322 lines
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322 lines
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# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2021 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
std/[hashes, sequtils, sets, tables],
eth/[common/eth_types_rlp, trie/nibbles],
"."/[hexary_desc, hexary_paths]
{.push raises: [Defect].}
topics = "snap-db"
extraTraceMessages = false # or true
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc convertTo(key: RepairKey; T: type NodeKey): T =
## Might be lossy, check before use
discard result.init(key.ByteArray33[1 .. 32])
proc convertTo(key: Blob; T: type NodeKey): T =
## Might be lossy, check before use
discard result.init(key)
proc doStepLink(step: RPathStep): Result[RepairKey,bool] =
## Helper for `hexaryInspectPath()` variant
case step.node.kind:
of Branch:
if step.nibble < 0:
return err(false) # indicates caller should try parent
return ok(step.node.bLink[step.nibble])
of Extension:
return ok(step.node.eLink)
of Leaf:
err(true) # fully fail
proc doStepLink(step: XPathStep): Result[NodeKey,bool] =
## Helper for `hexaryInspectPath()` variant
case step.node.kind:
of Branch:
if step.nibble < 0:
return err(false) # indicates caller should try parent
return ok(step.node.bLink[step.nibble].convertTo(NodeKey))
of Extension:
return ok(step.node.eLink.convertTo(NodeKey))
of Leaf:
err(true) # fully fail
proc hexaryInspectPath(
db: HexaryTreeDbRef; ## Database
rootKey: RepairKey; ## State root
path: NibblesSeq; ## Starting path
): Result[RepairKey,void]
{.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,KeyError]} =
## Translate `path` into `RepairKey`
let steps = path.hexaryPath(rootKey,db)
if 0 < steps.path.len and steps.tail.len == 0:
let rc = steps.path[^1].doStepLink()
if rc.isOk:
return ok(rc.value)
if rc.error or steps.path.len == 1:
return err()
let rc = steps.path[^2].doStepLink()
if rc.isOk:
return ok(rc.value)
proc hexaryInspectPath(
getFn: HexaryGetFn; ## Database retrival function
root: NodeKey; ## State root
path: NibblesSeq; ## Starting path
): Result[NodeKey,void]
{.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,RlpError]} =
## Translate `path` into `RepairKey`
let steps = path.hexaryPath(root,getFn)
if 0 < steps.path.len and steps.tail.len == 0:
let rc = steps.path[^1].doStepLink()
if rc.isOk:
return ok(rc.value)
if rc.error or steps.path.len == 1:
return err()
let rc = steps.path[^2].doStepLink()
if rc.isOk:
return ok(rc.value)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc processLink(
db: HexaryTreeDbRef;
stats: var TrieNodeStat;
inspect: TableRef[RepairKey,NibblesSeq];
parent: NodeKey;
trail: NibblesSeq;
child: RepairKey;
) {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,KeyError]} =
## Helper for `hexaryInspect()`
if not child.isZero:
if not child.isNodeKey:
# Oops -- caught in the middle of a repair process? Just register
# this node
stats.dangling.add trail.hexPrefixEncode(isLeaf = false)
elif db.tab.hasKey(child):
inspect[child] = trail
stats.dangling.add trail.hexPrefixEncode(isLeaf = false)
proc processLink(
getFn: HexaryGetFn;
stats: var TrieNodeStat;
inspect: TableRef[NodeKey,NibblesSeq];
parent: NodeKey;
trail: NibblesSeq;
child: Rlp;
) {.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,RlpError,KeyError]} =
## Ditto
if not child.isEmpty:
#parentKey = parent.convertTo(NodeKey)
childBlob = child.toBytes
if childBlob.len != 32:
# Oops -- that is wrong, although the only sensible action is to
# register the node and otherwise ignore it
stats.dangling.add trail.hexPrefixEncode(isLeaf = false)
let childKey = childBlob.convertTo(NodeKey)
if 0 < child.toBytes.getFn().len:
inspect[childKey] = trail
stats.dangling.add trail.hexPrefixEncode(isLeaf = false)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc hexaryInspectPath*(
db: HexaryTreeDbRef; ## Database
root: NodeKey; ## State root
path: Blob; ## Starting path
): Result[NodeKey,void]
{.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,KeyError]} =
## Returns the `NodeKey` for a given path if there is any.
let (isLeaf,nibbles) = hexPrefixDecode path
if not isLeaf:
let rc = db.hexaryInspectPath(root.to(RepairKey), nibbles)
if rc.isOk and rc.value.isNodeKey:
return ok(rc.value.convertTo(NodeKey))
proc hexaryInspectToKeys*(
db: HexaryTreeDbRef; ## Database
root: NodeKey; ## State root
paths: seq[Blob]; ## Paths segments
): HashSet[NodeKey]
{.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,KeyError]} =
## Convert a set of path segments to a node key set
proc hexaryInspectTrie*(
db: HexaryTreeDbRef; ## Database
root: NodeKey; ## State root
paths: seq[Blob]; ## Starting paths for search
stopAtLevel = 32; ## Instead of loop detector
): TrieNodeStat
{.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,KeyError]} =
## Starting with the argument list `paths`, find all the non-leaf nodes in
## the hexary trie which have at least one node key reference missing in
## the trie database.
let rootKey = root.to(RepairKey)
if not db.tab.hasKey(rootKey):
return TrieNodeStat()
# Initialise TODO list
var reVisit = newTable[RepairKey,NibblesSeq]()
if paths.len == 0:
reVisit[rootKey] = EmptyNibbleRange
for w in paths:
let (isLeaf,nibbles) = hexPrefixDecode w
if not isLeaf:
let rc = db.hexaryInspectPath(rootKey, nibbles)
if rc.isOk:
reVisit[rc.value] = nibbles
while 0 < reVisit.len:
if stopAtLevel < result.level:
result.stopped = true
let again = newTable[RepairKey,NibblesSeq]()
for rKey,parentTrail in reVisit.pairs:
node = db.tab[rKey]
parent = rKey.convertTo(NodeKey)
case node.kind:
of Extension:
trail = parentTrail & node.ePfx
child = node.eLink
db.processLink(stats=result, inspect=again, parent, trail, child)
of Branch:
for n in 0 ..< 16:
trail = parentTrail & @[n.byte].initNibbleRange.slice(1)
child = node.bLink[n]
db.processLink(stats=result, inspect=again, parent, trail, child)
of Leaf:
# Done with this link, forget the key
# End `for`
reVisit = again
# End while
proc hexaryInspectTrie*(
getFn: HexaryGetFn;
root: NodeKey; ## State root
paths: seq[Blob]; ## Starting paths for search
stopAtLevel = 32; ## Instead of loop detector
): TrieNodeStat
{.gcsafe, raises: [Defect,RlpError,KeyError]} =
## Variant of `hexaryInspectTrie()` for persistent database.
if root.to(Blob).getFn().len == 0:
return TrieNodeStat()
# Initialise TODO list
var reVisit = newTable[NodeKey,NibblesSeq]()
if paths.len == 0:
reVisit[root] = EmptyNibbleRange
for w in paths:
let (isLeaf,nibbles) = hexPrefixDecode w
if not isLeaf:
let rc = getFn.hexaryInspectPath(root, nibbles)
if rc.isOk:
reVisit[rc.value] = nibbles
when extraTraceMessages:
trace "Hexary inspect start", nPaths=paths.len, reVisit=reVisit.len
while 0 < reVisit.len:
if stopAtLevel < result.level:
result.stopped = true
when extraTraceMessages:
trace "Hexary inspect processing", level=result.level,
reVisit=reVisit.len, dangling=result.dangling.len
let again = newTable[NodeKey,NibblesSeq]()
for parent,parentTrail in reVisit.pairs:
let nodeRlp = rlpFromBytes parent.to(Blob).getFn()
case nodeRlp.listLen:
of 2:
let (isLeaf,ePfx) = hexPrefixDecode nodeRlp.listElem(0).toBytes
if not isleaf:
trail = parentTrail & ePfx
child = nodeRlp.listElem(1)
getFn.processLink(stats=result, inspect=again, parent, trail, child)
of 17:
for n in 0 ..< 16:
trail = parentTrail & @[n.byte].initNibbleRange.slice(1)
child = nodeRlp.listElem(n)
getFn.processLink(stats=result, inspect=again, parent, trail, child)
# Done with this link, forget the key
# End `for`
reVisit = again
# End while
when extraTraceMessages:
trace "Hexary inspect finished", level=result.level, maxLevel=stopAtLevel,
reVisit=reVisit.len, dangling=result.dangling.len, stopped=result.stopped
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------