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synced 2025-03-01 12:20:49 +00:00
* Move snap un-dumpers to aristo unit test folder why: The only place where it is used, now to test the database against legacy snap sync dump samples. While the details of the dumped data have mostly outlived their purpuse, its use as **entropy** data thrown against `Aristo` has still been useful to find/debug tricky DB problems. * Remove cruft * `nimbus-eth1-blobs` not used anymore as test data source
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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or
# distributed except according to those terms.
std/[os, sequtils],
aristo_debug, aristo_desc, aristo_hike, aristo_layers, aristo_merge,
"."/[undump_accounts, undump_desc, undump_storages, test_samples_xx]
ProofTrieData* = object
root*: Hash256
id*: int
proof*: seq[Blob]
kvpLst*: seq[LeafTiePayload]
MaxFilterBulk = 150_000
## Policy setting for `schedStow()`
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func toPfx(indent: int): string =
"\n" & " ".repeat(indent)
func to(a: NodeKey; T: type UInt256): T =
T.fromBytesBE ByteArray32(a)
func to(a: NodeKey; T: type PathID): T =
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public pretty printing
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc pp*(
w: ProofTrieData;
rootID: VertexID;
db: AristoDbRef;
indent = 4;
): string =
pfx = indent.toPfx
rootLink = w.root.to(HashKey)
result = "(" & rootLink.pp(db)
result &= "," & $w.id & ",[" & $w.proof.len & "],"
result &= pfx & " ["
for n,kvp in w.kvpLst:
if 0 < n:
result &= "," & pfx & " "
result &= "(" & kvp.leafTie.pp(db) & "," & $kvp.payload.pType & ")"
result &= "])"
proc pp*(w: ProofTrieData; indent = 4): string =
var db = AristoDbRef()
w.pp(VertexID(1), db, indent)
proc pp*(
w: openArray[ProofTrieData];
rootID: VertexID;
db: AristoDbRef;
indent = 4): string =
let pfx = indent.toPfx
"[" & w.mapIt(it.pp(rootID, db, indent + 1)).join("," & pfx & " ") & "]"
proc pp*(w: openArray[ProofTrieData]; indent = 4): string =
let pfx = indent.toPfx
"[" & w.mapIt(it.pp(indent + 1)).join("," & pfx & " ") & "]"
proc pp*(ltp: LeafTiePayload; db: AristoDbRef): string =
"(" & ltp.leafTie.pp(db) & "," & ltp.payload.pp(db) & ")"
# ----------
proc say*(noisy = false; pfx = "***"; args: varargs[string, `$`]) =
if noisy:
if args.len == 0:
echo "*** ", pfx
elif 0 < pfx.len and pfx[^1] != ' ':
echo pfx, " ", args.toSeq.join
echo pfx, args.toSeq.join
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func `==`*[T: AristoError|VertexID](a: T, b: int): bool =
a == T(b)
func `==`*(a: (VertexID,AristoError), b: (int,int)): bool =
(a[0].int,a[1].int) == b
func `==`*(a: (VertexID,AristoError), b: (int,AristoError)): bool =
(a[0].int,a[1]) == b
func `==`*(a: (int,AristoError), b: (int,int)): bool =
(a[0],a[1].int) == b
func `==`*(a: (int,VertexID,AristoError), b: (int,int,int)): bool =
(a[0], a[1].int, a[2].int) == b
func to*(a: Hash256; T: type UInt256): T =
T.fromBytesBE a.data
func to*(a: Hash256; T: type PathID): T =
func to*(a: HashKey; T: type UInt256): T =
T.fromBytesBE 0u8.repeat(32 - a.len) & @(a.data)
proc to*(sample: AccountsSample; T: type seq[UndumpAccounts]): T =
## Convert test data into usable in-memory format
let file = sample.file.findFilePath.value
var root: Hash256
for w in file.undumpNextAccount:
let n = w.seenAccounts - 1
if n < sample.firstItem:
if sample.lastItem < n:
if sample.firstItem == n:
root = w.root
elif w.root != root:
result.add w
proc to*(sample: AccountsSample; T: type seq[UndumpStorages]): T =
## Convert test data into usable in-memory format
let file = sample.file.findFilePath.value
var root: Hash256
for w in file.undumpNextStorages:
let n = w.seenAccounts - 1 # storages selector based on accounts
if n < sample.firstItem:
if sample.lastItem < n:
if sample.firstItem == n:
root = w.root
elif w.root != root:
result.add w
func to*(ua: seq[UndumpAccounts]; T: type seq[ProofTrieData]): T =
var (rootKey, rootVid) = (Hash256(), VertexID(0))
for w in ua:
let thisRoot = w.root
if rootKey != thisRoot:
(rootKey, rootVid) = (thisRoot, VertexID(rootVid.uint64 + 1))
if 0 < w.data.accounts.len:
result.add ProofTrieData(
root: rootKey,
proof: cast[seq[Blob]](w.data.proof),
kvpLst: w.data.accounts.mapIt(LeafTiePayload(
leafTie: LeafTie(
root: rootVid,
path: it.accKey.to(PathID)),
payload: LeafPayload(pType: RawData, rawBlob: it.accBlob))))
func to*(us: seq[UndumpStorages]; T: type seq[ProofTrieData]): T =
var (rootKey, rootVid) = (Hash256(), VertexID(0))
for n,s in us:
for w in s.data.storages:
let thisRoot = w.account.storageRoot
if rootKey != thisRoot:
(rootKey, rootVid) = (thisRoot, VertexID(rootVid.uint64 + 1))
if 0 < w.data.len:
result.add ProofTrieData(
root: thisRoot,
id: n + 1,
kvpLst: w.data.mapIt(LeafTiePayload(
leafTie: LeafTie(
root: rootVid,
path: it.slotHash.to(PathID)),
payload: LeafPayload(pType: RawData, rawBlob: it.slotData))))
if 0 < result.len:
result[^1].proof = cast[seq[Blob]](s.data.proof)
func mapRootVid*(
a: openArray[LeafTiePayload];
toVid: VertexID;
): seq[LeafTiePayload] =
leafTie: LeafTie(root: toVid, path: it.leafTie.path),
payload: it.payload))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc schedStow*(
db: AristoDbRef; # Database
): Result[void,AristoError] =
## Context based scheduled persistent/non-persistent storage.
layersMeter = db.nLayersVtx() + db.nLayersKey()
filterMeter = if db.balancer.isNil: 0
else: db.balancer.sTab.len + db.balancer.kMap.len
persistent = MaxFilterBulk < max(layersMeter, filterMeter)
if persistent:
# ------------------
proc mergeGenericData*(
db: AristoDbRef; # Database, top layer
leaf: LeafTiePayload; # Leaf item to add to the database
): Result[bool,AristoError] =
## Variant of `mergeGenericData()`.
leaf.leafTie.root, @(leaf.leafTie.path), leaf.payload.rawBlob)
proc mergeList*(
db: AristoDbRef; # Database, top layer
leafs: openArray[LeafTiePayload]; # Leaf items to add to the database
noisy = false;
): tuple[merged: int, dups: int, error: AristoError] =
## Variant of `merge()` for leaf lists.
var (merged, dups) = (0, 0)
for n,w in leafs:
noisy.say "*** mergeList",
" n=", n, "/", leafs.len
let rc = db.mergeGenericData w
noisy.say "*** mergeList",
" n=", n, "/", leafs.len,
" rc=", (if rc.isOk: "ok" else: $rc.error),
"\n -------------\n"
if rc.isErr:
return (n,dups,rc.error)
elif rc.value:
(merged, dups, AristoError(0))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------