
518 lines
16 KiB

# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018-2023 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
std/[json, os, tables, strutils, options, times],
eth/rlp, eth/trie/trie_defs, eth/common/eth_types_rlp,
./test_helpers, ./test_allowed_to_fail,
../premix/parser, test_config,
../nimbus/[vm_state, vm_types, errors, constants],
../nimbus/utils/[utils, debug],
../nimbus/core/[executor, validate, pow/header],
../stateless/[tree_from_witness, witness_types],
../tools/common/helpers as chp,
SealEngine = enum
TestBlock = object
goodBlock: bool
blockRLP : Blob
header : BlockHeader
body : BlockBody
hasException: bool
withdrawals: Option[seq[Withdrawal]]
Tester = object
lastBlockHash: Hash256
genesisHeader: BlockHeader
blocks : seq[TestBlock]
sealEngine : Option[SealEngine]
debugMode : bool
trace : bool
vmState : BaseVMState
debugData : JsonNode
network : string
postStateHash: Hash256
var pow =
proc testFixture(node: JsonNode, testStatusIMPL: var TestStatus, debugMode = false, trace = false)
func normalizeNumber(n: JsonNode): JsonNode =
let str = n.getStr
if str == "0x":
result = newJString("0x0")
elif str == "0x0":
result = n
elif str == "0x00":
result = newJString("0x0")
elif str == "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000":
# withdrawalsAddressBounds contains this; it's meant as an address, not a number,
# so it shouldn't be shortened to "0x0"
result = n
elif str[2] == '0':
var i = 2
while str[i] == '0':
inc i
result = newJString("0x" & str.substr(i))
result = n
func normalizeData(n: JsonNode): JsonNode =
if n.getStr() == "":
result = newJString("0x")
result = n
func normalizeBlockHeader(node: JsonNode): JsonNode =
for k, v in node:
case k
of "bloom": node["logsBloom"] = v
of "coinbase": node["miner"] = v
of "uncleHash": node["sha3Uncles"] = v
of "receiptTrie": node["receiptsRoot"] = v
of "transactionsTrie": node["transactionsRoot"] = v
of "number", "difficulty", "gasUsed",
"gasLimit", "timestamp", "baseFeePerGas":
node[k] = normalizeNumber(v)
of "extraData":
node[k] = normalizeData(v)
else: discard
result = node
func normalizeWithdrawal(node: JsonNode): JsonNode =
for k, v in node:
case k
of "address", "amount", "index", "validatorIndex":
node[k] = normalizeNumber(v)
else: discard
result = node
proc parseHeader(blockHeader: JsonNode, testStatusIMPL: var TestStatus): BlockHeader =
result = normalizeBlockHeader(blockHeader).parseBlockHeader
var blockHash: Hash256
blockHeader.fromJson "hash", blockHash
check blockHash == hash(result)
proc parseWithdrawals(withdrawals: JsonNode): Option[seq[Withdrawal]] =
case withdrawals.kind
of JArray:
var ws: seq[Withdrawal]
for v in withdrawals:
proc parseBlocks(blocks: JsonNode): seq[TestBlock] =
for fixture in blocks:
var t: TestBlock
t.withdrawals = none[seq[Withdrawal]]()
for key, value in fixture:
case key
of "blockHeader":
# header is absent in bad block
t.goodBlock = true
of "rlp":
fixture.fromJson "rlp", t.blockRLP
of "transactions", "uncleHeaders",
"blocknumber", "chainname", "chainnetwork":
of "transactionSequence":
var noError = true
for tx in value:
let valid = tx["valid"].getStr == "true"
noError = noError and valid
doAssert(noError == false, "NOT A VALID TEST CASE")
of "withdrawals":
t.withdrawals = parseWithdrawals(value)
doAssert("expectException" in key, key)
t.hasException = true
result.add t
proc parseTester(fixture: JsonNode, testStatusIMPL: var TestStatus): Tester =
result.blocks = parseBlocks(fixture["blocks"])
fixture.fromJson "lastblockhash", result.lastBlockHash
if "genesisRLP" in fixture:
var genesisRLP: Blob
fixture.fromJson "genesisRLP", genesisRLP
result.genesisHeader = rlp.decode(genesisRLP, EthBlock).header
result.genesisHeader = parseHeader(fixture["genesisBlockHeader"], testStatusIMPL)
var goodBlock = true
for h in result.blocks:
goodBlock = goodBlock and h.goodBlock
check goodBlock == false
if "sealEngine" in fixture:
result.sealEngine = some(parseEnum[SealEngine](fixture["sealEngine"].getStr))
if "postStateHash" in fixture: = hexToByteArray[32](fixture["postStateHash"].getStr) = fixture["network"].getStr
proc blockWitness(vmState: BaseVMState, chainDB: ChainDBRef) =
let rootHash = vmState.stateDB.rootHash
let witness = vmState.buildWitness()
let fork = vmState.fork
let flags = if fork >= FKSpurious: {wfEIP170} else: {}
# build tree from witness
var db = newMemoryDB()
when defined(useInputStream):
var input = memoryInput(witness)
var tb = initTreeBuilder(input, db, flags)
var tb = initTreeBuilder(witness, db, flags)
let root = tb.buildTree()
# compare the result
if root != rootHash:
raise newException(ValidationError, "Invalid trie generated from block witness")
proc importBlock(tester: var Tester, com: CommonRef,
tb: TestBlock, checkSeal, validation: bool) =
let parentHeader = com.db.getBlockHeader(tb.header.parentHash)
let td = some(com.db.getScore(tb.header.parentHash))
com.hardForkTransition(tb.header.blockNumber, td, some(tb.header.timestamp))
tester.vmState =
(if tester.trace: {TracerFlags.EnableTracing} else: {}),
if validation:
let rc = com.validateHeaderAndKinship(
tb.header, tb.body, checkSeal, pow)
if rc.isErr:
raise newException(
ValidationError, "validateHeaderAndKinship: " & rc.error)
let res = tester.vmState.processBlockNotPoA(tb.header, tb.body)
if res == ValidationResult.Error:
if not (tb.hasException or (not tb.goodBlock)):
raise newException(ValidationError, "process block validation")
if tester.vmState.generateWitness():
blockWitness(tester.vmState, com.db)
discard com.db.persistHeaderToDb(tb.header,
com.consensus == ConsensusType.POS)
proc applyFixtureBlockToChain(tester: var Tester, tb: var TestBlock,
com: CommonRef, checkSeal, validation: bool) =
decompose(tb.blockRLP, tb.header, tb.body)
tester.importBlock(com, tb, checkSeal, validation)
func shouldCheckSeal(tester: Tester): bool =
if tester.sealEngine.isSome:
result = tester.sealEngine.get() != NoProof
proc collectDebugData(tester: var Tester) =
if tester.vmState.isNil:
let vmState = tester.vmState
let tracingResult = if tester.trace: vmState.getTracingResult() else: %[]
tester.debugData.add %{
"blockNumber": %($vmState.blockNumber),
"structLogs": tracingResult,
proc runTester(tester: var Tester, com: CommonRef, testStatusIMPL: var TestStatus) =
discard com.db.persistHeaderToDb(tester.genesisHeader,
com.consensus == ConsensusType.POS)
check com.db.getCanonicalHead().blockHash == tester.genesisHeader.blockHash
let checkSeal = tester.shouldCheckSeal
if tester.debugMode:
tester.debugData = newJArray()
for idx, tb in tester.blocks:
if tb.goodBlock:
tester.blocks[idx], com, checkSeal, validation = false)
# manually validating
let res = com.validateHeaderAndKinship(
tb.header, tb.body, checkSeal, pow)
check res.isOk
when defined(noisy):
if res.isErr:
debugEcho "blockNumber : ", tb.header.blockNumber
debugEcho "fork : ", com.toHardFork(tb.header.blockNumber)
debugEcho "error message: ", res.error
debugEcho "consensusType: ", com.consensus
debugEcho "FATAL ERROR(WE HAVE BUG): ", getCurrentExceptionMsg()
var noError = true
com, checkSeal, validation = true)
except ValueError, ValidationError, BlockNotFound, RlpError:
# failure is expected on this bad block
check (tb.hasException or (not tb.goodBlock))
noError = false
if tester.debugMode:
tester.debugData.add %{
"exception": %($getCurrentException().name),
"msg": %getCurrentExceptionMsg()
# Block should have caused a validation error
check noError == false
if tester.debugMode:
proc debugDataFromAccountList(tester: Tester): JsonNode =
let vmState = tester.vmState
result = %{"debugData": tester.debugData}
if not vmState.isNil:
result["accounts"] = vmState.dumpAccounts()
proc debugDataFromPostStateHash(tester: Tester): JsonNode =
let vmState = tester.vmState
"debugData": tester.debugData,
"postStateHash": %($vmState.readOnlyStateDB.rootHash),
"expectedStateHash": %($tester.postStateHash),
"accounts": vmState.dumpAccounts()
proc dumpDebugData(tester: Tester, fixtureName: string, fixtureIndex: int, success: bool) =
let debugData = if tester.postStateHash != Hash256():
let status = if success: "_success" else: "_failed"
writeFile("debug_" & fixtureName & "_" & $fixtureIndex & status & ".json", debugData.pretty())
proc testFixture(node: JsonNode, testStatusIMPL: var TestStatus, debugMode = false, trace = false) =
# 1 - mine the genesis block
# 2 - loop over blocks:
# - apply transactions
# - mine block
# 3 - diff resulting state with expected state
# 4 - check that all previous blocks were valid
let specifyIndex = test_config.getConfiguration().index.get(0)
var fixtureIndex = 0
var fixtureTested = false
for fixtureName, fixture in node:
inc fixtureIndex
if specifyIndex > 0 and fixtureIndex != specifyIndex:
var tester = parseTester(fixture, testStatusIMPL)
pruneTrie = test_config.getConfiguration().pruning
memDB = newMemoryDb()
stateDB = AccountsCache.init(memDB, emptyRlpHash, pruneTrie)
config = getChainConfig(
com =, config, pruneTrie)
setupStateDB(fixture["pre"], stateDB)
check stateDB.rootHash == tester.genesisHeader.stateRoot
tester.debugMode = debugMode
tester.trace = trace
var success = true
tester.runTester(com, testStatusIMPL)
let header = com.db.getCanonicalHead()
let lastBlockHash = header.blockHash
check lastBlockHash == tester.lastBlockHash
success = lastBlockHash == tester.lastBlockHash
if tester.postStateHash != Hash256():
let rootHash = tester.vmState.stateDB.rootHash
if tester.postStateHash != rootHash:
raise newException(ValidationError, "incorrect postStateHash, expect=" &
$rootHash & ", get=" &
elif lastBlockHash == tester.lastBlockHash:
# multiple chain, we are using the last valid canonical
# state root to test against 'postState'
let stateDB = AccountsCache.init(memDB, header.stateRoot, pruneTrie)
verifyStateDB(fixture["postState"], ReadOnlyStateDB(stateDB))
success = lastBlockHash == tester.lastBlockHash
except ValidationError as E:
echo fixtureName, " ERROR: ", E.msg
success = false
if tester.debugMode:
tester.dumpDebugData(fixtureName, fixtureIndex, success)
fixtureTested = true
check success == true
if not fixtureTested:
echo test_config.getConfiguration().testSubject, " not tested at all, wrong index?"
if specifyIndex <= 0 or specifyIndex > node.len:
echo "Maximum subtest available: ", node.len
proc blockchainJsonMain*(debugMode = false) =
legacyFolder = "eth_tests" / "LegacyTests" / "Constantinople" / "BlockchainTests"
newFolder = "eth_tests" / "BlockchainTests"
let config = test_config.getConfiguration()
if config.testSubject == "" or not debugMode:
# run all test fixtures
if config.legacy:
suite "block chain json tests":
jsonTest(legacyFolder, "BlockchainTests", testFixture, skipBCTests)
suite "new block chain json tests":
jsonTest(newFolder, "newBlockchainTests", testFixture, skipNewBCTests)
# execute single test in debug mode
if config.testSubject.len == 0:
echo "missing test subject"
let folder = if config.legacy: legacyFolder else: newFolder
let path = "tests" / "fixtures" / folder
let n = json.parseFile(path / config.testSubject)
var testStatusIMPL: TestStatus
testFixture(n, testStatusIMPL, debugMode = true, config.trace)
when isMainModule:
var message: string
let start = getTime()
## Processing command line arguments
if test_config.processArguments(message) != test_config.Success:
echo message
if len(message) > 0:
echo message
let elpd = getTime() - start
echo "TIME: ", elpd
# lastBlockHash -> every fixture has it, hash of a block header
# genesisRLP -> NOT every fixture has it, rlp bytes of genesis block header
# _info -> every fixture has it, can be omitted
# pre, postState -> every fixture has it, prestate and post state
# genesisHeader -> every fixture has it
# network -> every fixture has it
# # EIP150 247
# # ConstantinopleFix 286
# # Homestead 256
# # Frontier 396
# # Byzantium 263
# # EIP158ToByzantiumAt5 1
# # EIP158 233
# # HomesteadToDaoAt5 4
# # Constantinople 285
# # HomesteadToEIP150At5 1
# # FrontierToHomesteadAt5 7
# # ByzantiumToConstantinopleFixAt5 1
# sealEngine -> NOT every fixture has it
# # NoProof 1709
# # Ethash 112
# blocks -> every fixture has it, an array of blocks ranging from 1 block to 303 blocks
# # transactions 6230 can be empty
# # # to 6089 -> "" if contractCreation
# # # value 6089
# # # gasLimit 6089 -> "gas"
# # # s 6089
# # # r 6089
# # # gasPrice 6089
# # # v 6089
# # # data 6089 -> "input"
# # # nonce 6089
# # blockHeader 6230 can be not present, e.g. bad rlp
# # uncleHeaders 6230 can be empty
# # rlp 6810 has rlp but no blockheader, usually has exception
# # blocknumber 2733
# # chainname 1821 -> 'A' to 'H', and 'AA' to 'DD'
# # chainnetwork 21 -> all values are "Frontier"
# # expectExceptionALL 420
# # # UncleInChain 55
# # # InvalidTimestamp 42
# # # InvalidGasLimit 42
# # # InvalidNumber 42
# # # InvalidDifficulty 35
# # # InvalidBlockNonce 28
# # # InvalidUncleParentHash 26
# # # ExtraDataTooBig 21
# # # InvalidStateRoot 21
# # # ExtraDataIncorrect 19
# # # UnknownParent 16
# # # TooMuchGasUsed 14
# # # InvalidReceiptsStateRoot 9
# # # InvalidUnclesHash 7
# # # UncleIsBrother 7
# # # UncleTooOld 7
# # # InvalidTransactionsRoot 7
# # # InvalidGasUsed 7
# # # InvalidLogBloom 7
# # # TooManyUncles 7
# # # OutOfGasIntrinsic 1
# # expectExceptionEIP150 17
# # # TooMuchGasUsed 7
# # # InvalidReceiptsStateRoot 7
# # # InvalidStateRoot 3
# # expectExceptionByzantium 17
# # # InvalidStateRoot 10
# # # TooMuchGasUsed 7
# # expectExceptionHomestead 17
# # # InvalidReceiptsStateRoot 7
# # # BlockGasLimitReached 7
# # # InvalidStateRoot 3
# # expectExceptionConstantinople 14
# # # InvalidStateRoot 7
# # # TooMuchGasUsed 7
# # expectExceptionEIP158 14
# # # TooMuchGasUsed 7
# # # InvalidReceiptsStateRoot 7
# # expectExceptionFrontier 14
# # # InvalidReceiptsStateRoot 7
# # # BlockGasLimitReached 7
# # expectExceptionConstantinopleFix 14
# # # InvalidStateRoot 7
# # # TooMuchGasUsed 7