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synced 2025-03-02 21:00:49 +00:00
* Aristo: Provide descriptor fork based on search in transaction stack details: Try to find the tx that has a particular pair `(vertex-id,hash-key)`, and by extension try filter and backend if the former fails. * Cleanup & docu * CoreDb+Aristo: Implement context re-position to earlier in-memory state why: It is a easy way to explore how there can be concurrent access to the same backend storage DB with different view states. This one can access an earlier state from the transaction stack. * CoreDb+Aristo: Populate tracer stubs with real functionality * Update `tracer.nim` to new API why: Legacy API does not sufficiently support `Aristo` * Fix logging problems in tracer details: Debug logging turned off by default * Fix function prototypes * Add Copyright header * Add tables import why: For older compiler versions on CI
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# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
## Aristo DB -- Patricia Trie Merkleisation
## ========================================
## For the current state of the `Patricia Trie`, keys (equivalent to hashes)
## are associated with the vertex IDs. Existing key associations are taken
## as-is/unchecked unless the ID is marked a proof node. In the latter case,
## the key is assumed to be correct after re-calculation.
## The labelling algorithm works roughly as follows:
## * Given a set of start or root vertices, build the forest (of trees)
## downwards towards leafs vertices so that none of these vertices has a
## Merkle hash label.
## * Starting at the leaf vertices in width-first fashion, calculate the
## Merkle hashes and label the leaf vertices. Recursively work up labelling
## vertices up until the root nodes are reached.
## Note that there are some tweaks for `proof` node vertices which lead to
## incomplete trees in a way that the algoritm handles existing Merkle hash
## labels for missing vertices.
{.push raises: [].}
std/[algorithm, sequtils, sets, tables],
"."/[aristo_desc, aristo_get, aristo_layers, aristo_serialise, aristo_utils]
WidthFirstForest = object
## Collected width first search trees
root: HashSet[VertexID] ## Top level, root targets
pool: Table[VertexID,VertexID] ## Upper links pool
base: Table[VertexID,VertexID] ## Width-first leaf level links
leaf: HashSet[VertexID] ## Stans-alone leaf to process
rev: Table[VertexID,HashSet[VertexID]] ## Reverse look up table
topics = "aristo-hashify"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func getOrVoid(tab: Table[VertexID,VertexID]; vid: VertexID): VertexID =
tab.getOrDefault(vid, VertexID(0))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func hasValue(
wffTable: Table[VertexID,VertexID];
vid: VertexID;
wff: WidthFirstForest;
): bool =
## Helper for efficient `value` access:
## ::
## wffTable.hasValue(wff, vid)
## instead of
## ::
## vid in wffTable.values.toSeq
for w in wff.rev.getOrVoid vid:
if w in wffTable:
return true
proc pedigree(
db: AristoDbRef; # Database, top layer
ancestors: HashSet[VertexID]; # Vertex IDs to start connecting from
proofs: HashSet[VertexID]; # Additional proof nodes to start from
): Result[WidthFirstForest,(VertexID,AristoError)] =
## For each vertex ID from the argument set `ancestors` find all un-labelled
## grand child vertices and build a forest (of trees) starting from the
## grand child vertices.
wff: WidthFirstForest
leafs: HashSet[VertexID]
proc register(wff: var WidthFirstForest; fromVid, toVid: VertexID) =
if toVid in wff.base:
# * there is `toVid->*` in `base[]`
# * so ``toVid->*` moved to `pool[]`
wff.pool[toVid] = wff.base.getOrVoid toVid
wff.base.del toVid
if wff.base.hasValue(fromVid, wff):
# * there is `*->fromVid` in `base[]`
# * so store `fromVid->toVid` in `pool[]`
wff.pool[fromVid] = toVid
# store `fromVid->toVid` in `base[]`
wff.base[fromVid] = toVid
# Register reverse pair for quick table value lookup
wff.rev.withValue(toVid, val):
val[].incl fromVid
wff.rev[toVid] = @[fromVid].toHashSet
# Remove unnecessarey sup-trie roots (e.g. for a storage root)
wff.root.excl fromVid
# Initialise greedy search which will keep a set of current leafs in the
# `leafs{}` set and follow up links in the `pool[]` table, leading all the
# way up to the `root{}` set.
# Process root nodes if they are unlabelled
var rootWasDeleted = VertexID(0)
for root in ancestors:
let vtx = db.getVtx root
if vtx.isNil:
if VertexID(LEAST_FREE_VID) <= root:
# There must be a another root, as well (e.g. `$1` for a storage
# root). Only the last one of some will be reported with error code.
rootWasDeleted = root
elif not db.getKey(root).isValid:
# Need to process `root` node
let children = vtx.subVids
if children.len == 0:
# This is an isolated leaf node
wff.leaf.incl root
wff.root.incl root
for child in vtx.subVids:
if not db.getKey(child).isValid:
leafs.incl child
wff.register(child, root)
if rootWasDeleted.isValid and
wff.root.len == 0 and
wff.leaf.len == 0:
return err((rootWasDeleted,HashifyRootVtxUnresolved))
# Initialisation for `proof` nodes which are sort of similar to `root` nodes.
for proof in proofs:
let vtx = db.getVtx proof
if vtx.isNil or not db.getKey(proof).isValid:
return err((proof,HashifyVtxUnresolved))
let children = vtx.subVids
if 0 < children.len:
# To be treated as a root node
wff.root.incl proof
for child in vtx.subVids:
if not db.getKey(child).isValid:
leafs.incl child
wff.register(child, proof)
# Recursively step down and collect unlabelled vertices
while 0 < leafs.len:
var redo: typeof(leafs)
for parent in leafs:
assert parent.isValid
assert not db.getKey(parent).isValid
let vtx = db.getVtx parent
if not vtx.isNil:
let children = vtx.subVids.filterIt(not db.getKey(it).isValid)
if 0 < children.len:
for child in children:
redo.incl child
wff.register(child, parent)
if parent notin wff.base:
# The buck stops here:
# move `(parent,granny)` from `pool[]` to `base[]`
let granny = wff.pool.getOrVoid parent
assert granny.isValid
wff.register(parent, granny)
wff.pool.del parent
redo.swap leafs
ok wff
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions, tree traversal
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc createSched(
db: AristoDbRef; # Database, top layer
): Result[WidthFirstForest,(VertexID,AristoError)] =
## Create width-first search schedule (aka forest)
var wff = ? db.pedigree(db.dirty, db.pPrf)
if 0 < wff.leaf.len:
for vid in wff.leaf:
let node = db.getVtx(vid).toNode(db, beKeyOk=false).valueOr:
# Make sure that all those nodes are reachable
for needed in error:
if needed notin wff.base and
needed notin wff.pool:
return err((needed,HashifyVtxUnresolved))
db.layersPutKey(VertexID(1), vid, node.digestTo(HashKey))
ok wff
proc processSched(
wff: var WidthFirstForest; # Search tree to process
db: AristoDbRef; # Database, top layer
): Result[void,(VertexID,AristoError)] =
## Traverse width-first schedule and update vertex hash labels.
while 0 < wff.base.len:
accept = false
redo: typeof(wff.base)
for (vid,toVid) in wff.base.pairs:
let vtx = db.getVtx vid
assert vtx.isValid
# Try to convert the vertex to a node. This is possible only if all
# link references have Merkle hash keys, already.
let node = vtx.toNode(db, stopEarly=false).valueOr:
# Do this vertex later, again
if wff.pool.hasValue(vid, wff):
wff.pool[vid] = toVid
accept = true # `redo[]` will be fifferent from `base[]`
redo[vid] = toVid
# End `valueOr` terminates error clause
# Could resolve => update Merkle hash
db.layersPutKey(VertexID(1), vid, node.digestTo HashKey)
# Set follow up link for next round
let toToVid = wff.pool.getOrVoid toVid
if toToVid.isValid:
if toToVid in redo:
# Got predecessor `(toVid,toToVid)` of `(toToVid,xxx)`,
# so move `(toToVid,xxx)` from `redo[]` to `pool[]`
wff.pool[toToVid] = redo.getOrVoid toToVid
redo.del toToVid
# Move `(toVid,toToVid)` from `pool[]` to `redo[]`
wff.pool.del toVid
redo[toVid] = toToVid
accept = true # `redo[]` will be fifferent from `base[]`
# End `for (vid,toVid)..`
# Make sure that `base[]` is different from `redo[]`
if not accept:
let vid = wff.base.keys.toSeq[0]
return err((vid,HashifyVtxUnresolved))
# Restart `wff.base[]`
wff.base.swap redo
proc finaliseRoots(
wff: var WidthFirstForest; # Search tree to process
db: AristoDbRef; # Database, top layer
): Result[void,(VertexID,AristoError)] =
## Process root vertices after all other vertices are done.
# Make sure that the pool has been exhausted
if 0 < wff.pool.len:
let vid = wff.pool.keys.toSeq.sorted[0]
return err((vid,HashifyVtxUnresolved))
# Update or verify root nodes
for vid in wff.root:
# Calculate hash key
node = db.getVtx(vid).toNode(db).valueOr:
return err((vid,HashifyRootVtxUnresolved))
key = node.digestTo(HashKey)
if vid notin db.pPrf:
db.layersPutKey(VertexID(1), vid, key)
elif key != db.getKey vid:
return err((vid,HashifyProofHashMismatch))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc hashify*(
db: AristoDbRef; # Database, top layer
): Result[void,(VertexID,AristoError)] =
## Add keys to the `Patricia Trie` so that it becomes a `Merkle Patricia
## Tree`.
if 0 < db.dirty.len:
# Set up widh-first traversal schedule
var wff = ? db.createSched()
# Traverse tree spanned by `wff` and label remaining vertices.
? wff.processSched db
# Do/complete state root vertices
? wff.finaliseRoots db
db.top.final.dirty.clear # Mark top layer clean
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------