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synced 2025-03-03 13:20:48 +00:00
* Merge AristoTxRef/KvtTxRef with their LayerRef also clean up unused files * rm unused test_rocksdb * Fix tests * lint
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# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
std/[sets, tables],
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions: getter variants
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func layersGetVtx*(db: AristoTxRef; rvid: RootedVertexID): Opt[(VertexRef, int)] =
## Find a vertex on the cache layers. An `ok()` result might contain a
## `nil` vertex if it is stored on the cache that way.
for w, level in db.rstack:
w.sTab.withValue(rvid, item):
return Opt.some((item[], level))
Opt.none((VertexRef, int))
func layersGetKey*(db: AristoTxRef; rvid: RootedVertexID): Opt[(HashKey, int)] =
## Find a hash key on the cache layers. An `ok()` result might contain a void
## hash key if it is stored on the cache that way.
for w, level in db.rstack:
w.kMap.withValue(rvid, item):
return ok((item[], level))
if rvid in w.sTab:
return Opt.some((VOID_HASH_KEY, level))
Opt.none((HashKey, int))
func layersGetKeyOrVoid*(db: AristoTxRef; rvid: RootedVertexID): HashKey =
## Simplified version of `layersGetKey()`
(db.layersGetKey(rvid).valueOr (VOID_HASH_KEY, 0))[0]
func layersGetAccLeaf*(db: AristoTxRef; accPath: Hash32): Opt[VertexRef] =
for w, _ in db.rstack:
w.accLeaves.withValue(accPath, item):
return Opt.some(item[])
func layersGetStoLeaf*(db: AristoTxRef; mixPath: Hash32): Opt[VertexRef] =
for w, _ in db.rstack:
w.stoLeaves.withValue(mixPath, item):
return Opt.some(item[])
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions: setter variants
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func layersPutVtx*(
db: AristoTxRef;
rvid: RootedVertexID;
vtx: VertexRef;
) =
## Store a (potentally empty) vertex on the top layer
db.sTab[rvid] = vtx
func layersResVtx*(
db: AristoTxRef;
rvid: RootedVertexID;
) =
## Shortcut for `db.layersPutVtx(vid, VertexRef(nil))`. It is sort of the
## equivalent of a delete function.
db.layersPutVtx(rvid, VertexRef(nil))
func layersPutKey*(
db: AristoTxRef;
rvid: RootedVertexID;
vtx: VertexRef,
key: HashKey;
) =
## Store a (potentally void) hash key on the top layer
db.sTab[rvid] = vtx
db.kMap[rvid] = key
func layersResKey*(db: AristoTxRef; rvid: RootedVertexID, vtx: VertexRef) =
## Shortcut for `db.layersPutKey(vid, VOID_HASH_KEY)`. It is sort of the
## equivalent of a delete function.
db.layersPutVtx(rvid, vtx)
func layersResKeys*(db: AristoTxRef; hike: Hike) =
## Reset all cached keys along the given hike
for i in 1..hike.legs.len:
db.layersResKey((hike.root, hike.legs[^i].wp.vid), hike.legs[^i].wp.vtx)
func layersPutAccLeaf*(db: AristoTxRef; accPath: Hash32; leafVtx: VertexRef) =
db.accLeaves[accPath] = leafVtx
func layersPutStoLeaf*(db: AristoTxRef; mixPath: Hash32; leafVtx: VertexRef) =
db.stoLeaves[mixPath] = leafVtx
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func isEmpty*(ly: AristoTxRef): bool =
## Returns `true` if the layer does not contain any changes, i.e. all the
## tables are empty.
ly.sTab.len == 0 and
ly.kMap.len == 0 and
ly.accLeaves.len == 0 and
ly.stoLeaves.len == 0
proc mergeAndReset*(trg, src: AristoTxRef) =
## Merges the argument `src` into the argument `trg` and clears `src`.
trg.vTop = src.vTop
if trg.kMap.len > 0:
# Invalidate cached keys in the lower layer
for vid in src.sTab.keys:
trg.kMap.del vid
mergeAndReset(trg.sTab, src.sTab)
mergeAndReset(trg.kMap, src.kMap)
mergeAndReset(trg.accLeaves, src.accLeaves)
mergeAndReset(trg.stoLeaves, src.stoLeaves)
# func layersCc*(db: AristoDbRef; level = high(int)): LayerRef =
# ## Provide a collapsed copy of layers up to a particular transaction level.
# ## If the `level` argument is too large, the maximum transaction level is
# ## returned.
# ##
# let layers = if db.stack.len <= level: db.stack & @[db.top]
# else: db.stack[0 .. level]
# # Set up initial layer (bottom layer)
# result = LayerRef(
# sTab: layers[0].sTab.dup, # explicit dup for ref values
# kMap: layers[0].kMap,
# vTop: layers[^1].vTop,
# accLeaves: layers[0].accLeaves,
# stoLeaves: layers[0].stoLeaves)
# # Consecutively merge other layers on top
# for n in 1 ..< layers.len:
# for (vid,vtx) in layers[n].sTab.pairs:
# result.sTab[vid] = vtx
# result.kMap.del vid
# for (vid,key) in layers[n].kMap.pairs:
# result.kMap[vid] = key
# for (accPath,vtx) in layers[n].accLeaves.pairs:
# result.accLeaves[accPath] = vtx
# for (mixPath,vtx) in layers[n].stoLeaves.pairs:
# result.stoLeaves[mixPath] = vtx
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public iterators
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
iterator layersWalkVtx*(
db: AristoTxRef;
seen: var HashSet[VertexID];
): tuple[rvid: RootedVertexID, vtx: VertexRef] =
## Walk over all `(VertexID,VertexRef)` pairs on the cache layers. Note that
## entries are unsorted.
## The argument `seen` collects a set of all visited vertex IDs including
## the one with a zero vertex which are othewise skipped by the iterator.
## The `seen` argument must not be modified while the iterator is active.
for w, _ in db.rstack:
for (rvid,vtx) in w.sTab.pairs:
if rvid.vid notin seen:
yield (rvid,vtx)
seen.incl rvid.vid
iterator layersWalkVtx*(
db: AristoTxRef;
): tuple[rvid: RootedVertexID, vtx: VertexRef] =
## Variant of `layersWalkVtx()`.
var seen: HashSet[VertexID]
for (rvid,vtx) in db.layersWalkVtx seen:
yield (rvid,vtx)
iterator layersWalkKey*(
db: AristoTxRef;
): tuple[rvid: RootedVertexID, key: HashKey] =
## Walk over all `(VertexID,HashKey)` pairs on the cache layers. Note that
## entries are unsorted.
var seen: HashSet[VertexID]
for w, _ in db.rstack:
for (rvid,key) in w.kMap.pairs:
if rvid.vid notin seen:
yield (rvid,key)
seen.incl rvid.vid
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------