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synced 2025-03-03 05:10:47 +00:00
* devnet-5: Update EIP-7685: exclude empty requests data in commitment * Fix test vector * Add more tests * Fix executionRequests order validation * Simplify test vector * Fix t8n executionRequests output
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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
## Transaction Pool Tasklets: Packer, VM execute and compact txs
## =============================================================
{.push raises: [].}
".."/[executor, validate, casper],
"."/[tx_desc, tx_item, tx_tabs, tx_tabs/tx_status, tx_info],
TxPacker = object
# Packer state
vmState: BaseVMState
txDB: TxTabsRef
cleanState: bool
numBlobPerBlock: int
# Packer results
blockValue: UInt256
stateRoot: Hash32
receiptsRoot: Hash32
logsBloom: Bloom
withdrawalReqs: seq[byte]
consolidationReqs: seq[byte]
depositReqs: seq[byte]
GrabResult = enum
receiptsExtensionSize = ##\
## Number of slots to extend the `receipts[]` at the same time.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc persist(pst: var TxPacker)
{.gcsafe,raises: [].} =
## Smart wrapper
let vmState = pst.vmState
if not pst.cleanState:
let clearEmptyAccount = vmState.fork >= FkSpurious
pst.cleanState = true
proc classifyValidatePacked(vmState: BaseVMState; item: TxItemRef): bool =
## Verify the argument `item` against the accounts database. This function
## is a wrapper around the `verifyTransaction()` call to be used in a similar
## fashion as in `asyncProcessTransactionImpl()`.
roDB = vmState.readOnlyStateDB
baseFee = vmState.blockCtx.baseFeePerGas.get(0.u256)
fork = vmState.fork
gasLimit = vmState.blockCtx.gasLimit
tx = item.tx.eip1559TxNormalization(baseFee.truncate(GasInt))
excessBlobGas = calcExcessBlobGas(vmState.parent, vmState.fork >= FkPrague)
tx, item.sender, gasLimit, baseFee, excessBlobGas, fork).isOk
proc classifyPacked(vmState: BaseVMState; moreBurned: GasInt): bool =
## Classifier for *packing* (i.e. adding up `gasUsed` values after executing
## in the VM.) This function checks whether the sum of the arguments
## `gasBurned` and `moreGasBurned` is within acceptable constraints.
let totalGasUsed = vmState.cumulativeGasUsed + moreBurned
totalGasUsed < vmState.blockCtx.gasLimit
proc classifyPackedNext(vmState: BaseVMState): bool =
## Classifier for *packing* (i.e. adding up `gasUsed` values after executing
## in the VM.) This function returns `true` if the packing level is still
## low enough to proceed trying to accumulate more items.
## This function is typically called as a follow up after a `false` return of
## `classifyPack()`.
vmState.cumulativeGasUsed < vmState.blockCtx.gasLimit
func baseFee(pst: TxPacker): GasInt =
## Getter, baseFee for the next bock header. This value is auto-generated
## when a new insertion point is set via `head=`.
if pst.vmState.blockCtx.baseFeePerGas.isSome:
func feeRecipient(pst: TxPacker): Address =
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc runTx(pst: var TxPacker; item: TxItemRef): GasInt =
## Execute item transaction and update `vmState` book keeping. Returns the
## `gasUsed` after executing the transaction.
baseFee = pst.baseFee
let gasUsed = item.tx.txCallEvm(item.sender, pst.vmState, baseFee)
pst.cleanState = false
doAssert 0 <= gasUsed
proc runTxCommit(pst: var TxPacker; item: TxItemRef; gasBurned: GasInt)
{.gcsafe,raises: [CatchableError].} =
## Book keeping after executing argument `item` transaction in the VM. The
## function returns the next number of items `nItems+1`.
vmState = pst.vmState
inx = pst.txDB.byStatus.eq(txItemPacked).nItems
gasTip = item.tx.effectiveGasTip(pst.baseFee)
# The gas tip cannot get negative as all items in the `staged` bucket
# are vetted for profitability before entering that bucket.
assert 0 <= gasTip
let reward = gasBurned.u256 * gasTip.u256
vmState.stateDB.addBalance(pst.feeRecipient, reward)
pst.blockValue += reward
# Save accounts via persist() is not needed unless the fork is smaller
# than `FkByzantium` in which case, the `getStateRoot()` function is called
# by `makeReceipt()`. As the `getStateRoot()` function asserts unconditionally
# that the account cache has been saved, the `persist()` call is
# obligatory here.
if vmState.fork < FkByzantium:
# Update receipts sequence
if vmState.receipts.len <= inx:
vmState.receipts.setLen(inx + receiptsExtensionSize)
# Return remaining gas to the block gas counter so it is
# available for the next transaction.
vmState.gasPool += item.tx.gasLimit - gasBurned
# gasUsed accounting
vmState.cumulativeGasUsed += gasBurned
vmState.receipts[inx] = vmState.makeReceipt(item.tx.txType)
# Add the item to the `packed` bucket. This implicitely increases the
# receipts index `inx` at the next visit of this function.
discard pst.txDB.reassign(item,txItemPacked)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions: packer packerVmExec() helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc vmExecInit(xp: TxPoolRef): Result[TxPacker, string]
{.gcsafe,raises: [CatchableError].} =
# Flush `packed` bucket
let packer = TxPacker(
vmState: xp.vmState,
txDB: xp.txDB,
numBlobPerBlock: 0,
blockValue: 0.u256,
stateRoot: xp.vmState.parent.stateRoot,
# EIP-4788
if xp.nextFork >= FkCancun:
let beaconRoot = xp.vmState.com.pos.parentBeaconBlockRoot
return err(error)
# EIP-2935
if xp.nextFork >= FkPrague:
return err(error)
proc vmExecGrabItem(pst: var TxPacker; item: TxItemRef): GrabResult
{.gcsafe,raises: [CatchableError].} =
## Greedily collect & compact items as long as the accumulated `gasLimit`
## values are below the maximum block size.
let vmState = pst.vmState
if not item.tx.validateChainId(vmState.com.chainId):
discard pst.txDB.dispose(item, txInfoChainIdMismatch)
return ContinueWithNextAccount
# EIP-4844
let maxBlobsPerBlob = getMaxBlobsPerBlock(vmState.fork >= FkPrague)
if (pst.numBlobPerBlock + item.tx.versionedHashes.len).uint64 > maxBlobsPerBlob:
return ContinueWithNextAccount
pst.numBlobPerBlock += item.tx.versionedHashes.len
blobGasUsed = item.tx.getTotalBlobGas
maxBlobGasPerBlock = getMaxBlobGasPerBlock(vmState.fork >= FkPrague)
if vmState.blobGasUsed + blobGasUsed > maxBlobGasPerBlock:
return ContinueWithNextAccount
vmState.blobGasUsed += blobGasUsed
# Verify we have enough gas in gasPool
if vmState.gasPool < item.tx.gasLimit:
# skip this transaction and
# continue with next account
# if we don't have enough gas
return ContinueWithNextAccount
vmState.gasPool -= item.tx.gasLimit
# Validate transaction relative to the current vmState
if not vmState.classifyValidatePacked(item):
return ContinueWithNextAccount
# EIP-1153
accTx = vmState.stateDB.beginSavepoint
gasUsed = pst.runTx(item) # this is the crucial part, running the tx
# Find out what to do next: accepting this tx or trying the next account
if not vmState.classifyPacked(gasUsed):
if vmState.classifyPackedNext():
return ContinueWithNextAccount
return StopCollecting
# Commit account state DB
vmState.stateDB.persist(clearEmptyAccount = vmState.fork >= FkSpurious)
# Finish book-keeping and move item to `packed` bucket
pst.runTxCommit(item, gasUsed)
proc vmExecCommit(pst: var TxPacker): Result[void, string] =
vmState = pst.vmState
stateDB = vmState.stateDB
# EIP-4895
if vmState.fork >= FkShanghai:
for withdrawal in vmState.com.pos.withdrawals:
stateDB.addBalance(withdrawal.address, withdrawal.weiAmount)
# EIP-6110, EIP-7002, EIP-7251
if vmState.fork >= FkPrague:
pst.withdrawalReqs = processDequeueWithdrawalRequests(vmState)
pst.consolidationReqs = processDequeueConsolidationRequests(vmState)
pst.depositReqs = ?parseDepositLogs(vmState.allLogs, vmState.com.depositContractAddress)
# Finish up, then vmState.stateDB.stateRoot may be accessed
stateDB.persist(clearEmptyAccount = vmState.fork >= FkSpurious)
# Update flexi-array, set proper length
let nItems = pst.txDB.byStatus.eq(txItemPacked).nItems
pst.receiptsRoot = vmState.receipts.calcReceiptsRoot
pst.logsBloom = vmState.receipts.createBloom
pst.stateRoot = vmState.stateDB.getStateRoot()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc packerVmExec*(xp: TxPoolRef): Result[TxPacker, string]
{.gcsafe,raises: [CatchableError].} =
## Rebuild `packed` bucket by selection items from the `staged` bucket
## after executing them in the VM.
let db = xp.vmState.com.db
let dbTx = db.ctx.txFrameBegin()
defer: dbTx.dispose()
var pst = xp.vmExecInit.valueOr:
return err(error)
block loop:
for (_,nonceList) in xp.txDB.packingOrderAccounts(txItemStaged):
block account:
for item in nonceList.incNonce:
let rc = pst.vmExecGrabItem(item)
if rc == StopCollecting:
break loop # stop
if rc == ContinueWithNextAccount:
break account # continue with next account
# Block chain will roll back automatically
func getExtraData(com: CommonRef): seq[byte] =
if com.extraData.len > 32:
proc assembleHeader*(pst: TxPacker): Header =
## Generate a new header, a child of the cached `head`
vmState = pst.vmState
com = vmState.com
pos = com.pos
result = Header(
parentHash: vmState.blockCtx.parentHash,
coinbase: pos.feeRecipient,
stateRoot: pst.stateRoot,
receiptsRoot: pst.receiptsRoot,
logsBloom: pst.logsBloom,
difficulty: UInt256.zero(),
number: vmState.blockNumber,
gasLimit: vmState.blockCtx.gasLimit,
gasUsed: vmState.cumulativeGasUsed,
timestamp: pos.timestamp,
extraData: getExtraData(com),
mixHash: pos.prevRandao,
nonce: default(Bytes8),
baseFeePerGas: vmState.blockCtx.baseFeePerGas,
if com.isShanghaiOrLater(pos.timestamp):
result.withdrawalsRoot = Opt.some(calcWithdrawalsRoot(pos.withdrawals))
if com.isCancunOrLater(pos.timestamp):
result.parentBeaconBlockRoot = Opt.some(pos.parentBeaconBlockRoot)
result.blobGasUsed = Opt.some vmState.blobGasUsed
result.excessBlobGas = Opt.some vmState.blockCtx.excessBlobGas
if com.isPragueOrLater(pos.timestamp):
let requestsHash = calcRequestsHash([
(DEPOSIT_REQUEST_TYPE, pst.depositReqs),
(WITHDRAWAL_REQUEST_TYPE, pst.withdrawalReqs),
(CONSOLIDATION_REQUEST_TYPE, pst.consolidationReqs)
result.requestsHash = Opt.some(requestsHash)
func blockValue*(pst: TxPacker): UInt256 =
func executionRequests*(pst: var TxPacker): seq[seq[byte]] =
template append(dst, reqType, reqData) =
if reqData.len > 0:
result.append(DEPOSIT_REQUEST_TYPE, pst.depositReqs)
result.append(WITHDRAWAL_REQUEST_TYPE, pst.withdrawalReqs)
result.append(CONSOLIDATION_REQUEST_TYPE, pst.consolidationReqs)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------