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synced 2025-03-01 04:10:45 +00:00
* Use simpler schema when writing transactions, receipts, and withdrawals Using MPT not only slow but also take up more spaces than needed. Aristo will remove older tries and only keep the last block tries. Using simpler schema will avoid those problems. * Rename getTransaction to getTransactionByIndex
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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except
# according to those terms.
stew/byteutils, results, unittest2,
../nimbus/[config, transaction, constants],
baseDir = [".", "tests"]
repoDir = [".", "customgenesis"]
genesisFile = "merge.json"
TestEnv = object
nonce : uint64
chainId : ChainId
vaultKey: PrivateKey
conf : NimbusConf
com : CommonRef
chain : ChainRef
xp : TxPoolRef
signerKeyHex = "9c647b8b7c4e7c3490668fb6c11473619db80c93704c70893d3813af4090c39c"
vaultKeyHex = "63b508a03c3b5937ceb903af8b1b0c191012ef6eb7e9c3fb7afa94e5d214d376"
recipient = hexToByteArray[20]("0000000000000000000000000000000000000318")
feeRecipient = hexToByteArray[20]("0000000000000000000000000000000000000212")
contractCode = evmByteCode:
PrevRandao # VAL
Push1 "0x11" # KEY
Sstore # OP
proc privKey(keyHex: string): PrivateKey =
let kRes = PrivateKey.fromHex(keyHex)
if kRes.isErr:
echo kRes.error
func makeTx(
t: var TestEnv, recipient: EthAddress, amount: UInt256,
payload: openArray[byte] = []): Transaction =
gasLimit = 75000.GasInt
gasPrice = 30.gwei
let tx = Transaction(
txType : TxLegacy,
chainId : t.chainId,
nonce : AccountNonce(t.nonce),
gasPrice: gasPrice,
gasLimit: gasLimit,
to : Opt.some(recipient),
value : amount,
payload : @payload
inc t.nonce
signTransaction(tx, t.vaultKey, t.chainId, eip155 = true)
func signTxWithNonce(
t: TestEnv, tx: Transaction, nonce: AccountNonce): Transaction =
var tx = tx
tx.nonce = nonce
signTransaction(tx, t.vaultKey, t.chainId, eip155 = true)
proc initEnv(envFork: HardFork): TestEnv =
conf = makeConfig(@[
"--custom-network:" & genesisFile.findFilePath(baseDir,repoDir).value
conf.networkParams.genesis.alloc[recipient] = GenesisAccount(
code: contractCode
if envFork >= MergeFork:
conf.networkParams.config.terminalTotalDifficulty = Opt.some(100.u256)
if envFork >= Shanghai:
conf.networkParams.config.shanghaiTime = Opt.some(0.EthTime)
if envFork >= Cancun:
conf.networkParams.config.cancunTime = Opt.some(0.EthTime)
com = CommonRef.new(
newCoreDbRef DefaultDbMemory,
chain = newChain(com)
result = TestEnv(
conf: conf,
com: com,
chain: chain,
xp: TxPoolRef.new(com),
vaultKey: privKey(vaultKeyHex),
chainId: conf.networkParams.config.chainId,
nonce: 0'u64
amount = 1000.u256
slot = 0x11.u256
prevRandao = EMPTY_UNCLE_HASH # it can be any valid hash
proc runTxPoolPosTest() =
env = initEnv(MergeFork)
tx = env.makeTx(recipient, amount)
xp = env.xp
com = env.com
chain = env.chain
body: BlockBody
blk: EthBlock
suite "Test TxPool with PoS block":
test "TxPool addLocal":
let res = xp.addLocal(PooledTransaction(tx: tx), force = true)
check res.isOk
if res.isErr:
debugEcho res.error
test "TxPool jobCommit":
check xp.nItems.total == 1
test "TxPool ethBlock":
com.pos.prevRandao = prevRandao
com.pos.feeRecipient = feeRecipient
com.pos.timestamp = EthTime.now()
let r = xp.assembleBlock()
if r.isErr:
debugEcho r.error
check false
blk = r.get.blk
check com.isBlockAfterTtd(blk.header)
body = BlockBody(
transactions: blk.txs,
uncles: blk.uncles
check blk.txs.len == 1
test "PoS persistBlocks":
let rr = chain.persistBlocks([EthBlock.init(blk.header, body)])
check rr.isOk()
test "validate TxPool prevRandao setter":
var sdb = LedgerRef.init(com.db, blk.header.stateRoot)
let val = sdb.getStorage(recipient, slot)
let randao = Hash256(data: val.toBytesBE)
check randao == prevRandao
test "feeRecipient rewarded":
check blk.header.coinbase == feeRecipient
var sdb = LedgerRef.init(com.db, blk.header.stateRoot)
let bal = sdb.getBalance(feeRecipient)
check not bal.isZero
proc runTxPoolBlobhashTest() =
env = initEnv(Cancun)
tx1 = env.makeTx(recipient, amount)
tx2 = env.makeTx(recipient, amount)
xp = env.xp
com = env.com
chain = env.chain
body: BlockBody
blk: EthBlock
suite "Test TxPool with blobhash block":
test "TxPool addLocal":
let res = xp.addLocal(PooledTransaction(tx: tx1), force = true)
check res.isOk
if res.isErr:
debugEcho res.error
let res2 = xp.addLocal(PooledTransaction(tx: tx2), force = true)
check res2.isOk
test "TxPool jobCommit":
check xp.nItems.total == 2
test "TxPool ethBlock":
com.pos.prevRandao = prevRandao
com.pos.feeRecipient = feeRecipient
com.pos.timestamp = EthTime.now()
let r = xp.assembleBlock()
if r.isErr:
debugEcho r.error
check false
blk = r.get.blk
check com.isBlockAfterTtd(blk.header)
body = BlockBody(
transactions: blk.txs,
uncles: blk.uncles,
withdrawals: Opt.some(newSeq[Withdrawal]())
check blk.txs.len == 2
test "Blobhash persistBlocks":
let rr = chain.persistBlocks([EthBlock.init(blk.header, body)])
check rr.isOk()
test "validate TxPool prevRandao setter":
var sdb = LedgerRef.init(com.db, blk.header.stateRoot)
let val = sdb.getStorage(recipient, slot)
let randao = Hash256(data: val.toBytesBE)
check randao == prevRandao
test "feeRecipient rewarded":
check blk.header.coinbase == feeRecipient
var sdb = LedgerRef.init(com.db, blk.header.stateRoot)
let bal = sdb.getBalance(feeRecipient)
check not bal.isZero
test "add tx with nonce too low":
tx3 = env.makeTx(recipient, amount)
tx4 = env.signTxWithNonce(tx3, AccountNonce(env.nonce-2))
xp = env.xp
check xp.smartHead(blk.header)
let res = xp.addLocal(PooledTransaction(tx: tx4), force = true)
check res.isOk
if res.isErr:
debugEcho res.error
check inPoolAndOk(xp, rlpHash(tx4)) == false
proc runTxHeadDelta(noisy = true) =
## see github.com/status-im/nimbus-eth1/issues/1031
suite "TxPool: Synthesising blocks (covers issue #1031)":
test "Packing and adding multiple blocks to chain":
env = initEnv(MergeFork)
xp = env.xp
com = env.com
chain = env.chain
head = com.db.getCanonicalHead()
timestamp = head.timestamp
txPerblock = 20
numBlocks = 10
# setTraceLevel()
for n in 0..<numBlocks:
for tn in 0..<txPerblock:
let tx = env.makeTx(recipient, amount)
# Instead of `add()`, the functions `addRemote()` or `addLocal()`
# also would do.
xp.add(PooledTransaction(tx: tx))
noisy.say "***", "txDB",
&" n={n}",
# pending/staged/packed : total/disposed
&" stats={xp.nItems.pp}"
timestamp = timestamp + 1
com.pos.prevRandao = prevRandao
com.pos.timestamp = timestamp
com.pos.feeRecipient = feeRecipient
let r = xp.assembleBlock()
if r.isErr:
debugEcho r.error
check false
let blk = r.get.blk
check com.isBlockAfterTtd(blk.header)
let body = BlockBody(
transactions: blk.txs,
uncles: blk.uncles)
# Commit to block chain
check chain.persistBlocks([EthBlock.init(blk.header, body)]).isOk
# Synchronise TxPool against new chain head, register txs differences.
# In this particular case, these differences will simply flush the
# packer bucket.
check xp.smartHead(blk.header)
# Move TxPool chain head to new chain head and apply delta jobs
check xp.nItems.staged == 0
check xp.nItems.packed == 0
setErrorLevel() # in case we set trace level
check com.syncCurrent == 10.BlockNumber
head = com.db.getBlockHeader(com.syncCurrent)
sdb = LedgerRef.init(com.db, head.stateRoot)
expected = u256(txPerblock * numBlocks) * amount
balance = sdb.getBalance(recipient)
check balance == expected
proc runGetBlockBodyTest() =
env = initEnv(Cancun)
blockTime = EthTime.now()
parentHeader: BlockHeader
currentHeader: BlockHeader
suite "Test get parent transactions after persistBlock":
test "TxPool create first block":
tx1 = env.makeTx(recipient, 1.u256)
tx2 = env.makeTx(recipient, 2.u256)
check env.xp.addLocal(PooledTransaction(tx: tx1), true).isOk
check env.xp.addLocal(PooledTransaction(tx: tx2), true).isOk
env.com.pos.prevRandao = prevRandao
env.com.pos.feeRecipient = feeRecipient
env.com.pos.timestamp = blockTime
let r = env.xp.assembleBlock()
if r.isErr:
check false
let blk = r.get.blk
check env.chain.persistBlocks([blk]).isOk
parentHeader = blk.header
check env.xp.smartHead(parentHeader)
check blk.transactions.len == 2
test "TxPool create second block":
tx1 = env.makeTx(recipient, 3.u256)
tx2 = env.makeTx(recipient, 4.u256)
tx3 = env.makeTx(recipient, 5.u256)
check env.xp.addLocal(PooledTransaction(tx: tx1), true).isOk
check env.xp.addLocal(PooledTransaction(tx: tx2), true).isOk
check env.xp.addLocal(PooledTransaction(tx: tx3), true).isOk
env.com.pos.prevRandao = prevRandao
env.com.pos.feeRecipient = feeRecipient
env.com.pos.timestamp = blockTime + 1
let r = env.xp.assembleBlock()
if r.isErr:
check false
let blk = r.get.blk
check env.chain.persistBlocks([blk]).isOk
currentHeader = blk.header
check env.xp.smartHead(currentHeader)
check blk.transactions.len == 3
test "Get current block body":
var body: BlockBody
check env.com.db.getBlockBody(currentHeader, body)
check body.transactions.len == 3
check env.com.db.getReceipts(currentHeader.receiptsRoot).len == 3
check env.com.db.getTransactionCount(currentHeader.txRoot) == 3
test "Get parent block body":
# Make sure parent baggage doesn't swept away by aristo
var body: BlockBody
check env.com.db.getBlockBody(parentHeader, body)
check body.transactions.len == 2
check env.com.db.getReceipts(parentHeader.receiptsRoot).len == 2
check env.com.db.getTransactionCount(parentHeader.txRoot) == 2
proc txPool2Main*() =
noisy = defined(debug)
setErrorLevel() # mute logger
when isMainModule:
# End