(error[0])
# Decode data record
if data.len == 0:
return ok VertexID(0)
# Decode data record
result = data.deblobify VertexID
proc getLstFn(db: RdbBackendRef): GetLstFn =
result =
proc(): Result[SavedState,AristoError]=
# Fetch serialised data record.
let data = db.rdb.getAdm(AdmTabIdLst).valueOr:
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "getLstFn: failed", error=error[0], info=error[1]
return err(error[0])
# Decode data record
data.deblobify SavedState
# -------------
proc putBegFn(db: RdbBackendRef): PutBegFn =
result =
proc(): Result[PutHdlRef,AristoError] =
ok db.newSession(db.rdb.begin())
proc putVtxFn(db: RdbBackendRef): PutVtxFn =
result =
proc(hdl: PutHdlRef; rvid: RootedVertexID; vtx: VertexRef, key: HashKey) =
let hdl = hdl.getSession db
if hdl.error.isNil:
db.rdb.putVtx(hdl.session, rvid, vtx, key).isOkOr:
hdl.error = TypedPutHdlErrRef(
pfx: VtxPfx,
vid: error[0],
code: error[1],
info: error[2])
proc putTuvFn(db: RdbBackendRef): PutTuvFn =
result =
proc(hdl: PutHdlRef; vs: VertexID) =
let hdl = hdl.getSession db
if hdl.error.isNil:
if vs.isValid:
db.rdb.putAdm(hdl.session, AdmTabIdTuv, vs.blobify.data()).isOkOr:
hdl.error = TypedPutHdlErrRef(
pfx: AdmPfx,
aid: AdmTabIdTuv,
code: error[1],
info: error[2])
proc putLstFn(db: RdbBackendRef): PutLstFn =
result =
proc(hdl: PutHdlRef; lst: SavedState) =
let hdl = hdl.getSession db
if hdl.error.isNil:
let data = lst.blobify
db.rdb.putAdm(hdl.session, AdmTabIdLst, data).isOkOr:
hdl.error = TypedPutHdlErrRef(
pfx: AdmPfx,
aid: AdmTabIdLst,
code: error[1],
info: error[2])
proc putEndFn(db: RdbBackendRef): PutEndFn =
result =
proc(hdl: PutHdlRef): Result[void,AristoError] =
let hdl = hdl.endSession db
if not hdl.error.isNil:
when extraTraceMessages:
case hdl.error.pfx:
of VtxPfx: trace logTxt "putEndFn: vtx/key failed",
pfx=hdl.error.pfx, vid=hdl.error.vid, error=hdl.error.code
of AdmPfx: trace logTxt "putEndFn: admin failed",
pfx=AdmPfx, aid=hdl.error.aid.uint64, error=hdl.error.code
of Oops: trace logTxt "putEndFn: oops",
pfx=hdl.error.pfx, error=hdl.error.code
return err(hdl.error.code)
# Commit session
when extraTraceMessages:
trace logTxt "putEndFn: failed", error=($error[0]), info=error[1]
return err(error[0])
proc closeFn(db: RdbBackendRef): CloseFn =
result =
proc(eradicate: bool) =
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc rocksDbBackend*(
opts: DbOptions;
baseDb: RocksDbInstanceRef;
): BackendRef =
let db = RdbBackendRef(beKind: BackendRocksDB)
# Initialise RocksDB
db.rdb.init(opts, baseDb)
db.getVtxFn = getVtxFn db
db.getKeyFn = getKeyFn db
db.getTuvFn = getTuvFn db
db.getLstFn = getLstFn db
db.putBegFn = putBegFn db
db.putVtxFn = putVtxFn db
db.putTuvFn = putTuvFn db
db.putLstFn = putLstFn db
db.putEndFn = putEndFn db
db.closeFn = closeFn db
proc dup*(db: RdbBackendRef): RdbBackendRef =
## Duplicate descriptor shell as needed for API debugging
new result
init_common.init(result[], db[])
result.rdb = db.rdb
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public iterators (needs direct backend access)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iterator walkVtx*(
be: RdbBackendRef;
kinds = {Branch, Leaf};
): tuple[evid: RootedVertexID, vtx: VertexRef] =
## Variant of `walk()` iteration over the vertex sub-table.
for (rvid, vtx) in be.rdb.walkVtx(kinds):
yield (rvid, vtx)
iterator walkKey*(
be: RdbBackendRef;
): tuple[rvid: RootedVertexID, key: HashKey] =
## Variant of `walk()` iteration over the Markle hash sub-table.
for (rvid, data) in be.rdb.walkKey:
yield (rvid, data)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------