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synced 2025-02-28 20:00:43 +00:00
By introducing the "shared rocksdb instance" concept to the backend, we can remove the "piggybacking" mode , thus reducing the complexity of database initialisation and opening the possibility of extending how write batching works across kvt/aristo. The change makes explicit the hidden shared state that was previously hiding in closures and provides the first step towards simplifying the "commit/persist" interface of coredb, preparing it for optimizations to reduce the "layering tax" that `forked-layers` introduced.
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432 lines
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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2023-2025 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or
# distributed except according to those terms.
## Aristo (aka Patricia) DB records transaction based merge test
std/[algorithm, bitops, sets, tables],
PrngDesc = object
prng: uint32 ## random state
KnownHasherFailure* = seq[(string,(int,AristoError))]
## (<sample-name> & "#" <instance>, (<vertex-id>,<error-symbol>))
testRootVid = VertexID(2)
## Need to reconfigure for the test, root ID 1 cannot be deleted as a trie
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private helpers
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func posixPrngRand(state: var uint32): byte =
## POSIX.1-2001 example of a rand() implementation, see manual page rand(3).
state = state * 1103515245 + 12345;
let val = (state shr 16) and 32767 # mod 2^31
(val shr 8).byte # Extract second byte
func rand[W: SomeInteger|VertexID](ap: var PrngDesc; T: type W): T =
var a: array[sizeof T,byte]
for n in 0 ..< sizeof T:
a[n] = ap.prng.posixPrngRand().byte
when sizeof(T) == 1:
let w = uint8.fromBytesBE(a).T
when sizeof(T) == 2:
let w = uint16.fromBytesBE(a).T
when sizeof(T) == 4:
let w = uint32.fromBytesBE(a).T
let w = uint64.fromBytesBE(a).T
when T is SomeUnsignedInt:
# That way, `fromBytesBE()` can be applied to `uint`
result = w
# That way the result is independent of endianness
(addr result).copyMem(unsafeAddr w, sizeof w)
func init(T: type PrngDesc; seed: int): PrngDesc =
result.prng = (seed and 0x7fffffff).uint32
func rand(td: var PrngDesc; top: int): int =
if 0 < top:
let mask = (1 shl (8 * sizeof(int) - top.countLeadingZeroBits)) - 1
for _ in 0 ..< 100:
let w = mask and td.rand(typeof(result))
if w < top:
return w
raiseAssert "Not here (!)"
# -----------------------
# proc randomisedLeafs(
# db: AristoTxRef;
# ltys: HashSet[LeafTie];
# td: var PrngDesc;
# ): Result[seq[(LeafTie,RootedVertexID)],(VertexID,AristoError)] =
# var lvp: seq[(LeafTie,RootedVertexID)]
# for lty in ltys:
# var hike: Hike
# ?lty.hikeUp(db, Opt.none(VertexRef), hike)
# lvp.add (lty,(hike.root, hike.legs[^1].wp.vid))
# var lvp2 = lvp.sorted(
# cmp = proc(a,b: (LeafTie,RootedVertexID)): int = cmp(a[0],b[0]))
# if 2 < lvp2.len:
# for n in 0 ..< lvp2.len-1:
# let r = n + td.rand(lvp2.len - n)
# lvp2[n].swap lvp2[r]
# ok lvp2
# proc innerCleanUp(db: var AristoTxRef): bool {.discardable.} =
# ## Defer action
# if not db.isNil:
# let rx = db.txFrameTop()
# if rx.isOk:
# let rc = rx.value.collapse(commit=false)
# xCheckRc rc.error == 0
# db.finish(eradicate=true)
# db = AristoDbRef(nil)
# true
# --------------------------------
proc saveToBackend(
tx: var AristoTxRef;
relax: bool;
noisy: bool;
debugID: int;
): bool =
# var db = tx.to(AristoDbRef)
# # Verify context: nesting level must be 2 (i.e. two transactions)
# xCheck tx.level == 2
# block:
# let rc = db.checkTop()
# xCheckRc rc.error == (0,0)
# # Commit and hashify the current layer
# block:
# let rc = tx.commit()
# xCheckRc rc.error == 0
# block:
# let rc = db.txFrameTop()
# xCheckRc rc.error == 0
# tx = rc.value
# # Verify context: nesting level must be 1 (i.e. one transaction)
# xCheck tx.level == 1
# block:
# let rc = db.checkBE()
# xCheckRc rc.error == (0,0)
# # Commit and save to backend
# block:
# let rc = tx.commit()
# xCheckRc rc.error == 0
# block:
# let rc = db.txFrameTop()
# xCheckErr rc.value.level < 0 # force error
# block:
# let rc = db.schedStow()
# xCheckRc rc.error == 0
# block:
# let rc = db.checkBE()
# xCheckRc rc.error == (0,0):
# noisy.say "***", "saveToBackend (8)", " debugID=", debugID
# # Update layers to original level
# tx = db.txFrameBegin().value.to(AristoDbRef).txFrameBegin().value
proc fwdWalkVerify(
db: AristoDbRef;
root: VertexID;
leftOver: HashSet[LeafTie];
noisy: bool;
debugID: int;
): bool =
nLeafs = leftOver.len
# var
# leftOver = leftOver
# last = LeafTie()
# n = 0
# for (key,_) in db.rightPairs low(LeafTie,root):
# xCheck key in leftOver:
# noisy.say "*** fwdWalkVerify", "id=", n + (nLeafs + 1) * debugID
# leftOver.excl key
# last = key
# n.inc
# # Verify stop condition
# if last.root == VertexID(0):
# last = low(LeafTie,root)
# elif last != high(LeafTie,root):
# last = last.next
# let rc = last.right db
# xCheck rc.isErr
# xCheck rc.error[1] == NearbyBeyondRange
# xCheck n == nLeafs
proc revWalkVerify(
db: AristoDbRef;
root: VertexID;
leftOver: HashSet[LeafTie];
noisy: bool;
debugID: int;
): bool =
nLeafs = leftOver.len
# var
# leftOver = leftOver
# last = LeafTie()
# n = 0
# for (key,_) in db.leftPairs high(LeafTie,root):
# xCheck key in leftOver:
# noisy.say "*** revWalkVerify", " id=", n + (nLeafs + 1) * debugID
# leftOver.excl key
# last = key
# n.inc
# # Verify stop condition
# if last.root == VertexID(0):
# last = high(LeafTie,root)
# elif last != low(LeafTie,root):
# last = last.prev
# let rc = last.left db
# xCheck rc.isErr
# xCheck rc.error[1] == NearbyBeyondRange
# xCheck n == nLeafs
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public test function
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
proc testTxMergeAndDeleteOneByOne*(
noisy: bool;
list: openArray[ProofTrieData];
rdbPath: string; # Rocks DB storage directory
): bool {.deprecated: "rewrite to use non-generic data".} =
# var
# prng = PrngDesc.init 42
# db = AristoDbRef(nil)
# fwdRevVfyToggle = true
# defer:
# if not db.isNil:
# db.finish(eradicate=true)
# for n,w in list:
# # Start with brand new persistent database.
# db = block:
# if 0 < rdbPath.len:
# let (dbOpts, cfOpts) = DbOptions.init().toRocksDb()
# let rc = AristoDbRef.init(RdbBackendRef, rdbPath, DbOptions.init(), dbOpts, cfOpts, [])
# xCheckRc rc.error == 0
# rc.value()[0]
# else:
# AristoDbRef.init(MemBackendRef)
# # Start transaction (double frame for testing)
# xCheck db.txFrameTop.isErr
# var tx = db.txFrameBegin().value.to(AristoDbRef).txFrameBegin().value
# xCheck tx.isTop()
# xCheck tx.level == 2
# # Reset database so that the next round has a clean setup
# defer: db.innerCleanUp
# # Merge leaf data into main trie
# let kvpLeafs = block:
# var lst = w.kvpLst.mapRootVid testRootVid
# # The list might be reduced for isolation of particular properties,
# # e.g. lst.setLen(min(5,lst.len))
# lst
# for i,leaf in kvpLeafs:
# let rc = db.mergeGenericData leaf
# xCheckRc rc.error == 0
# # List of all leaf entries that should be on the database
# var leafsLeft = kvpLeafs.mapIt(it.leafTie).toHashSet
# # Provide a (reproducible) peudo-random copy of the leafs list
# let leafVidPairs = block:
# let rc = db.randomisedLeafs(leafsLeft, prng)
# xCheckRc rc.error == (0,0)
# rc.value
# # Trigger subsequent saving tasks in loop below
# let (saveMod, saveRest, relax) = block:
# if leafVidPairs.len < 17: (7, 3, false)
# elif leafVidPairs.len < 31: (11, 7, false)
# else: (leafVidPairs.len div 5, 11, true)
# # === Loop over leafs ===
# for u,lvp in leafVidPairs:
# let
# runID = n + list.len * u
# tailWalkVerify = 7 # + 999
# doSaveBeOk = ((u mod saveMod) == saveRest)
# (leaf, lid) = lvp
# if doSaveBeOk:
# let saveBeOk = tx.saveToBackend(relax=relax, noisy=noisy, runID)
# xCheck saveBeOk:
# noisy.say "***", "del1by1(2)",
# " u=", u,
# " n=", n, "/", list.len,
# "\n db\n ", db.pp(backendOk=true),
# ""
# # Delete leaf
# block:
# let rc = db.deleteGenericData(leaf.root, @(leaf.path))
# xCheckRc rc.error == 0
# # Update list of remaininf leafs
# leafsLeft.excl leaf
# let deletedVtx = tx.db.getVtx lid
# xCheck deletedVtx.isValid == false:
# noisy.say "***", "del1by1(8)"
# # Walking the database is too slow for large tables. So the hope is that
# # potential errors will not go away and rather pop up later, as well.
# if leafsLeft.len <= tailWalkVerify:
# if u < leafVidPairs.len-1:
# if fwdRevVfyToggle:
# fwdRevVfyToggle = false
# if not db.fwdWalkVerify(leaf.root, leafsLeft, noisy, runID):
# return
# else:
# fwdRevVfyToggle = true
# if not db.revWalkVerify(leaf.root, leafsLeft, noisy, runID):
# return
# when true and false:
# noisy.say "***", "del1by1(9)",
# " n=", n, "/", list.len,
# " nLeafs=", kvpLeafs.len
proc testTxMergeAndDeleteSubTree*(
noisy: bool;
list: openArray[ProofTrieData];
rdbPath: string; # Rocks DB storage directory
): bool {.deprecated: "rewrite to use non-generic data".} =
# var
# prng = PrngDesc.init 42
# db = AristoDbRef(nil)
# defer:
# if not db.isNil:
# db.finish(eradicate=true)
# for n,w in list:
# # Start with brand new persistent database.
# db = block:
# if 0 < rdbPath.len:
# let (dbOpts, cfOpts) = DbOptions.init().toRocksDb()
# let rc = AristoDbRef.init(RdbBackendRef, rdbPath, DbOptions.init(), dbOpts, cfOpts, [])
# xCheckRc rc.error == 0
# rc.value()[0]
# else:
# AristoDbRef.init(MemBackendRef)
# # Start transaction (double frame for testing)
# xCheck db.txFrameTop.isErr
# var tx = db.txFrameBegin().value.to(AristoDbRef).txFrameBegin().value
# xCheck tx.isTop()
# xCheck tx.level == 2
# # Reset database so that the next round has a clean setup
# defer: db.innerCleanUp
# # Merge leaf data into main trie (w/vertex ID 2)
# let kvpLeafs = block:
# var lst = w.kvpLst.mapRootVid testRootVid
# # The list might be reduced for isolation of particular properties,
# # e.g. lst.setLen(min(5,lst.len))
# lst
# for i,leaf in kvpLeafs:
# let rc = db.mergeGenericData leaf
# xCheckRc rc.error == 0
# # List of all leaf entries that should be on the database
# var leafsLeft = kvpLeafs.mapIt(it.leafTie).toHashSet
# # Provide a (reproducible) peudo-random copy of the leafs list
# let leafVidPairs = block:
# let rc = db.randomisedLeafs(leafsLeft, prng)
# xCheckRc rc.error == (0,0)
# rc.value
# discard leafVidPairs
# # === delete sub-tree ===
# block:
# let saveBeOk = tx.saveToBackend(relax=false, noisy=noisy, 1+list.len*n)
# xCheck saveBeOk:
# noisy.say "***", "del(1)",
# " n=", n, "/", list.len,
# "\n db\n ", db.pp(backendOk=true),
# ""
# # Delete sub-tree
# block:
# let rc = db.deleteGenericTree testRootVid
# xCheckRc rc.error == 0:
# noisy.say "***", "del(2)",
# " n=", n, "/", list.len,
# "\n db\n ", db.pp(backendOk=true),
# ""
# block:
# let saveBeOk = tx.saveToBackend(relax=false, noisy=noisy, 2+list.len*n)
# xCheck saveBeOk:
# noisy.say "***", "del(3)",
# " n=", n, "/", list.len,
# "\n db\n ", db.pp(backendOk=true),
# ""
# when true and false:
# noisy.say "***", "del(9) n=", n, "/", list.len, " nLeafs=", kvpLeafs.len
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# End
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------