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synced 2025-03-03 05:10:47 +00:00
The current getCanonicalHead of core db should not be confused with ForkedChain.latestHeader. Therefore we need to use getCanonicalHead to restricted case only, e.g. initializing ForkedChain.
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139 lines
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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
## Transaction Pool Info Symbols & Error Codes
## ===========================================
{.push raises: [].}
TxInfo* = enum
txInfoOk =
(0, "no error")
txInfoSenderNonceSuperseded = ##\
## Tx superseded by another one with same <sender,nonce> index
"Sender/nonce index superseded"
txInfoErrNonceGap = ##\
## Non consecutive nonces detected after moving back the block chain
## head. This should not happen and indicates an inconsistency between
## cached transactions and the ones on the block chain.
"nonce gap"
txInfoErrImpliedNonceGap = ##\
## Implied disposal, applies to transactions with higher nonces after
## a `txInfoErrNonceGap` error.
"implied nonce gap"
txInfoExplicitDisposal = ##\
## Unspecified disposal reason (fallback value)
"on-demand disposal"
txInfoImpliedDisposal = ##\
## Implied disposal, typically implied by greater nonces (fallback value)
"implied disposal"
txInfoChainIdMismatch = ##\
## Tx chainId does not match with network chainId
"chainId mismatch"
# ------ Miscellaneous errors ----------------------------------------------
txInfoErrUnspecified = ##\
## Some unspecified error occured
"generic error"
txInfoErrVoidDisposal = ##\
## Cannot dispose non-existing item
"void disposal"
txInfoErrAlreadyKnown = ##\
## The transactions is already contained within the pool
"already known"
txInfoErrSenderNonceIndex = ##\
## <sender,nonce> index for transaction exists, already.
"Sender/nonce index error"
# ------ Transaction format/parsing problems -------------------------------
txInfoErrBasicValidatorFailed = ##\
## Running basic validator failed on current transaction
"Tx rejected by basic validator"
txInfoErrInvalidBlob = ##\
## Invalid EIP-4844 kzg validation on blob wrapper
"Invalid EIP-4844 blob validation"
# ------ Signature problems ------------------------------------------------
txInfoErrInvalidSender = ##\
## The transaction contains an invalid signature.
"invalid sender"
# ------ Gas fee and selection problems ------------------------------------
txInfoErrReplaceUnderpriced = ##\
## A transaction is attempted to be replaced with a different one
## without the required price bump.
"Replacement tx underpriced"
# ------- operational events related to transactions -----------------------
txInfoErrTxExpired = ##\
## A transaction has been on the system for too long so it was removed.
"Tx expired"
txInfoErrTxExpiredImplied = ##\
## Implied disposal for greater nonces for the same sender when the base
## tx was removed.
"Tx expired implied"
# ------- update/move block chain head -------------------------------------
txInfoErrForwardHeadMissing = ##\
## Cannot move forward current head to non-existing target position
"Non-existing forward header"
txInfoChainHeadUpdate = ##\
## Tx becomes obsolete as it is in a mined block, already
"Tx obsoleted"
# ---------- debugging error codes as used in verifier functions -----------
# failed verifier codes
txInfoVfyItemIdList ## Corrupted ID queue/fifo structure
txInfoVfyRejectsList ## Corrupted waste basket structure
txInfoVfyNonceChain ## Non-consecutive nonces
txInfoVfySenderRbTree ## Corrupted sender list structure
txInfoVfySenderLeafEmpty ## Empty sender list leaf record
txInfoVfySenderTotal ## Wrong number of leaves
txInfoVfySenderProfits ## Profits calculation error
txInfoVfyStatusTotal ## Wrong number of leaves
txInfoVfyStatusGasLimits ## Wrong gas accu values
txInfoVfyStatusSenderList ## Corrupted status-sender sub-list
txInfoVfyStatusNonceList ## Corrupted status-nonce sub-list
txInfoVfyStatusSenderTotal ## Sender vs status table mismatch
txInfoVfyStatusSenderGasLimits ## Wrong gas accu values
txInfoVfyRankAddrMismatch ## Different ranks in address set
txInfoVfyReverseZombies ## Zombie addresses in reverse lookup
txInfoVfyRankReverseLookup ## Sender missing in reverse lookup
txInfoVfyRankReverseMismatch ## Ranks differ with revers lookup
txInfoVfyRankDuplicateAddr ## Same address with different ranks
txInfoVfyRankTotal ## Wrong number of leaves (i.e. adresses)
# End