mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 21:00:49 +00:00
* Correct docu why: `T` is mentioned on the metrics table but not explained * Update state sync ticker why: Print last named state for debugging unexpected states. * Rename `nec_consensus_head`=> `nec_sync_consensus_head` why: This variable is syncer local, derived from what would be vaguely be the consensus head. In fact, at some point it is the consensus head but often will keep that value while the consensus head advances. * Handle legit system state when block processing is cancelled why: This state context was previously missing. It happens with problematic blocks (i.e. corrupt or missing.) Rather than trying to remedy the batch queue, all will be cancelled and the batch queue rebuilt from scratch. * Update block queue with unexpectedly missing blocks why: Concurrently serving `RPC` requests might cause a reset of the `FC` module data area. This in turn might produce a gap between expected `FC` module top and the beginning of the already downloaded blocks list. Currently this led to a deadlock situation because the missing blocks were never downloaded by the syncer, neither installed into `FC` module via `RFC`. * Fix copyright year
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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
{.push raises:[].}
pkg/[chronicles, chronos],
pkg/eth/[common, rlp],
pkg/stew/[byteutils, sorted_set],
"."/[blocks_unproc, db, headers_unproc, helpers]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc syncState(ctx: BeaconCtxRef; info: static[string]): SyncLayoutState =
## Calculate `SyncLayoutState` from the download context
b = ctx.chain.baseNumber()
l = ctx.chain.latestNumber()
c = ctx.layout.coupler
d = ctx.layout.dangling
h = ctx.layout.head
# See clause *(8)* in `README.md`:
# ::
# 0 H L
# o---------------o----o
# | <--- imported ---> |
# where `H << L` with `L` is the `latest` (aka cursor) parameter from
# `FC` the logic will be updated to (see clause *(9)* in `README.md`):
if h <= c or h <= l: # empty interval `(C,H]` or nothing to do
return idleSyncState
# See clauses *(9)* and *(10)* in `README.md`:
# ::
# 0 B
# o---------------o----o
# | <--- imported ---> |
# C D H
# o---------------------o----------------o
# | <-- unprocessed --> | <-- linked --> |
# where *B* is the **base** entity of the `FC` module and `C` is sort of
# a placehoder with block number equal to *B* at some earlier time (the
# value *B* increases over time.)
# It is already known that `C < H` (see first check)
if c <= b: # check for `C <= B` as sketched above
# Case `C < D-1` => not ready yet
if c + 1 < d:
return collectingHeaders
# Case `C == D-1` => just finished the download
if c + 1 == d:
return finishedHeaders
# Case `C == D` => see below for general case
# Case `C == D` => set to import blocks (see *(10)* in `README.md`):
# ::
# 0 L
# o--------------------o
# | <--- imported ---> |
# D
# C H
# o--------------------------------o
# | <-- blocks to be completed --> |
# It is known already (see first check) that `L <`H`
if c == d:
return processingBlocks
# Case `B < C` oops:
# ::
# 0 B
# o---------------o----o
# | <--- imported ---> |
# C D H
# o---------------------o----------------o
# | <-- unprocessed --> | <-- linked --> |
debug info & ": inconsistent state",
B=(if b == c: "C" else: b.bnStr),
C=(if c == l: "L" else: c.bnStr),
L=(if l == d: "D" else: l.bnStr),
D=(if d == h: "H" else: d.bnStr),
# ------------
proc startHibernating(ctx: BeaconCtxRef; info: static[string]) =
## Clean up target bucket and await a new target.
ctx.sst.reset # => target.reset, layout.reset
ctx.hibernate = true
info "Suspending syncer", head=ctx.chain.latestNumber.bnStr
proc setupCollectingHeaders(ctx: BeaconCtxRef; info: static[string]) =
## Set up sync target (see clause *(9)* in `README.md`) by modifying
## layout to:
## ::
## 0 B
## o------------o-------o
## | <--- imported ---> | D
## C H
## o-----------------------------------o
## | <--------- unprocessed ---------> |
## where *B* is the **base** entity of the `FC` module and `C ~ B`. The
## parameter `H` is set to the new sync head target `T`.
c = ctx.chain.baseNumber()
h = ctx.target.consHead.number
if c+1 < h: # header chain interval is `(C,H]`
doAssert ctx.headersUnprocTotal() == 0
doAssert ctx.headersUnprocBorrowed() == 0
doAssert ctx.headersStagedQueueIsEmpty()
doAssert ctx.blocksUnprocTotal() == 0
doAssert ctx.blocksUnprocBorrowed() == 0
doAssert ctx.blocksStagedQueueIsEmpty()
ctx.sst.layout = SyncStateLayout(
coupler: c,
dangling: h,
final: ctx.target.final,
finalHash: ctx.target.finalHash,
head: h,
lastState: collectingHeaders) # state transition
# Save this header on the database so it needs not be fetched again from
# somewhere else.
ctx.dbHeadersStash(h, @[rlp.encode(ctx.target.consHead)], info)
# Save state
ctx.dbStoreSyncStateLayout info
# Update range
ctx.headersUnprocSet(c+1, h-1)
# Mark target used, reset for re-fill
ctx.target.changed = false
trace info & ": new header target", C=c.bnStr, D="H", H="T", T=h.bnStr
proc linkIntoFc(ctx: BeaconCtxRef; info: static[string]): bool =
## Link `(C,H]` into the `FC` logic. If successful, `true` is returned.
## Otherwise the chain `(C,H]` must be discarded.
## Condider the following layout (see clause *(10)* in `README.md`):
## ::
## 0 B Y L
## o-------------o--o----o
## | <--- imported ----> |
## C Z H
## o----o--------------------------------o
## | <------------- linked ------------> |
## for some `Y` in `[B,L]` and `Z` in `(C,H]` where `Y<-Z` with `L` the
## `latest` and `B` the `base` entity of the `FC` logic.
## If there are such `Y <- Z`, then update the sync state to (see chause
## *(11)* in `README.md`):
## ::
## 0 Y
## o----------------o----o
## | <--- imported ----> |
## D
## C Z H
## o-o------------------------------o
## | <-- blocks to be completed --> |
## where `C==Y`, `(C,H]==[Z,H]`, `C<-Z`
## Otherwise, if *Z* does not exists then reset to idle state.
b = ctx.chain.baseNumber()
l = ctx.chain.latestNumber()
c = ctx.layout.coupler
h = ctx.layout.head
if l < h:
# Try to find a parent in the `FC` data domain. For practical reasons the
# loop does not go further back than the base `B`. Blocks below/older than
# that will not be handled by the `FC`.
for bn in (l+1).countdown(max(b,c)):
# The syncer cache holds headers for `(C,H]`. It starts with checking
# whether `L<-Z` holds (i.e. `Y==L` can be chosen.)
yHash = ctx.dbHeaderParentHash(bn).expect "Hash32" # maybe `Y`
yHdr = ctx.chain.headerByHash(yHash).valueOr: continue # test for `Y`
yNum = yHdr.number # == bn-1
ctx.layout.coupler = yNum # parent of `Z`
ctx.layout.dangling = yNum # .. ditto
trace info & ": linked into FC", B=b.bnStr,
C=(if yNum==l: "L" else: yNum.bnStr), L=l.bnStr, H=h.bnStr
# Save layout state
ctx.dbStoreSyncStateLayout info
return true
trace info & ": cannot link into FC", B=b.bnStr, L=l.bnStr,
C=c.bnStr, H=h.bnStr
proc setupProcessingBlocks(ctx: BeaconCtxRef; info: static[string]) =
doAssert ctx.headersUnprocTotal() == 0
doAssert ctx.headersUnprocBorrowed() == 0
doAssert ctx.headersStagedQueueIsEmpty()
doAssert ctx.blocksUnprocTotal() == 0
doAssert ctx.blocksUnprocBorrowed() == 0
doAssert ctx.blocksStagedQueueIsEmpty()
c = ctx.layout.coupler
h = ctx.layout.head
# Update blocks `(C,H]`
ctx.blocksUnprocCommit(0, c+1, h)
# State transition
ctx.layout.lastState = processingBlocks
trace info & ": collecting block bodies", iv=BnRange.new(c+1, h)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc updateSyncState*(ctx: BeaconCtxRef; info: static[string]) =
## Update internal state when needed
let prevState = ctx.layout.lastState # previous state
var thisState = ctx.syncState info # currently observed state
if thisState == prevState:
# Check whether the system has been idle and a new header download
# session can be set up
case prevState:
of idleSyncState:
if ctx.target.changed and # and there is a new target from CL
ctx.target.final != 0: # .. ditto
ctx.setupCollectingHeaders info # set up new header sync
of processingBlocks:
if not ctx.blocksStagedQueueIsEmpty() or
0 < ctx.blocksUnprocChunks() or
0 < ctx.blocksUnprocBorrowed:
# Set to idle
debug info & ": blocks processing cancelled",
B=(if ctx.chain.baseNumber() == ctx.layout.coupler: "C"
else: ctx.chain.baseNumber().bnStr),
C=(if ctx.layout.coupler == ctx.chain.latestNumber(): "L"
else: ctx.layout.coupler.bnStr),
L=(if ctx.chain.latestNumber() == ctx.layout.dangling: "D"
else: ctx.chain.latestNumber().bnStr),
D=(if ctx.layout.dangling == ctx.layout.head: "H"
else: ctx.layout.dangling.bnStr),
thisState = idleSyncState
# proceed
info "Sync state changed", prevState, thisState,
oldBase=(if ctx.layout.coupler == ctx.layout.dangling: "downloaded"
else: ctx.layout.coupler.bnStr),
downloaded=(if ctx.layout.dangling == ctx.layout.head: "target"
else: ctx.layout.dangling.bnStr),
# So there is a states transition. The only relevant transition here
# is `collectingHeaders -> finishedHeaders` which will be continued
# as `finishedHeaders -> processingBlocks`.
if prevState == collectingHeaders and
thisState == finishedHeaders and
ctx.linkIntoFc(info): # commit downloading headers
ctx.setupProcessingBlocks info # start downloading block bodies
info "Sync state changed",
prevState=thisState, thisState=ctx.syncState(info)
# Notreached
# Final sync target reached or inconsistent/impossible state
ctx.startHibernating info
proc updateFinalBlockHeader*(
ctx: BeaconCtxRef;
finHdr: Header;
finHash: Hash32;
info: static[string];
) =
## Update the finalised header cache. If the finalised header is acceptable,
## the syncer will be activated from hibernation if necessary.
b = ctx.chain.baseNumber()
f = finHdr.number
if f < b:
trace info & ": finalised block # too low",
B=b.bnStr, finalised=f.bnStr, delta=(b - f)
ctx.target.final = f
ctx.target.finalHash = finHash
# Activate running (unless done yet)
if ctx.hibernate:
ctx.hibernate = false
info "Activating syncer", base=b.bnStr, head=ctx.chain.latestNumber.bnStr,
finalised=f.bnStr, target=ctx.target.consHead.bnStr
proc updateAsyncTasks*(
ctx: BeaconCtxRef;
): Future[Opt[void]] {.async: (raises: []).} =
## Allow task switch by issuing a short sleep request. The `due` argument
## allows to maintain a minimum time gap when invoking this function.
let start = Moment.now()
if ctx.pool.nextAsyncNanoSleep < start:
try: await sleepAsync asyncThreadSwitchTimeSlot
except CancelledError: discard
if ctx.daemon:
ctx.pool.nextAsyncNanoSleep = Moment.now() + asyncThreadSwitchGap
return ok()
# Shutdown?
return err()
return ok()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------