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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
std/[algorithm, os, random, sequtils, strformat, strutils, tables, times],
../nimbus/core/chain, # must be early (compilation annoyance)
../nimbus/core/[clique, executor, casper, tx_pool, tx_pool/tx_item],
../nimbus/[config, vm_state, vm_types],
./test_txpool/[helpers, setup, sign_helper],
eth/[keys, p2p],
stew/[keyed_queue, sorted_set],
CaptureSpecs = tuple
network: NetworkID
file: string
numBlocks, minBlockTxs, numTxs: int
prngSeed = 42
baseDir = [".", "..", ".."/"..", $DirSep]
repoDir = [".", "tests"/"replay", "nimbus-eth1-blobs"/"replay"]
goerliCapture: CaptureSpecs = (
network: GoerliNet,
file: "goerli68161.txt.gz",
numBlocks: 22000, # block chain prequel
minBlockTxs: 300, # minimum txs in imported blocks
numTxs: 840) # txs following (not in block chain)
loadSpecs = goerliCapture
# 75% <= #local/#remote <= 1/75%
# note: by law of big numbers, the ratio will exceed any upper or lower
# on a +1/-1 random walk if running long enough (with expectation
# value 0)
randInitRatioBandPC = 75
# 95% <= #remote-deleted/#remote-present <= 1/95%
deletedItemsRatioBandPC = 95
# With a large enough block size, decreasing it should not decrease the
# profitability (very much) as the the number of blocks availabe increases
# (and a better choice might be available?) A good value for the next
# parameter should be above 100%.
decreasingBlockProfitRatioPC = 92
# Make some percentage of the accounts local accouns.
accountExtractPC = 10
minGasPrice = GasPrice.high
maxGasPrice = GasPrice.low
prng = prngSeed.initRand
# To be set up in runTxLoader()
statCount: array[TxItemStatus,int] # per status bucket
txList: seq[TxItemRef]
effGasTips: seq[GasPriceEx]
# Running block chain
bcCom: CommonRef
# Accounts to be considered local
localAccounts: seq[EthAddress]
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc randStatusRatios: seq[int] =
for n in 1 .. statCount.len:
inx = (n mod statCount.len).TxItemStatus
prv = (n - 1).TxItemStatus
if statCount[inx] == 0:
result.add int.high
result.add (statCount[prv] * 100 / statCount[inx]).int
proc randStatus: TxItemStatus =
result = prng.rand(TxItemStatus.high.ord).TxItemStatus
template wrapException(info: string; action: untyped) =
except CatchableError:
raiseAssert info & " has problems: " & getCurrentExceptionMsg()
proc addOrFlushGroupwise(xp: TxPoolRef;
grpLen: int; seen: var seq[TxItemRef]; w: TxItemRef;
noisy = true): bool =
# to be run as call back inside `itemsApply()`
seen.add w
if grpLen <= seen.len:
# clear waste basket
discard xp.txDB.flushRejects
# flush group-wise
let xpLen = xp.nItems.total
noisy.say "*** updateSeen: deleting ", seen.mapIt($it.itemID).join(" ")
for item in seen:
doAssert xp.txDB.dispose(item,txInfoErrUnspecified)
doAssert xpLen == seen.len + xp.nItems.total
doAssert seen.len == xp.nItems.disposed
# clear waste basket
discard xp.txDB.flushRejects
return true
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test Runners
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc runTxLoader(noisy = true; capture = loadSpecs) =
elapNoisy = noisy
veryNoisy = false # noisy
fileInfo = capture.file.splitFile.name.split(".")[0]
filePath = capture.file.findFilePath(baseDir,repoDir).value
# Reset/initialise
bcCom = capture.network.blockChainForTesting
suite &"TxPool: Transactions from {fileInfo} capture":
xp: TxPoolRef
nTxs: int
test &"Import {capture.numBlocks.toKMG} blocks + {capture.minBlockTxs} txs"&
&" and collect {capture.numTxs} txs for pooling":
elapNoisy.showElapsed("Total collection time"):
(xp, nTxs) = bcCom.toTxPool(file = filePath,
getStatus = randStatus,
loadBlocks = capture.numBlocks,
minBlockTxs = capture.minBlockTxs,
loadTxs = capture.numTxs,
noisy = veryNoisy)
# Extract some of the least profitable accounts and hold them so
# they could be made local at a later stage
accr = xp.accountRanks
nExtract = (accr.remote.len * accountExtractPC + 50) div 100
localAccounts = accr.remote[accr.remote.len - nExtract .. ^1]
# Make sure that sample extraction from file was ok
check capture.minBlockTxs <= nTxs
check capture.numTxs == xp.nItems.total
# Set txs to pseudo random status
check xp.verify.isOK
# Boundary conditions regarding nonces might be violated by running
# setItemStatusFromInfo() => xp.txDB.verify() rather than xp.verify()
check xp.txDB.verify.isOK
check txList.len == 0
check xp.nItems.disposed == 0
noisy.say "***",
"Latest item: <", xp.txDB.byItemID.last.value.data.info, ">"
# make sure that the block chain was initialised
check capture.numBlocks.u256 <= bcCom.db.getCanonicalHead.blockNumber
check xp.nItems.total == foldl(@[0]&statCount.toSeq, a+b)
# ^^^ sum up statCount[] values
# make sure that PRNG did not go bonkers
for statusRatio in randStatusRatios():
check randInitRatioBandPC < statusRatio
check statusRatio < (10000 div randInitRatioBandPC)
# Load txList[]
txList = xp.toItems
check txList.len == xp.nItems.total
elapNoisy.showElapsed("Load min/max gas prices"):
for item in txList:
if item.tx.gasPrice < minGasPrice and 0 < item.tx.gasPrice:
minGasPrice = item.tx.gasPrice.GasPrice
if maxGasPrice < item.tx.gasPrice.GasPrice:
maxGasPrice = item.tx.gasPrice.GasPrice
check 0.GasPrice <= minGasPrice
check minGasPrice <= maxGasPrice
proc runTxPoolTests(noisy = true) =
let elapNoisy = false
suite &"TxPool: Play with pool functions and primitives":
const groupLen = 13
let veryNoisy = noisy and false
test &"Load/forward walk ID queue, " &
&"deleting groups of at most {groupLen}":
xq = bcCom.toTxPool(txList, noisy = noisy)
seen: seq[TxItemRef]
# Set txs to pseudo random status
check xq.txDB.verify.isOK
elapNoisy.showElapsed("Forward delete-walk ID queue"):
for item in xq.txDB.byItemID.nextValues:
if not xq.addOrFlushGroupwise(groupLen, seen, item, veryNoisy):
check xq.txDB.verify.isOK
check seen.len == xq.nItems.total
check seen.len < groupLen
test &"Load/reverse walk ID queue, " &
&"deleting in groups of at most {groupLen}":
xq = bcCom.toTxPool(txList, noisy = noisy)
seen: seq[TxItemRef]
# Set txs to pseudo random status
check xq.txDB.verify.isOK
elapNoisy.showElapsed("Revese delete-walk ID queue"):
for item in xq.txDB.byItemID.nextValues:
if not xq.addOrFlushGroupwise(groupLen, seen, item, veryNoisy):
check xq.txDB.verify.isOK
check seen.len == xq.nItems.total
check seen.len < groupLen
xq = TxPoolRef.new(bcCom,testAddress)
testTxs: array[5,(TxItemRef,Transaction,Transaction)]
test &"Superseding txs with sender and nonce variants":
testInx = 0
testBump = xq.priceBump
lastBump = testBump - 1 # implies underpriced item
# load a set of suitable txs into testTxs[]
for n in 0 ..< txList.len:
item = txList[n]
bump = if testInx < testTxs.high: testBump else: lastBump
rc = item.txModPair(testInx,bump.int)
if not rc[0].isNil:
testTxs[testInx] = rc
if testTxs.high < testInx:
# verify that test does not degenerate
check testInx == testTxs.len
check 0 < lastBump # => 0 < testBump
# insert some txs
for triple in testTxs:
xq.add(triple[1], triple[0].info)
check xq.nItems.total == testTxs.len
check xq.nItems.disposed == 0
let infoLst = testTxs.toSeq.mapIt(it[0].info).sorted
check infoLst == xq.toItems.toSeq.mapIt(it.info).sorted
# re-insert modified transactions
for triple in testTxs:
xq.add(triple[2], "alt " & triple[0].info)
check xq.nItems.total == testTxs.len
check xq.nItems.disposed == testTxs.len
# last update item was underpriced, so it must not have been
# replaced
var altLst = testTxs.toSeq.mapIt("alt " & it[0].info)
altLst[^1] = testTxs[^1][0].info
check altLst.sorted == xq.toItems.toSeq.mapIt(it.info).sorted
test &"Deleting tx => also delete higher nonces":
# From the data base, get the one before last item. This was
# replaced earlier by the second transaction in the triple, i.e.
# testTxs[^2][2]. FYI, the last transaction is testTxs[^1][1] as
# it could not be replaced earlier by testTxs[^1][2].
item = xq.getItem(testTxs[^2][2].itemID).value
nWasteBasket = xq.nItems.disposed
# make sure the test makes sense, nonces were 0 ..< testTxs.len
check (item.tx.nonce + 2).int == testTxs.len
check xq.nItems.total + 2 == testTxs.len
check nWasteBasket + 2 == xq.nItems.disposed
# --------------------------
gap: Time
nItems: int
xq = bcCom.toTxPool(timeGap = gap,
nGapItems = nItems,
itList = txList,
itemsPC = 35, # arbitrary
delayMSecs = 100, # large enough to process
noisy = noisy)
# Set txs to pseudo random status. Note that this functon will cause
# a violation of boundary conditions regarding nonces. So database
# integrily check needs xq.txDB.verify() rather than xq.verify().
test &"Auto delete about {nItems} expired txs out of {xq.nItems.total}":
# Make sure that the test did not collapse
check 0 < nItems
xq.lifeTime = getTime() - gap
xq.flags = xq.flags + {autoZombifyPacked}
# Evict and pick items from the wastbasket
disposedBase = xq.nItems.disposed
evictedBase = evictionMeter.value
impliedBase = impliedEvictionMeter.value
# Zombify the items that are older than the artificial time gap. The
# move to the waste basket takes place with the `xq.add()` directive
# (which is empty as there are no new txs.)
xq.add @[]
disposedItems = xq.nItems.disposed - disposedBase
evictedItems = (evictionMeter.value - evictedBase).int
impliedItems = (impliedEvictionMeter.value - impliedBase).int
check xq.txDB.verify.isOK
check disposedItems + disposedBase + xq.nItems.total == txList.len
check 0 < evictedItems
check evictedItems <= disposedItems
check disposedItems == evictedItems + impliedItems
# make sure that deletion was sort of expected
let deleteExpextRatio = (evictedItems * 100 / nItems).int
check deletedItemsRatioBandPC < deleteExpextRatio
check deleteExpextRatio < (10000 div deletedItemsRatioBandPC)
# --------------------
xq = bcCom.toTxPool(txList, noisy = noisy)
maxAddr: EthAddress
nAddrItems = 0
nAddrPendingItems = 0
nAddrStagedItems = 0
nAddrPackedItems = 0
fromNumItems = nAddrPendingItems
fromBucketInfo = "pending"
fromBucket = txItemPending
toBucketInfo = "staged"
toBucket = txItemStaged
# Set txs to pseudo random status
# find address with max number of transactions
for (address,nonceList) in xq.txDB.incAccount:
if nAddrItems < nonceList.nItems:
maxAddr = address
nAddrItems = nonceList.nItems
# count items
nAddrPendingItems = xq.txDB.bySender.eq(maxAddr).eq(txItemPending).nItems
nAddrStagedItems = xq.txDB.bySender.eq(maxAddr).eq(txItemStaged).nItems
nAddrPackedItems = xq.txDB.bySender.eq(maxAddr).eq(txItemPacked).nItems
# find the largest from-bucket
if fromNumItems < nAddrStagedItems:
fromNumItems = nAddrStagedItems
fromBucketInfo = "staged"
fromBucket = txItemStaged
toBucketInfo = "packed"
toBucket = txItemPacked
if fromNumItems < nAddrPackedItems:
fromNumItems = nAddrPackedItems
fromBucketInfo = "packed"
fromBucket = txItemPacked
toBucketInfo = "pending"
toBucket = txItemPending
let moveNumItems = fromNumItems div 2
test &"Reassign {moveNumItems} of {fromNumItems} items "&
&"from \"{fromBucketInfo}\" to \"{toBucketInfo}\"":
# requite mimimum => there is a status queue with at least 2 entries
check 3 < nAddrItems
check nAddrPendingItems +
nAddrStagedItems +
nAddrPackedItems == nAddrItems
check 0 < moveNumItems
check 1 < fromNumItems
var count = 0
let nonceList = xq.txDB.bySender.eq(maxAddr).eq(fromBucket).value.data
block collect:
for item in nonceList.incNonce:
check xq.txDB.reassign(item, toBucket)
if moveNumItems <= count:
break collect
check xq.txDB.verify.isOK
case fromBucket
of txItemPending:
check nAddrPendingItems - moveNumItems ==
check nAddrStagedItems + moveNumItems ==
check nAddrPackedItems ==
of txItemStaged:
check nAddrStagedItems - moveNumItems ==
check nAddrPackedItems + moveNumItems ==
check nAddrPendingItems ==
check nAddrPackedItems - moveNumItems ==
check nAddrPendingItems + moveNumItems ==
check nAddrPackedItems ==
# --------------------
let expect = (
test &"Verify #items per bucket ({expect[0]},{expect[1]},{expect[2]})":
let status = xq.nItems
check expect == (status.pending,status.staged,status.packed)
test "Recycling from waste basket":
basketPrefill = xq.nItems.disposed
numDisposed = min(50,txList.len)
# make sure to work on a copy of the pivot item (to see changes)
thisItem = xq.getItem(txList[^numDisposed].itemID).value.dup
# move to wastebasket
xq.maxRejects = txList.len
for n in 1 .. numDisposed:
# use from top avoiding extra deletes (higer nonces per account)
# make sure that the pivot item is in the waste basket
check xq.getItem(thisItem.itemID).isErr
check xq.txDB.byRejects.hasKey(thisItem.itemID)
check basketPrefill + numDisposed == xq.nItems.disposed
check txList.len == xq.nItems.total + xq.nItems.disposed
# re-add item
# verify that the pivot item was moved out from the waste basket
check not xq.txDB.byRejects.hasKey(thisItem.itemID)
check basketPrefill + numDisposed == xq.nItems.disposed + 1
check txList.len == xq.nItems.total + xq.nItems.disposed
# verify that a new item was derived from the waste basket pivot item
let wbItem = xq.getItem(thisItem.itemID).value
check thisItem.info == wbItem.info
check thisItem.timestamp < wbItem.timestamp
proc runTxPackerTests(noisy = true) =
suite &"TxPool: Block packer tests":
ntBaseFee = 0.GasPrice
ntNextFee = 0.GasPrice
test &"Calculate some non-trivial base fee":
feesList = SortedSet[GasPriceEx,bool].init()
# provide a sorted list of gas fees
for item in txList:
discard feesList.insert(item.tx.effectiveGasTip(0.GasPrice))
minKey = max(0, feesList.ge(GasPriceEx.low).value.key.int64)
lowKey = feesList.gt(minKey.GasPriceEx).value.key.uint64
highKey = feesList.le(GasPriceEx.high).value.key.uint64
keyRange = highKey - lowKey
keyStep = max(1u64, keyRange div 500_000)
# what follows is a rather crude partitioning so that
# * ntBaseFee partititions non-zero numbers of pending and staged txs
# * ntNextFee decreases the number of staged txs
ntBaseFee = (lowKey + keyStep).GasPrice
# the following might throw an exception if the table is de-generated
var nextKey = ntBaseFee
for _ in [1, 2, 3]:
let rcNextKey = feesList.gt(nextKey.GasPriceEx)
check rcNextKey.isOK
nextKey = rcNextKey.value.key.uint64.GasPrice
ntNextFee = nextKey + keyStep.GasPrice
# of course ...
check ntBaseFee < ntNextFee
xq = bcCom.toTxPool(txList, ntBaseFee, noisy = noisy)
xr = bcCom.toTxPool(txList, ntNextFee, noisy = noisy)
pending = xq.nItems.pending
staged = xq.nItems.staged
packed = xq.nItems.packed
test &"Load txs with baseFee={ntBaseFee}, "&
check 0 < pending
check 0 < staged
check xq.nItems.total == txList.len
check xq.nItems.disposed == 0
pending = xr.nItems.pending
staged = xr.nItems.staged
packed = xr.nItems.packed
test &"Re-org txs previous buckets setting baseFee={ntNextFee}, "&
check 0 < pending
check 0 < staged
check xr.nItems.total == txList.len
check xr.nItems.disposed == 0
# having the same set of txs, setting the xq database to the same
# base fee as the xr one, the bucket fills of both database must
# be the same after re-org
xq.baseFee = ntNextFee
# now, xq should look like xr
check xq.verify.isOK
check xq.nItems == xr.nItems
# get some value below the middle
packPrice = ((minGasPrice + maxGasPrice).uint64 div 3).GasPrice
lowerPrice = minGasPrice + 1.GasPrice
test &"Packing txs, baseFee=0 minPrice={packPrice} "&
# verify that the test does not degenerate
check 0 < minGasPrice
check minGasPrice < maxGasPrice
# ignore base limit so that the `packPrice` below becomes effective
xq.baseFee = 0.GasPrice
check xq.nItems.disposed == 0
# set minimum target price
xq.minPreLondonGasPrice = packPrice
check xq.minPreLondonGasPrice == packPrice
# employ packer
# xq.jobCommit(forceMaintenance = true)
check xq.packerVmExec.isOk
check xq.verify.isOK
# verify that the test did not degenerate
check 0 < xq.gasTotals.packed
check xq.nItems.disposed == 0
# assemble block from `packed` bucket
items = xq.toItems(txItemPacked)
total = foldl(@[0.GasInt] & items.mapIt(it.tx.gasLimit), a+b)
check xq.gasTotals.packed == total
noisy.say "***", "1st bLock size=", total, " stats=", xq.nItems.pp
test &"Clear and re-pack bucket":
# prepare for POS transition in txpool
xq.chain.com.pos.timestamp = EthTime.now()
items0 = xq.toItems(txItemPacked)
saveState0 = foldl(@[0.GasInt] & items0.mapIt(it.tx.gasLimit), a+b)
check 0 < xq.nItems.packed
# re-pack bucket
#xq.jobCommit(forceMaintenance = true)
check xq.packerVmExec.isOk
check xq.verify.isOK
items1 = xq.toItems(txItemPacked)
saveState1 = foldl(@[0.GasInt] & items1.mapIt(it.tx.gasLimit), a+b)
check items0 == items1
check saveState0 == saveState1
test &"Delete item and re-pack bucket/w lower minPrice={lowerPrice}":
# verify that the test does not degenerate
check 0 < lowerPrice
check lowerPrice < packPrice
check 0 < xq.nItems.packed
saveStats = xq.nItems
lastItem = xq.toItems(txItemPacked)[^1]
# delete last item from packed bucket
check xq.verify.isOK
# set new minimum target price
xq.minPreLondonGasPrice = lowerPrice
check xq.minPreLondonGasPrice == lowerPrice
# re-pack bucket, packer needs extra trigger because there is
# not necessarily a buckets re-org resulting in a change
#xq.jobCommit(forceMaintenance = true)
check xq.packerVmExec.isOk
check xq.verify.isOK
items = xq.toItems(txItemPacked)
newTotal = foldl(@[0.GasInt] & items.mapIt(it.tx.gasLimit), a+b)
newStats = xq.nItems
newItem = xq.toItems(txItemPacked)[^1]
# for sanity assert the obvoius
check 0 < xq.gasTotals.packed
check xq.gasTotals.packed == newTotal
# verify incremental packing
check lastItem.info != newItem.info
check saveStats.packed >= newStats.packed
noisy.say "***", "2st bLock size=", newTotal, " stats=", newStats.pp
# -------------------------------------------------
xq = bcCom.toTxPool(txList, ntBaseFee,
local = localAccounts,
noisy = noisy)
(nMinTxs, nTrgTxs) = (15, 15)
(nMinAccounts, nTrgAccounts) = (1, 8)
canonicalHead = xq.chain.com.db.getCanonicalHead
test &"Back track block chain head (at least "&
&"{nMinTxs} txs, {nMinAccounts} known accounts)":
# get the environment of a state back in the block chain, preferably
# at least `nTrgTxs` txs and `nTrgAccounts` known accounts
(backHeader,backTxs,accLst) = xq.getBackHeader(nTrgTxs,nTrgAccounts)
nBackBlocks = xq.head.blockNumber - backHeader.blockNumber
stats = xq.nItems
# verify that the test would not degenerate
check nMinAccounts <= accLst.len
check nMinTxs <= backTxs.len
noisy.say "***",
&"back tracked block chain:" &
&" {backTxs.len} txs, {nBackBlocks} blocks," &
&" {accLst.len} known accounts"
check xq.smartHead(backHeader) # move insertion point
# make sure that all txs have been added to the pool
check stats.disposed == 0
check stats.total + backTxs.len == xq.nItems.total
test &"Run packer, profitability will not increase with block size":
xq.flags = xq.flags - {packItemsMaxGasLimit}
check xq.packerVmExec.isOk
smallerBlockProfitability = xq.profitability
smallerBlockSize = xq.gasCumulative
noisy.say "***", "trg-packing",
" profitability=", xq.profitability,
" used=", xq.gasCumulative,
" trg=", xq.trgGasLimit,
" slack=", xq.trgGasLimit - xq.gasCumulative
xq.flags = xq.flags + {packItemsMaxGasLimit}
check xq.packerVmExec.isOk
noisy.say "***", "max-packing",
" profitability=", xq.profitability,
" used=", xq.gasCumulative,
" max=", xq.maxGasLimit,
" slack=", xq.maxGasLimit - xq.gasCumulative
check smallerBlockSize <= xq.gasCumulative
check 0 < xq.profitability
# Well, this ratio should be above 100 but might be slightly less
# with small data samples (pathological case.)
let blockProfitRatio =
(((smallerBlockProfitability.uint64 * 1000) div
(max(1u64,xq.profitability.uint64))) + 5) div 10
check decreasingBlockProfitRatioPC <= blockProfitRatio
noisy.say "***", "cmp",
" increase=", xq.gasCumulative - smallerBlockSize,
" trg/max=", blockProfitRatio, "%"
# if true: return
test "Store generated block in block chain database":
# authorized signer is needed to produce correct
# POA difficulty and blockheader fields
bcCom.poa.authorize(testAddress, signerFunc)
noisy.say "***", "locality",
" locals=", xq.accountRanks.local.len,
" remotes=", xq.accountRanks.remote.len
# Force maximal block size. Accidentally, the latest tx should have
# a `gasLimit` exceeding the available space on the block `gasLimit`
# which will be checked below.
xq.flags = xq.flags #+ {packItemsMaxGasLimit}
# Invoke packer
let r = xq.assembleBlock()
if r.isErr:
debugEcho r.error
check false
let blk = r.get
# Make sure that there are at least two txs on the packed block so
# this test does not degenerate.
check 1 < xq.chain.receipts.len
var overlap = -1
for n in countDown(blk.txs.len - 1, 0):
let total = xq.chain.receipts[n].cumulativeGasUsed
if blk.header.gasUsed < total + blk.txs[n].gasLimit:
overlap = n
noisy.say "***",
"overlap=#", overlap,
" tx=#", blk.txs.len,
" gasUsed=", blk.header.gasUsed,
" gasLimit=", blk.header.gasLimit
if 0 <= overlap:
n = overlap
mostlySize = xq.chain.receipts[n].cumulativeGasUsed
noisy.say "***", "overlap",
" size=", mostlySize + blk.txs[n].gasLimit - blk.header.gasUsed
bdy = BlockBody(transactions: blk.txs, withdrawals: blk.withdrawals)
hdr = block:
var rc = blk.header
rc.gasLimit = blk.header.gasLimit
# Make certain that some tx was set up so that its gasLimit overlaps
# with the total block size. Of course, running it in the VM will burn
# much less than permitted so this block will be accepted.
check 0 < overlap
# Test low-level function for adding the new block to the database
#xq.chain.maxMode = (packItemsMaxGasLimit in xq.flags)
check xq.chain.vmState.processBlock(hdr, bdy).isOK
# Re-allocate using VM environment from `persistBlocks()`
let vmstate2 = BaseVMState.new(hdr, bcCom)
check vmstate2.processBlock(hdr, bdy).isOK
# This should not have changed
check canonicalHead == xq.chain.com.db.getCanonicalHead
# Using the high-level library function, re-append the block while
# turning off header verification.
let c = bcCom.newChain(extraValidation = false)
check c.persistBlocks(@[hdr], @[bdy]).isOK
if bcCom.consensus == ConsensusType.POS:
# PoS consensus will force the new blockheader as head
# even though the difficulty or the blocknumber is lower than
# previous canonical head
check hdr.blockHash == xq.chain.com.db.getCanonicalHead.blockHash
# Is the withdrawals persisted and loaded properly?
var blockBody: BlockBody
check xq.chain.com.db.getBlockBody(hdr, blockBody)
check bdy == blockBody
# The canonical head will be set to hdr if it scores high enough
# (see implementation of db_chain.persistHeaderToDb()).
canonScore = xq.chain.com.db.getScore(canonicalHead.blockHash)
headerScore = xq.chain.com.db.getScore(hdr.blockHash)
if canonScore < headerScore:
# Note that the updated canonical head is equivalent to hdr but not
# necessarily binary equal.
check hdr.blockHash == xq.chain.com.db.getCanonicalHead.blockHash
check canonicalHead == xq.chain.com.db.getCanonicalHead
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Main function(s)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc txPoolMain*(noisy = defined(debug)) =
when isMainModule:
noisy = defined(debug)
capts0: CaptureSpecs = goerliCapture
capts1: CaptureSpecs = (GoerliNet, "goerli482304.txt.gz", 30000, 500, 1500)
# Note: mainnet has the leading 45k blocks without any transactions
capts2: CaptureSpecs = (MainNet, "mainnet332160.txt.gz", 30000, 500, 1500)
noisy.runTxLoader(capture = capts1)
#noisy.runTxLoader(dir = ".")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------