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# nim-eth
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed and distributed under either of
# * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
# * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
## Fetch and store blocks
## ======================
## Worker items state diagram and sketch of sync algorithm:
## ::
## set of unprocessed | peer workers | list of work items ready
## block ranges | | for persistent database
## ==================================================================
## +---------------------------------------------+
## | |
## | +---------------------------------+ |
## | | | |
## V v | |
## <unprocessed> ---+-----> <worker-0> -----+---> <staged> ---> block chain
## | |
## +-----> <worker-1> -----+
## | |
## +-----> <worker-2> -----+
## : :
## A work item is created from a range of block numbers extracted from the
## `<unprocessed>` set of block ranges.
## A work item consists of a
## * current state `<worker-#>` or `<staged>`
## * given range of consecutive block numbers `[from..to]`
## * sequence of block headers relating to `[from..to]` (to be completed)
## * sequence of block buddies relating to `[from..to]` (to be completed)
## Block ranges *may* be recycled back into the `<unprocessed>` set when a
## work item is destroyed. This is supposed to be an exceptional case.
## Typically, a `<staged>` work item is added to the persistent block chain
## database and destroyed without block range recycling.
## Beware of `<staged>` overflow
## -----------------------------
## When the `<staged>` queue gets too long in non-backtrack/re-org mode, this
## may be caused by a gap between the least `<unprocessed>` block number and
## the least `<staged>` block number. Then a mechanism is invoked where
## `<unprocessed>` block range is updated.
## For backtrack/re-org the system runs in single instance mode tracing
## backvards parent hash references. So updating `<unprocessed>` block numbers
## would have no effect. In that case, the record with the largest block
## numbers are deleted from the `<staged>` list.
std/[algorithm, hashes, options, random, sequtils, sets, strutils],
eth/[common/eth_types, p2p],
stew/[byteutils, interval_set, sorted_set],
"."/[full_desc, ticker]
{.push raises:[Defect].}
topics = "full-sync"
minPeersToStartSync = ##\
## Wait for consensus of at least this number of peers before syncing.
maxStagedWorkItems = ##\
## Maximal items in the `staged` list.
stagedWorkItemsTrigger = ##\
## Turn on the global `poolMode` if there are more than this many items
## staged.
doAssert stagedWorkItemsTrigger < maxStagedWorkItems
BlockRangeSetRef* = ##\
## Disjunct sets of block number intervals
BlockRange* = ##\
## Block number interval
WorkItemQueue* = ##\
## Block intervals sorted by least block number
WorkItemWalkRef* = ##\
## Fast traversal descriptor for `WorkItemQueue`
WorkItemRef* = ref object
## Block worker item wrapper for downloading a block range
blocks: BlockRange ## Block numbers to fetch
topHash: Option[Hash256] ## Fetch by top hash rather than blocks
headers: seq[BlockHeader] ## Block headers received
hashes: seq[Hash256] ## Hashed from `headers[]` for convenience
bodies: seq[BlockBody] ## Block bodies received
BuddyDataEx = ref object of BuddyDataRef
## Local descriptor data extension
bestNumber: Option[BlockNumber] ## Largest block number reported
CtxDataEx = ref object of CtxDataRef
## Globally shared data extension
backtrack: Option[Hash256] ## Find reverse block after re-org
unprocessed: BlockRangeSetRef ## Block ranges to fetch
staged: WorkItemQueue ## Blocks fetched but not stored yet
untrusted: seq[Peer] ## Clean up list
trusted: HashSet[Peer] ## Peers ready for delivery
topPersistent: BlockNumber ## Up to this block number stored OK
ticker: Ticker ## Logger ticker
highBlockRange =
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc getOrHigh(b: Option[BlockNumber]): BlockNumber =
## Syntactic sugar
if b.isSome: b.get else: high(BlockNumber)
proc getOrHigh(b: Option[BlockRange]): BlockRange =
if b.isSome: b.get else: highBlockRange
proc hash(peer: Peer): Hash =
## Mixin `HashSet[Peer]` handler
proc `+`(n: BlockNumber; delta: static[int]): BlockNumber =
## Syntactic sugar for expressions like `xxx.toBlockNumber + 1`
n + delta.toBlockNumber
proc `-`(n: BlockNumber; delta: static[int]): BlockNumber =
## Syntactic sugar for expressions like `xxx.toBlockNumber - 1`
n - delta.toBlockNumber
proc merge(ivSet: BlockRangeSetRef; wi: WorkItemRef): Uint256 =
## Syntactic sugar
proc reduce(ivSet: BlockRangeSetRef; wi: WorkItemRef): Uint256 =
## Syntactic sugar
proc pp(n: BlockNumber): string =
## Dedicated pretty printer (`$` is defined elsewhere using `UInt256`)
if n == high(BlockNumber): "high" else:"#" & $n
proc `$`(iv: BlockRange): string =
## Needed for macro generated DSL files like `snap.nim` because the
## `distinct` flavour of `NodeTag` is discarded there.
result = "[" & iv.minPt.pp
if iv.minPt != iv.maxPt:
result &= "," & iv.maxPt.pp
result &= "]"
proc `$`(n: Option[BlockRange]): string =
if n.isNone: "n/a" else: $n.get
proc `$`(n: Option[BlockNumber]): string =
if n.isNone: "n/a" else: n.get.pp
proc `$`(brs: BlockRangeSetRef): string =
"{" & toSeq(brs.increasing).mapIt($it).join(",") & "}"
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private getters
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc local(buddy: BuddyRef): BuddyDataEx =
## Parameters local to this peer worker
proc pool(ctx: CtxRef): CtxDataEx =
## Parameters shared between all peer workers
proc pool(buddy: BuddyRef): CtxDataEx =
## Ditto
proc nextUnprocessed(pool: CtxDataEx): Option[BlockNumber] =
## Pseudo getter
let rc = pool.unprocessed.ge()
if rc.isOK:
result = some(rc.value.minPt)
proc nextStaged(pool: CtxDataEx): Option[BlockRange] =
## Pseudo getter
let rc = pool.staged.ge(low(BlockNumber))
if rc.isOK:
result = some(rc.value.data.blocks)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions affecting all shared data
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc globalReset(ctx: CtxRef; backBlocks = maxHeadersFetch): bool =
## Globally flush `pending` and `staged` items and update `unprocessed`
## ranges and set the `unprocessed` back before the best block number/
var topPersistent: BlockNumber
bestNumber = ctx.chain.getBestBlockHeader.blockNumber
nBackBlocks = backBlocks.toBlockNumber
# Initialise before best block number
topPersistent =
if nBackBlocks < bestNumber: bestNumber - nBackBlocks
else: 0.toBlockNumber
except CatchableError as e:
error "Best block header problem", backBlocks, error=($e.name), msg=e.msg
return false
ctx.pool.topPersistent = topPersistent
discard ctx.pool.unprocessed.merge(topPersistent + 1, high(BlockNumber))
proc tickerUpdater(ctx: CtxRef): TickerStatsUpdater =
result = proc: TickerStats =
stagedRange = ctx.pool.nextStaged
nextStaged = if stagedRange.isSome: some(stagedRange.get.minPt)
else: none(BlockNumber)
topPersistent: ctx.pool.topPersistent,
nextStaged: nextStaged,
nextUnprocessed: ctx.pool.nextUnprocessed,
nStagedQueue: ctx.pool.staged.len,
reOrg: ctx.pool.backtrack.isSome)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template safeTransport(buddy: BuddyRef; info: static[string]; code: untyped) =
except TransportError as e:
error info & ", stop", error=($e.name), msg=e.msg
buddy.ctrl.stopped = true
proc getRandomTrustedPeer(buddy: BuddyRef): Result[Peer,void] =
## Return random entry from `trusted` peer different from this peer set if
## there are enough
## Ackn: nim-eth/eth/p2p/blockchain_sync.nim: `randomTrustedPeer()`
nPeers = buddy.pool.trusted.len
offInx = if buddy.peer in buddy.pool.trusted: 2 else: 1
if 0 < nPeers:
var (walkInx, stopInx) = (0, rand(nPeers - offInx))
for p in buddy.pool.trusted:
if p == buddy.peer:
if walkInx == stopInx:
return ok(p)
proc newWorkItem(buddy: BuddyRef): Result[WorkItemRef,void] =
## Fetch the next unprocessed block range and register it as work item.
## This function will grab a block range from the `unprocessed` range set,
## ove it and return it as a `WorkItemRef`. The returned range is registered
## in the `pending` list.
peer = buddy.peer
rc = buddy.pool.unprocessed.ge()
if rc.isErr:
return err() # no more data for this peer
# Check whether there is somthing to do at all
if buddy.local.bestNumber.isNone or
buddy.local.bestNumber.get < rc.value.minPt:
return err() # no more data for this peer
# Compute interval
let iv = BlockRange.new(
min(rc.value.minPt + maxHeadersFetch - 1,
discard buddy.pool.unprocessed.reduce(iv)
return ok(WorkItemRef(blocks: iv))
proc recycleStaged(buddy: BuddyRef) =
## Flush list of staged items and store the block ranges
## back to the `unprocessed` ranges set
# using fast traversal
let walk = WorkItemWalkRef.init(buddy.pool.staged)
var rc = walk.first()
while rc.isOk:
# Store back into `unprocessed` ranges set
discard buddy.pool.unprocessed.merge(rc.value.data)
rc = walk.next()
# optional clean up, see comments on the destroy() directive
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private `Future` helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc getBestNumber(buddy: BuddyRef): Future[Result[BlockNumber,void]]{.async.} =
## Get best block number from best block hash.
## Ackn: nim-eth/eth/p2p/blockchain_sync.nim: `getBestBlockNumber()`
peer = buddy.peer
startHash = peer.state(eth).bestBlockHash
reqLen = 1u
hdrReq = BlocksRequest(
startBlock: HashOrNum(
isHash: true,
hash: startHash),
maxResults: reqLen,
skip: 0,
reverse: true)
trace trEthSendSendingGetBlockHeaders, peer,
startBlock=startHash.data.toHex, reqLen
var hdrResp: Option[blockHeadersObj]
buddy.safeTransport("Error fetching block header"):
hdrResp = await peer.getBlockHeaders(hdrReq)
if buddy.ctrl.stopped:
return err()
if hdrResp.isNone:
trace trEthRecvReceivedBlockHeaders, peer, reqLen, respose="n/a"
return err()
let hdrRespLen = hdrResp.get.headers.len
if hdrRespLen == 1:
let blockNumber = hdrResp.get.headers[0].blockNumber
trace trEthRecvReceivedBlockHeaders, peer, hdrRespLen, blockNumber
return ok(blockNumber)
trace trEthRecvReceivedBlockHeaders, peer, reqLen, hdrRespLen
return err()
proc agreesOnChain(buddy: BuddyRef; other: Peer): Future[bool] {.async.} =
## Returns `true` if one of the peers `buddy.peer` or `other` acknowledges
## existence of the best block of the other peer.
## Ackn: nim-eth/eth/p2p/blockchain_sync.nim: `peersAgreeOnChain()`
peer = buddy.peer
start = peer
fetch = other
# Make sure that `fetch` has not the smaller difficulty.
if fetch.state(eth).bestDifficulty < start.state(eth).bestDifficulty:
swap(fetch, start)
startHash = start.state(eth).bestBlockHash
hdrReq = BlocksRequest(
startBlock: HashOrNum(
isHash: true,
hash: startHash),
maxResults: 1,
skip: 0,
reverse: true)
trace trEthSendSendingGetBlockHeaders, peer, start, fetch,
startBlock=startHash.data.toHex, hdrReqLen=1
var hdrResp: Option[blockHeadersObj]
buddy.safeTransport("Error fetching block header"):
hdrResp = await fetch.getBlockHeaders(hdrReq)
if buddy.ctrl.stopped:
return false
if hdrResp.isSome:
let hdrRespLen = hdrResp.get.headers.len
if 0 < hdrRespLen:
let blockNumber = hdrResp.get.headers[0].blockNumber
trace trEthRecvReceivedBlockHeaders, peer, start, fetch,
hdrRespLen, blockNumber
return true
trace trEthRecvReceivedBlockHeaders, peer, start, fetch,
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions, worker sub-tasks
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc initaliseWorker(buddy: BuddyRef): Future[bool] {.async.} =
## Initalise worker. This function must be run in single mode at the
## beginning of running worker peer.
## Ackn: nim-eth/eth/p2p/blockchain_sync.nim: `startSyncWithPeer()`
let peer = buddy.peer
# Delayed clean up batch list
if 0 < buddy.pool.untrusted.len:
trace "Removing untrused peers", peer, count=buddy.pool.untrusted.len
for p in buddy.pool.untrusted:
buddy.pool.trusted.excl p
if buddy.local.bestNumber.isNone:
let rc = await buddy.getBestNumber()
# Beware of peer terminating the session right after communicating
if rc.isErr or buddy.ctrl.stopped:
return false
if rc.value <= buddy.pool.topPersistent:
buddy.ctrl.zombie = true
trace "Useless peer, best number too low", peer,
topPersistent=buddy.pool.topPersistent, bestNumber=rc.value
buddy.local.bestNumber = some(rc.value)
if minPeersToStartSync <= buddy.pool.trusted.len:
# We have enough trusted peers. Validate new peer against trusted
let rc = buddy.getRandomTrustedPeer()
if rc.isOK:
if await buddy.agreesOnChain(rc.value):
# Beware of peer terminating the session
if not buddy.ctrl.stopped:
buddy.pool.trusted.incl peer
return true
# If there are no trusted peers yet, assume this very peer is trusted,
# but do not finish initialisation until there are more peers.
elif buddy.pool.trusted.len == 0:
trace "Assume initial trusted peer", peer
buddy.pool.trusted.incl peer
elif buddy.pool.trusted.len == 1 and buddy.peer in buddy.pool.trusted:
# Ignore degenerate case, note that `trusted.len < minPeersToStartSync`
# At this point we have some "trusted" candidates, but they are not
# "trusted" enough. We evaluate `peer` against all other candidates. If
# one of the candidates disagrees, we swap it for `peer`. If all candidates
# agree, we add `peer` to trusted set. The peers in the set will become
# "fully trusted" (and sync will start) when the set is big enough
agreeScore = 0
otherPeer: Peer
for p in buddy.pool.trusted:
if peer == p:
inc agreeScore
let agreedOk = await buddy.agreesOnChain(p)
# Beware of peer terminating the session
if buddy.ctrl.stopped:
return false
if agreedOk:
inc agreeScore
otherPeer = p
# Check for the number of peers that disagree
case buddy.pool.trusted.len - agreeScore
of 0:
trace "Peer trusted by score", peer,
buddy.pool.trusted.incl peer # best possible outcome
of 1:
trace "Other peer no longer trusted", peer,
otherPeer, trusted=buddy.pool.trusted.len
buddy.pool.trusted.excl otherPeer
buddy.pool.trusted.incl peer
trace "Peer not trusted", peer,
if minPeersToStartSync <= buddy.pool.trusted.len:
return true
proc fetchHeaders(buddy: BuddyRef; wi: WorkItemRef): Future[bool] {.async.} =
## Get the work item with the least interval and complete it. The function
## returns `true` if bodies were fetched and there were no inconsistencies.
let peer = buddy.peer
if 0 < wi.hashes.len:
return true
var hdrReq: BlocksRequest
if wi.topHash.isNone:
hdrReq = BlocksRequest(
startBlock: HashOrNum(
isHash: false,
number: wi.blocks.minPt),
maxResults: wi.blocks.len.truncate(uint),
skip: 0,
reverse: false)
trace trEthSendSendingGetBlockHeaders, peer,
hdrReq = BlocksRequest(
startBlock: HashOrNum(
isHash: true,
hash: wi.topHash.get),
maxResults: maxHeadersFetch,
skip: 0,
reverse: true)
trace trEthSendSendingGetBlockHeaders & " reverse", peer,
topHash=hdrReq.startBlock.hash, reqLen=hdrReq.maxResults
# Fetch headers from peer
var hdrResp: Option[blockHeadersObj]
let reqLen = hdrReq.maxResults
buddy.safeTransport("Error fetching block headers"):
hdrResp = await peer.getBlockHeaders(hdrReq)
# Beware of peer terminating the session
if buddy.ctrl.stopped:
return false
if hdrResp.isNone:
trace trEthRecvReceivedBlockHeaders, peer, reqLen, respose="n/a"
return false
let hdrRespLen = hdrResp.get.headers.len
trace trEthRecvReceivedBlockHeaders, peer, reqLen, hdrRespLen
if hdrRespLen == 0:
buddy.ctrl.stopped = true
return false
# Update block range for reverse search
if wi.topHash.isSome:
# Headers are in reversed order
wi.headers = hdrResp.get.headers.reversed
wi.blocks = BlockRange.new(
wi.headers[0].blockNumber, wi.headers[^1].blockNumber)
discard buddy.pool.unprocessed.reduce(wi)
trace "Updated reverse header range", peer, range=($wi.blocks)
# Verify start block number
elif hdrResp.get.headers[0].blockNumber != wi.blocks.minPt:
trace "Header range starts with wrong block number", peer,
buddy.ctrl.zombie = true
return false
# Import into `wi.headers`
# Calculate block header hashes and verify it against parent links. If
# necessary, cut off some offending block headers tail.
wi.hashes[0] = wi.headers[0].hash
for n in 1 ..< wi.headers.len:
if wi.headers[n-1].blockNumber + 1 != wi.headers[n].blockNumber:
trace "Non-consecutive block numbers in header list response", peer
buddy.ctrl.zombie = true
return false
if wi.hashes[n-1] != wi.headers[n].parentHash:
# Oops, cul-de-sac after block chain re-org?
trace "Dangling parent link in header list response. Re-org?", peer
wi.hashes[n] = wi.headers[n].hash
# Adjust range length if necessary
if wi.headers[^1].blockNumber < wi.blocks.maxPt:
let redRng = BlockRange.new(
wi.headers[0].blockNumber, wi.headers[^1].blockNumber)
trace "Adjusting block range", peer, range=($wi.blocks), reduced=($redRng)
discard buddy.pool.unprocessed.merge(redRng.maxPt + 1, wi.blocks.maxPt)
wi.blocks = redRng
return true
proc fetchBodies(buddy: BuddyRef; wi: WorkItemRef): Future[bool] {.async.} =
## Get the work item with the least interval and complete it. The function
## returns `true` if bodies were fetched and there were no inconsistencies.
let peer = buddy.peer
# Complete group of bodies
buddy.safeTransport("Error fetching block bodies"):
while wi.bodies.len < wi.hashes.len:
start = wi.bodies.len
reqLen = min(wi.hashes.len - wi.bodies.len, maxBodiesFetch)
top = start + reqLen
hashes = wi.hashes[start ..< top]
trace trEthSendSendingGetBlockBodies, peer, reqLen
# Append bodies from peer to `wi.bodies`
let bdyResp = await peer.getBlockBodies(hashes)
# Beware of peer terminating the session
if buddy.ctrl.stopped:
return false
if bdyResp.isNone:
trace trEthRecvReceivedBlockBodies, peer, reqLen, respose="n/a"
buddy.ctrl.zombie = true
return false
let bdyRespLen = bdyResp.get.blocks.len
trace trEthRecvReceivedBlockBodies, peer, reqLen, bdyRespLen
if bdyRespLen == 0 or reqLen < bdyRespLen:
buddy.ctrl.zombie = true
return false
wi.bodies.add bdyResp.get.blocks
return true
proc stageItem(buddy: BuddyRef; wi: WorkItemRef) =
## Add work item to the list of staged items
let peer = buddy.peer
let rc = buddy.pool.staged.insert(wi.blocks.minPt)
if rc.isOk:
rc.value.data = wi
# Turn on pool mode if there are too may staged work items queued.
# This must only be done when the added work item is not backtracking.
if stagedWorkItemsTrigger < buddy.pool.staged.len and
buddy.pool.backtrack.isNone and
buddy.ctx.poolMode = true
# The list size is limited. So cut if necessary and recycle back the block
# range of the discarded item (tough luck if the current work item is the
# one removed from top.)
while maxStagedWorkItems < buddy.pool.staged.len:
let topValue = buddy.pool.staged.le(high(BlockNumber)).value
discard buddy.pool.unprocessed.merge(topValue.data)
discard buddy.pool.staged.delete(topValue.key)
# Ooops, duplicates should not exist (but anyway ...)
let wj = block:
let rc = buddy.pool.staged.eq(wi.blocks.minPt)
doAssert rc.isOk
# Store `wi` and return offending entry
let rcData = rc.value.data
rc.value.data = wi
debug "Replacing dup item in staged list", peer,
range=($wi.blocks), discarded=($wj.blocks)
# Update `staged` list and `unprocessed` ranges
let rc = wi.blocks - wj.blocks
if rc.isOk:
discard buddy.pool.unprocessed.merge(rc.value)
proc processStaged(buddy: BuddyRef): bool =
## Fetch a work item from the `staged` queue an process it to be
## stored on the persistent block chain.
peer = buddy.peer
chainDb = buddy.ctx.chain
rc = buddy.pool.staged.ge(low(BlockNumber))
if rc.isErr:
# No more items in the database
return false
wi = rc.value.data
topPersistent = buddy.pool.topPersistent
startNumber = wi.headers[0].blockNumber
stagedRecords = buddy.pool.staged.len
# Check whether this record of blocks can be stored, at all
if topPersistent + 1 < startNumber:
trace "Staged work item postponed", peer, topPersistent,
range=($wi.blocks), stagedRecords
return false
# Ok, store into the block chain database
trace "Processing staged work item", peer,
topPersistent, range=($wi.blocks)
# remove from staged DB
discard buddy.pool.staged.delete(wi.blocks.minPt)
if chainDb.persistBlocks(wi.headers, wi.bodies) == ValidationResult.OK:
buddy.pool.topPersistent = wi.blocks.maxPt
return true
except CatchableError as e:
error "Storing persistent blocks failed", peer, range=($wi.blocks),
error = $e.name, msg = e.msg
except Defect as e:
# Pass through
raise e
except Exception as e:
# Notorious case where the `Chain` reference applied to
# `persistBlocks()` has the compiler traced a possible `Exception`
# (i.e. `ctx.chain` could be uninitialised.)
error "Exception while storing persistent blocks", peer,
range=($wi.blocks), error=($e.name), msg=e.msg
raise (ref Defect)(msg: $e.name & ": " & e.msg)
# Something went wrong. Recycle work item (needs to be re-fetched, anyway)
parentHash = wi.headers[0].parentHash
parentHoN = HashOrNum(isHash: true, hash: parentHash)
# Check whether hash of the first block is consistent
var parent: BlockHeader
if chainDb.getBlockHeader(parentHoN, parent):
# First block parent is ok, so there might be other problems. Re-fetch
# the blocks from another peer.
trace "Storing persistent blocks failed", peer,
discard buddy.pool.unprocessed.merge(wi.blocks)
buddy.ctrl.zombie = true
return false
except CatchableError as e:
error "Failed to access parent blocks", peer,
blockNumber=wi.headers[0].blockNumber.pp, error=($e.name), msg=e.msg
# Parent block header problem, so we might be in the middle of a re-org.
# Set single mode backtrack following the offending parent hash.
buddy.pool.backtrack = some(parentHash)
buddy.ctrl.multiOk = false
if wi.topHash.isNone:
# Assuming that currently staged entries are on the wrong branch
notice "Starting chain re-org backtrack work item", peer,
# Leave that block range in the staged list
trace "Resuming chain re-org backtrack work item", peer,
return false
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public start/stop and admin functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc workerSetup*(ctx: CtxRef; tickerOK: bool): bool =
## Global set up
ctx.data = CtxDataEx(unprocessed: BlockRangeSetRef.init()) # `pool` extension
if tickerOK:
ctx.pool.ticker = Ticker.init(ctx.tickerUpdater)
debug "Ticker is disabled"
return ctx.globalReset(0)
proc workerRelease*(ctx: CtxRef) =
## Global clean up
if not ctx.pool.ticker.isNil:
proc start*(buddy: BuddyRef): bool =
## Initialise worker peer
if buddy.peer.supports(protocol.eth) and
buddy.data = BuddyDataEx.new() # `local` extension
if not buddy.pool.ticker.isNil:
return true
proc stop*(buddy: BuddyRef) =
## Clean up this peer
buddy.ctrl.stopped = true
buddy.pool.untrusted.add buddy.peer
if not buddy.pool.ticker.isNil:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc runSingle*(buddy: BuddyRef) {.async.} =
## This peer worker is invoked if the peer-local flag `buddy.ctrl.multiOk`
## is set `false` which is the default mode. This flag is updated by the
## worker when deemed appropriate.
## * For all workers, there can be only one `runSingle()` function active
## simultaneously for all worker peers.
## * There will be no `runMulti()` function active for the same worker peer
## simultaneously
## * There will be no `runPool()` iterator active simultaneously.
## Note that this function runs in `async` mode.
let peer = buddy.peer
if buddy.pool.backtrack.isSome:
trace "Single run mode, re-org backtracking", peer
let wi = WorkItemRef(
# This dummy interval can savely merged back without any effect
blocks: highBlockRange,
# Enable backtrack
topHash: some(buddy.pool.backtrack.get))
# Fetch headers and bodies for the current work item
if await buddy.fetchHeaders(wi):
if await buddy.fetchBodies(wi):
buddy.pool.backtrack = none(Hash256)
# Update pool and persistent database (may reset `multiOk`)
buddy.ctrl.multiOk = true
while buddy.processStaged():
# This work item failed, nothing to do anymore.
discard buddy.pool.unprocessed.merge(wi)
buddy.ctrl.zombie = true
if buddy.local.bestNumber.isNone:
# Only log for the first time, or so
trace "Single run mode, initialisation", peer,
# Initialise/re-initialise this worker
if await buddy.initaliseWorker():
buddy.ctrl.multiOk = true
elif not buddy.ctrl.stopped:
await sleepAsync(2.seconds)
proc runPool*(buddy: BuddyRef) =
## Ocne started, the function `runPool()` is called for all worker peers in
## a row (as the body of an iteration.) There will be no other worker peer
## functions activated simultaneously.
## This procedure is started if the global flag `buddy.ctx.poolMode` is set
## `true` (default is `false`.) It is the responsibility of the `runPool()`
## instance to reset the flag `buddy.ctx.poolMode`, typically at the first
## peer instance as the number of active instances is unknown to `runPool()`.
## Note that this function does not run in `async` mode.
if buddy.ctx.poolMode:
# Mind the gap, fill in if necessary
topPersistent = buddy.pool.topPersistent
covered = min(
if topPersistent + 1 < covered:
discard buddy.pool.unprocessed.merge(topPersistent + 1, covered - 1)
buddy.ctx.poolMode = false
proc runMulti*(buddy: BuddyRef) {.async.} =
## This peer worker is invoked if the `buddy.ctrl.multiOk` flag is set
## `true` which is typically done after finishing `runSingle()`. This
## instance can be simultaneously active for all peer workers.
# Fetch work item
let rc = buddy.newWorkItem()
if rc.isErr:
# No way, end of capacity for this peer => re-calibrate
buddy.ctrl.multiOk = false
buddy.local.bestNumber = none(BlockNumber)
let wi = rc.value
# Fetch headers and bodies for the current work item
if await buddy.fetchHeaders(wi):
if await buddy.fetchBodies(wi):
# Update pool and persistent database
while buddy.processStaged():
# This work item failed
discard buddy.pool.unprocessed.merge(wi)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------