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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
std/[tables, strutils],
eth/[common, keys, rlp],
chronos, stint,
# This is the account that sends vault funding transactions.
vaultAccountAddr = hextoByteArray[20]("0xcf49fda3be353c69b41ed96333cd24302da4556f")
# Address of the vault in genesis.
predeployedVaultAddr = hextoByteArray[20]("0000000000000000000000000000000000000315")
# Number of blocks to wait before funding tx is considered valid.
vaultTxConfirmationCount = 5
# vault creates accounts for testing and funds them. An instance of the vault contract is
# deployed in the genesis block. When creating a new account using createAccount, the
# account is funded by sending a transaction to this contract.
# The purpose of the vault is allowing tests to run concurrently without worrying about
# nonce assignment and unexpected balance changes.
Vault* = ref object
# This tracks the account nonce of the vault account.
nonce: AccountNonce
# Created accounts are tracked in this map.
accounts: Table[EthAddress, PrivateKey]
rng: ref HmacDrbgContext
chainID: ChainID
gasPrice: GasInt
vaultKey: PrivateKey
client: RpcClient
proc newVault*(chainID: ChainID, gasPrice: GasInt, client: RpcClient): Vault =
result.rng = newRng()
result.chainID = chainID
result.gasPrice = gasPrice
result.vaultKey = PrivateKey.fromHex("63b508a03c3b5937ceb903af8b1b0c191012ef6eb7e9c3fb7afa94e5d214d376").get()
result.client = client
# generateKey creates a new account key and stores it.
proc generateKey*(v: Vault): EthAddress =
let key = PrivateKey.random(v.rng[])
let address = toCanonicalAddress(key.toPublicKey)
v.accounts[address] = key
# nextNonce generates the nonce of a funding transaction.
proc nextNonce*(v: Vault): AccountNonce =
let nonce = v.nonce
proc sendSome(address: EthAddress, amount: UInt256): seq[byte] =
const padding = repeat('\0', 12).toBytes
# makeshift contract ABI construction
# https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/develop/abi-spec.html
let h = keccakHash("sendSome(address,uint256)".toBytes)
result.add h.data[0..3] # first 4 bytes of hash
result.add padding # left pad address
result.add address
result.add amount.toBytesBE
doAssert(result.len == 68) # 4 + 32 + 32
proc makeFundingTx*(v: Vault, recipient: EthAddress, amount: UInt256): Transaction =
unsignedTx = Transaction(
txType : TxLegacy,
chainId : v.chainId,
nonce : v.nextNonce(),
gasPrice: v.gasPrice,
gasLimit: GasInt(75000),
to : some(predeployedVaultAddr),
value : 0.u256,
payload : sendSome(recipient, amount)
signTransaction(unsignedTx, v.vaultKey, v.chainId, eip155 = true)
proc signTx*(v: Vault,
sender: EthAddress,
nonce: AccountNonce,
recipient: EthAddress,
amount: UInt256,
gasLimit, gasPrice: GasInt,
payload: seq[byte] = @[]): Transaction =
unsignedTx = Transaction(
txType : TxLegacy,
chainId : v.chainId,
nonce : nonce,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gasLimit: gasLimit,
to : some(recipient),
value : amount,
payload : payload
let key = v.accounts[sender]
signTransaction(unsignedTx, key, v.chainId, eip155 = true)
# createAccount creates a new account that is funded from the vault contract.
# It will panic when the account could not be created and funded.
proc createAccount*(v: Vault, amount: UInt256): Future[EthAddress] {.async.} =
let address = v.generateKey()
# order the vault to send some ether
let tx = v.makeFundingTx(address, amount)
let res = await v.client.sendTransaction(tx)
if not res:
raise newException(ValueError, "unable to send funding transaction")
let txBlock = await v.client.blockNumber()
# wait for vaultTxConfirmationCount confirmation by checking the balance vaultTxConfirmationCount blocks back.
# createAndFundAccountWithSubscription for a better solution using logs
let count = vaultTxConfirmationCount*4
for i in 0..<count:
let number = await v.client.blockNumber()
if number > txBlock + vaultTxConfirmationCount:
let checkBlock = number - vaultTxConfirmationCount
let balance = await v.client.balanceAt(address, checkBlock)
if balance >= amount:
return address
let period = chronos.seconds(1)
await sleepAsync(period)
let txHash = tx.rlpHash().data.toHex
raise newException(ValueError, "could not fund account $2 in transaction $2" % [address.toHex, txHash])