
217 lines
7.0 KiB

std/[tables, strutils, typetraits],
eth/[common, rlp],
stew/[results, byteutils],
kzg4844/kzg_ex as kzg,
TestBlobTxPool* = ref object
currentBlobID* : BlobID
currentTxIndex*: int
transactions* : Table[common.Hash256, Transaction]
hashesByIndex* : Table[int, common.Hash256]
# Test constants
DATAHASH_START_ADDRESS* = toAddress(0x20000.u256)
func getMinExcessBlobGasForBlobGasPrice(data_gas_price: uint64): uint64 =
current_excess_data_gas = 0'u64
current_data_gas_price = 1'u64
while current_data_gas_price < data_gas_price:
current_excess_data_gas += GAS_PER_BLOB.uint64
current_data_gas_price = getBlobGasPrice(current_excess_data_gas).truncate(uint64)
return current_excess_data_gas
func getMinExcessBlobsForBlobGasPrice*(data_gas_price: uint64): uint64 =
return getMinExcessBlobGasForBlobGasPrice(data_gas_price) div GAS_PER_BLOB.uint64
proc addBlobTransaction*(pool: TestBlobTxPool, tx: Transaction) =
let txHash = rlpHash(tx)
pool.transactions[txHash] = tx
proc `==`(a: openArray[rpc_types.AccessTuple], b: openArray[AccessPair]): bool =
if a.len != b.len:
return false
for i in 0..<a.len:
if a[i].address != b[i].address:
return false
if a[i].storageKeys.len != b[i].storageKeys.len:
return false
for j in 0..<a[i].storageKeys.len:
if a[i].storageKeys[j].data != b[i].storageKeys[j]:
return false
return true
# Test two different transactions with the same blob, and check the blob bundle.
proc verifyTransactionFromNode*(client: RpcClient, tx: Transaction): Result[void, string] =
let txHash = tx.rlpHash
let res = client.txByHash(txHash)
if res.isErr:
return err(res.error)
let returnedTx = res.get()
# Verify that the tx fields are all the same
if returnedTx.nonce != tx.nonce:
return err("nonce mismatch: $1 != $2" % [$returnedTx.nonce, $tx.nonce])
if returnedTx.gasLimit != tx.gasLimit:
return err("gas mismatch: $1 != $2" % [$returnedTx.gasLimit, $tx.gasLimit])
if returnedTx.gasPrice != tx.gasPrice:
return err("gas price mismatch: $1 != $2" % [$returnedTx.gasPrice, $tx.gasPrice])
if returnedTx.value != tx.value:
return err("value mismatch: $1 != $2" % [$returnedTx.value, $tx.value])
if !=
return err("to mismatch: $1 != $2" % [$, $])
if returnedTx.payload != tx.payload:
return err("data mismatch: $1 != $2" % [returnedTx.payload.toHex, tx.payload.toHex])
if returnedTx.accessList.isNone:
return err("expect accessList is some")
let ac = returnedTx.accessList.get
if ac != tx.accessList:
return err("access list mismatch")
if returnedTx.chainId.isNone:
return err("chain id is none, expect is some")
if returnedTx.chainId.get.uint64 != tx.chainId.uint64:
return err("chain id mismatch: $1 != $2" % [$returnedTx.chainId.get.uint64, $tx.chainId.uint64])
if returnedTx.maxFeePerGas != tx.maxFee:
return err("max fee per gas mismatch: $1 != $2" % [$returnedTx.maxFeePerGas, $tx.maxFee])
if returnedTx.maxPriorityFeePerGas != tx.maxPriorityFee:
return err("max priority fee per gas mismatch: $1 != $2" % [$returnedTx.maxPriorityFeePerGas, $tx.maxPriorityFee])
if returnedTx.maxFeePerBlobGas.isNone:
return err("expect maxFeePerBlobGas is some")
if returnedTx.maxFeePerBlobGas.get != tx.maxFeePerBlobGas:
return err("max fee per data gas mismatch: $1 != $2" % [$returnedTx.maxFeePerBlobGas.get, $tx.maxFeePerBlobGas])
if returnedTx.versionedHashes.isNone:
return err("expect versioned hashes is some")
let vs = returnedTx.versionedHashes.get
if vs != tx.versionedHashes:
return err("blob versioned hashes mismatch")
if returnedTx.txType != tx.txType:
return err("type mismatch: $1 != $2" % [$returnedTx.txType, $tx.txType])
proc beaconRootStorageIndexes*(timestamp: uint64): (UInt256, UInt256) =
# Calculate keys
timestampReduced = timestamp mod HISTORY_BUFFER_LENGTH
timestampExtended = timestampReduced + HISTORY_BUFFER_LENGTH
(timestampReduced.u256, timestampExtended.u256)
BlobWrapData* = object
versionedHash*: common.Hash256
blob* : kzg.KzgBlob
commitment* : kzg.KZGCommitment
proof* : kzg.KzgProof
BlobData* = ref object
txs* : seq[Transaction]
data*: seq[BlobWrapData]
proc getBlobDataInPayload*(pool: TestBlobTxPool, payload: ExecutionPayload): Result[BlobData, string] =
var blobData = BlobData()
# Find all blob transactions included in the payload
for binaryTx in payload.transactions:
# Unmarshal the tx from the payload, which should be the minimal version
# of the blob transaction
let txData = rlp.decode(distinctBase binaryTx, Transaction)
if txData.txType != TxEIP4844:
let txHash = rlpHash(txData)
# Find the transaction in the current pool of known transactions
if not pool.transactions.hasKey(txHash):
return err("could not find transaction in the pool")
let blobTx = pool.transactions[txHash]
if blobTx.networkPayload.isNil:
return err("blob data is nil")
let np = blobTx.networkPayload
if blobTx.versionedHashes.len != np.commitments.len or
np.commitments.len != np.blobs.len or
np.blobs.len != np.proofs.len:
return err("invalid blob wrap data")
for i in 0..<blobTx.versionedHashes.len: BlobWrapData(
versionedHash: blobTx.versionedHashes[i],
commitment : np.commitments[i],
blob : np.blobs[i],
proof : np.proofs[i],
blobData.txs.add blobTx
return ok(blobData)
proc verifyBeaconRootStorage*(client: RpcClient, payload: ExecutionPayload): bool =
# Read the storage keys from the stateful precompile that stores the beacon roots and verify
# that the beacon root is the same as the one in the payload
blockNumber = u256 payload.blockNumber
precompileAddress = BEACON_ROOTS_ADDRESS
(timestampKey, beaconRootKey) = beaconRootStorageIndexes(payload.timestamp.uint64)
# Verify the timestamp key
var r = client.storageAt(precompileAddress, timestampKey, blockNumber)
if r.isErr:
error "verifyBeaconRootStorage", msg=r.error
return false
if r.get != payload.timestamp.uint64.u256:
error "verifyBeaconRootStorage storage 1",
return false
# Verify the beacon root key
r = client.storageAt(precompileAddress, beaconRootKey, blockNumber)
let parentBeaconBlockRoot = timestampToBeaconRoot(payload.timestamp)
if parentBeaconBlockRoot != beaconRoot(r.get):
error "verifyBeaconRootStorage storage 2",
return false
return true