Jordan Hrycaj 6ca6bcd96f
Snap sync fix trie interpolation fringe condition (#1457)
* Cosmetics

+ Update doc generator
+ Fix key type representation in `hexary_desc` for debugging
+ Redefine `isImportOk()` as template for better `check()` line reporting

* Fix fringe condition when interpolating Merkle-Patricia tries

  Small change with profound effect fixing some pathological condition
  that haunted the unit test set on large data sers. There is still one
  condition left which might well be due to an incomplete data set.

* Unit test proof nodes for node range extractor

* Unit tests to run on full extraction set

  Left over from troubleshooting, range length was only 5
2023-02-01 18:56:06 +00:00

447 lines
15 KiB

# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
std/[algorithm, hashes, sequtils, sets, strutils, tables],
eth/[common, p2p, trie/nibbles],
{.push raises: [].}
HexaryPpFn* = proc(key: RepairKey): string {.gcsafe.}
## For testing/debugging: key pretty printer function
ByteArray33* = array[33,byte]
## Used for 31 byte database keys, i.e. <marker> + <32-byte-key>
RepairKey* = distinct ByteArray33
## Byte prefixed `NodeKey` for internal DB records
# Example trie from
# lookup data:
# "do": "verb"
# "dog": "puppy"
# "dodge": "coin"
# "horse": "stallion"
# trie DB:
# root: [16 A]
# A: [* * * * B * * * [20+"orse" "stallion"] * * * * * * * *]
# B: [00+"o" D]
# D: [* * * * * * E * * * * * * * * * "verb"]
# E: [17 [* * * * * * [35 "coin"] * * * * * * * * * "puppy"]]
# with first nibble of two-column rows:
# hex bits | node type length
# ---------+------------------
# 0 0000 | extension even
# 1 0001 | extension odd
# 2 0010 | leaf even
# 3 0011 | leaf odd
# and key path:
# "do": 6 4 6 f
# "dog": 6 4 6 f 6 7
# "dodge": 6 4 6 f 6 7 6 5
# "horse": 6 8 6 f 7 2 7 3 6 5
NodeKind* = enum
RNodeState* = enum
Static = 0 ## Inserted as proof record
Locked ## Like `Static`, only added on-the-fly
Mutable ## Open for modification
TmpRoot ## Mutable root node
RNodeRef* = ref object
## Node for building a temporary hexary trie coined `repair tree`.
state*: RNodeState ## `Static` if added from proof data set
case kind*: NodeKind
of Leaf:
lPfx*: NibblesSeq ## Portion of path segment
lData*: Blob
of Extension:
ePfx*: NibblesSeq ## Portion of path segment
eLink*: RepairKey ## Single down link
of Branch:
bLink*: array[16,RepairKey] ## Down links
# Paraphrased comment from Andri's `stateless/` file in chapter
# `Deviation from yellow paper`, (also found here
# /tree/master/stateless#deviation-from-yellow-paper)
# [..] In the Yellow Paper, the 17th elem of the branch node can contain
# a value. But it is always empty in a real Ethereum state trie. The
# block witness spec also ignores this 17th elem when encoding or
# decoding a branch node. This can happen because in a Ethereum secure
# hexary trie, every keys have uniform length of 32 bytes or 64 nibbles.
# With the absence of the 17th element, a branch node will never contain
# a leaf value.
bData*: Blob
XNodeObj* = object
## Simplified version of `RNodeRef` to be used as a node for `XPathStep`
case kind*: NodeKind
of Leaf:
lPfx*: NibblesSeq ## Portion of path segment
lData*: Blob
of Extension:
ePfx*: NibblesSeq ## Portion of path segment
eLink*: Blob ## Single down link
of Branch:
bLink*: array[17,Blob] ## Down links followed by data
RPathStep* = object
## For constructing a repair tree traversal path `RPath`
key*: RepairKey ## Tree label, node hash
node*: RNodeRef ## Referes to data record
nibble*: int8 ## Branch node selector (if any)
RPath* = object
path*: seq[RPathStep]
tail*: NibblesSeq ## Stands for non completed leaf path
XPathStep* = object
## Similar to `RPathStep` for an arbitrary (sort of transparent) trie
key*: Blob ## Node hash implied by `node` data
node*: XNodeObj
nibble*: int8 ## Branch node selector (if any)
XPath* = object
path*: seq[XPathStep]
tail*: NibblesSeq ## Stands for non completed leaf path
depth*: int ## May indicate path length (typically 64)
RLeafSpecs* = object
## Temporarily stashed leaf data (as for an account.) Proper records
## have non-empty payload. Records with empty payload are administrative
## items, e.g. lower boundary records.
pathTag*: NodeTag ## Equivalent to account hash
nodeKey*: RepairKey ## Leaf hash into hexary repair table
payload*: Blob ## Data payload
HexaryTreeDbRef* = ref object
## Hexary trie plus helper structures
tab*: Table[RepairKey,RNodeRef] ## key-value trie table, in-memory db
repairKeyGen*: uint64 ## Unique tmp key generator
keyPp*: HexaryPpFn ## For debugging, might go away
HexaryGetFn* = proc(key: openArray[byte]): Blob {.gcsafe.}
## Persistent database `get()` function. For read-only cases, this function
## can be seen as the persistent alternative to ``tab[]` on a
## `HexaryTreeDbRef` descriptor.
HexaryNodeReport* = object
## Return code for single node operations
slot*: Option[int] ## May refer to indexed argument slots
kind*: Option[NodeKind] ## Node type (if any)
dangling*: seq[NodeSpecs] ## Missing inner sub-tries
error*: HexaryError ## Error code, or `NothingSerious`
EmptyNodeBlob* = seq[byte].default
EmptyNibbleRange* = EmptyNodeBlob.initNibbleRange
# Not that there is no doubt about this ...
doAssert NodeKey.default.ByteArray32.initNibbleRange.len == 64
disablePrettyKeys* = false ## Degugging, print raw keys if `true`
proc isNodeKey*(a: RepairKey): bool {.gcsafe.}
proc isZero*(a: RepairKey): bool {.gcsafe.}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc initImpl(key: var RepairKey; data: openArray[byte]): bool =
if 0 < data.len and data.len <= 33:
let trg = addr key.ByteArray33[33 - data.len]
trg.copyMem(unsafeAddr data[0], data.len)
return true
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private debugging helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc to*(key: NodeKey; T: type RepairKey): T {.gcsafe.}
proc toPfx(indent: int): string =
"\n" & " ".repeat(indent)
proc ppImpl(s: string; hex = false): string =
## For long strings print `begin..end` only
if hex:
let n = (s.len + 1) div 2
(if s.len < 20: s else: s[0 .. 5] & ".." & s[s.len-8 .. s.len-1]) &
"[" & (if 0 < n: "#" & $n else: "") & "]"
elif s.len <= 30:
(if (s.len and 1) == 0: s[0 ..< 8] else: "0" & s[0 ..< 7]) &
"..(" & $s.len & ").." & s[s.len-16 ..< s.len]
proc ppImpl(key: RepairKey; db: HexaryTreeDbRef): string =
if key.isZero:
return "ø"
if not key.isNodekey:
var num: uint64
(addr num).copyMem(unsafeAddr key.ByteArray33[25], 8)
return "%" & $num
if not disablePrettyKeys and not db.keyPp.isNil:
return db.keyPp(key)
proc ppImpl(key: NodeKey; db: HexaryTreeDbRef): string =
proc ppImpl(w: openArray[RepairKey]; db: HexaryTreeDbRef): string =
proc ppImpl(w: openArray[Blob]; db: HexaryTreeDbRef): string =
var q: seq[RepairKey]
for a in w:
var key: RepairKey
discard key.initImpl(a)
q.add key
proc ppStr(blob: Blob): string =
if blob.len == 0: ""
else: blob.mapIt(it.toHex(2)).join.toLowerAscii.ppImpl(hex = true)
proc ppImpl(n: RNodeRef; db: HexaryTreeDbRef): string =
let so = n.state.ord
case n.kind:
of Leaf:
["l","ł","L","R"][so] & "(" & $n.lPfx & "," & n.lData.ppStr & ")"
of Extension:
["e","","E","R"][so] & "(" & $n.ePfx & "," & n.eLink.ppImpl(db) & ")"
of Branch:
["b","þ","B","R"][so] & "(" & n.bLink.ppImpl(db) & "," & n.bData.ppStr & ")"
proc ppImpl(n: XNodeObj; db: HexaryTreeDbRef): string =
case n.kind:
of Leaf:
"l(" & $n.lPfx & "," & n.lData.ppStr & ")"
of Extension:
var key: RepairKey
discard key.initImpl(n.eLink)
"e(" & $n.ePfx & "," & key.ppImpl(db) & ")"
of Branch:
"b(" & n.bLink[0..15].ppImpl(db) & "," & n.bLink[16].ppStr & ")"
proc ppImpl(w: RPathStep; db: HexaryTreeDbRef): string =
nibble = if 0 <= w.nibble: w.nibble.toHex(1).toLowerAscii else: "ø"
key = w.key.ppImpl(db)
"(" & key & "," & nibble & "," & w.node.ppImpl(db) & ")"
proc ppImpl(w: XPathStep; db: HexaryTreeDbRef): string =
let nibble = if 0 <= w.nibble: w.nibble.toHex(1).toLowerAscii else: "ø"
var key: RepairKey
discard key.initImpl(w.key)
"(" & key.ppImpl(db) & "," & $nibble & "," & w.node.ppImpl(db) & ")"
proc ppImpl(db: HexaryTreeDbRef; root: NodeKey): seq[string] =
## Dump the entries from the a generic repair tree. This function assumes
## that mapped keys are printed `$###` if a node is locked or static, and
## some substitute for the first letter `$` otherwise (if they are mutable.)
proc toKey(s: string): uint64 =
result = s[1 ..< s.len].parseUint
except ValueError as e:
raiseAssert "Ooops ppImpl(s=" & s & "): name=" & $ & " msg=" & e.msg
if s[0] != '$':
result = result or (1u64 shl 63)
proc cmpIt(x, y: (uint64,string)): int =
var accu: seq[(uint64,string)]
if root.ByteArray32 != ByteArray32.default:
accu.add @[(0u64, "($0" & "," & root.ppImpl(db) & ")")]
for key,node in
accu.add (
"(" & key.ppImpl(db) & "," & node.ppImpl(db) & ")")
result = accu.sorted(cmpIt).mapIt(it[1])
except Exception as e:
result &= " ! Ooops ppImpl(): name=" & $ & " msg=" & e.msg
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public debugging helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc pp*(s: string; hex = false): string =
## For long strings print `begin..end` only
proc pp*(w: NibblesSeq): string =
proc pp*(key: RepairKey): string =
## Raw key, for referenced key dump use `key.pp(db)` below
proc pp*(key: NodeKey): string =
## Raw key, for referenced key dump use `key.pp(db)` below
proc pp*(key: NodeKey|RepairKey; db: HexaryTreeDbRef): string =
proc pp*(
w: RNodeRef|XNodeObj|RPathStep|XPathStep;
db: HexaryTreeDbRef;
): string =
proc pp*(w:openArray[RPathStep|XPathStep];db:HexaryTreeDbRef;indent=4): string =
proc pp*(w: RPath; db: HexaryTreeDbRef; indent=4): string =
w.path.pp(db,indent) & indent.toPfx & "(" & $w.tail & ")"
proc pp*(w: XPath; db: HexaryTreeDbRef; indent=4): string =
w.path.pp(db,indent) & indent.toPfx & "(" & $w.tail & "," & $w.depth & ")"
proc pp*(db: HexaryTreeDbRef; root: NodeKey; indent=4): string =
## Dump the entries from the a generic repair tree.
proc pp*(db: HexaryTreeDbRef; indent=4): string =
## varinat of `pp()` above
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public constructor (or similar)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc init*(key: var RepairKey; data: openArray[byte]): bool =
proc newRepairKey*(db: HexaryTreeDbRef): RepairKey =
# Storing in proper endian handy for debugging (but not really important)
when cpuEndian == bigEndian:
var src = db.repairKeyGen.toBytesBE
var src = db.repairKeyGen.toBytesLE
(addr result.ByteArray33[25]).copyMem(addr src[0], 8)
result.ByteArray33[0] = 1
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc hash*(a: RepairKey): Hash =
## Tables mixin
proc `==`*(a, b: RepairKey): bool =
## Tables mixin
a.ByteArray33 == b.ByteArray33
proc to*(key: NodeKey; T: type NibblesSeq): T =
proc to*(key: NodeKey; T: type RepairKey): T =
(addr result.ByteArray33[1]).copyMem(unsafeAddr key.ByteArray32[0], 32)
proc isZero*(a: RepairKey): bool =
a == typeof(a).default
proc isZero*[T: NodeTag|NodeKey](a: T): bool =
a == typeof(a).default
proc isNodeKey*(a: RepairKey): bool =
a.ByteArray33[0] == 0
proc convertTo*(data: Blob; T: type NodeKey): T =
## Probably lossy conversion, use `init()` for safe conversion
discard result.init(data)
proc convertTo*(data: Blob; T: type NodeTag): T =
## Ditto for node tag
proc convertTo*(data: Blob; T: type RepairKey): T =
## Probably lossy conversion, use `init()` for safe conversion
discard result.initImpl(data)
proc convertTo*(node: RNodeRef; T: type Blob): T =
## Write the node as an RLP-encoded blob
var writer = initRlpWriter()
proc appendOk(writer: var RlpWriter; key: RepairKey): bool =
if key.isZero:
elif key.isNodeKey:
var hash: Hash256
(addr[0]).copyMem(unsafeAddr key.ByteArray33[1], 32)
return false
case node.kind:
of Branch:
for n in 0 ..< 16:
if not writer.appendOk(node.bLink[n]):
return # empty `Blob`
of Extension:
writer.append(node.ePfx.hexPrefixEncode(isleaf = false))
if not writer.appendOk(node.eLink):
return # empty `Blob`
of Leaf:
writer.append(node.lPfx.hexPrefixEncode(isleaf = true))
proc convertTo*(node: XNodeObj; T: type Blob): T =
## Variant of above `convertTo()` for `XNodeObj` nodes.
var writer = initRlpWriter()
case node.kind:
of Branch:
of Extension:
writer.append(node.ePfx.hexPrefixEncode(isleaf = false))
of Leaf:
writer.append(node.lPfx.hexPrefixEncode(isleaf = true))
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------