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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
CursorDesc = object
forkJunction: BlockNumber
hash: Hash32
BlockDesc* = object
blk*: Block
receipts*: seq[Receipt]
BaseDesc = object
hash: Hash32
header: Header
CanonicalDesc = object
cursorHash: Hash32
header: Header
ForkedChainRef* = ref object
stagingTx: CoreDbTxRef
db: CoreDbRef
com: CommonRef
blocks: Table[Hash32, BlockDesc]
txRecords: Table[Hash32, (Hash32, uint64)]
baseHash: Hash32
baseHeader: Header
cursorHash: Hash32
cursorHeader: Header
cursorHeads: seq[CursorDesc]
extraValidation: bool
baseDistance: uint64
BaseDistance = 128
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template shouldNotKeyError(body: untyped) =
except KeyError as exc:
raiseAssert exc.msg
proc processBlock(c: ForkedChainRef,
parent: Header,
blk: Block): Result[seq[Receipt], string] =
template header(): Header =
let vmState = BaseVMState()
vmState.init(parent, header, c.com)
if c.extraValidation:
?c.com.validateHeaderAndKinship(blk, vmState.parent, checkSealOK = false)
skipValidation = false,
skipReceipts = false,
skipUncles = true,
# We still need to write header to database
# because validateUncles still need it
let blockHash = header.blockHash()
if not c.db.persistHeader(
return err("Could not persist header")
# update currentBlock *after* we persist it
# so the rpc return consistent result
# between eth_blockNumber and eth_syncing
c.com.syncCurrent = header.number
func updateCursorHeads(c: ForkedChainRef,
cursorHash: Hash32,
header: Header) =
# Example of cursorHeads and cursor
# -- A1 - A2 - A3 -- D5 - D6
# / /
# base - B1 - B2 - B3 - B4
# \
# --- C3 - C4
# A3, B4, C4, and D6, are in cursorHeads
# Any one of them with blockHash == cursorHash
# is the active chain with cursor pointing to the
# latest block of that chain.
for i in 0..<c.cursorHeads.len:
if c.cursorHeads[i].hash == header.parentHash:
c.cursorHeads[i].hash = cursorHash
c.cursorHeads.add CursorDesc(
hash: cursorHash,
forkJunction: header.number,
func updateCursor(c: ForkedChainRef,
blk: Block,
receipts: sink seq[Receipt]) =
template header(): Header =
c.cursorHeader = header
c.cursorHash = header.blockHash
c.blocks[c.cursorHash] = BlockDesc(
blk: blk,
receipts: move(receipts)
c.updateCursorHeads(c.cursorHash, header)
proc validateBlock(c: ForkedChainRef,
parent: Header,
blk: Block,
updateCursor: bool = true): Result[void, string] =
let dbTx = c.db.ctx.newTransaction()
var res = c.processBlock(parent, blk)
if res.isErr:
return err(res.error)
if updateCursor:
c.updateCursor(blk, move(res.value))
for i, tx in blk.transactions:
c.txRecords[rlpHash(tx)] = (blk.header.blockHash, uint64(i))
proc replaySegment(c: ForkedChainRef, target: Hash32) =
# Replay from base+1 to target block
prevHash = target
chain = newSeq[Block]()
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
chain.add c.blocks[prevHash].blk
prevHash = chain[^1].header.parentHash
c.stagingTx = c.db.ctx.newTransaction()
c.cursorHeader = c.baseHeader
for i in countdown(chain.high, chain.low):
c.validateBlock(c.cursorHeader, chain[i],
updateCursor = false).expect("have been validated before")
c.cursorHeader = chain[i].header
c.cursorHash = target
proc replaySegment(c: ForkedChainRef,
target: Hash32,
parent: Header,
parentHash: Hash32) =
# Replay from parent+1 to target block
# with assumption last state is at parent
prevHash = target
chain = newSeq[Block]()
while prevHash != parentHash:
chain.add c.blocks[prevHash].blk
prevHash = chain[^1].header.parentHash
c.cursorHeader = parent
for i in countdown(chain.high, chain.low):
c.validateBlock(c.cursorHeader, chain[i],
updateCursor = false).expect("have been validated before")
c.cursorHeader = chain[i].header
c.cursorHash = target
proc writeBaggage(c: ForkedChainRef, target: Hash32) =
# Write baggage from base+1 to target block
template header(): Header =
var prevHash = target
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
let blk = c.blocks[prevHash]
c.db.persistTransactions(header.number, header.txRoot, blk.blk.transactions)
c.db.persistReceipts(header.receiptsRoot, blk.receipts)
discard c.db.persistUncles(blk.blk.uncles)
if blk.blk.withdrawals.isSome:
header.withdrawalsRoot.expect("WithdrawalsRoot should be verified before"),
for tx in blk.blk.transactions:
prevHash = header.parentHash
func updateBase(c: ForkedChainRef,
newBaseHash: Hash32,
newBaseHeader: Header,
canonicalCursorHash: Hash32) =
var cursorHeadsLen = c.cursorHeads.len
# Remove obsolete chains, example:
# -- A1 - A2 - A3 -- D5 - D6
# / /
# base - B1 - B2 - [B3] - B4
# \
# --- C3 - C4
# If base move to B3, both A and C will be removed
# but not D
for i in 0..<cursorHeadsLen:
if c.cursorHeads[i].forkJunction <= newBaseHeader.number and
c.cursorHeads[i].hash != canonicalCursorHash:
var prevHash = c.cursorHeads[i].hash
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
c.blocks.withValue(prevHash, val) do:
let rmHash = prevHash
prevHash = val.blk.header.parentHash
# Older chain segment have been deleted
# by previous head
# If we use `c.cursorHeads.len` in the for loop,
# the sequence length will not updated
dec cursorHeadsLen
# Cleanup in-memory blocks starting from newBase backward
# while blocks from newBase+1 to canonicalCursor not deleted
# e.g. B4 onward
var prevHash = newBaseHash
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
c.blocks.withValue(prevHash, val) do:
let rmHash = prevHash
prevHash = val.blk.header.parentHash
# Older chain segment have been deleted
# by previous head
c.baseHeader = newBaseHeader
c.baseHash = newBaseHash
func findCanonicalHead(c: ForkedChainRef,
hash: Hash32): Result[CanonicalDesc, string] =
if hash == c.baseHash:
# The cursorHash here should not be used for next step
# because it not point to any active chain
return ok(CanonicalDesc(cursorHash: c.baseHash, header: c.baseHeader))
# Find hash belong to which chain
for cursor in c.cursorHeads:
var prevHash = cursor.hash
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
let header = c.blocks[prevHash].blk.header
if prevHash == hash:
return ok(CanonicalDesc(cursorHash: cursor.hash, header: header))
prevHash = header.parentHash
err("Block hash is not part of any active chain")
func canonicalChain(c: ForkedChainRef,
hash: Hash32,
headHash: Hash32): Result[Header, string] =
if hash == c.baseHash:
return ok(c.baseHeader)
var prevHash = headHash
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
var header = c.blocks[prevHash].blk.header
if prevHash == hash:
return ok(header)
prevHash = header.parentHash
err("Block hash not in canonical chain")
func calculateNewBase(c: ForkedChainRef,
finalizedHeader: Header,
headHash: Hash32,
headHeader: Header): BaseDesc =
# It's important to have base at least `baseDistance` behind head
# so we can answer state queries about history that deep.
let targetNumber = min(finalizedHeader.number,
max(headHeader.number, c.baseDistance) - c.baseDistance)
# The distance is less than `baseDistance`, don't move the base
if targetNumber <= c.baseHeader.number + c.baseDistance:
return BaseDesc(hash: c.baseHash, header: c.baseHeader)
var prevHash = headHash
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
var header = c.blocks[prevHash].blk.header
if header.number == targetNumber:
return BaseDesc(hash: prevHash, header: move(header))
prevHash = header.parentHash
doAssert(false, "Unreachable code")
func trimCanonicalChain(c: ForkedChainRef,
head: CanonicalDesc,
headHash: Hash32) =
# Maybe the current active chain is longer than canonical chain
var prevHash = head.cursorHash
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
let header = c.blocks[prevHash].blk.header
if header.number > head.header.number:
prevHash = header.parentHash
if c.cursorHeads.len == 0:
# Update cursorHeads if indeed we trim
for i in 0..<c.cursorHeads.len:
if c.cursorHeads[i].hash == head.cursorHash:
c.cursorHeads[i].hash = headHash
doAssert(false, "Unreachable code")
proc setHead(c: ForkedChainRef,
headHash: Hash32,
number: BlockNumber) =
# TODO: db.setHead should not read from db anymore
# all canonical chain marking
# should be done from here.
discard c.db.setHead(headHash)
# update global syncHighest
c.com.syncHighest = number
proc updateHeadIfNecessary(c: ForkedChainRef,
head: CanonicalDesc, headHash: Hash32) =
# update head if the new head is different
# from current head or current chain
if c.cursorHash != head.cursorHash:
if not c.stagingTx.isNil:
c.stagingTx = c.db.ctx.newTransaction()
c.trimCanonicalChain(head, headHash)
if c.cursorHash != headHash:
c.cursorHeader = head.header
c.cursorHash = headHash
if c.stagingTx.isNil:
# setHead below don't go straight to db
c.stagingTx = c.db.ctx.newTransaction()
c.setHead(headHash, head.header.number)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc init*(
T: type ForkedChainRef;
com: CommonRef;
baseDistance = BaseDistance.uint64;
extraValidation = true;
): T =
## Constructor that uses the current database ledger state for initialising.
## This state coincides with the canonical head that would be used for
## setting up the descriptor.
## With `ForkedChainRef` based import, the canonical state lives only inside
## a level one database transaction. Thus it will readily be available on the
## running system with tools such as `getCanonicalHead()`. But it will never
## be saved on the database.
## This constructor also works well when resuming import after running
## `persistentBlocks()` used for `Era1` or `Era` import.
base = com.db.getSavedStateBlockNumber
baseHash: Hash32
baseHeader: Header
baseHash = com.db.getBlockHash(base)
baseHeader = com.db.getBlockHeader(baseHash)
except BlockNotFound:
raiseAssert "Base header missing for #" & $base
# update global syncStart
com.syncStart = baseHeader.number
T(com: com,
db: com.db,
baseHeader: baseHeader,
cursorHash: baseHash,
baseHash: baseHash,
cursorHeader: baseHeader,
extraValidation: extraValidation,
baseDistance: baseDistance,
txRecords: initTable[Hash32, (Hash32, uint64)]())
proc newForkedChain*(com: CommonRef,
baseHeader: Header,
baseDistance: uint64 = BaseDistance,
extraValidation: bool = true): ForkedChainRef =
## This constructor allows to set up the base state which might be needed
## for some particular test or other applications. Otherwise consider
## `init()`.
let baseHash = baseHeader.blockHash
var chain = ForkedChainRef(
com: com,
db : com.db,
baseHeader : baseHeader,
cursorHash : baseHash,
baseHash : baseHash,
cursorHeader: baseHeader,
extraValidation: extraValidation,
baseDistance: baseDistance,
txRecords: initTable[Hash32, (Hash32, uint64)]()
# update global syncStart
com.syncStart = baseHeader.number
proc importBlock*(c: ForkedChainRef, blk: Block): Result[void, string] =
# Try to import block to canonical or side chain.
# return error if the block is invalid
if c.stagingTx.isNil:
c.stagingTx = c.db.ctx.newTransaction()
template header(): Header =
if header.parentHash == c.cursorHash:
return c.validateBlock(c.cursorHeader, blk)
if header.parentHash == c.baseHash:
c.stagingTx = c.db.ctx.newTransaction()
return c.validateBlock(c.baseHeader, blk)
if header.parentHash notin c.blocks:
# If it's parent is an invalid block
# there is no hope the descendant is valid
return err("Block is not part of valid chain")
# TODO: If engine API keep importing blocks
# but not finalized it, e.g. current chain length > StagedBlocksThreshold
# We need to persist some of the in-memory stuff
# to a "staging area" or disk-backed memory but it must not afect `base`.
# `base` is the point of no return, we only update it on finality.
c.validateBlock(c.cursorHeader, blk)
proc forkChoice*(c: ForkedChainRef,
headHash: Hash32,
finalizedHash: Hash32): Result[void, string] =
if headHash == c.cursorHash and finalizedHash == static(default(Hash32)):
# Do nothing if the new head already our current head
# and there is no request to new finality
return ok()
# If there are multiple heads, find which chain headHash belongs to
let head = ?c.findCanonicalHead(headHash)
if finalizedHash == static(default(Hash32)):
# skip newBase calculation and skip chain finalization
# if finalizedHash is zero
c.updateHeadIfNecessary(head, headHash)
return ok()
# Finalized block must be part of canonical chain
let finalizedHeader = ?c.canonicalChain(finalizedHash, headHash)
let newBase = c.calculateNewBase(
finalizedHeader, headHash, head.header)
if newBase.hash == c.baseHash:
# The base is not updated but the cursor maybe need update
c.updateHeadIfNecessary(head, headHash)
return ok()
# At this point cursorHeader.number > baseHeader.number
if newBase.hash == c.cursorHash:
# Paranoid check, guaranteed by `newBase.hash == c.cursorHash`
doAssert(not c.stagingTx.isNil)
# CL decide to move backward and then forward?
if c.cursorHeader.number < head.header.number:
c.replaySegment(headHash, c.cursorHeader, c.cursorHash)
# Current segment is canonical chain
c.setHead(headHash, head.header.number)
c.stagingTx = nil
# Move base to newBase
c.updateBase(newBase.hash, c.cursorHeader, head.cursorHash)
# Save and record the block number before the last saved block state.
return err("Failed to save state: " & $$error)
return ok()
# At this point finalizedHeader.number is <= headHeader.number
# and possibly switched to other chain beside the one with cursor
doAssert(finalizedHeader.number <= head.header.number)
doAssert(newBase.header.number <= finalizedHeader.number)
# Write segment from base+1 to newBase into database
c.stagingTx = c.db.ctx.newTransaction()
if newBase.header.number > c.baseHeader.number:
c.stagingTx = nil
# Update base forward to newBase
c.updateBase(newBase.hash, newBase.header, head.cursorHash)
return err("Failed to save state: " & $$error)
if c.stagingTx.isNil:
# replaySegment or setHead below don't
# go straight to db
c.stagingTx = c.db.ctx.newTransaction()
# Move chain state forward to current head
if newBase.header.number < head.header.number:
c.setHead(headHash, head.header.number)
# Move cursor to current head
c.trimCanonicalChain(head, headHash)
if c.cursorHash != headHash:
c.cursorHeader = head.header
c.cursorHash = headHash
func haveBlockAndState*(c: ForkedChainRef, blockHash: Hash32): bool =
if c.blocks.hasKey(blockHash):
return true
if c.baseHash == blockHash:
return true
proc haveBlockLocally*(c: ForkedChainRef, blockHash: Hash32): bool =
if c.blocks.hasKey(blockHash):
return true
if c.baseHash == blockHash:
return true
func stateReady*(c: ForkedChainRef, header: Header): bool =
let blockHash = header.blockHash
blockHash == c.cursorHash
func com*(c: ForkedChainRef): CommonRef =
func db*(c: ForkedChainRef): CoreDbRef =
func latestHeader*(c: ForkedChainRef): Header =
func latestNumber*(c: ForkedChainRef): BlockNumber =
func latestHash*(c: ForkedChainRef): Hash32 =
func baseNumber*(c: ForkedChainRef): BlockNumber =
func txRecords*(c: ForkedChainRef, txHash: Hash32): (Hash32, uint64) =
c.txRecords.getOrDefault(txHash, (Hash32.default, 0'u64))
func memoryBlock*(c: ForkedChainRef, blockHash: Hash32): BlockDesc =
proc latestBlock*(c: ForkedChainRef): Block =
c.blocks.withValue(c.cursorHash, val) do:
return val.blk
# This can happen if block pointed by cursorHash is not loaded yet
result = c.db.getEthBlock(c.cursorHash)
c.blocks[c.cursorHash] = BlockDesc(
blk: result,
receipts: c.db.getReceipts(result.header.receiptsRoot),
except BlockNotFound:
doAssert(false, "Block should exists in database")
except RlpError:
doAssert(false, "Receipts should exists in database")
proc headerByNumber*(c: ForkedChainRef, number: BlockNumber): Result[Header, string] =
if number > c.cursorHeader.number:
return err("Requested block number not exists: " & $number)
if number == c.cursorHeader.number:
return ok(c.cursorHeader)
if number == c.baseHeader.number:
return ok(c.baseHeader)
if number < c.baseHeader.number:
var header: Header
if c.db.getBlockHeader(number, header):
return ok(header)
return err("Failed to get header with number: " & $number)
var prevHash = c.cursorHeader.parentHash
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
let header = c.blocks[prevHash].blk.header
if header.number == number:
return ok(header)
prevHash = header.parentHash
doAssert(false, "headerByNumber: Unreachable code")
proc headerByHash*(c: ForkedChainRef, blockHash: Hash32): Result[Header, string] =
c.blocks.withValue(blockHash, val) do:
return ok(val.blk.header)
if c.baseHash == blockHash:
return ok(c.baseHeader)
var header: Header
if c.db.getBlockHeader(blockHash, header):
return ok(header)
return err("Failed to get header with hash: " & $blockHash)
proc blockByHash*(c: ForkedChainRef, blockHash: Hash32): Opt[Block] =
# used by getPayloadBodiesByHash
# https://github.com/ethereum/execution-apis/blob/v1.0.0-beta.4/src/engine/shanghai.md#specification-3
# 4. Client software MAY NOT respond to requests for finalized blocks by hash.
c.blocks.withValue(blockHash, val) do:
return Opt.some(val.blk)
header: Header
body: BlockBody
if c.db.getBlockHeader(blockHash, header) and c.db.getBlockBody(blockHash, body):
return ok(Block.init(move(header), move(body)))
return Opt.none(Block)
proc blockByNumber*(c: ForkedChainRef, number: BlockNumber): Result[Block, string] =
if number > c.cursorHeader.number:
return err("Requested block number not exists: " & $number)
if number < c.baseHeader.number:
header: Header
body: BlockBody
if c.db.getBlockHeader(number, header) and c.db.getBlockBody(header, body):
return ok(Block.init(move(header), move(body)))
return err("Failed to get block with number: " & $number)
var prevHash = c.cursorHash
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
c.blocks.withValue(prevHash, item):
if item.blk.header.number == number:
return ok(item.blk)
prevHash = item.blk.header.parentHash
return err("Block not found, number = " & $number)
func blockFromBaseTo*(c: ForkedChainRef, number: BlockNumber): seq[Block] =
# return block in reverse order
var prevHash = c.cursorHash
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
c.blocks.withValue(prevHash, item):
if item.blk.header.number <= number:
result.add item.blk
prevHash = item.blk.header.parentHash
func isCanonical*(c: ForkedChainRef, blockHash: Hash32): bool =
var prevHash = c.cursorHash
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
c.blocks.withValue(prevHash, item):
if blockHash == prevHash:
return true
prevHash = item.blk.header.parentHash
proc isCanonicalAncestor*(c: ForkedChainRef,
blockNumber: BlockNumber,
blockHash: Hash32): bool =
if blockNumber >= c.cursorHeader.number:
return false
if blockHash == c.cursorHash:
return false
if c.baseHeader.number < c.cursorHeader.number:
# The current canonical chain in memory is headed by
# cursorHeader
var prevHash = c.cursorHeader.parentHash
while prevHash != c.baseHash:
var header = c.blocks[prevHash].blk.header
if prevHash == blockHash and blockNumber == header.number:
return true
prevHash = header.parentHash
# canonical chain in database should have a marker
# and the marker is block number
var canonHash: common.Hash32
c.db.getBlockHash(blockNumber, canonHash) and canonHash == blockHash