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synced 2025-03-01 04:10:45 +00:00
Each branch node may have up to 16 sub-items - currently, these are given VertexID based when they are first needed leading to a mostly-random order of vertexid for each subitem. Here, we pre-allocate all 16 vertex ids such that when a branch subitem is filled, it already has a vertexid waiting for it. This brings several important benefits: * subitems are sorted and "close" in their id sequencing - this means that when rocksdb stores them, they are likely to end up in the same data block thus improving read efficiency * because the ids are consequtive, we can store just the starting id and a bitmap representing which subitems are in use - this reduces disk space usage for branches allowing more of them fit into a single disk read, further improving disk read and caching performance - disk usage at block 18M is down from 84 to 78gb! * the in-memory footprint of VertexRef reduced allowing more instances to fit into caches and less memory to be used overall. Because of the increased locality of reference, it turns out that we no longer need to iterate over the entire database to efficiently generate the hash key database because the normal computation is now faster - this significantly benefits "live" chain processing as well where each dirtied key must be accompanied by a read of all branch subitems next to it - most of the performance benefit in this branch comes from this locality-of-reference improvement. On a sample resync, there's already ~20% improvement with later blocks seeing increasing benefit (because the trie is deeper in later blocks leading to more benefit from branch read perf improvements) ``` blocks: 18729664, baseline: 190h43m49s, contender: 153h59m0s Time (total): -36h44m48s, -19.27% ``` Note: clients need to be resynced as the PR changes the on-disk format R.I.P. little bloom filter - your life in the repo was short but valuable
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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or
# distributed except according to those terms.
## Aristo (aka Patricia) DB records distributed backend access test.
LeafQuartet =
array[0..3, seq[LeafTiePayload]]
DbTriplet =
array[0..2, AristoDbRef]
testRootVid = VertexID(2)
## Need to reconfigure for the test, root ID 1 cannot be deleted as a trie
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private debugging helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc dump(pfx: string; dx: varargs[AristoDbRef]): string =
if 0 < dx.len:
result = "\n "
pfx = pfx
qfx = ""
if pfx.len == 0:
(pfx,qfx) = ("[","]")
elif 1 < dx.len:
pfx = pfx & "#"
for n in 0 ..< dx.len:
let n1 = n + 1
result &= pfx
if 1 < dx.len:
result &= $n1
result &= qfx & "\n " & dx[n].pp(backendOk=true) & "\n"
if n1 < dx.len:
result &= " ==========\n "
proc dump(dx: varargs[AristoDbRef]): string {.used.} =
"".dump dx
proc dump(w: DbTriplet): string {.used.} =
"db".dump(w[0], w[1], w[2])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iterator quadripartite(td: openArray[ProofTrieData]): LeafQuartet =
## ...
var collect: seq[seq[LeafTiePayload]]
for w in td:
let lst = w.kvpLst.mapRootVid testRootVid
if lst.len < 8:
if 2 < collect.len:
yield [collect[0], collect[1], collect[2], lst]
collect.add lst
if collect.len == 0:
let a = lst.len div 4
yield [lst[0 ..< a], lst[a ..< 2*a], lst[2*a ..< 3*a], lst[3*a .. ^1]]
if collect.len == 1:
let a = lst.len div 3
yield [collect[0], lst[0 ..< a], lst[a ..< 2*a], lst[a .. ^1]]
elif collect.len == 2:
let a = lst.len div 2
yield [collect[0], collect[1], lst[0 ..< a], lst[a .. ^1]]
yield [collect[0], collect[1], collect[2], lst]
proc dbTriplet(w: LeafQuartet; rdbPath: string): Result[DbTriplet,AristoError] =
let db = block:
if 0 < rdbPath.len:
let (dbOpts, cfOpts) = DbOptions.init().toRocksDb()
let rc = AristoDbRef.init(RdbBackendRef, rdbPath, DbOptions.init(), dbOpts, cfOpts, [])
xCheckRc rc.error == 0:
result = err(rc.error)
AristoDbRef.init MemBackendRef
# Set failed `xCheck()` error result
result = err(AristoError 1)
# Fill backend
let report = db.mergeList w[0]
if report.error != 0:
xCheck report.error == 0
let rc = db.persist()
xCheckRc rc.error == 0:
result = err(rc.error)
let dx = [db, db.forkTx(0).value, db.forkTx(0).value]
xCheck dx[0].nForked == 2
# Reduce unwanted tx layers
for n in 1 ..< dx.len:
xCheck dx[n].level == 1
xCheck dx[n].txTop.value.commit.isOk
# Clause (9) from `aristo/README.md` example
for n in 0 ..< dx.len:
let report = dx[n].mergeList w[n+1]
if report.error != 0:
xCheck (n, report.error) == (n,0)
return ok(dx)
# ----------------------
proc cleanUp(dx: var DbTriplet) =
if not dx[0].isNil:
# ----------------------
proc isDbEq(a, b: LayerRef; db: AristoDbRef; noisy = true): bool =
## Verify that argument filter `a` has the same effect on the
## physical/unfiltered backend of `db` as argument filter `b`.
if a.isNil:
return b.isNil
if b.isNil:
return false
if unsafeAddr(a[]) != unsafeAddr(b[]):
if a.kMap.getOrVoid((testRootVid, testRootVid)) !=
b.kMap.getOrVoid((testRootVid, testRootVid)) or
a.vTop != b.vTop:
return false
# Void entries may differ unless on physical backend
var (aTab, bTab) = (a.sTab, b.sTab)
if aTab.len < bTab.len:
aTab.swap bTab
for (vid,aVtx) in aTab.pairs:
let bVtx = bTab.getOrVoid vid
bTab.del vid
if aVtx != bVtx:
if aVtx.isValid and bVtx.isValid:
return false
# The valid one must match the backend data
let rc = db.getVtxUbe vid
if rc.isErr:
return false
let vtx = if aVtx.isValid: aVtx else: bVtx
if vtx != rc.value:
return false
elif not vid.isValid and not bTab.hasKey vid:
let rc = db.getVtxUbe vid
if rc.isOk:
return false # Exists on backend but missing on `bTab[]`
elif rc.error != GetKeyNotFound:
return false # general error
if 0 < bTab.len:
noisy.say "***", "not dbEq:", "bTabLen=", bTab.len
return false
# Similar for `kMap[]`
var (aMap, bMap) = (a.kMap, b.kMap)
if aMap.len < bMap.len:
aMap.swap bMap
for (vid,aKey) in aMap.pairs:
let bKey = bMap.getOrVoid vid
bMap.del vid
if aKey != bKey:
if aKey.isValid and bKey.isValid:
return false
# The valid one must match the backend data
let rc = db.getKeyUbe(vid, {})
if rc.isErr:
return false
let key = if aKey.isValid: aKey else: bKey
if key != rc.value[0]:
return false
elif not vid.isValid and not bMap.hasKey vid:
let rc = db.getKeyUbe(vid, {})
if rc.isOk:
return false # Exists on backend but missing on `bMap[]`
elif rc.error != GetKeyNotFound:
return false # general error
if 0 < bMap.len:
noisy.say "***", "not dbEq:", " bMapLen=", bMap.len
return false
# ----------------------
proc checkBeOk(
dx: DbTriplet;
forceCache = false;
noisy = true;
): bool =
## ..
for n in 0 ..< dx.len:
let rc = dx[n].checkBE()
xCheckRc rc.error == (0,0):
noisy.say "***", "db checkBE failed",
" n=", n, "/", dx.len-1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public test function
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc testBalancer*(
noisy: bool;
list: openArray[ProofTrieData];
rdbPath: string; # Rocks DB storage directory
): bool =
var n = 0
for w in list.quadripartite:
# Resulting clause (11) filters from `aristo/README.md` example
# which will be used in the second part of the tests
c11Filter1 = LayerRef(nil)
c11Filter3 = LayerRef(nil)
# Work through clauses (8)..(11) from `aristo/README.md` example
# Clause (8) from `aristo/README.md` example
dx = block:
let rc = dbTriplet(w, rdbPath)
xCheckRc rc.error == 0
(db1, db2, db3) = (dx[0], dx[1], dx[2])
when false: # or true:
noisy.say "*** testDistributedAccess (1)", "n=", n # , dx.dump
# Clause (9) from `aristo/README.md` example
let rc = db1.persist()
xCheckRc rc.error == 0
xCheck db1.balancer == LayerRef(nil)
xCheck db2.balancer == db3.balancer
let rc = db2.stow() # non-persistent
xCheckRc rc.error == 0:
noisy.say "*** testDistributedAccess (3)", "n=", n, "db2".dump db2
xCheck db1.balancer == LayerRef(nil)
xCheck db2.balancer != db3.balancer
# Clause (11) from `aristo/README.md` example
discard db2.reCentre()
let rc = db2.persist()
xCheckRc rc.error == 0
xCheck db2.balancer == LayerRef(nil)
# Check/verify backends
let ok = dx.checkBeOk(noisy=noisy)
xCheck ok:
noisy.say "*** testDistributedAccess (4)", "n=", n, "db3".dump db3
# Capture filters from clause (11)
c11Filter1 = db1.balancer
c11Filter3 = db3.balancer
# Clean up
# ----------
# Work through clauses (12)..(15) from `aristo/README.md` example
dy = block:
let rc = dbTriplet(w, rdbPath)
xCheckRc rc.error == 0
(db1, db2, db3) = (dy[0], dy[1], dy[2])
# Build clause (12) from `aristo/README.md` example
discard db2.reCentre()
let rc = db2.persist()
xCheckRc rc.error == 0
xCheck db2.balancer == LayerRef(nil)
xCheck db1.balancer == db3.balancer
# Clause (13) from `aristo/README.md` example
xCheck not db1.isCentre()
let rc = db1.stow() # non-persistent
xCheckRc rc.error == 0
# Clause (14) from `aristo/README.md` check
let c11Fil1_eq_db1RoFilter = c11Filter1.isDbEq(db1.balancer, db1, noisy)
xCheck c11Fil1_eq_db1RoFilter:
noisy.say "*** testDistributedAccess (7)", "n=", n,
# Clause (15) from `aristo/README.md` check
let c11Fil3_eq_db3RoFilter = c11Filter3.isDbEq(db3.balancer, db3, noisy)
xCheck c11Fil3_eq_db3RoFilter:
noisy.say "*** testDistributedAccess (8)", "n=", n,
# Check/verify backends
let ok = dy.checkBeOk(noisy=noisy)
xCheck ok
when false: # or true:
noisy.say "*** testDistributedAccess (9)", "n=", n # , dy.dump
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------