mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 21:00:49 +00:00
* Aristo: Provide descriptor fork based on search in transaction stack details: Try to find the tx that has a particular pair `(vertex-id,hash-key)`, and by extension try filter and backend if the former fails. * Cleanup & docu * CoreDb+Aristo: Implement context re-position to earlier in-memory state why: It is a easy way to explore how there can be concurrent access to the same backend storage DB with different view states. This one can access an earlier state from the transaction stack. * CoreDb+Aristo: Populate tracer stubs with real functionality * Update `tracer.nim` to new API why: Legacy API does not sufficiently support `Aristo` * Fix logging problems in tracer details: Debug logging turned off by default * Fix function prototypes * Add Copyright header * Add tables import why: For older compiler versions on CI
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# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
## Aristo DB -- Transaction interface
## ==================================
{.push raises: [].}
std/[sets, tables],
"."/[aristo_desc, aristo_filter, aristo_get, aristo_layers, aristo_hashify]
func isTop*(tx: AristoTxRef): bool {.gcsafe.}
func level*(db: AristoDbRef): int {.gcsafe.}
proc txBegin*(db: AristoDbRef): Result[AristoTxRef,AristoError] {.gcsafe.}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func getDbDescFromTopTx(tx: AristoTxRef): Result[AristoDbRef,AristoError] =
if not tx.isTop():
return err(TxNotTopTx)
let db = tx.db
if tx.level != db.stack.len:
return err(TxStackGarbled)
ok db
proc getTxUid(db: AristoDbRef): uint =
if db.txUidGen == high(uint):
db.txUidGen = 0
proc txGet(
db: AristoDbRef;
vid: VertexID;
key: HashKey;
): Result[AristoTxRef,AristoError] =
## Getter, returns the transaction where the vertex with ID `vid` exists and
## has the Merkle hash key `key`.
var tx = db.txRef
if tx.isNil:
return err(TxNoPendingTx)
if tx.level != db.stack.len or
tx.txUid != db.top.txUid:
return err(TxStackGarbled)
# Check the top level
if db.top.final.dirty.len == 0 and
db.top.delta.kMap.getOrVoid(vid) == key:
let rc = db.getVtxRc vid
if rc.isOk:
return ok(tx)
if rc.error != GetVtxNotFound:
return err(rc.error) # oops
# Walk down the transaction stack
for level in (tx.level-1).countDown(1):
tx = tx.parent
if tx.isNil or tx.level != level:
return err(TxStackGarbled)
let layer = db.stack[level]
if tx.txUid != layer.txUid:
return err(TxStackGarbled)
if layer.final.dirty.len == 0 and
layer.delta.kMap.getOrVoid(vid) == key:
# Need to check validity on lower layers
for n in level.countDown(0):
if db.stack[n].delta.sTab.getOrVoid(vid).isValid:
return ok(tx)
# Not found, check whether the key exists on the backend
let rc = db.getVtxBE vid
if rc.isOk:
return ok(tx)
if rc.error != GetVtxNotFound:
return err(rc.error) # oops
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions, getters
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func txTop*(db: AristoDbRef): Result[AristoTxRef,AristoError] =
## Getter, returns top level transaction if there is any.
if db.txRef.isNil:
func isTop*(tx: AristoTxRef): bool =
## Getter, returns `true` if the argument `tx` referes to the current top
## level transaction.
tx.db.txRef == tx and tx.db.top.txUid == tx.txUid
func level*(tx: AristoTxRef): int =
## Getter, positive nesting level of transaction argument `tx`
func level*(db: AristoDbRef): int =
## Getter, non-negative nesting level (i.e. number of pending transactions)
if not db.txRef.isNil:
result = db.txRef.level
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func to*(tx: AristoTxRef; T: type[AristoDbRef]): T =
## Getter, retrieves the parent database descriptor from argument `tx`
proc forkTx*(
tx: AristoTxRef; # Transaction descriptor
dontHashify = false; # Process/fix MPT hashes
): Result[AristoDbRef,AristoError] =
## Clone a transaction into a new DB descriptor accessing the same backend
## database (if any) as the argument `db`. The new descriptor is linked to
## the transaction parent and is fully functional as a forked instance (see
## comments on `aristo_desc.reCentre()` for details.)
## Input situation:
## ::
## tx -> db0 with tx is top transaction, tx.level > 0
## Output situation:
## ::
## tx -> db0 \
## > share the same backend
## tx1 -> db1 /
## where `tx.level > 0`, `db1.level == 1` and `db1` is returned. The
## transaction `tx1` can be retrieved via `db1.txTop()`.
## The new DB descriptor will contain a copy of the argument transaction
## `tx` as top layer of level 1 (i.e. this is he only transaction.) Rolling
## back will end up at the backend layer (incl. backend filter.)
## If the arguent flag `dontHashify` is passed `true`, the clone descriptor
## will *NOT* be hashified right after construction.
## Use `aristo_desc.forget()` to clean up this descriptor.
let db = tx.db
# Verify `tx` argument
if db.txRef == tx:
if db.top.txUid != tx.txUid:
return err(TxArgStaleTx)
elif db.stack.len <= tx.level:
return err(TxArgStaleTx)
elif db.stack[tx.level].txUid != tx.txUid:
return err(TxArgStaleTx)
# Provide new empty stack layer
let stackLayer = block:
let rc = db.getIdgBE()
if rc.isOk:
delta: LayerDeltaRef(),
final: LayerFinalRef(vGen: rc.value))
elif rc.error == GetIdgNotFound:
return err(rc.error)
# Set up clone associated to `db`
let txClone = ? db.fork(noToplayer = true, noFilter = false)
txClone.top = db.layersCc tx.level # Provide tx level 1 stack
txClone.stack = @[stackLayer] # Zero level stack
txClone.top.txUid = 1
txClone.txUidGen = 1
# Install transaction similar to `tx` on clone
txClone.txRef = AristoTxRef(
db: txClone,
txUid: 1,
level: 1)
if not dontHashify:
discard txClone.forget()
return err(error[1])
proc forkWith*(
db: AristoDbRef;
vid: VertexID; # Pivot vertex (typically `VertexID(1)`)
key: HashKey; # Hash key of pivot verte
dontHashify = false; # Process/fix MPT hashes
): Result[AristoDbRef,AristoError] =
## Find the transaction where the vertex with ID `vid` exists and has the
## Merkle hash key `key`. If there is no transaction available, search in
## the filter and then in the backend.
## If the above procedure succeeds, a new descriptor is forked with exactly
## one transaction which contains the all the bottom layers up until the
## layer where the `(vid,key)` pair is found. In case the pair was found on
## the filter or the backend, this transaction is empty.
if not vid.isValid or
not key.isValid:
return err(TxArgsUseless)
# Find `(vid,key)` on transaction layers
let rc = db.txGet(vid, key)
if rc.isOk:
return rc.value.forkTx(dontHashify)
if rc.error notin {TxNotFound,GetVtxNotFound}:
return err(rc.error)
# Try filter
if not db.roFilter.isNil:
let roKey = db.roFilter.kMap.getOrVoid vid
if roKey == key:
let rc = db.fork(noFilter = false)
if rc.isOk:
discard rc.value.txBegin
return rc
# Try backend alone
let beKey = db.getKeyUBE(vid).valueOr: VOID_HASH_KEY
if beKey == key:
let rc = db.fork(noFilter = true)
if rc.isOk:
discard rc.value.txBegin
return rc
proc forkTop*(
db: AristoDbRef;
dontHashify = false; # Process/fix MPT hashes
): Result[AristoDbRef,AristoError] =
## Variant of `forkTx()` for the top transaction if there is any. Otherwise
## the top layer is cloned, and an empty transaction is set up. After
## successful fork the returned descriptor has transaction level 1.
## Use `aristo_desc.forget()` to clean up this descriptor.
if db.txRef.isNil:
let dbClone = ? db.fork(noToplayer = true, noFilter = false)
dbClone.top = db.layersCc # Is a deep copy
if not dontHashify:
discard dbClone.forget()
return err(error[1])
discard dbClone.txBegin
return ok(dbClone)
# End if()
db.txRef.forkTx dontHashify
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions: Transaction frame
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc txBegin*(db: AristoDbRef): Result[AristoTxRef,AristoError] =
## Starts a new transaction.
## Example:
## ::
## proc doSomething(db: AristoDbRef) =
## let tx = db.begin
## defer: tx.rollback()
## ... continue using db ...
## tx.commit()
if db.level != db.stack.len:
return err(TxStackGarbled)
db.stack.add db.top
db.top = LayerRef(
delta: LayerDeltaRef(),
final: db.top.final.dup,
txUid: db.getTxUid)
db.txRef = AristoTxRef(
db: db,
txUid: db.top.txUid,
parent: db.txRef,
level: db.stack.len)
ok db.txRef
proc rollback*(
tx: AristoTxRef; # Top transaction on database
): Result[void,AristoError] =
## Given a *top level* handle, this function discards all database operations
## performed for this transactio. The previous transaction is returned if
## there was any.
let db = ? tx.getDbDescFromTopTx()
# Roll back to previous layer.
db.top = db.stack[^1]
db.txRef = db.txRef.parent
proc commit*(
tx: AristoTxRef; # Top transaction on database
): Result[void,AristoError] =
## Given a *top level* handle, this function accepts all database operations
## performed through this handle and merges it to the previous layer. The
## previous transaction is returned if there was any.
let db = ? tx.getDbDescFromTopTx()
return err(error[1])
# Pop layer from stack and merge database top layer onto it
let merged = block:
if db.top.delta.sTab.len == 0 and
db.top.delta.kMap.len == 0:
# Avoid `layersMergeOnto()`
db.top.delta = db.stack[^1].delta
let layer = db.stack[^1]
db.top.layersMergeOnto layer[]
# Install `merged` stack top layer and update stack
db.top = merged
db.txRef = tx.parent
if 0 < db.stack.len:
db.txRef.txUid = db.getTxUid
db.top.txUid = db.txRef.txUid
proc collapse*(
tx: AristoTxRef; # Top transaction on database
commit: bool; # Commit if `true`, otherwise roll back
): Result[void,AristoError] =
## Iterated application of `commit()` or `rollback()` performing the
## something similar to
## ::
## while true:
## discard tx.commit() # ditto for rollback()
## if db.topTx.isErr: break
## tx = db.topTx.value
let db = ? tx.getDbDescFromTopTx()
if commit:
# For commit, hashify the current layer if requested and install it
return err(error[1])
db.top.txUid = 0
db.txRef = AristoTxRef(nil)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions: save database
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc stow*(
db: AristoDbRef; # Database
persistent = false; # Stage only unless `true`
chunkedMpt = false; # Partial data (e.g. from `snap`)
): Result[void,AristoError] =
## If there is no backend while the `persistent` argument is set `true`,
## the function returns immediately with an error. The same happens if there
## is a pending transaction.
## The function then merges the data from the top layer cache into the
## backend stage area. After that, the top layer cache is cleared.
## Staging the top layer cache might fail withh a partial MPT when it is
## set up from partial MPT chunks as it happens with `snap` sync processing.
## In this case, the `chunkedMpt` argument must be set `true` (see alse
## `fwdFilter`.)
## If the argument `persistent` is set `true`, all the staged data are merged
## into the physical backend database and the staged data area is cleared.
if not db.txRef.isNil:
return err(TxPendingTx)
if 0 < db.stack.len:
return err(TxStackGarbled)
if persistent and not db.canResolveBackendFilter():
return err(TxBackendNotWritable)
return err(error[1])
let fwd = db.fwdFilter(db.top, chunkedMpt).valueOr:
return err(error[1])
if fwd.isValid:
# Merge `top` layer into `roFilter`
return err(error[1])
db.top = LayerRef(
delta: LayerDeltaRef(),
final: LayerFinalRef())
if db.roFilter.isValid:
db.top.final.vGen = db.roFilter.vGen
let rc = db.getIdgUBE()
if rc.isOk:
db.top.final.vGen = rc.value
# It is OK if there was no `Idg`. Otherwise something serious happened
# and there is no way to recover easily.
doAssert rc.error == GetIdgNotFound
if persistent:
? db.resolveBackendFilter()
db.roFilter = FilterRef(nil)
# Delete/clear top
db.top = LayerRef(
delta: LayerDeltaRef(),
final: LayerFinalRef(vGen: db.vGen),
txUid: db.top.txUid)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------