
360 lines
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# # Nimbus - Portal Network
# # Copyright (c) 2022-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# # Licensed and distributed under either of
# # * MIT license (license terms in the root directory or at
# # * Apache v2 license (license terms in the root directory or at
# # at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [].}
std/[strformat, os],
../network/history/[history_content, history_network, accumulator],
"."/[era1, history_data_json_store, history_data_ssz_e2s]
export results
### Helper calls to seed the local database and/or the network
proc historyStore*(
p: PortalProtocol, dataFile: string, verify = false
): Result[void, string] =
let blockData = ?readJsonType(dataFile, BlockDataTable)
for b in blocks(blockData, verify):
for value in b:
let encKey = history_content.encode(value[0])
# Note: This is the slowest part due to the hashing that takes place.
p.storeContent(encKey, history_content.toContentId(encKey), value[1])
proc propagateEpochAccumulator*(
p: PortalProtocol, file: string
): Future[Result[void, string]] {.async.} =
## Propagate a specific epoch accumulator into the network.
## file holds the SSZ serialized epoch accumulator.
let epochAccumulatorRes = readEpochAccumulator(file)
if epochAccumulatorRes.isErr():
return err(epochAccumulatorRes.error)
accumulator = epochAccumulatorRes.get()
rootHash = accumulator.hash_tree_root()
key = ContentKey(
contentType: epochAccumulator,
epochAccumulatorKey: EpochAccumulatorKey(epochHash: rootHash),
encKey = history_content.encode(key)
# Note: The file actually holds the SSZ encoded accumulator, but we need
# to decode as we need the root for the content key.
encodedAccumulator = SSZ.encode(accumulator)
info "Gossiping epoch accumulator", rootHash, contentKey = encKey
p.storeContent(encKey, history_content.toContentId(encKey), encodedAccumulator)
discard await p.neighborhoodGossip(
Opt.none(NodeId), ContentKeysList(@[encKey]), @[encodedAccumulator]
return ok()
proc propagateEpochAccumulators*(
p: PortalProtocol, path: string
): Future[Result[void, string]] {.async.} =
## Propagate all epoch accumulators created when building the accumulator
## from the block headers.
## path is a directory that holds all SSZ encoded epoch accumulator files.
for i in 0 ..< preMergeEpochs:
let file =
path / &"mainnet-epoch-accumulator-{i.uint64:05}.ssz"
except ValueError as e:
raiseAssert e.msg
let res = await p.propagateEpochAccumulator(file)
if res.isErr():
return err(res.error)
return ok()
proc historyPropagate*(
p: PortalProtocol, dataFile: string, verify = false
): Future[Result[void, string]] {.async.} =
const concurrentGossips = 20
var gossipQueue =
newAsyncQueue[(Opt[NodeId], ContentKeysList, seq[byte])](concurrentGossips)
var gossipWorkers: seq[Future[void]]
proc gossipWorker(p: PortalProtocol) {.async.} =
while true:
let (srcNodeId, keys, content) = await gossipQueue.popFirst()
discard await p.neighborhoodGossip(srcNodeId, keys, @[content])
for i in 0 ..< concurrentGossips:
let blockData = readJsonType(dataFile, BlockDataTable)
if blockData.isOk():
for b in blocks(blockData.get(), verify):
for i, value in b:
if i == 0:
# Note: Skipping propagation of headers here as they should be offered
# separately to be certain that bodies and receipts can be verified.
# TODO: Rename this chain of calls to be more clear about this and
# adjust the interator call.
# Only sending non empty data, e.g. empty receipts are not send
# TODO: Could do a similar thing for a combination of empty
# txs and empty uncles, as then the serialization is always the same.
if value[1].len() > 0:
info "Seeding block content into the network", contentKey = value[0]
# Note: This is the slowest part due to the hashing that takes place.
encKey = history_content.encode(value[0])
contentId = history_content.toContentId(encKey)
p.storeContent(encKey, contentId, value[1])
await gossipQueue.addLast(
(Opt.none(NodeId), ContentKeysList(@[encode(value[0])]), value[1])
return ok()
return err(blockData.error)
proc historyPropagateBlock*(
p: PortalProtocol, dataFile: string, blockHash: string, verify = false
): Future[Result[void, string]] {.async.} =
let blockDataTable = readJsonType(dataFile, BlockDataTable)
if blockDataTable.isOk():
let b =
except KeyError:
return err("Block hash not found in block data file")
let blockDataRes = readBlockData(blockHash, b)
if blockDataRes.isErr:
return err(blockDataRes.error)
let blockData = blockDataRes.get()
for value in blockData:
info "Seeding block content into the network", contentKey = value[0]
encKey = history_content.encode(value[0])
contentId = history_content.toContentId(encKey)
p.storeContent(encKey, contentId, value[1])
discard await p.neighborhoodGossip(
Opt.none(NodeId), ContentKeysList(@[encode(value[0])]), @[value[1]]
return ok()
return err(blockDataTable.error)
proc historyPropagateHeadersWithProof*(
p: PortalProtocol, epochHeadersFile: string, epochAccumulatorFile: string
): Future[Result[void, string]] {.async.} =
let res = readBlockHeaders(epochHeadersFile)
if res.isErr():
return err(res.error)
let blockHeaders = res.get()
let epochAccumulatorRes = readEpochAccumulatorCached(epochAccumulatorFile)
if epochAccumulatorRes.isErr():
return err(res.error)
let epochAccumulator = epochAccumulatorRes.get()
for header in blockHeaders:
if header.isPreMerge():
let headerWithProof = buildHeaderWithProof(header, epochAccumulator)
if headerWithProof.isErr:
return err(headerWithProof.error)
content = headerWithProof.get()
contentKey = ContentKey(
contentType: blockHeader,
blockHeaderKey: BlockKey(blockHash: header.blockHash()),
encKey = history_content.encode(contentKey)
contentId = history_content.toContentId(encKey)
encodedContent = SSZ.encode(content)
p.storeContent(encKey, contentId, encodedContent)
let keys = ContentKeysList(@[encode(contentKey)])
discard await p.neighborhoodGossip(Opt.none(NodeId), keys, @[encodedContent])
return ok()
proc historyPropagateHeadersWithProof*(
p: PortalProtocol, dataDir: string
): Future[Result[void, string]] {.async.} =
for i in 0 ..< preMergeEpochs:
epochHeadersfile =
dataDir / &"mainnet-headers-epoch-{i.uint64:05}.e2s"
except ValueError as e:
raiseAssert e.msg
epochAccumulatorFile =
dataDir / &"mainnet-epoch-accumulator-{i.uint64:05}.ssz"
except ValueError as e:
raiseAssert e.msg
let res =
await p.historyPropagateHeadersWithProof(epochHeadersfile, epochAccumulatorFile)
if res.isOk():
info "Finished gossiping 1 epoch of headers with proof", i
return err(res.error)
return ok()
proc historyPropagateHeaders*(
p: PortalProtocol, dataFile: string, verify = false
): Future[Result[void, string]] {.async.} =
# TODO: Should perhaps be integrated with `historyPropagate` call.
const concurrentGossips = 20
var gossipQueue = newAsyncQueue[(ContentKeysList, seq[byte])](concurrentGossips)
var gossipWorkers: seq[Future[void]]
proc gossipWorker(p: PortalProtocol) {.async.} =
while true:
let (keys, content) = await gossipQueue.popFirst()
discard await p.neighborhoodGossip(Opt.none(NodeId), keys, @[content])
for i in 0 ..< concurrentGossips:
let blockData = readJsonType(dataFile, BlockDataTable)
if blockData.isOk():
for header in headers(blockData.get(), verify):
info "Seeding header content into the network", contentKey = header[0]
encKey = history_content.encode(header[0])
contentId = history_content.toContentId(encKey)
p.storeContent(encKey, contentId, header[1])
await gossipQueue.addLast((ContentKeysList(@[encode(header[0])]), header[1]))
return ok()
return err(blockData.error)
## Era1 based iterators that encode to Portal content
# Note: these iterators + the era1 iterators will assert on error. These asserts
# would indicate corrupt/invalid era1 files. We might want to instead break,
# raise an exception or return a Result type instead, but the latter does not
# have great support for usage in iterators.
iterator headersWithProof*(
f: Era1File, epochAccumulator: EpochAccumulatorCached
): (ByteList, seq[byte]) =
for blockHeader in f.era1BlockHeaders:
doAssert blockHeader.isPreMerge()
contentKey = ContentKey(
contentType: blockHeader,
blockHeaderKey: BlockKey(blockHash: blockHeader.blockHash()),
headerWithProof = buildHeaderWithProof(blockHeader, epochAccumulator).valueOr:
raiseAssert "Failed to build header with proof: " & $blockHeader.number
contentValue = SSZ.encode(headerWithProof)
yield (contentKey, contentValue)
iterator blockContent*(f: Era1File): (ByteList, seq[byte]) =
for (header, body, receipts, _) in f.era1BlockTuples:
let blockHash = header.blockHash()
block: # block body
contentKey = ContentKey(
contentType: blockBody, blockBodyKey: BlockKey(blockHash: blockHash)
contentValue = encode(body)
yield (contentKey, contentValue)
block: # receipts
contentKey = ContentKey(
contentType: receipts, receiptsKey: BlockKey(blockHash: blockHash)
contentValue = encode(receipts)
yield (contentKey, contentValue)
## Era1 based Gossip calls
proc historyGossipHeadersWithProof*(
p: PortalProtocol,
era1File: string,
epochAccumulatorFile: Opt[string],
verifyEra = false,
): Future[Result[void, string]] {.async.} =
let f = ?
if verifyEra:
let _ = ?f.verify()
# Note: building the accumulator takes about 150ms vs 10ms for reading it,
# so it is probably not really worth using the read version considering the
# UX hassle it adds to provide the accumulator ssz files.
let epochAccumulator =
if epochAccumulatorFile.isNone:
for (contentKey, contentValue) in f.headersWithProof(epochAccumulator):
let peers = await p.neighborhoodGossip(
Opt.none(NodeId), ContentKeysList(@[contentKey]), @[contentValue]
info "Gossiped block header", contentKey, peers
proc historyGossipBlockContent*(
p: PortalProtocol, era1File: string, verifyEra = false
): Future[Result[void, string]] {.async.} =
let f = ?
if verifyEra:
let _ = ?f.verify()
for (contentKey, contentValue) in f.blockContent():
let peers = await p.neighborhoodGossip(
Opt.none(NodeId), ContentKeysList(@[contentKey]), @[contentValue]
info "Gossiped block content", contentKey, peers