181 lines
6.8 KiB
181 lines
6.8 KiB
times, eth/common, stint,
../constants, ../chain_config
ExpDiffPeriod = 100000.u256
DifficultyBoundDivisorU = 2048.u256
DifficultyBoundDivisorI = 2048.i256
DurationLimit = 13
MinimumDifficultyU = 131072.u256
MinimumDifficultyI = 131072.i256
bigOne = 1.u256
bigTwo = 2.u256
bigNine = 9.i256
bigOneI = 1.i256
bigTwoI = 2.i256
bigTenI = 10.i256
bigMin99 = -99.i256
template difficultyBomb(periodCount: UInt256) =
periodCount = periodCount div ExpDiffPeriod
if periodCount > bigOne:
# diff = diff + 2^(periodCount - 2)
var expDiff = periodCount - bigTwo
expDiff = bigTwo.pow(expDiff)
diff = diff + expDiff
diff = max(diff, MinimumDifficultyU)
# calcDifficultyFrontier is the difficulty adjustment algorithm. It returns the
# difficulty that a new block should have when created at time given the parent
# block's time and difficulty. The calculation uses the Frontier rules.
func calcDifficultyFrontier*(timeStamp: EthTime, parent: BlockHeader): DifficultyInt =
var diff: DifficultyInt
let adjust = parent.difficulty div DifficultyBoundDivisorU
let time = timeStamp.toUnix()
let parentTime = parent.timestamp.toUnix()
if time - parentTime < DurationLimit:
diff = parent.difficulty + adjust
diff = parent.difficulty - adjust
diff = max(diff, MinimumDifficultyU)
var periodCount = parent.blockNumber + bigOne
result = diff
# calcDifficultyHomestead is the difficulty adjustment algorithm. It returns
# the difficulty that a new block should have when created at time given the
# parent block's time and difficulty. The calculation uses the Homestead rules.
func calcDifficultyHomestead*(timeStamp: EthTime, parent: BlockHeader): DifficultyInt =
# https:#github.com/ethereum/EIPs/blob/master/EIPS/eip-2.md
# algorithm:
# diff = (parent_diff +
# (parent_diff / 2048 * max(1 - (block_timestamp - parent_timestamp) # 10, -99))
# ) + 2^(periodCount - 2)
let time = timeStamp.toUnix()
let parentTime = parent.timestamp.toUnix()
let parentDifficulty = cast[Int256](parent.difficulty)
# 1 - (block_timestamp - parent_timestamp) # 10
var x = (time - parentTime).i256
x = x div bigTenI
x = bigOneI - x
# max(1 - (block_timestamp - parent_timestamp) # 10, -99)
x = max(x, bigMin99)
# (parent_diff + parent_diff # 2048 * max(1 - (block_timestamp - parent_timestamp) # 10, -99))
var y = parentDifficulty div DifficultyBoundDivisorI
x = y * x
x = parentDifficulty + x
# minimum difficulty can ever be (before exponential factor)
var diff = cast[UInt256](max(x, MinimumDifficultyI))
# for the exponential factor
var periodCount = parent.blockNumber + bigOne
result = diff
# makeDifficultyCalculator creates a difficultyCalculator with the given bomb-delay.
# the difficulty is calculated with Byzantium rules, which differs from Homestead in
# how uncles affect the calculation
func makeDifficultyCalculator(bombDelay: static[int], timeStamp: EthTime, parent: BlockHeader): DifficultyInt =
# Note, the calculations below looks at the parent number, which is 1 below
# the block number. Thus we remove one from the delay given
bombDelayFromParent = bombDelay.u256 - bigOne
# https:#github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/100.
# algorithm:
# diff = (parent_diff +
# (parent_diff / 2048 * max((2 if len(parent.uncles) else 1) - ((timestamp - parent.timestamp) # 9), -99))
# ) + 2^(periodCount - 2)
let time = timeStamp.toUnix()
let parentTime = parent.timestamp.toUnix()
let parentDifficulty = cast[Int256](parent.difficulty)
# (2 if len(parent_uncles) else 1) - (block_timestamp - parent_timestamp) # 9
var x = (time - parentTime).i256
x = x div bigNine
if parent.ommersHash == EMPTY_UNCLE_HASH:
x = bigOneI - x
x = bigTwoI - x
# max((2 if len(parent_uncles) else 1) - (block_timestamp - parent_timestamp) # 9, -99)
x = max(x, bigMin99)
# parent_diff + (parent_diff / 2048 * max((2 if len(parent.uncles) else 1) - ((timestamp - parent.timestamp) # 9), -99))
var y = parentDifficulty div DifficultyBoundDivisorI
x = y * x
x = parentDifficulty + x
# minimum difficulty can ever be (before exponential factor)
var diff = cast[UInt256](max(x, MinimumDifficultyI))
# calculate a fake block number for the ice-age delay
# Specification: https:#eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1234
var periodCount: UInt256
if parent.blockNumber >= bombDelayFromParent:
periodCount = parent.blockNumber - bombDelayFromParent
result = diff
template calcDifficultyByzantium*(timeStamp: EthTime, parent: BlockHeader): DifficultyInt =
## "EIP-649: Metropolis Difficulty Bomb Delay and Block Reward Reduction"
## <https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-649>
makeDifficultyCalculator(3_000_000, timeStamp, parent)
template calcDifficultyConstantinople*(timeStamp: EthTime, parent: BlockHeader): DifficultyInt =
## "EIP-1234: Constantinople Difficulty Bomb Delay and Block Reward Adjustment"
## <https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-1234>
## Keep using Byzantium's rules but offset the bomb 5.0M blocks.
makeDifficultyCalculator(5_000_000, timeStamp, parent)
template calcDifficultyMuirGlacier*(timeStamp: EthTime, parent: BlockHeader): DifficultyInt =
## "EIP-2384: Muir Glacier Difficulty Bomb Delay"
## <https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-2384>
## Offset the bomb 4.0M more blocks than Constantinople, total 9.0M blocks.
makeDifficultyCalculator(9_000_000, timeStamp, parent)
template calcDifficultyLondon*(timeStamp: EthTime, parent: BlockHeader): DifficultyInt =
## "EIP-3554: Difficulty Bomb Delay to December 2021"
## <https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3554>
## Offset the bomb a total of 9.7M blocks.
makeDifficultyCalculator(9_700_000, timeStamp, parent)
template calcDifficultyArrowGlacier*(timeStamp: EthTime, parent: BlockHeader): DifficultyInt =
## "EIP-4345: Difficulty Bomb Delay to June 2022"
## <https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-4345>
## Offset the bomb a total of 10.7M blocks.
makeDifficultyCalculator(10_700_000, timeStamp, parent)
func calcDifficulty*(c: ChainConfig, timeStamp: EthTime, parent: BlockHeader): DifficultyInt =
let next = parent.blockNumber + bigOne
if next >= c.arrowGlacierBlock:
result = calcDifficultyArrowGlacier(timeStamp, parent)
elif next >= c.londonBlock:
result = calcDifficultyLondon(timeStamp, parent)
elif next >= c.muirGlacierBlock:
result = calcDifficultyMuirGlacier(timeStamp, parent)
elif next >= c.constantinopleBlock:
result = calcDifficultyConstantinople(timeStamp, parent)
elif next >= c.byzantiumBlock:
result = calcDifficultyByzantium(timeStamp, parent)
elif next >= c.homesteadBlock:
result = calcDifficultyHomestead(timeStamp, parent)
result = calcDifficultyFrontier(timeStamp, parent)