
104 lines
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std/[options, typetraits, strutils],
BaseSpec* = ref object of RootObj
txType*: Option[TxType]
TestDesc* = object
name* : string
about*: string
run* : proc(spec: BaseSpec): bool
spec* : BaseSpec
template testCond*(expr: untyped) =
if not (expr):
return false
template testCond*(expr, body: untyped) =
if not (expr):
return false
proc `==`*(a: Option[BlockHash], b: Option[common.Hash256]): bool =
if a.isNone and b.isNone:
return true
if a.isSome and b.isSome:
return a.get() == b.get().data.BlockHash
proc `==`*(a, b: TypedTransaction): bool =
distinctBase(a) == distinctBase(b)
template testFCU*(res, cond: untyped, validHash: Option[common.Hash256], id = none(PayloadID)) =
testCond res.isOk:
error "Unexpected FCU Error", msg=res.error
let s = res.get()
testCond s.payloadStatus.status == PayloadExecutionStatus.cond:
error "Unexpected FCU status", expect=PayloadExecutionStatus.cond, get=s.payloadStatus.status
testCond s.payloadStatus.latestValidHash == validHash:
error "Unexpected FCU latestValidHash", expect=validHash, get=s.payloadStatus.latestValidHash
testCond s.payloadId == id:
error "Unexpected FCU payloadID", expect=id, get=s.payloadId
template testFCU*(res, cond: untyped) =
testCond res.isOk:
error "Unexpected FCU Error", msg=res.error
let s = res.get()
testCond s.payloadStatus.status == PayloadExecutionStatus.cond:
error "Unexpected FCU status", expect=PayloadExecutionStatus.cond, get=s.payloadStatus.status
template expectErrorCode*(res: untyped, errCode: int) =
testCond res.isErr:
error "unexpected result, want error, get ok"
testCond res.error.find($errCode) != -1
template expectNoError*(res: untyped) =
testCond res.isOk
template expectPayload*(res: untyped, payload: ExecutionPayload) =
testCond res.isOk:
error "Unexpected getPayload Error", msg=res.error
let x = res.get
when typeof(x) is ExecutionPayloadV1:
testCond x == payload.V1:
error "getPayloadV1 return mismatch payload"
elif typeof(x) is GetPayloadV2Response:
testCond x.executionPayload == payload.V1V2:
error "getPayloadV2 return mismatch payload"
testCond x.executionPayload == payload.V3:
error "getPayloadV3 return mismatch payload"
template expectStatus*(res, cond: untyped) =
testCond res.isOk:
error "Unexpected newPayload error", msg=res.error
let s = res.get()
testCond s.status == PayloadExecutionStatus.cond:
error "Unexpected newPayload status", expect=PayloadExecutionStatus.cond, get=s.status
template expectWithdrawalsRoot*(res: untyped, h: common.BlockHeader, wdRoot: Option[common.Hash256]) =
testCond res.isOk:
error "Unexpected error", msg=res.error
testCond h.withdrawalsRoot == wdRoot:
error "wdroot mismatch"
template expectBalanceEqual*(res: untyped, expectedBalance: UInt256) =
testCond res.isOk:
error "Unexpected error", msg=res.error
testCond res.get == expectedBalance:
error "balance mismatch", expect=expectedBalance, get=res.get
template expectLatestValidHash*(res: untyped, expectedHash: Web3Hash) =
testCond res.isOk:
error "Unexpected error", msg=res.error
let s = res.get
testCond s.latestValidHash.isSome:
error "Expect latest valid hash isSome"
testCond s.latestValidHash.get == expectedHash:
error "latest valid hash mismatch", expect=expectedHash, get=s.latestValidHash.get