mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 21:30:53 +00:00
* Aristo: Update unit test suite * Aristo/Kvt: Fix iterators why: Generic iterators were not properly updated after backend change * Aristo: Add sub-trie deletion functionality why: For storage tries linked to an account payload vertex ID, a the whole storage trie needs to be deleted with the account. * Aristo: Reserve vertex ID numbers for static custom state roots why: Static custom state roots may be controlled by an application, e.g. for a receipt or a transaction root. The `Aristo` functions are agnostic of what the static state roots are when different from the internal tree vertex ID 1. details; The `merge()` function applied to a non-static state root (assumed to be a storage root) will check the payload of an accounts leaf and mark its Merkle keys to be re-checked. * Aristo: Correct error code symbol * Aristo: Update error code symbols * Aristo: Code cosmetics/comments * Aristo: Fix hashify schedule calculator why: Had a tendency to stop early leaving an incomplete job
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# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
std/[algorithm, sequtils, sets, tables, typetraits],
eth/[common, trie/nibbles],
".."/[aristo_desc, aristo_get, aristo_layers, aristo_vid]
Vid2 = @[VertexID(LEAST_FREE_VID)].toHashSet
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helper
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc to(s: IntervalSetRef[VertexID,uint64]; T: type HashSet[VertexID]): T =
## Convert the argument list `s` to a set of vertex IDs as it would appear
## with a vertex generator state list.
if s.total < high(uint64):
for w in s.increasing:
if w.maxPt == high(VertexID):
result.incl w.minPt # last interval
for pt in w.minPt .. w.maxPt:
if LEAST_FREE_VID <= pt.distinctBase:
result.incl pt
proc toNodeBE(
vtx: VertexRef; # Vertex to convert
db: AristoDbRef; # Database, top layer
): Result[NodeRef,VertexID] =
## Similar to `toNode()` but fetching from the backend only
case vtx.vType:
of Leaf:
let node = NodeRef(vType: Leaf, lPfx: vtx.lPfx, lData: vtx.lData)
if vtx.lData.pType == AccountData:
let vid = vtx.lData.account.storageID
if vid.isValid:
let rc = db.getKeyBE vid
if rc.isErr or not rc.value.isValid:
return err(vid)
node.key[0] = rc.value
return ok node
of Branch:
let node = NodeRef(vType: Branch, bVid: vtx.bVid)
var missing: seq[VertexID]
for n in 0 .. 15:
let vid = vtx.bVid[n]
if vid.isValid:
let rc = db.getKeyBE vid
if rc.isOk and rc.value.isValid:
node.key[n] = rc.value
return err(vid)
node.key[n] = VOID_HASH_KEY
return ok node
of Extension:
vid = vtx.eVid
rc = db.getKeyBE vid
if rc.isOk and rc.value.isValid:
let node = NodeRef(vType: Extension, ePfx: vtx.ePfx, eVid: vid)
node.key[0] = rc.value
return ok node
return err(vid)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc checkBE*[T: RdbBackendRef|MemBackendRef|VoidBackendRef](
_: type T;
db: AristoDbRef; # Database, top layer
relax: bool; # Not compiling hashes if `true`
cache: bool; # Also verify against top layer cache
fifos = true; # Also verify cascaded filter fifos
): Result[void,(VertexID,AristoError)] =
## Make sure that each vertex has a Merkle hash and vice versa. Also check
## the vertex ID generator state.
let vids = IntervalSetRef[VertexID,uint64].init()
discard vids.merge Interval[VertexID,uint64].new(
for (vid,vtx) in T.walkVtxBE db:
if not vtx.isValid:
return err((vid,CheckBeVtxInvalid))
let rc = db.getKeyBE vid
if rc.isErr or not rc.value.isValid:
return err((vid,CheckBeKeyMissing))
case vtx.vType:
of Leaf:
of Branch:
block check42Links:
var seen = false
for n in 0 .. 15:
if vtx.bVid[n].isValid:
if seen:
break check42Links
seen = true
return err((vid,CheckBeVtxBranchLinksMissing))
of Extension:
if vtx.ePfx.len == 0:
return err((vid,CheckBeVtxExtPfxMissing))
for (vid,key) in T.walkKeyBE db:
if not key.isvalid:
return err((vid,CheckBeKeyInvalid))
let vtx = db.getVtxBE(vid).valueOr:
return err((vid,CheckBeVtxMissing))
let node = vtx.toNodeBE(db).valueOr: # backend links only
return err((vid,CheckBeKeyCantCompile))
if not relax:
let expected = node.digestTo(HashKey)
if expected != key:
return err((vid,CheckBeKeyMismatch))
discard vids.reduce Interval[VertexID,uint64].new(vid,vid)
# Compare calculated state against database state
# Extract vertex ID generator state
let vGen = block:
let rc = db.getIdgBE()
if rc.isOk:
elif rc.error == GetIdgNotFound:
return err((VertexID(0),rc.error))
vGenExpected = vids.to(HashSet[VertexID])
delta = vGenExpected -+- vGen # symmetric difference
if 0 < delta.len:
# Exclude fringe case when there is a single root vertex only
if vGenExpected != Vid2 or 0 < vGen.len:
return err((delta.toSeq.sorted[^1],CheckBeGarbledVGen))
# Check top layer cache against backend
if cache:
if db.dirty:
return err((VertexID(0),CheckBeCacheIsDirty))
# Check structural table
for (vid,vtx) in db.layersWalkVtx:
let lbl = db.layersGetLabel(vid).valueOr:
# A `kMap[]` entry must exist.
return err((vid,CheckBeCacheKeyMissing))
if vtx.isValid:
# Register existing vid against backend generator state
discard vids.reduce Interval[VertexID,uint64].new(vid,vid)
# Some vertex is to be deleted, the key must be empty
if lbl.isValid:
return err((vid,CheckBeCacheKeyNonEmpty))
# There must be a representation on the backend DB unless in a TX
if db.getVtxBE(vid).isErr and db.stack.len == 0:
return err((vid,CheckBeCacheVidUnsynced))
# Register deleted vid against backend generator state
discard vids.merge Interval[VertexID,uint64].new(vid,vid)
# Check cascaded fifos
if fifos and
not db.backend.isNil and
not db.backend.filters.isNil:
var lastTrg = db.getKeyUBE(VertexID(1)).get(otherwise = VOID_HASH_KEY)
for (qid,filter) in db.backend.T.walkFifoBe: # walk in fifo order
if filter.src != lastTrg:
return err((VertexID(0),CheckBeFifoSrcTrgMismatch))
if filter.trg != filter.kMap.getOrVoid(VertexID 1).to(Hash256):
return err((VertexID(1),CheckBeFifoTrgNotStateRoot))
lastTrg = filter.trg
# Check key table
var list: seq[VertexID]
for (vid,lbl) in db.layersWalkLabel:
list.add vid
let vtx = db.getVtx vid
if db.layersGetVtx(vid).isErr and not vtx.isValid:
return err((vid,CheckBeCacheKeyDangling))
if not lbl.isValid or relax:
if not vtx.isValid:
return err((vid,CheckBeCacheVtxDangling))
let node = vtx.toNode(db).valueOr: # compile cache first
return err((vid,CheckBeCacheKeyCantCompile))
let expected = node.digestTo(HashKey)
if expected != lbl.key:
return err((vid,CheckBeCacheKeyMismatch))
# Check vGen
vGen = db.vGen.vidReorg.toHashSet
vGenExpected = vids.to(HashSet[VertexID])
delta = vGenExpected -+- vGen # symmetric difference
if 0 < delta.len:
if vGen == Vid2 and vGenExpected.len == 0:
# Fringe case when the database is empty
elif vGen.len == 0 and vGenExpected == Vid2:
# Fringe case when there is a single root vertex only
let delta = delta.toSeq
if delta.len != 1 or
delta[0] != VertexID(1) or VertexID(1) in vGen:
return err((delta.sorted[^1],CheckBeCacheGarbledVGen))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------