
895 lines
27 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
std/[options, strutils, times, os, uri, net],
pkg/[chronicles, confutils, confutils/defs, confutils/std/net],
eth/[common, net/utils, net/nat, p2p/bootnodes, p2p/enode, p2p/discoveryv5/enr],
"."/[constants, compile_info, version],
export net, defs
# TODO: fix this agent-string format to match other
# eth clients format
NimbusIdent* =
"$# v$# [$#: $#, $#, $#]" %
[NimbusName, NimbusVersion, hostOS, hostCPU, VmName, GitRevision]
# e.g.: Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
NimbusCopyright* =
"Copyright (c) 2018-" & $(now().utc.year) & " Status Research & Development GmbH"
# e.g.:
# Nimbus v0.1.0 [windows: amd64, rocksdb, evmc, dda8914f]
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
NimbusBuild* = "$#\p$#" % [NimbusIdent, NimbusCopyright]
NimbusHeader* = "$#\p\p$#" % [NimbusBuild, version.NimVersion]
func defaultDataDir*(): string =
when defined(windows):
getHomeDir() / "AppData" / "Roaming" / "Nimbus"
elif defined(macosx):
getHomeDir() / "Library" / "Application Support" / "Nimbus"
getHomeDir() / ".cache" / "nimbus"
func defaultKeystoreDir*(): string =
defaultDataDir() / "keystore"
func getLogLevels(): string =
var logLevels: seq[string]
for level in LogLevel:
if level < enabledLogLevel:
join(logLevels, ", ")
defaultDataDirDesc = defaultDataDir()
defaultPort = 30303
defaultMetricsServerPort = 9093
defaultHttpPort = 8545
defaultEngineApiPort = 8550
defaultListenAddress = (static parseIpAddress(""))
defaultAdminListenAddress = (static parseIpAddress(""))
defaultListenAddressDesc = $defaultListenAddress & ", meaning all network interfaces"
defaultAdminListenAddressDesc =
$defaultAdminListenAddress & ", meaning local host only"
logLevelDesc = getLogLevels()
# `when` around an option doesn't work with confutils; it fails to compile.
# Workaround that by setting the `ignore` pragma on EVMC-specific options.
when defined(evmc_enabled):
{.pragma: includeIfEvmc.}
{.pragma: includeIfEvmc, ignore.}
const sharedLibText =
if defined(linux):
" (*.so, *.so.N)"
elif defined(windows):
" (*.dll)"
elif defined(macosx):
" (*.dylib)"
ChainDbMode* {.pure.} = enum
NimbusCmd* {.pure.} = enum
ProtocolFlag* {.pure.} = enum
## Protocol flags
Eth ## enable eth subprotocol
#Snap ## enable snap sub-protocol
RpcFlag* {.pure.} = enum
## RPC flags
Eth ## enable eth_ set of RPC API
Debug ## enable debug_ set of RPC API
Exp ## enable exp_ set of RPC API
DiscoveryType* {.pure.} = enum
SyncMode* {.pure.} = enum
Default #Snap ## Beware, experimental
NimbusConf* = object of RootObj ## Main Nimbus configuration object
dataDir* {.
separator: "ETHEREUM OPTIONS:",
desc: "The directory where nimbus will store all blockchain data",
defaultValue: defaultDataDir(),
defaultValueDesc: $defaultDataDirDesc,
abbr: "d",
name: "data-dir"
.}: OutDir
era1DirOpt* {.
desc: "Directory where era1 (pre-merge) archive can be found",
defaultValueDesc: "<data-dir>/era1",
name: "era1-dir"
.}: Option[OutDir]
eraDirOpt* {.
desc: "Directory where era (post-merge) archive can be found",
defaultValueDesc: "<data-dir>/era",
name: "era-dir"
.}: Option[OutDir]
keyStore* {.
desc: "Load one or more keystore files from this directory",
defaultValue: defaultKeystoreDir(),
defaultValueDesc: "inside datadir",
abbr: "k",
name: "key-store"
.}: OutDir
chainDbMode* {.
desc: "Blockchain database",
"- Aristo -- Single state DB, full node\n" &
"- AriPrune -- Aristo with curbed block history (for testing)\n" & "",
defaultValue: ChainDbMode.Aristo,
defaultValueDesc: $ChainDbMode.Aristo,
abbr: "p",
name: "chaindb"
.}: ChainDbMode
syncMode* {.
desc: "Specify particular blockchain sync mode.",
"- default -- beacon sync mode\n" &
# "- snap -- experimental snap mode (development only)\n" &
defaultValue: SyncMode.Default,
defaultValueDesc: $SyncMode.Default,
abbr: "y",
name: "sync-mode"
.}: SyncMode
syncCtrlFile* {.
"Specify a file that is regularly checked for updates. If it " &
"exists it is checked for whether it contains extra information " &
"specific to the type of sync process. This option is primarily " &
"intended only for sync testing and debugging.",
abbr: "z",
name: "sync-ctrl-file"
.}: Option[string]
importKey* {.
desc: "Import unencrypted 32 bytes hex private key from a file",
defaultValue: "",
abbr: "e",
name: "import-key"
.}: InputFile
verifyFrom* {.
"Enable extra verification when current block number greater than verify-from",
defaultValueDesc: "",
name: "verify-from"
.}: Option[uint64]
evm* {.
desc: "Load alternative EVM from EVMC-compatible shared library" & sharedLibText,
defaultValue: "",
name: "evm",
.}: string
trustedSetupFile* {.
desc: "Load EIP-4844 trusted setup file",
defaultValue: none(string),
defaultValueDesc: "Baked in trusted setup",
name: "trusted-setup-file"
.}: Option[string]
network {.
"Name or id number of Ethereum network(mainnet(1), sepolia(11155111), holesky(17000), other=custom)",
"- mainnet: Ethereum main network\n" &
"- sepolia: Test network (proof-of-work)\n" &
"- holesky: The holesovice post-merge testnet",
defaultValue: "", # the default value is set in makeConfig
defaultValueDesc: "mainnet(1)",
abbr: "i",
name: "network"
.}: string
customNetwork {.
"Use custom genesis block for private Ethereum Network (as /path/to/genesis.json)",
defaultValueDesc: "",
abbr: "c",
name: "custom-network"
.}: Option[NetworkParams]
networkId* {.
ignore, # this field is not processed by confutils
defaultValue: MainNet, # the defaultValue value is set by `makeConfig`
name: "network-id"
.}: NetworkId
networkParams* {.
ignore, # this field is not processed by confutils
defaultValue: NetworkParams(), # the defaultValue value is set by `makeConfig`
name: "network-params"
.}: NetworkParams
logLevel* {.
desc: "Sets the log level for process and topics (" & logLevelDesc & ")",
defaultValue: LogLevel.INFO,
defaultValueDesc: $LogLevel.INFO,
name: "log-level"
.}: LogLevel
logFile* {.
desc: "Specifies a path for the written Json log file", name: "log-file"
.}: Option[OutFile]
logMetricsEnabled* {.
desc: "Enable metrics logging", defaultValue: false, name: "log-metrics"
.}: bool
logMetricsInterval* {.
desc: "Interval at which to log metrics, in seconds",
defaultValue: 10,
name: "log-metrics-interval"
.}: int
metricsEnabled* {.
desc: "Enable the built-in metrics HTTP server",
defaultValue: false,
name: "metrics"
.}: bool
metricsPort* {.
desc: "Listening port of the built-in metrics HTTP server",
defaultValue: defaultMetricsServerPort,
defaultValueDesc: $defaultMetricsServerPort,
name: "metrics-port"
.}: Port
metricsAddress* {.
desc: "Listening IP address of the built-in metrics HTTP server",
defaultValue: defaultAdminListenAddress,
defaultValueDesc: $defaultAdminListenAddressDesc,
name: "metrics-address"
.}: IpAddress
bootstrapNodes {.
separator: "\pNETWORKING OPTIONS:",
"Specifies one or more bootstrap nodes(as enode URL) to use when connecting to the network",
defaultValue: @[],
defaultValueDesc: "",
abbr: "b",
name: "bootstrap-node"
.}: seq[string]
bootstrapFile {.
"Specifies a line-delimited file of bootstrap Ethereum network addresses(enode URL). " &
"By default, addresses will be added to bootstrap node list. " &
"But if the first line equals to `override` word, it will override built-in list",
defaultValue: "",
name: "bootstrap-file"
.}: InputFile
bootstrapEnrs {.
desc: "ENR URI of node to bootstrap discovery from. Argument may be repeated",
defaultValue: @[],
defaultValueDesc: "",
name: "bootstrap-enr"
.}: seq[enr.Record]
staticPeers {.
desc: "Connect to one or more trusted peers(as enode URL)",
defaultValue: @[],
defaultValueDesc: "",
name: "static-peers"
.}: seq[string]
staticPeersFile {.
"Specifies a line-delimited file of trusted peers addresses(enode URL)" &
"to be added to the --static-peers list. If the first line equals to the word `override`, " &
"the file contents will replace the --static-peers list",
defaultValue: "",
name: "static-peers-file"
.}: InputFile
staticPeersEnrs {.
desc: "ENR URI of node to connect to as trusted peer. Argument may be repeated",
defaultValue: @[],
defaultValueDesc: "",
name: "static-peer-enr"
.}: seq[enr.Record]
reconnectMaxRetry* {.
"Specifies max number of retries if static peers disconnected/not connected. " &
"0 = infinite.",
defaultValue: 0,
name: "reconnect-max-retry"
.}: int
reconnectInterval* {.
"Interval in seconds before next attempt to reconnect to static peers. Min 5 seconds.",
defaultValue: 15,
name: "reconnect-interval"
.}: int
listenAddress* {.
desc: "Listening IP address for Ethereum P2P and Discovery traffic",
defaultValue: defaultListenAddress,
defaultValueDesc: $defaultListenAddressDesc,
name: "listen-address"
.}: IpAddress
tcpPort* {.
desc: "Ethereum P2P network listening TCP port",
defaultValue: defaultPort,
defaultValueDesc: $defaultPort,
name: "tcp-port"
.}: Port
udpPort* {.
desc: "Ethereum P2P network listening UDP port",
defaultValue: 0, # set udpPort defaultValue in `makeConfig`
defaultValueDesc: "default to --tcp-port",
name: "udp-port"
.}: Port
maxPeers* {.
desc: "Maximum number of peers to connect to", defaultValue: 25, name: "max-peers"
.}: int
nat* {.
"Specify method to use for determining public address. " &
"Must be one of: any, none, upnp, pmp, extip:<IP>",
defaultValue: NatConfig(hasExtIp: false, nat: NatAny),
defaultValueDesc: "any",
name: "nat"
.}: NatConfig
discovery* {.
desc: "Specify method to find suitable peer in an Ethereum network (None, V4, V5)",
"- None: Disables the peer discovery mechanism (manual peer addition)\n" &
"- V4 : Node Discovery Protocol v4(default)\n" &
"- V5 : Node Discovery Protocol v5",
defaultValue: DiscoveryType.V4,
defaultValueDesc: $DiscoveryType.V4,
name: "discovery"
.}: DiscoveryType
netKey* {.
desc: "P2P ethereum node (secp256k1) private key (random, path, hex)",
"- random: generate random network key for this node instance\n" &
"- path : path to where the private key will be loaded or auto generated\n" &
"- hex : 32 bytes hex of network private key",
defaultValue: "random",
name: "net-key"
.}: string
agentString* {.
desc: "Node agent string which is used as identifier in network",
defaultValue: NimbusIdent,
defaultValueDesc: $NimbusIdent,
name: "agent-string"
.}: string
protocols {.
"Enable specific set of server protocols (available: Eth, " &
" None.) This will not affect the sync mode",
# " Snap, None.) This will not affect the sync mode"
defaultValue: @[],
defaultValueDesc: $ProtocolFlag.Eth,
name: "protocols"
.}: seq[string]
rocksdbMaxOpenFiles {.
defaultValue: defaultMaxOpenFiles,
defaultValueDesc: $defaultMaxOpenFiles,
name: "debug-rocksdb-max-open-files"
.}: int
rocksdbWriteBufferSize {.
defaultValue: defaultWriteBufferSize,
defaultValueDesc: $defaultWriteBufferSize,
name: "debug-rocksdb-write-buffer-size"
.}: int
rocksdbRowCacheSize {.
defaultValue: defaultRowCacheSize,
defaultValueDesc: $defaultRowCacheSize,
name: "debug-rocksdb-row-cache-size"
.}: int
rocksdbBlockCacheSize {.
defaultValue: defaultBlockCacheSize,
defaultValueDesc: $defaultBlockCacheSize,
name: "debug-rocksdb-block-cache-size"
.}: int
case cmd* {.command, defaultValue: NimbusCmd.noCommand.}: NimbusCmd
of noCommand:
httpPort* {.
desc: "Listening port of the HTTP server(rpc, ws, graphql)",
defaultValue: defaultHttpPort,
defaultValueDesc: $defaultHttpPort,
name: "http-port"
.}: Port
httpAddress* {.
desc: "Listening IP address of the HTTP server(rpc, ws, graphql)",
defaultValue: defaultAdminListenAddress,
defaultValueDesc: $defaultAdminListenAddressDesc,
name: "http-address"
.}: IpAddress
rpcEnabled* {.
desc: "Enable the JSON-RPC server", defaultValue: false, name: "rpc"
.}: bool
rpcApi {.
desc: "Enable specific set of RPC API (available: eth, debug, exp)",
defaultValue: @[],
defaultValueDesc: $RpcFlag.Eth,
name: "rpc-api"
.}: seq[string]
wsEnabled* {.
desc: "Enable the Websocket JSON-RPC server", defaultValue: false, name: "ws"
.}: bool
wsApi {.
desc: "Enable specific set of Websocket RPC API (available: eth, debug, exp)",
defaultValue: @[],
defaultValueDesc: $RpcFlag.Eth,
name: "ws-api"
.}: seq[string]
graphqlEnabled* {.
desc: "Enable the GraphQL HTTP server", defaultValue: false, name: "graphql"
.}: bool
engineApiEnabled* {.
desc: "Enable the Engine API", defaultValue: false, name: "engine-api"
.}: bool
engineApiPort* {.
desc: "Listening port for the Engine API(http and ws)",
defaultValue: defaultEngineApiPort,
defaultValueDesc: $defaultEngineApiPort,
name: "engine-api-port"
.}: Port
engineApiAddress* {.
desc: "Listening address for the Engine API(http and ws)",
defaultValue: defaultAdminListenAddress,
defaultValueDesc: $defaultAdminListenAddressDesc,
name: "engine-api-address"
.}: IpAddress
engineApiWsEnabled* {.
desc: "Enable the WebSocket Engine API",
defaultValue: false,
name: "engine-api-ws"
.}: bool
allowedOrigins* {.
"Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests",
defaultValue: @[],
defaultValueDesc: "*",
name: "allowed-origins"
.}: seq[string]
# /blob/v1.0.0-alpha.8/src/engine/
jwtSecret* {.
"Path to a file containing a 32 byte hex-encoded shared secret" &
" needed for websocket authentication. By default, the secret key" &
" is auto-generated.",
defaultValueDesc: "\"jwt.hex\" in the data directory (see --data-dir)",
name: "jwt-secret"
.}: Option[InputFile]
of `import`:
blocksFile* {.
argument, desc: "One or more RLP encoded block(s) files", name: "blocks-file"
.}: seq[InputFile]
maxBlocks* {.
desc: "Maximum number of blocks to import",
defaultValue: uint64.high(),
name: "max-blocks"
.}: uint64
chunkSize* {.
desc: "Number of blocks per database transaction",
defaultValue: 8192,
name: "chunk-size"
.}: uint64
csvStats* {.
hidden, desc: "Save performance statistics to CSV", name: "debug-csv-stats"
.}: Option[string]
# TODO validation and storage options should be made non-hidden when the
# UX has stabilised and era1 storage is in the app
fullValidation* {.
desc: "Enable full per-block validation (slow)",
defaultValue: false,
name: "debug-full-validation"
.}: bool
noValidation* {.
desc: "Disble per-chunk validation",
defaultValue: true,
name: "debug-no-validation"
.}: bool
storeBodies* {.
desc: "Store block blodies in database",
defaultValue: false,
name: "debug-store-bodies"
.}: bool
# TODO this option should probably only cover the redundant parts, ie
# those that are in era1 files - era files presently do not store
# receipts
storeReceipts* {.
desc: "Store receipts in database",
defaultValue: false,
name: "debug-store-receipts"
.}: bool
func parseCmdArg(T: type NetworkId, p: string): T {.gcsafe, raises: [ValueError].} =
func completeCmdArg(T: type NetworkId, val: string): seq[string] =
return @[]
func parseCmdArg*(T: type enr.Record, p: string): T {.raises: [ValueError].} =
result = fromURI(enr.Record, p).valueOr:
raise newException(ValueError, "Invalid ENR")
func completeCmdArg*(T: type enr.Record, val: string): seq[string] =
return @[]
func processList(v: string, o: var seq[string]) =
## Process comma-separated list of strings.
if len(v) > 0:
for n in v.split({' ', ','}):
if len(n) > 0:
proc parseCmdArg(T: type NetworkParams, p: string): T {.gcsafe, raises: [ValueError].} =
if not loadNetworkParams(p, result):
raise newException(ValueError, "failed to load customNetwork")
except CatchableError:
raise newException(ValueError, "failed to load customNetwork")
func completeCmdArg(T: type NetworkParams, val: string): seq[string] =
return @[]
func setBootnodes(output: var seq[ENode], nodeUris: openArray[string]) =
output = newSeqOfCap[ENode](nodeUris.len)
for item in nodeUris:
output.add(ENode.fromString(item).expect("valid hardcoded ENode"))
iterator repeatingList(listOfList: openArray[string]): string =
for strList in listOfList:
var list = newSeq[string]()
processList(strList, list)
for item in list:
yield item
proc append(output: var seq[ENode], nodeUris: openArray[string]) =
for item in repeatingList(nodeUris):
let res = ENode.fromString(item)
if res.isErr:
warn "Ignoring invalid bootstrap address", address = item
output.add res.get()
iterator strippedLines(filename: string): (int, string) {.gcsafe, raises: [IOError].} =
var i = 0
for line in lines(filename):
let stripped = strip(line)
if stripped.startsWith('#'): # Comments
if stripped.len > 0:
yield (i, stripped)
inc i
proc loadEnodeFile(fileName: string, output: var seq[ENode], info: string) =
if fileName.len == 0:
for i, ln in strippedLines(fileName):
if cmpIgnoreCase(ln, "override") == 0 and i == 0:
# override built-in list if the first line is 'override'
output = newSeq[ENode]()
let res = ENode.fromString(ln)
if res.isErr:
warn "Ignoring invalid address",
address = ln, line = i, file = fileName, purpose = info
output.add res.get()
except IOError as e:
error "Could not read file", msg = e.msg, purpose = info
quit 1
proc loadBootstrapFile(fileName: string, output: var seq[ENode]) =
fileName.loadEnodeFile(output, "bootstrap")
proc loadStaticPeersFile(fileName: string, output: var seq[ENode]) =
fileName.loadEnodeFile(output, "static peers")
proc getNetworkId(conf: NimbusConf): Option[NetworkId] =
if == 0:
return none NetworkId
let network = toLowerAscii(
case network
of "mainnet":
return some MainNet
of "sepolia":
return some SepoliaNet
of "holesky":
return some HoleskyNet
some parseInt(network).NetworkId
except CatchableError:
error "Failed to parse network name or id", network
quit QuitFailure
proc getProtocolFlags*(conf: NimbusConf): set[ProtocolFlag] =
if conf.protocols.len == 0:
return {ProtocolFlag.Eth}
var noneOk = false
for item in repeatingList(conf.protocols):
case item.toLowerAscii()
of "eth":
result.incl ProtocolFlag.Eth
# of "snap": result.incl ProtocolFlag.Snap
of "none":
noneOk = true
error "Unknown protocol", name = item
quit QuitFailure
if noneOk and 0 < result.len:
error "Setting none contradicts wire protocols", names = $result
quit QuitFailure
proc getRpcFlags(api: openArray[string]): set[RpcFlag] =
if api.len == 0:
return {RpcFlag.Eth}
for item in repeatingList(api):
case item.toLowerAscii()
of "eth":
result.incl RpcFlag.Eth
of "debug":
result.incl RpcFlag.Debug
of "exp":
result.incl RpcFlag.Exp
error "Unknown RPC API: ", name = item
quit QuitFailure
proc getRpcFlags*(conf: NimbusConf): set[RpcFlag] =
proc getWsFlags*(conf: NimbusConf): set[RpcFlag] =
func fromEnr*(T: type ENode, r: enr.Record): ENodeResult[ENode] =
# TODO: there must always be a public key, else no signature verification
# could have been done and no Record would exist here.
# TypedRecord should be reworked not to have public key as an option.
pk = r.get(PublicKey).get()
tr = TypedRecord.fromRecord(r) #.expect("id in valid record")
if tr.ip.isNone():
return err(IncorrectIP)
if tr.udp.isNone():
return err(IncorrectDiscPort)
if tr.tcp.isNone():
return err(IncorrectPort)
pubkey: pk,
address: Address(
ip: utils.ipv4(tr.ip.get()),
udpPort: Port(tr.udp.get()),
tcpPort: Port(tr.tcp.get()),
proc getBootNodes*(conf: NimbusConf): seq[ENode] =
var bootstrapNodes: seq[ENode]
# Ignore standard bootnodes if customNetwork is loaded
if conf.customNetwork.isNone:
case conf.networkId
of MainNet:
of SepoliaNet:
of HoleskyNet:
# custom network id
# always allow bootstrap nodes provided by the user
if conf.bootstrapNodes.len > 0:
# bootstrap nodes loaded from file might append or
# override built-in bootnodes
loadBootstrapFile(string conf.bootstrapFile, bootstrapNodes)
# Bootstrap nodes provided as ENRs
for enr in conf.bootstrapEnrs:
let enode = Enode.fromEnr(enr).valueOr:
fatal "Invalid bootstrap ENR provided", error
quit 1
proc getStaticPeers*(conf: NimbusConf): seq[ENode] =
var staticPeers: seq[ENode]
loadStaticPeersFile(string conf.staticPeersFile, staticPeers)
# Static peers provided as ENRs
for enr in conf.staticPeersEnrs:
let enode = Enode.fromEnr(enr).valueOr:
fatal "Invalid static peer ENR provided", error
quit 1
func getAllowedOrigins*(conf: NimbusConf): seq[Uri] =
for item in repeatingList(conf.allowedOrigins):
result.add parseUri(item)
func engineApiServerEnabled*(conf: NimbusConf): bool =
conf.engineApiEnabled or conf.engineApiWsEnabled
func shareServerWithEngineApi*(conf: NimbusConf): bool =
conf.engineApiServerEnabled and conf.engineApiPort == conf.httpPort
func httpServerEnabled*(conf: NimbusConf): bool =
conf.graphqlEnabled or conf.wsEnabled or conf.rpcEnabled
func era1Dir*(conf: NimbusConf): OutDir =
conf.era1DirOpt.get(OutDir(conf.dataDir.string & "/era1"))
func eraDir*(conf: NimbusConf): OutDir =
conf.eraDirOpt.get(OutDir(conf.dataDir.string & "/era"))
func dbOptions*(conf: NimbusConf): DbOptions =
maxOpenFiles = conf.rocksdbMaxOpenFiles,
writeBufferSize = conf.rocksdbWriteBufferSize,
rowCacheSize = conf.rocksdbRowCacheSize,
blockCacheSize = conf.rocksdbBlockCacheSize,
# KLUDGE: The `load()` template does currently not work within any exception
# annotated environment.
proc makeConfig*(
cmdLine = commandLineParams()
): NimbusConf {.raises: [CatchableError].} =
## Note: this function is not gc-safe
# The try/catch clause can go away when `load()` is clean
{.push warning[ProveInit]: off.}
result =
NimbusConf.load(cmdLine, version = NimbusBuild, copyrightBanner = NimbusHeader)
except CatchableError as e:
raise e
var networkId = result.getNetworkId()
if result.customNetwork.isSome:
result.networkParams = result.customNetwork.get()
if networkId.isNone:
# WARNING: networkId and chainId are two distinct things
# they usage should not be mixed in other places.
# We only set networkId to chainId if networkId not set in cli and
# --custom-network is set.
# If chainId is not defined in config file, it's ok because
# zero means CustomNet
networkId = some(NetworkId(result.networkParams.config.chainId))
if networkId.isNone:
# bootnodes is set via getBootNodes
networkId = some MainNet
result.networkId = networkId.get()
if result.customNetwork.isNone:
result.networkParams = networkParams(result.networkId)
if result.cmd == noCommand:
if result.udpPort == Port(0):
# if udpPort not set in cli, then
result.udpPort = result.tcpPort
# see issue #1346
if result.keyStore.string == defaultKeystoreDir() and
result.dataDir.string != defaultDataDir():
result.keyStore = OutDir(result.dataDir.string / "keystore")
# For consistency
if result.syncCtrlFile.isSome and result.syncCtrlFile.unsafeGet == "":
error "Argument missing", option = "sync-ctrl-file"
quit QuitFailure
when isMainModule:
# for testing purpose
discard makeConfig()