Jordan Hrycaj 8e18e85288
Aristodb remove obsolete and time consuming admin features (#2048)
* Aristo: Reorg `hashify()` using different schedule algorithm

  Directly calculating the search tree top down from the roots turns
  out to be faster than using the cached structures left over by `merge()`
  and `delete()`.
  Time gains is short of 20%

* Aristo: Remove `lTab[]` leaf entry object type

  Not used anymore. It was previously needed to build the schedule for

* Aristo: Avoid unnecessary re-org of the vertex ID recycling list

  This list can become quite large so a heuristic is employed whether
  it makes sense to re-org.

  Also, re-org check is only done by `delete()` functions.

* Aristo: Remove key/reverse lookup table from tx layers

  It is ignored except for handling proof nodes and costs unnecessary
  run time resources.

  This feature was originally needed to accommodate the mental transition
  from the legacy MPT to the `Aristo` trie :).

* Fix copyright year
2024-02-22 08:24:58 +00:00

519 lines
15 KiB

# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or
# distributed except according to those terms.
## Aristo (aka Patricia) DB trancoder test
std/[algorithm, sequtils, sets, strutils],
aristo_check, aristo_debug, aristo_desc, aristo_blobify, aristo_layers,
TesterDesc = object
prng: uint32 ## random state
QValRef = ref object
fid: FilterID
width: uint32
QTabRef = TableRef[QueueID,QValRef]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc posixPrngRand(state: var uint32): byte =
## POSIX.1-2001 example of a rand() implementation, see manual page rand(3).
state = state * 1103515245 + 12345;
let val = (state shr 16) and 32767 # mod 2^31
(val shr 8).byte # Extract second byte
proc rand[W: SomeInteger|VertexID](ap: var TesterDesc; T: type W): T =
var a: array[sizeof T,byte]
for n in 0 ..< sizeof T:
a[n] = ap.prng.posixPrngRand().byte
when sizeof(T) == 1:
let w = uint8.fromBytesBE(a).T
when sizeof(T) == 2:
let w = uint16.fromBytesBE(a).T
when sizeof(T) == 4:
let w = uint32.fromBytesBE(a).T
let w = uint64.fromBytesBE(a).T
when T is SomeUnsignedInt:
# That way, `fromBytesBE()` can be applied to `uint`
result = w
# That way the result is independent of endianness
(addr result).copyMem(unsafeAddr w, sizeof w)
proc vidRand(td: var TesterDesc; bits = 19): VertexID =
if bits < 64:
mask = (1u64 shl max(1,bits)) - 1
rval = td.rand uint64
(rval and mask).VertexID
td.rand VertexID
proc init(T: type TesterDesc; seed: int): TesterDesc =
result.prng = (seed and 0x7fffffff).uint32
proc `+`(a: VertexID, b: int): VertexID =
(a.uint64 + b.uint64).VertexID
# ---------------------
iterator walkFifo(qt: QTabRef;scd: QidSchedRef): (QueueID,QValRef) =
## ...
proc kvp(chn: int, qid: QueueID): (QueueID,QValRef) =
let cid = QueueID((chn.uint64 shl 62) or qid.uint64)
(cid, qt.getOrDefault(cid, QValRef(nil)))
if not scd.isNil:
for i in 0 ..< scd.state.len:
let (left, right) = scd.state[i]
if left == 0:
elif left <= right:
for j in right.countDown left:
yield kvp(i, j)
for j in right.countDown QueueID(1):
yield kvp(i, j)
for j in scd.ctx.q[i].wrap.countDown left:
yield kvp(i, j)
proc fifos(qt: QTabRef; scd: QidSchedRef): seq[seq[(QueueID,QValRef)]] =
## ..
var lastChn = -1
for (qid,val) in qt.walkFifo scd:
let chn = (qid.uint64 shr 62).int
while lastChn < chn:
result.add newSeq[(QueueID,QValRef)](0)
result[^1].add (qid,val)
func sortedPairs(qt: QTabRef): seq[(QueueID,QValRef)] =
func flatten(a: seq[seq[(QueueID,QValRef)]]): seq[(QueueID,QValRef)] =
for w in a:
result &= w
func pp(val: QValRef): string =
if val.isNil:
return "ø"
result = $val.fid.uint64
if 0 < val.width:
result &= ":" & $val.width
func pp(kvp: (QueueID,QValRef)): string =
kvp[0].pp & "=" & kvp[1].pp
func pp(qt: QTabRef): string =
"{" & qt.sortedPairs.mapIt(it.pp).join(",") & "}"
func pp(qt: QTabRef; scd: QidSchedRef): string =
result = "["
for w in qt.fifos scd:
if w.len == 0:
result &= "ø"
result &= w.mapIt(it.pp).join(",")
result &= ","
if result[^1] == ',':
result[^1] = ']'
result &= "]"
# ------------------
proc exec(db: QTabRef; serial: int; instr: seq[QidAction]; relax: bool): bool =
## ..
saved: bool
hold: seq[(QueueID,QueueID)]
for act in instr:
case act.op:
of Oops:
xCheck act.op != Oops
of SaveQid:
xCheck not saved
db[act.qid] = QValRef(fid: FilterID(serial))
saved = true
of DelQid:
let val = db.getOrDefault(act.qid, QValRef(nil))
xCheck not val.isNil
db.del act.qid
of HoldQid:
hold.add (act.qid, act.xid)
of DequQid:
var merged = QValRef(nil)
for w in hold:
for qid in w[0] .. w[1]:
let val = db.getOrDefault(qid, QValRef(nil))
if not relax:
xCheck not val.isNil
if not val.isNil:
if merged.isNil:
merged = val
if relax:
xCheck merged.fid + merged.width + 1 <= val.fid
xCheck merged.fid + merged.width + 1 == val.fid
merged.width += val.width + 1
db.del qid
if not relax:
xCheck not merged.isNil
if not merged.isNil:
db[act.qid] = merged
xCheck saved
xCheck hold.len == 0
proc validate(db: QTabRef; scd: QidSchedRef; serial: int; relax: bool): bool =
## Verify that the round-robin queues in `db` are consecutive and in the
## right order.
step = 1u
lastVal = FilterID(serial+1)
for chn,queue in db.fifos scd:
step *= scd.ctx.q[chn].width + 1 # defined by schedule layout
for kvp in queue:
let val = kvp[1]
if not relax:
xCheck not val.isNil # Entries must exist
xCheck val.fid + step == lastVal # Item distances must match
if not val.isNil:
xCheck val.fid + step <= lastVal # Item distances must decrease
xCheck val.width + 1 == step # Must correspond to `step` size
lastVal = val.fid
# Compare database against expected fill state
if relax:
xCheck db.len <= scd.len
xCheck db.len == scd.len
proc qFn(qid: QueueID): FilterID =
let val = db.getOrDefault(qid, QValRef(nil))
if not val.isNil:
return val.fid
# Test filter ID selection
var lastFid = FilterID(serial + 1)
xCheck scd.le(lastFid + 0, qFn) == scd[0] # Test fringe condition
xCheck scd.le(lastFid + 1, qFn) == scd[0] # Test fringe condition
for (qid,val) in db.fifos(scd).flatten:
xCheck scd.eq(val.fid, qFn) == qid
xCheck scd.le(val.fid, qFn) == qid
for w in val.fid+1 ..< lastFid:
xCheck scd.le(w, qFn) == qid
xCheck scd.eq(w, qFn) == QueueID(0)
lastFid = val.fid
if FilterID(1) < lastFid: # Test fringe condition
xCheck scd.le(lastFid - 1, qFn) == QueueID(0)
if FilterID(2) < lastFid: # Test fringe condition
xCheck scd.le(lastFid - 2, qFn) == QueueID(0)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public test function
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc testVidRecycleLists*(noisy = true; seed = 42): bool =
## Transcode VID lists held in `AristoDb` descriptor
var td = TesterDesc.init seed
let db = AristoDbRef.init()
# Add some randum numbers
let first = td.vidRand()
db.vidDispose first
expectedVids = 1
count = 1
# Feed some numbers used and some discaded
while expectedVids < 5 or count < 5 + expectedVids:
let vid = td.vidRand()
expectedVids += (vid < first).ord
db.vidDispose vid
xCheck db.vGen.len == expectedVids:
noisy.say "***", "vids=", db.vGen.len, " discarded=", count-expectedVids
# Serialise/deserialise
let dbBlob = db.vGen.blobify
# Deserialise
db1 = AristoDbRef.init()
rc = dbBlob.deblobify seq[VertexID]
xCheckRc rc.error == 0 = rc.value
xCheck db.vGen == db1.vGen
# Make sure that recycled numbers are fetched first
let topVid = db.vGen[^1]
while 1 < db.vGen.len:
let w = db.vidFetch()
xCheck w < topVid
xCheck db.vGen.len == 1 and db.vGen[0] == topVid
# Get some consecutive vertex IDs
for n in 0 .. 5:
let w = db.vidFetch()
xCheck w == topVid + n
xCheck db.vGen.len == 1
# Repeat last test after clearing the cache
for n in 0 .. 5:
let w = db.vidFetch()
xCheck w == VertexID(LEAST_FREE_VID) + n # VertexID(1) is default root ID
xCheck db.vGen.len == 1
# Recycling and re-org tests
func toVQ(a: seq[int]): seq[VertexID] = a.mapIt(VertexID(LEAST_FREE_VID+it))
# Heuristic prevents from re-org
xCheck @[8, 7, 3, 4, 5, 9] .toVQ.vidReorg == @[8, 7, 3, 4, 5, 9] .toVQ
xCheck @[8, 7, 6, 3, 4, 5, 9] .toVQ.vidReorg == @[8, 7, 6, 3, 4, 5, 9].toVQ
xCheck @[5, 4, 3, 7] .toVQ.vidReorg == @[5, 4, 3, 7] .toVQ
xCheck @[5] .toVQ.vidReorg == @[5] .toVQ
xCheck @[3, 5] .toVQ.vidReorg == @[3, 5] .toVQ
xCheck @[4, 5] .toVQ.vidReorg == @[4, 5] .toVQ
# performing re-org
xCheck @[5, 7, 3, 4, 8, 9] .toVQ.vidReorg == @[5, 4, 3, 7] .toVQ
xCheck @[5, 7, 6, 3, 4, 8, 9] .toVQ.vidReorg == @[3] .toVQ
xCheck @[3, 4, 5, 7] .toVQ.vidReorg == @[5, 4, 3, 7] .toVQ
xCheck newSeq[VertexID](0).vidReorg().len == 0
proc testQidScheduler*(
noisy = true;
layout = QidSlotLyo;
sampleSize = QidSample;
reorgPercent = 40
): bool =
## Example table for `QidSlotLyo` layout after 10_000 cycles
## ::
## QueueID | QValRef |
## | FilterID | width | comment
## --------+----------+-------+----------------------------------
## %a | 10000 | 0 | %a stands for QueueID(10)
## %9 | 9999 | 0 |
## %8 | 9998 | 0 |
## %7 | 9997 | 0 |
## | | |
## %1:9 | 9993 | 3 | 9993 + 3 + 1 => 9997, see %7
## %1:8 | 9989 | 3 |
## %1:7 | 9985 | 3 |
## %1:6 | 9981 | 3 | %1:6 stands for QueueID((1 shl 62) + 6)
## | | |
## %2:9 | 9961 | 19 | 9961 + 19 + 1 => 9981, see %1:6
## %2:8 | 9941 | 19 |
## %2:7 | 9921 | 19 |
## %2:6 | 9901 | 19 |
## %2:5 | 9881 | 19 |
## %2:4 | 9861 | 19 |
## %2:3 | 9841 | 19 |
## | | |
## %3:2 | 9721 | 119 | 9721 + 119 + 1 => 9871, see %2:3
## %3:1 | 9601 | 119 |
## %3:a | 9481 | 119 |
debug = false # or true
list = newTable[QueueID,QValRef]()
scd = QidSchedRef.init layout
ctx = scd.ctx.q
proc show(serial = 0; exec: seq[QidAction] = @[]) =
var s = ""
if 0 < serial:
s &= "n=" & $serial
if 0 < exec.len:
s &= " exec=" & exec.pp
s &= "" &
"\n state=" & scd.state.pp &
"\n list=" & list.pp &
"\n fifo=" & list.pp(scd) &
noisy.say "***", s
if debug:
noisy.say "***", "sampleSize=", sampleSize,
" ctx=", ctx, " stats=", scd.ctx.stats
for n in 1 .. sampleSize:
let w = scd.addItem()
let execOk = list.exec(serial=n, instr=w.exec, relax=false)
xCheck execOk
scd[] = w.fifo[]
let validateOk = list.validate(scd, serial=n, relax=false)
xCheck validateOk:
show(serial=n, exec=w.exec)
let fifoID = list.fifos(scd).flatten.mapIt(it[0])
for j in 0 ..< list.len:
# Check fifo order
xCheck fifoID[j] == scd[j]:
noisy.say "***", "n=", n, " exec=", w.exec.pp,
" fifoID[", j, "]=", fifoID[j].pp,
" scd[", j, "]=", scd[j].pp,
"\n fifo=", list.pp scd
# Check random access and reverse
let qid = scd[j]
xCheck j == scd[qid]
if debug:
# -------------------
# Mark deleted some entries from database
nDel = (list.len * reorgPercent) div 100
delIDs: HashSet[QueueID]
for n in 0 ..< nDel:
delIDs.incl scd[n]
# Delete these entries
let fetch = scd.fetchItems nDel
for act in fetch.exec:
xCheck act.op == HoldQid
for qid in act.qid .. act.xid:
xCheck qid in delIDs
xCheck list.hasKey qid
delIDs.excl qid
list.del qid
xCheck delIDs.len == 0
scd[] = fetch.fifo[]
# -------------------
# Continue adding items
for n in sampleSize + 1 .. 2 * sampleSize:
let w = scd.addItem()
let execOk = list.exec(serial=n, instr=w.exec, relax=true)
xCheck execOk
scd[] = w.fifo[]
let validateOk = list.validate(scd, serial=n, relax=true)
xCheck validateOk:
show(serial=n, exec=w.exec)
# Continue adding items, now strictly
for n in 2 * sampleSize + 1 .. 3 * sampleSize:
let w = scd.addItem()
let execOk = list.exec(serial=n, instr=w.exec, relax=false)
xCheck execOk
scd[] = w.fifo[]
let validateOk = list.validate(scd, serial=n, relax=false)
xCheck validateOk
if debug:
proc testShortKeys*(
noisy = true;
): bool =
## Check for some pathological cases
func x(s: string): Blob = s.hexToSeqByte
func k(s: string): HashKey = HashKey.fromBytes(s.x).value
let samples = [
# From InvalidBlocks/bc4895-withdrawals/twoIdenticalIndex.json
let gossip = false # or noisy
for n,sample in samples:
let sig = merkleSignBegin()
var inx = -1
for (k,v,r) in sample:
gossip.say "*** testShortkeys (1)", "n=", n, " inx=", inx,
"\n k=", k.toHex, " v=", v.toHex,
"\n r=", r.pp(sig),
"\n ", sig.pp(),
let w = sig.merkleSignCommit().value
gossip.say "*** testShortkeys (2)", "n=", n, " inx=", inx,
"\n k=", k.toHex, " v=", v.toHex,
"\n r=", r.pp(sig),
"\n R=", w.pp(sig),
"\n ", sig.pp(),
"\n ----------------",
let rc = sig.db.check
xCheckRc rc.error == (0,0)
xCheck r == w
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------