mirror of
synced 2025-01-12 21:34:33 +00:00
previously, every time the VMState was created, it will also create new stateDB, and this action will nullify the advantages of cached accounts. the new changes will conserve the accounts cache if the executed blocks are contiguous. if not the stateDB need to be reinited. this changes also allow rpcCallEvm and rpcEstimateGas executed properly using current stateDB instead of creating new one each time they are called.
363 lines
11 KiB
363 lines
11 KiB
macrocache, strutils, sequtils, unittest2, times,
stew/byteutils, chronicles, eth/[common, keys],
options, eth/trie/[db, hexary],
../nimbus/db/[db_chain, accounts_cache],
../nimbus/vm_internals, ../nimbus/forks,
../nimbus/[transaction, chain_config, genesis, vm_types, vm_state],
export byteutils
{.experimental: "dynamicBindSym".}
# backported from Nim 0.19.9
# remove this when we use newer Nim
proc newLitFixed*(arg: enum): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
result = newCall(
VMWord* = array[32, byte]
Storage* = tuple[key, val: VMWord]
Assembler* = object
title*: string
stack*: seq[VMWord]
memory*: seq[VMWord]
storage*: seq[Storage]
code*: seq[byte]
logs*: seq[Log]
success*: bool
gasLimit*: GasInt
gasUsed*: GasInt
data*: seq[byte]
output*: seq[byte]
fork*: Fork
idToOpcode = CacheTable"NimbusMacroAssembler"
for n in Op:
idToOpcode[$n] = newLit(ord(n))
proc validateVMWord(val: string, n: NimNode): VMWord =
if val.len <= 2 or val.len > 66: error("invalid hex string", n)
if not (val[0] == '0' and val[1] == 'x'): error("invalid hex string", n)
let zerosLen = 64 - (val.len - 2)
let value = repeat('0', zerosLen) & val.substr(2)
hexToByteArray(value, result)
proc validateVMWord(val: NimNode): VMWord =
validateVMWord(val.strVal, val)
proc parseVMWords(list: NimNode): seq[VMWord] =
result = @[]
list.expectKind nnkStmtList
for val in list:
result.add validateVMWord(val)
proc validateStorage(val: NimNode): Storage =
doAssert(val[1].len == 1)
result = (validateVMWord(val[0]), validateVMWord(val[1][0]))
proc parseStorage(list: NimNode): seq[Storage] =
result = @[]
list.expectKind nnkStmtList
for val in list:
result.add validateStorage(val)
proc parseSuccess(list: NimNode): bool =
list.expectKind nnkStmtList
$list[0] == "true"
proc parseData(list: NimNode): seq[byte] =
result = @[]
list.expectKind nnkStmtList
for n in list:
result.add hexToSeqByte(n.strVal)
proc parseLog(node: NimNode): Log =
for item in node:
let label = item[0].strVal
let body = item[1]
case label.normalize
of "address":
let value = body.strVal
if value.len < 20:
error("bad address format", body)
hexToByteArray(value, result.address)
of "topics":
for x in body:
result.topics.add validateVMWord(x.strVal, x)
of "data":
result.data = hexToSeqByte(body.strVal)
else:error("unknown log section '" & label & "'", item[0])
proc parseLogs(list: NimNode): seq[Log] =
result = @[]
list.expectKind nnkStmtList
for n in list:
result.add parseLog(n)
proc validateOpcode(sym: NimNode) =
let typ = getTypeInst(sym)
if $typ != "Op":
error("unknown opcode '" & $sym & "'", sym)
proc addOpCode(code: var seq[byte], node, params: NimNode) =
node.expectKind nnkSym
let opcode = Op(idToOpcode[node.strVal].intVal)
case opcode
of Push1..Push32:
if params.len != 1:
error("expect 1 param, but got " & $params.len, node)
let paramWidth = (opcode.ord - 95) * 2
params[0].expectKind nnkStrLit
var val = params[0].strVal
if val[0] == '0' and val[1] == 'x':
val = val.substr(2)
if val.len != paramWidth:
error("expected param with " & $paramWidth & " hex digits, got " & $val.len, node)
code.add byte(opcode)
code.add hexToSeqByte(val)
error("invalid hex format", node)
if params.len > 0:
error("there should be no param for this instruction", node)
code.add byte(opcode)
proc parseCode(codes: NimNode): seq[byte] =
let emptyNode = newEmptyNode()
codes.expectKind nnkStmtList
for pc, line in codes:
line.expectKind({nnkCommand, nnkIdent, nnkStrLit})
if line.kind == nnkStrLit:
result.add hexToSeqByte(line.strVal)
elif line.kind == nnkIdent:
let sym = bindSym(line)
result.addOpCode(sym, emptyNode)
elif line.kind == nnkCommand:
let sym = bindSym(line[0])
var params = newNimNode(nnkBracket)
for i in 1 ..< line.len:
params.add line[i]
result.addOpCode(sym, params)
error("unknown syntax: " & line.toStrLit.strVal, line)
proc parseFork(fork: NimNode): Fork =
fork[0].expectKind({nnkIdent, nnkStrLit})
# Normalise whitespace and capitalize each word because `parseEnum` matches
# enum string values not symbols, and the strings are capitalized in `Fork`.
parseEnum[Fork](fork[0].strVal.splitWhitespace().map(capitalizeAscii).join(" "))
proc parseGasUsed(gas: NimNode): GasInt =
result = gas[0].intVal
proc generateVMProxy(boa: Assembler): NimNode =
vmProxy = genSym(nskProc, "vmProxy")
chainDB = ident("chainDB")
vmState = ident("vmState")
title = boa.title
body = newLitFixed(boa)
result = quote do:
test `title`:
proc `vmProxy`(): bool =
let boa = `body`
runVM(`vmState`, `chainDB`, boa)
check `vmProxy`()
when defined(macro_assembler_debug):
echo result.toStrLit.strVal
proc initDatabase*(networkId = MainNet): (BaseVMState, BaseChainDB) =
let db = newBaseChainDB(newMemoryDB(), false, networkId, networkParams(networkId))
parent = getCanonicalHead(db)
coinbase = hexToByteArray[20]("bb7b8287f3f0a933474a79eae42cbca977791171")
timestamp = parent.timestamp + initDuration(seconds = 1)
header = BlockHeader(
blockNumber: 1.u256,
stateRoot: parent.stateRoot,
parentHash: parent.blockHash,
coinbase: coinbase,
timestamp: timestamp,
difficulty: db.config.calcDifficulty(timestamp, parent),
gasLimit: 100_000
let vmState = newBaseVMState(db.stateDB, header, db)
(vmState, db)
proc runVM*(vmState: BaseVMState, chainDB: BaseChainDB, boa: Assembler): bool =
const codeAddress = hexToByteArray[20]("460121576cc7df020759730751f92bd62fd78dd6")
let privateKey = PrivateKey.fromHex("7a28b5ba57c53603b0b07b56bba752f7784bf506fa95edc395f5cf6c7514fe9d")[]
db.setCode(codeAddress, boa.code)
db.setBalance(codeAddress, 1_000_000.u256)
let unsignedTx = Transaction(
txType: TxLegacy,
nonce: 0,
gasPrice: 1.GasInt,
gasLimit: 500_000_000.GasInt,
to: codeAddress.some,
value: 500.u256,
payload: boa.data
let tx = signTransaction(unsignedTx, privateKey, chainDB.config.chainId, false)
let asmResult = testCallEvm(tx, tx.getSender, vmState, boa.fork)
if not asmResult.isError:
if boa.success == false:
error "different success value", expected=boa.success, actual=true
return false
if boa.success == true:
error "different success value", expected=boa.success, actual=false
return false
if boa.gasUsed != -1:
if boa.gasUsed != asmResult.gasUsed:
error "different gasUsed", expected=boa.gasUsed, actual=asmResult.gasUsed
return false
if boa.stack.len != asmResult.stack.values.len:
error "different stack len", expected=boa.stack.len, actual=asmResult.stack.values.len
return false
for i, v in asmResult.stack.values:
let actual = v.dumpHex()
let val = boa.stack[i].toHex()
if actual != val:
error "different stack value", idx=i, expected=val, actual=actual
return false
const chunkLen = 32
let numChunks = asmResult.memory.len div chunkLen
if numChunks != boa.memory.len:
error "different memory len", expected=boa.memory.len, actual=numChunks
return false
for i in 0 ..< numChunks:
let actual = asmResult.memory.bytes.toOpenArray(i * chunkLen, (i + 1) * chunkLen - 1).toHex()
let mem = boa.memory[i].toHex()
if mem != actual:
error "different memory value", idx=i, expected=mem, actual=actual
return false
var stateDB = vmState.stateDB
storageRoot = stateDB.getStorageRoot(codeAddress)
trie = initSecureHexaryTrie(chainDB.db, storageRoot)
for kv in boa.storage:
let key = kv[0].toHex()
let val = kv[1].toHex()
let keyBytes = (@(kv[0]))
let actual = trie.get(keyBytes).toHex()
let zerosLen = 64 - (actual.len)
let value = repeat('0', zerosLen) & actual
if val != value:
error "storage has different value", key=key, expected=val, actual=value
return false
let logs = vmState.logEntries
if logs.len != boa.logs.len:
error "different logs len", expected=boa.logs.len, actual=logs.len
return false
for i, log in boa.logs:
let eAddr = log.address.toHex()
let aAddr = logs[i].address.toHex()
if eAddr != aAddr:
error "different address", expected=eAddr, actual=aAddr, idx=i
return false
let eData = log.data.toHex()
let aData = logs[i].data.toHex()
if eData != aData:
error "different data", expected=eData, actual=aData, idx=i
return false
if log.topics.len != logs[i].topics.len:
error "different topics len", expected=log.topics.len, actual=logs[i].topics.len, idx=i
return false
for x, t in log.topics:
let eTopic = t.toHex()
let aTopic = logs[i].topics[x].toHex()
if eTopic != aTopic:
error "different topic in log entry", expected=eTopic, actual=aTopic, logIdx=i, topicIdx=x
return false
if boa.output.len > 0:
let actual = asmResult.output.toHex()
let expected = boa.output.toHex()
if expected != actual:
error "different output detected", expected=expected, actual=actual
return false
result = true
macro assembler*(list: untyped): untyped =
var boa = Assembler(success: true, fork: FkFrontier, gasUsed: -1)
list.expectKind nnkStmtList
for callSection in list:
let label = callSection[0].strVal
let body = callSection[1]
case label.normalize
of "title":
let title = body[0]
boa.title = title.strVal
of "code" : boa.code = parseCode(body)
of "memory": boa.memory = parseVMWords(body)
of "stack" : boa.stack = parseVMWords(body)
of "storage": boa.storage = parseStorage(body)
of "logs": boa.logs = parseLogs(body)
of "success": boa.success = parseSuccess(body)
of "data": boa.data = parseData(body)
of "output": boa.output = parseData(body)
of "fork": boa.fork = parseFork(body)
of "gasused": boa.gasUsed = parseGasUsed(body)
else: error("unknown section '" & label & "'", callSection[0])
result = boa.generateVMProxy()
macro evmByteCode*(list: untyped): untyped =
list.expectKind nnkStmtList
var code = parseCode(list)
result = newLitFixed(code)