mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 21:30:53 +00:00
* Refactor TxPool: leaner and simpler * Rewrite test_txpool Reduce number of tables used, from 5 to 2. Reduce number of files. If need to modify the price rule or other filters, now is far more easier because only one table to work with(sender/nonce). And the other table is just a map from txHash to TxItemRef. Removing transactions from txPool either because of producing new block or syncing became much easier. Removing expired transactions also simple. Explicit Tx Pending, Staged, or Packed status is removed. The status of the transactions can be inferred implicitly. Developer new to TxPool can easily follow the logic. But the most important is we can revive the test_txpool without dirty trick and remove usage of getCanonicalHead furthermore to prepare for better integration with ForkedChain.
817 lines
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817 lines
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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
./forked_chain/[chain_desc, chain_kvt]
BaseDistance = 128
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template shouldNotKeyError(info: string, body: untyped) =
except KeyError as exc:
raiseAssert info & ": name=" & $exc.name & " msg=" & exc.msg
proc deleteLineage(c: ForkedChainRef; top: Hash32) =
## Starting at argument `top`, delete all entries from `c.blocks[]` along
## the ancestor chain.
var parent = top
while true:
c.blocks.withValue(parent, val):
let w = parent
parent = val.blk.header.parentHash
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc processBlock(c: ForkedChainRef,
parent: Header,
blk: Block): Result[seq[Receipt], string] =
template header(): Header =
let vmState = BaseVMState()
vmState.init(parent, header, c.com)
if c.extraValidation:
?c.com.validateHeaderAndKinship(blk, vmState.parent)
skipValidation = false,
skipReceipts = false,
skipUncles = true,
# We still need to write header to database
# because validateUncles still need it
let blockHash = header.blockHash()
# update currentBlock *after* we persist it
# so the rpc return consistent result
# between eth_blockNumber and eth_syncing
c.com.syncCurrent = header.number
func updateCursorHeads(c: ForkedChainRef,
cursorHash: Hash32,
header: Header) =
# Example of cursorHeads and cursor
# -- A1 - A2 - A3 -- D5 - D6
# / /
# base - B1 - B2 - B3 - B4
# \
# --- C3 - C4
# A3, B4, C4, and D6, are in cursorHeads
# Any one of them with blockHash == cursorHash
# is the active chain with cursor pointing to the
# latest block of that chain.
for i in 0..<c.cursorHeads.len:
if c.cursorHeads[i].hash == header.parentHash:
c.cursorHeads[i].hash = cursorHash
c.cursorHeads.add CursorDesc(
hash: cursorHash,
forkJunction: header.number,
func updateCursor(c: ForkedChainRef,
blk: Block,
receipts: sink seq[Receipt]) =
template header(): Header =
c.cursorHeader = header
c.cursorHash = header.blockHash
c.blocks.withValue(c.cursorHash, val):
# Block exists alrady, so update only
val.receipts = receipts
# New block => update head
c.blocks[c.cursorHash] = BlockDesc(
blk: blk,
receipts: move(receipts))
c.updateCursorHeads(c.cursorHash, header)
proc validateBlock(c: ForkedChainRef,
parent: Header,
blk: Block,
updateCursor: bool = true): Result[void, string] =
let dbTx = c.db.ctx.txFrameBegin()
var res = c.processBlock(parent, blk)
if res.isErr:
return err(res.error)
if updateCursor:
c.updateCursor(blk, move(res.value))
let blkHash = blk.header.blockHash
for i, tx in blk.transactions:
c.txRecords[rlpHash(tx)] = (blkHash, uint64(i))
proc replaySegment*(c: ForkedChainRef, target: Hash32) =
# Replay from base+1 to target block
prevHash = target
chain = newSeq[Block]()
shouldNotKeyError "replaySegment(target)":
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
chain.add c.blocks[prevHash].blk
prevHash = chain[^1].header.parentHash
c.stagingTx = c.db.ctx.txFrameBegin()
c.cursorHeader = c.baseHeader
for i in countdown(chain.high, chain.low):
c.validateBlock(c.cursorHeader, chain[i],
updateCursor = false).expect("have been validated before")
c.cursorHeader = chain[i].header
c.cursorHash = target
proc replaySegment(c: ForkedChainRef,
target: Hash32,
parent: Header,
parentHash: Hash32) =
# Replay from parent+1 to target block
# with assumption last state is at parent
prevHash = target
chain = newSeq[Block]()
shouldNotKeyError "replaySegment(target,parent)":
while prevHash != parentHash:
chain.add c.blocks[prevHash].blk
prevHash = chain[^1].header.parentHash
c.cursorHeader = parent
for i in countdown(chain.high, chain.low):
c.validateBlock(c.cursorHeader, chain[i],
updateCursor = false).expect("have been validated before")
c.cursorHeader = chain[i].header
c.cursorHash = target
proc writeBaggage(c: ForkedChainRef, target: Hash32) =
# Write baggage from base+1 to target block
template header(): Header =
shouldNotKeyError "writeBaggage":
var prevHash = target
var count = 0'u64
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
let blk = c.blocks[prevHash]
c.db.persistTransactions(header.number, header.txRoot, blk.blk.transactions)
c.db.persistReceipts(header.receiptsRoot, blk.receipts)
discard c.db.persistUncles(blk.blk.uncles)
if blk.blk.withdrawals.isSome:
header.withdrawalsRoot.expect("WithdrawalsRoot should be verified before"),
for tx in blk.blk.transactions:
prevHash = header.parentHash
notice "Finalized blocks persisted",
numberOfBlocks = count,
last = target.short,
baseNumber = c.baseHeader.number,
baseHash = c.baseHash.short
func updateBase(c: ForkedChainRef, pvarc: PivotArc) =
## Remove obsolete chains, example:
## A1 - A2 - A3 D5 - D6
## / /
## base - B1 - B2 - [B3] - B4 - B5
## \ \
## C2 - C3 E4 - E5
## where `B1..B5` is the `pvarc.cursor` arc and `[B5]` is the `pvarc.pv`.
## The `base` will be moved to position `[B3]`. Both chains `A` and `C`
## will be removed but not so for `D` and `E`, and `pivot` arc `B` will
## be curtailed below `B4`.
var newCursorHeads: seq[CursorDesc] # Will become new `c.cursorHeads`
for ch in c.cursorHeads:
if pvarc.pvNumber < ch.forkJunction:
# On the example, this would be any of chain `D` or `E`.
newCursorHeads.add ch
elif ch.hash == pvarc.cursor.hash:
# On the example, this would be chain `B`.
newCursorHeads.add CursorDesc(
hash: ch.hash,
forkJunction: pvarc.pvNumber + 1)
# On the example, this would be either chain `A` or `B`.
c.deleteLineage ch.hash
# Cleanup in-memory blocks starting from newBase backward
# while blocks from newBase+1 to canonicalCursor not deleted
# e.g. B4 onward
c.deleteLineage pvarc.pvHash
# Implied deletion of chain heads (if any)
c.cursorHeads.swap newCursorHeads
c.baseHeader = pvarc.pvHeader
c.baseHash = pvarc.pvHash
func findCursorArc(c: ForkedChainRef, hash: Hash32): Result[PivotArc, string] =
## Find the `cursor` arc that contains the block relative to the
## argument `hash`.
if hash == c.baseHash:
# The cursorHash here should not be used for next step
# because it not point to any active chain
return ok PivotArc(
pvHash: c.baseHash,
pvHeader: c.baseHeader,
cursor: CursorDesc(
forkJunction: c.baseHeader.number,
hash: c.baseHash))
for ch in c.cursorHeads:
var top = ch.hash
while true:
c.blocks.withValue(top, val):
if ch.forkJunction <= val.blk.header.number:
if top == hash:
return ok PivotArc(
pvHash: hash,
pvHeader: val.blk.header,
cursor: ch)
if ch.forkJunction < val.blk.header.number:
top = val.blk.header.parentHash
err("Block hash is not part of any active chain")
func findHeader(
c: ForkedChainRef;
itHash: Hash32;
headHash: Hash32;
): Result[Header, string] =
## Find header for argument `itHash` on argument `headHash` ancestor chain.
if itHash == c.baseHash:
return ok(c.baseHeader)
# Find `pvHash` on the ancestor lineage of `headHash`
var prevHash = headHash
while true:
c.blocks.withValue(prevHash, val):
if prevHash == itHash:
return ok(val.blk.header)
prevHash = val.blk.header.parentHash
err("Block not in argument head ancestor lineage")
func calculateNewBase(
c: ForkedChainRef;
finalized: BlockNumber;
pvarc: PivotArc;
): PivotArc =
## It is required that the `finalized` argument is on the `pvarc` arc, i.e.
## it ranges beween `pvarc.cursor.forkJunction` and
## `c.blocks[pvarc.cursor.head].number`.
## The function returns a cursor arc containing a new base position. It is
## calculated as follows.
## Starting at the argument `pvarc.pvHead` searching backwards, the new base
## is the position of the block with number `finalized`.
## Before searching backwards, the `finalized` argument might be adjusted
## and made smaller so that a minimum distance to the head on the cursor arc
## applies.
# It's important to have base at least `baseDistance` behind head
# so we can answer state queries about history that deep.
let target = min(finalized,
max(pvarc.pvNumber, c.baseDistance) - c.baseDistance)
# Can only increase base block number.
if target <= c.baseHeader.number:
return PivotArc(
pvHash: c.baseHash,
pvHeader: c.baseHeader,
cursor: CursorDesc(
forkJunction: c.baseHeader.number,
hash: c.baseHash))
var prevHash = pvarc.pvHash
while true:
c.blocks.withValue(prevHash, val):
if target == val.blk.header.number:
if pvarc.cursor.forkJunction <= target:
# OK, new base stays on the argument pivot arc.
# ::
# B1 - B2 - B3 - B4
# / ^ ^ ^
# base - A1 - A2 - A3 | | |
# | pv CCH
# |
# target
return PivotArc(
pvHash: prevHash,
pvHeader: val.blk.header,
cursor: pvarc.cursor)
# The new base (aka target) falls out of the argument pivot branch,
# ending up somewhere on a parent branch.
# ::
# B1 - B2 - B3 - B4
# / ^ ^
# base - A1 - A2 - A3 | |
# ^ pv CCH
# |
# target
return c.findCursorArc(prevHash).expect "valid cursor arc"
prevHash = val.blk.header.parentHash
doAssert(false, "Unreachable code, finalized block outside cursor arc")
func trimCursorArc(c: ForkedChainRef, pvarc: PivotArc) =
## Curb argument `pvarc.cursor` head so that it ends up at `pvarc.pv`.
# Maybe the current active chain is longer than canonical chain
shouldNotKeyError "trimCanonicalChain":
var prevHash = pvarc.cursor.hash
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
let header = c.blocks[prevHash].blk.header
if header.number > pvarc.pvNumber:
prevHash = header.parentHash
if c.cursorHeads.len == 0:
# Update cursorHeads if indeed we trim
for i in 0..<c.cursorHeads.len:
if c.cursorHeads[i].hash == pvarc.cursor.hash:
c.cursorHeads[i].hash = pvarc.pvHash
doAssert(false, "Unreachable code")
proc setHead(c: ForkedChainRef, pvarc: PivotArc) =
# TODO: db.setHead should not read from db anymore
# all canonical chain marking
# should be done from here.
discard c.db.setHead(pvarc.pvHash)
# update global syncHighest
c.com.syncHighest = pvarc.pvNumber
proc updateHeadIfNecessary(c: ForkedChainRef, pvarc: PivotArc) =
# update head if the new head is different
# from current head or current chain
if c.cursorHash != pvarc.cursor.hash:
if not c.stagingTx.isNil:
c.stagingTx = c.db.ctx.txFrameBegin()
if c.cursorHash != pvarc.pvHash:
c.cursorHeader = pvarc.pvHeader
c.cursorHash = pvarc.pvHash
if c.stagingTx.isNil:
# setHead below don't go straight to db
c.stagingTx = c.db.ctx.txFrameBegin()
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc init*(
T: type ForkedChainRef;
com: CommonRef;
baseDistance = BaseDistance.uint64;
extraValidation = true;
): T =
## Constructor that uses the current database ledger state for initialising.
## This state coincides with the canonical head that would be used for
## setting up the descriptor.
## With `ForkedChainRef` based import, the canonical state lives only inside
## a level one database transaction. Thus it will readily be available on the
## running system with tools such as `getCanonicalHead()`. But it will never
## be saved on the database.
## This constructor also works well when resuming import after running
## `persistentBlocks()` used for `Era1` or `Era` import.
base = com.db.getSavedStateBlockNumber
baseHash = com.db.getBlockHash(base).expect("baseHash exists")
baseHeader = com.db.getBlockHeader(baseHash).expect("base header exists")
# update global syncStart
com.syncStart = baseHeader.number
T(com: com,
db: com.db,
baseHeader: baseHeader,
cursorHash: baseHash,
baseHash: baseHash,
cursorHeader: baseHeader,
extraValidation: extraValidation,
baseDistance: baseDistance)
proc newForkedChain*(com: CommonRef,
baseHeader: Header,
baseDistance: uint64 = BaseDistance,
extraValidation: bool = true): ForkedChainRef =
## This constructor allows to set up the base state which might be needed
## for some particular test or other applications. Otherwise consider
## `init()`.
let baseHash = baseHeader.blockHash
let chain = ForkedChainRef(
com: com,
db : com.db,
baseHeader : baseHeader,
cursorHash : baseHash,
baseHash : baseHash,
cursorHeader: baseHeader,
extraValidation: extraValidation,
baseDistance: baseDistance)
# update global syncStart
com.syncStart = baseHeader.number
proc importBlock*(c: ForkedChainRef, blk: Block): Result[void, string] =
# Try to import block to canonical or side chain.
# return error if the block is invalid
if c.stagingTx.isNil:
c.stagingTx = c.db.ctx.txFrameBegin()
template header(): Header =
if header.parentHash == c.cursorHash:
return c.validateBlock(c.cursorHeader, blk)
if header.parentHash == c.baseHash:
c.stagingTx = c.db.ctx.txFrameBegin()
return c.validateBlock(c.baseHeader, blk)
if header.parentHash notin c.blocks:
# If it's parent is an invalid block
# there is no hope the descendant is valid
debug "Parent block not found",
blockHash = header.blockHash.short,
parentHash = header.parentHash.short
return err("Block is not part of valid chain")
# TODO: If engine API keep importing blocks
# but not finalized it, e.g. current chain length > StagedBlocksThreshold
# We need to persist some of the in-memory stuff
# to a "staging area" or disk-backed memory but it must not afect `base`.
# `base` is the point of no return, we only update it on finality.
c.validateBlock(c.cursorHeader, blk)
proc forkChoice*(c: ForkedChainRef,
headHash: Hash32,
finalizedHash: Hash32): Result[void, string] =
if headHash == c.cursorHash and finalizedHash == static(default(Hash32)):
# Do nothing if the new head already our current head
# and there is no request to new finality
return ok()
# Find the unique cursor arc where `headHash` is a member of.
let pvarc = ?c.findCursorArc(headHash)
if finalizedHash == static(default(Hash32)):
# skip newBase calculation and skip chain finalization
# if finalizedHash is zero
return ok()
# Finalized block must be parent or on the new canonical chain which is
# represented by `pvarc`.
let finalizedHeader = ?c.findHeader(finalizedHash, pvarc.pvHash)
let newBase = c.calculateNewBase(finalizedHeader.number, pvarc)
if newBase.pvHash == c.baseHash:
# The base is not updated but the cursor maybe need update
return ok()
# At this point cursorHeader.number > baseHeader.number
if newBase.pvHash == c.cursorHash:
# Paranoid check, guaranteed by `newBase.hash == c.cursorHash`
doAssert(not c.stagingTx.isNil)
# CL decide to move backward and then forward?
if c.cursorHeader.number < pvarc.pvNumber:
c.replaySegment(pvarc.pvHash, c.cursorHeader, c.cursorHash)
# Current segment is canonical chain
c.stagingTx = nil
# Move base to newBase
# Save and record the block number before the last saved block state.
return err("Failed to save state: " & $$error)
return ok()
# At this point finalizedHeader.number is <= headHeader.number
# and possibly switched to other chain beside the one with cursor
doAssert(finalizedHeader.number <= pvarc.pvNumber)
doAssert(newBase.pvNumber <= finalizedHeader.number)
# Write segment from base+1 to newBase into database
c.stagingTx = c.db.ctx.txFrameBegin()
if newBase.pvNumber > c.baseHeader.number:
c.stagingTx = nil
# Update base forward to newBase
return err("Failed to save state: " & $$error)
if c.stagingTx.isNil:
# replaySegment or setHead below don't
# go straight to db
c.stagingTx = c.db.ctx.txFrameBegin()
# Move chain state forward to current head
if newBase.pvNumber < pvarc.pvNumber:
# Move cursor to current head
if c.cursorHash != pvarc.pvHash:
c.cursorHeader = pvarc.pvHeader
c.cursorHash = pvarc.pvHash
func haveBlockAndState*(c: ForkedChainRef, blockHash: Hash32): bool =
if c.blocks.hasKey(blockHash):
return true
if c.baseHash == blockHash:
return true
proc haveBlockLocally*(c: ForkedChainRef, blockHash: Hash32): bool =
if c.blocks.hasKey(blockHash):
return true
if c.baseHash == blockHash:
return true
func stateReady*(c: ForkedChainRef, header: Header): bool =
let blockHash = header.blockHash
blockHash == c.cursorHash
func com*(c: ForkedChainRef): CommonRef =
func db*(c: ForkedChainRef): CoreDbRef =
func latestHeader*(c: ForkedChainRef): Header =
func latestNumber*(c: ForkedChainRef): BlockNumber =
func latestHash*(c: ForkedChainRef): Hash32 =
func baseNumber*(c: ForkedChainRef): BlockNumber =
func baseHash*(c: ForkedChainRef): Hash32 =
func txRecords*(c: ForkedChainRef, txHash: Hash32): (Hash32, uint64) =
c.txRecords.getOrDefault(txHash, (Hash32.default, 0'u64))
func isInMemory*(c: ForkedChainRef, blockHash: Hash32): bool =
func memoryBlock*(c: ForkedChainRef, blockHash: Hash32): BlockDesc =
func memoryTransaction*(c: ForkedChainRef, txHash: Hash32): Opt[(Transaction, BlockNumber)] =
let (blockHash, index) = c.txRecords.getOrDefault(txHash, (Hash32.default, 0'u64))
c.blocks.withValue(blockHash, val) do:
return Opt.some( (val.blk.transactions[index], val.blk.header.number) )
return Opt.none((Transaction, BlockNumber))
proc latestBlock*(c: ForkedChainRef): Block =
c.blocks.withValue(c.cursorHash, val) do:
return val.blk
c.db.getEthBlock(c.cursorHash).expect("cursorBlock exists")
proc headerByNumber*(c: ForkedChainRef, number: BlockNumber): Result[Header, string] =
if number > c.cursorHeader.number:
return err("Requested block number not exists: " & $number)
if number == c.cursorHeader.number:
return ok(c.cursorHeader)
if number == c.baseHeader.number:
return ok(c.baseHeader)
if number < c.baseHeader.number:
return c.db.getBlockHeader(number)
shouldNotKeyError "headerByNumber":
var prevHash = c.cursorHeader.parentHash
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
let header = c.blocks[prevHash].blk.header
if header.number == number:
return ok(header)
prevHash = header.parentHash
doAssert(false, "headerByNumber: Unreachable code")
proc headerByHash*(c: ForkedChainRef, blockHash: Hash32): Result[Header, string] =
c.blocks.withValue(blockHash, val) do:
return ok(val.blk.header)
if c.baseHash == blockHash:
return ok(c.baseHeader)
return c.db.getBlockHeader(blockHash)
proc blockByHash*(c: ForkedChainRef, blockHash: Hash32): Result[Block, string] =
# used by getPayloadBodiesByHash
# https://github.com/ethereum/execution-apis/blob/v1.0.0-beta.4/src/engine/shanghai.md#specification-3
# 4. Client software MAY NOT respond to requests for finalized blocks by hash.
c.blocks.withValue(blockHash, val) do:
return ok(val.blk)
return c.db.getEthBlock(blockHash)
proc blockByNumber*(c: ForkedChainRef, number: BlockNumber): Result[Block, string] =
if number > c.cursorHeader.number:
return err("Requested block number not exists: " & $number)
if number < c.baseHeader.number:
return c.db.getEthBlock(number)
if number == c.baseHeader.number:
return c.db.getEthBlock(c.baseHash)
shouldNotKeyError "blockByNumber":
var prevHash = c.cursorHash
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
c.blocks.withValue(prevHash, item):
if item.blk.header.number == number:
return ok(item.blk)
prevHash = item.blk.header.parentHash
return err("Block not found, number = " & $number)
func blockFromBaseTo*(c: ForkedChainRef, number: BlockNumber): seq[Block] =
# return block in reverse order
shouldNotKeyError "blockFromBaseTo":
var prevHash = c.cursorHash
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
c.blocks.withValue(prevHash, item):
if item.blk.header.number <= number:
result.add item.blk
prevHash = item.blk.header.parentHash
func isCanonical*(c: ForkedChainRef, blockHash: Hash32): bool =
if blockHash == c.baseHash:
return true
shouldNotKeyError "isCanonical":
var prevHash = c.cursorHash
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
c.blocks.withValue(prevHash, item):
if blockHash == prevHash:
return true
prevHash = item.blk.header.parentHash
proc isCanonicalAncestor*(c: ForkedChainRef,
blockNumber: BlockNumber,
blockHash: Hash32): bool =
if blockNumber >= c.cursorHeader.number:
return false
if blockHash == c.cursorHash:
return false
if c.baseHeader.number < c.cursorHeader.number:
# The current canonical chain in memory is headed by
# cursorHeader
shouldNotKeyError "isCanonicalAncestor":
var prevHash = c.cursorHeader.parentHash
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
var header = c.blocks[prevHash].blk.header
if prevHash == blockHash and blockNumber == header.number:
return true
prevHash = header.parentHash
# canonical chain in database should have a marker
# and the marker is block number
let canonHash = c.db.getBlockHash(blockNumber).valueOr:
return false
canonHash == blockHash
iterator txHashInRange*(c: ForkedChainRef, fromHash: Hash32, toHash: Hash32): Hash32 =
## exclude base from iteration, new block produced by txpool
## should not reach base
var prevHash = fromHash
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
c.blocks.withValue(prevHash, item) do:
if toHash == prevHash:
for tx in item.blk.transactions:
let txHash = rlpHash(tx)
yield txHash
prevHash = item.blk.header.parentHash