Jordan Hrycaj 3198ad1bbd
Fix default pruning for ledger and update core db and ledger logging (#1861)
* Make sure that storage tries are not pruned (by default) on the new Ledger API

  Pruning might kill some unwanted entries from storage tries ending up with an unstable database
  leading to crashes.

* Implement `CoreDb` and `LedgerRef` API tracing

+ Locally enabled at compile time via constants `ProvideCoreDbLegacyAPI`
  and `EnableApiTracking` in either `base.nim` source
+ If enabled it can be selectively turned on/off via public switches in
  the `CoreDb` descriptor.

* Allow suppressing opportunistic `ifNecessaryGetXxx()` functions

  Better troubleshooting when the system crashes (assertions will then
  most probably happen outside an `async` function.)
2023-10-25 15:03:09 +01:00
backend Fix default pruning for ledger and update core db and ledger logging (#1861) 2023-10-25 15:03:09 +01:00
base Fix default pruning for ledger and update core db and ledger logging (#1861) 2023-10-25 15:03:09 +01:00
.gitignore Unified database frontend (#1661) 2023-07-31 14:43:38 +01:00 Unified database frontend integration (#1670) 2023-08-04 12:10:09 +01:00
base.nim Fix default pruning for ledger and update core db and ledger logging (#1861) 2023-10-25 15:03:09 +01:00
core_apps.nim Core db aristo and kvt updates preparing for integration (#1760) 2023-09-18 21:20:28 +01:00
memory_only.nim Fix default pruning for ledger and update core db and ledger logging (#1861) 2023-10-25 15:03:09 +01:00
persistent.nim Fix default pruning for ledger and update core db and ledger logging (#1861) 2023-10-25 15:03:09 +01:00

Core database replacement wrapper object

This wrapper replaces the TrieDatabaseRef and its derivatives by the new object CoreDbRef.

Relations to current TrieDatabaseRef implementation

Here are some incomplete translations for objects and constructors.

Object types:

Legacy notation CoreDbRef based replacement
ChainDB (don't use/avoid)
ChainDbRef CoreDbRef
TrieDatabaseRef CoreDbKvtRef
HexaryTrie CoreDbMptRef
SecureHexaryTrie CoreDbPhkRef
DbTransaction CoreDbTxRef
TransactionID CoreDbTxID


Legacy notation CoreDbRef based replacement
trieDB newChainDB("..") newCoreDbRef(LegacyDbPersistent,"..")
newMemoryDB() newCoreDbRef(LegacyDbMemory)
initHexaryTrie(db,..) db.mpt(..) (no pruning)
db.mptPrune(..) (w/pruning true/false)
initSecureHexaryTrie(db,..) db.phk(..) (no pruning)
db.phkPrune(..) (w/pruning true/false)
newCaptureDB(db,memDB) db.capture() (see below)

Usage of the replacement wrapper

Objects pedigree:

    CoreDbRef                   -- base descriptor
     | | | |
     | | | +-- CoreDbMptRef     -- hexary trie instance
     | | | |    :                    :
     | | | +-- CoreDbMptRef     -- hexary trie instance
     | | |
     | | |
     | | +---- CoreDbPhkRef     -- pre-hashed key hexary trie instance
     | | |      :                    :
     | | +---- CoreDbPhkRef     -- pre-hashed key hexary trie instance
     | |
     | |
     | +------ CoreDbKvtRef     -- single static key-value table
     +-------- CoreDbCaptRef    -- tracer support descriptor

Instantiating standard database object descriptors works as follows:

      db = newCoreDbRef(..)           # new base descriptor
      mpt = db.mpt(..)                # hexary trie/Merkle Patricia Tree
      phk = db.phk(..)                # pre-hashed key hexary trie/MPT
      kvt = db.kvt                    # key-value table

Tracer support setup by hiding the current CoreDbRef behind a replacement:

      capture = db.capture()
      db = capture.recorder           # use the recorder in place of db

    for key,value in capture.recorder.kvt:
     ...                              # process recorded data