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# Nimbus - Types, data structures and shared utilities used in network sync
# Copyright (c) 2018-2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or
# distributed except according to those terms.
## Shared types, data structures and shared utilities used by the eth1
## network sync processes.
stint, stew/byteutils, chronicles, chronos,
eth/[common/eth_types, p2p]
SnapSync* = ref object of RootObj
## Shared state among all peers of a syncing node.
syncPeers*: seq[SyncPeer]
sharedFetch: SharedFetchState # Exported via templates.
SyncPeer* = ref object
## Peer state tracking.
ns*: SnapSync
peer*: Peer # p2pProtocol(eth65).
stopped*: bool
stats*: SyncPeerStats
# Peer canonical chain head ("best block") search state.
syncMode*: SyncPeerMode
bestBlockNumber*: BlockNumber
bestBlockHash*: BlockHash
huntLow*: BlockNumber # Recent highest known present block.
huntHigh*: BlockNumber # Recent lowest known absent block.
huntStep*: typeof(BlocksRequest.skip)
# State root to fetch state for.
# This changes during sync and is slightly different for each peer.
syncStateRoot*: Option[TrieHash]
nodeDataRequests: NodeDataRequestQueue # Exported via templates.
fetch: FetchState # Exported via templates.
startedFetch*: bool
stopThisState*: bool
SyncPeerMode* = enum
## The current state of tracking the peer's canonical chain head.
## `bestBlockNumber` is only valid when this is `SyncLocked`.
SyncPeerStats = object
## Statistics counters for events associated with this peer.
## These may be used to recognise errors and select good peers.
ok*: SyncPeerStatsOk
minor*: SyncPeerStatsMinor
major*: SyncPeerStatsMajor
SyncPeerStatsOk = object
reorgDetected*: Stat
getBlockHeaders*: Stat
getNodeData*: Stat
SyncPeerStatsMinor = object
timeoutBlockHeaders*: Stat
unexpectedBlockHash*: Stat
SyncPeerStatsMajor = object
networkErrors*: Stat
excessBlockHeaders*: Stat
wrongBlockHeader*: Stat
Stat = distinct int
BlockHash* = Hash256
## Hash of a block, goes with `BlockNumber`.
TxHash* = Hash256
## Hash of a transaction.
TrieHash* = Hash256
## Hash of a trie root: accounts, storage, receipts or transactions.
NodeHash* = Hash256
## Hash of a trie node or other blob carried over `eth.NodeData`:
## account trie nodes, storage trie nodes, contract code.
InteriorPath* = object
## Path to an interior node in an Ethereum hexary trie. This is a sequence
## of 0 to 64 hex digits. 0 digits means the root node, and 64 digits
## means a leaf node whose path hasn't been converted to `LeafPath` yet.
bytes: array[32, byte] # Access with `path.digit(i)` instead.
numDigits: byte # Access with `path.depth` instead.
LeafPath* = object
## Path to a leaf in an Ethereum hexary trie. Individually, each leaf path
## is a hash, but rather than being the hash of the contents, it's the hash
## of the item's address. Collectively, these hashes have some 256-bit
## numerical properties: ordering, intervals and meaningful difference.
number: UInt256
# Use `import snap/get_nodedata` to access the real type's methods.
NodeDataRequestQueue {.inheritable, pure.} = ref object
# Use `import snap/pie/trie_fetch` to access the real type's methods.
SharedFetchState {.inheritable, pure.} = ref object
# Use `import snap/pie/trie_fetch` to access the real type's methods.
FetchState {.inheritable, pure.} = ref object
proc inc(stat: var Stat) {.borrow.}
template nodeDataRequestsBase*(sp: SyncPeer): auto =
template `nodeDataRequests=`*(sp: SyncPeer, value: auto) =
sp.nodeDataRequests = value
template sharedFetchBase*(sp: SyncPeer): auto =
template `sharedFetch=`*(sp: SyncPeer, value: auto) =
sp.ns.sharedFetch = value
template fetchBase*(sp: SyncPeer): auto =
template `fetch=`*(sp: SyncPeer, value: auto) =
sp.fetch = value
## `InteriorPath` methods.
template maxDepth*(_: InteriorPath | typedesc[InteriorPath]): int = 64
template rootInteriorPath*(): InteriorPath =
# Initialised to empty sequence.
template toInteriorPath*(interiorpath: InteriorPath): InteriorPath =
template toInteriorPath*(leafPath: LeafPath): InteriorPath =
doAssert sizeof(leafPath.number.toBytesBE) * 2 == InteriorPath.maxDepth
doAssert sizeof(leafPath.number.toBytesBE) == sizeof(InteriorPath().bytes)
InteriorPath(bytes: leafPath.number.toBytesBE,
numDigits: InteriorPath.maxDepth)
template depth*(path: InteriorPath): int =
proc digit*(path: InteriorPath, index: int): int =
doAssert index >= 0 and index <
let b = path.bytes[index shr 1]
(if (index and 1) == 0: (b shr 4) else: (b and 0x0f)).int
proc add*(path: var InteriorPath, digit: byte) =
doAssert path.numDigits < InteriorPath.maxDepth
inc path.numDigits
if (path.numDigits and 1) != 0:
path.bytes[path.numDigits shr 1] = (digit shl 4)
path.bytes[(path.numDigits shr 1) - 1] += (digit and 0x0f)
proc addPair*(path: var InteriorPath, digitPair: byte) =
doAssert path.numDigits < InteriorPath.maxDepth - 1
path.numDigits += 2
if (path.numDigits and 1) == 0:
path.bytes[(path.numDigits shr 1) - 1] = digitPair
path.bytes[(path.numDigits shr 1) - 1] += (digitPair shr 4)
path.bytes[path.numDigits shr 1] = (digitPair shl 4)
proc pop*(path: var InteriorPath) =
doAssert path.numDigits >= 1
dec path.numDigits
path.bytes[path.numDigits shr 1] =
if (path.numDigits and 1) == 0: 0.byte
else: path.bytes[path.numDigits shr 1] and 0xf0
proc `==`*(path1, path2: InteriorPath): bool =
# Paths are zero-padded to the end of the array, so comparison is easy.
for i in 0 ..< (max(path1.numDigits, path2.numDigits).int + 1) shr 1:
if path1.bytes[i] != path2.bytes[i]:
return false
return true
proc `<=`*(path1, path2: InteriorPath): bool =
# Paths are zero-padded to the end of the array, so comparison is easy.
for i in 0 ..< (max(path1.numDigits, path2.numDigits).int + 1) shr 1:
if path1.bytes[i] != path2.bytes[i]:
return path1.bytes[i] <= path2.bytes[i]
return true
proc cmp*(path1, path2: InteriorPath): int =
# Paths are zero-padded to the end of the array, so comparison is easy.
for i in 0 ..< (max(path1.numDigits, path2.numDigits).int + 1) shr 1:
if path1.bytes[i] != path2.bytes[i]:
return path1.bytes[i].int - path2.bytes[i].int
return 0
template `!=`*(path1, path2: InteriorPath): auto = not(path1 == path2)
template `<`*(path1, path2: InteriorPath): auto = not(path2 <= path1)
template `>=`*(path1, path2: InteriorPath): auto = path2 <= path1
template `>`*(path1, path2: InteriorPath): auto = not(path1 <= path2)
## `LeafPath` methods.
template low*(_: LeafPath | type LeafPath): auto =
LeafPath(number: low(UInt256))
template high*(_: LeafPath | type LeafPath): auto =
LeafPath(number: high(UInt256))
const leafPathBytes = sizeof(LeafPath().number.toBytesBE)
template toLeafPath*(leafPath: LeafPath): LeafPath =
template toLeafPath*(interiorPath: InteriorPath): LeafPath =
doAssert interiorPath.numDigits == InteriorPath.maxDepth
doAssert sizeof(interiorPath.bytes) * 2 == InteriorPath.maxDepth
doAssert sizeof(interiorPath.bytes) == leafPathBytes
LeafPath(number: UInt256.fromBytesBE(interiorPath.bytes))
template toLeafPath*(bytes: array[leafPathBytes, byte]): LeafPath =
doAssert sizeof(bytes) == leafPathBytes
LeafPath(number: UInt256.fromBytesBE(bytes))
template toBytes*(leafPath: LeafPath): array[leafPathBytes, byte] =
doAssert sizeof(LeafPath().number.toBytesBE) == leafPathBytes
# Note, `{.borrow.}` didn't work for these symbols (with Nim 1.2.12) when we
# defined `LeafPath = distinct UInt256`. The `==` didn't match any symbol to
# borrow from, and the auto-generated `<` failed to compile, with a peculiar
# type mismatch error.
template `==`*(path1, path2: LeafPath): auto = path1.number == path2.number
template `!=`*(path1, path2: LeafPath): auto = path1.number != path2.number
template `<`*(path1, path2: LeafPath): auto = path1.number < path2.number
template `<=`*(path1, path2: LeafPath): auto = path1.number <= path2.number
template `>`*(path1, path2: LeafPath): auto = path1.number > path2.number
template `>=`*(path1, path2: LeafPath): auto = path1.number >= path2.number
template cmp*(path1, path2: LeafPath): auto = cmp(path1.number, path2.number)
template `-`*(path1, path2: LeafPath): UInt256 =
path1.number - path2.number
template `+`*(base: LeafPath, step: Uint256 | SomeInteger): LeafPath =
LeafPath(number: base.number + step)
template `-`*(base: LeafPath, step: Uint256 | SomeInteger): LeafPath =
LeafPath(number: base.number - step)
## String output functions.
template `$`*(sp: SyncPeer): string = $sp.peer
template `$`*(hash: Hash256): string =
template `$`*(blob: Blob): string = blob.toHex
template `$`*(hashOrNum: HashOrNum): string =
# It's always obvious which one from the visible length of the string.
if hashOrNum.isHash: $hashOrNum.hash
else: $hashOrNum.number
proc toHex*(path: InteriorPath, withEllipsis = true): string =
const hexChars = "0123456789abcdef"
let digits =
if not withEllipsis:
result = newString(digits)
result = newString(min(digits + 3, 64))
result[^3] = '.'
result[^2] = '.'
result[^1] = '.'
for i in 0 ..< digits:
result[i] = hexChars[path.digit(i)]
template `$`*(path: InteriorPath): string = path.toHex
proc pathRange*(path1, path2: InteriorPath): string =
path1.toHex(false) & '-' & path2.toHex(false)
template toHex*(path: LeafPath): string = path.number.toBytesBE.toHex
template `$`*(path: LeafPath): string = path.toHex
proc pathRange*(path1, path2: LeafPath): string =
path1.toHex & '-' & path2.toHex
export Blob, Hash256, toHex
# The files and lines clutter more useful details when sync tracing is enabled.
publicLogScope: chroniclesLineNumbers=false
# Use `safeSetTimer` consistently, with a `ref T` argument if including one.
SafeCallbackFunc*[T] = proc (objectRef: ref T) {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].}
SafeCallbackFuncVoid* = proc () {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect].}
proc safeSetTimer*[T](at: Moment, cb: SafeCallbackFunc[T],
objectRef: ref T = nil): TimerCallback =
## Like `setTimer` but takes a typed `ref T` argument, which is passed to the
## callback function correctly typed. Stores the `ref` in a closure to avoid
## garbage collection memory corruption issues that occur when the `setTimer`
## pointer argument is used.
proc chronosTimerSafeCb(udata: pointer) = cb(objectRef)
return setTimer(at, chronosTimerSafeCb)
proc safeSetTimer*[T](at: Moment, cb: SafeCallbackFuncVoid): TimerCallback =
## Like `setTimer` but takes no pointer argument. The callback function
## takes no arguments.
proc chronosTimerSafeCb(udata: pointer) = cb()
return setTimer(at, chronosTimerSafeCb)
proc setTimer*(at: Moment, cb: CallbackFunc, udata: pointer): TimerCallback
{.error: "Do not use setTimer with a `pointer` type argument".}
## `setTimer` with a non-nil pointer argument is dangerous because
## the pointed-to object is often freed or garbage collected before the
## timer callback runs. Call `setTimer` with a `ref` argument instead.
proc setTimer*(at: Moment, cb: CallbackFunc): TimerCallback =
chronos.setTimer(at, cb, nil)