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# Nimbus
# Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE))
# at your option.
# This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed except according to
# those terms.
times, tables,
json_rpc/rpcserver, hexstrings, stint, stew/byteutils,
json_serialization, web3/conversions, json_serialization/std/options,
eth/[common, keys, rlp, p2p], nimcrypto,
".."/[transaction, vm_state, constants, utils, context],
../db/[db_chain, state_db],
rpc_types, rpc_utils,
* Hexstring types (HexQuantitySt, HexDataStr, EthAddressStr, EthHashStr)
are parsed to check format before the RPC blocks are executed and will
raise an exception if invalid.
* Many of the RPC calls do not validate hex string types when output, only
type cast to avoid extra processing.
proc setupEthRpc*(node: EthereumNode, ctx: EthContext, chain: BaseChainDB, txPool: TxPoolRef, server: RpcServer) =
proc getStateDB(header: BlockHeader): ReadOnlyStateDB =
## Retrieves the account db from canonical head
# we don't use accounst_cache here because it's only read operations
let ac = newAccountStateDB(chain.db, header.stateRoot, chain.pruneTrie)
result = ReadOnlyStateDB(ac)
proc stateDBFromTag(tag: string, readOnly = true): ReadOnlyStateDB =
result = getStateDB(chain.headerFromTag(tag))
server.rpc("eth_protocolVersion") do() -> Option[string]:
# Old Ethereum wiki documents this as returning a decimal string.
# Infura documents this as returning 0x-prefixed hex string.
# Geth 1.10.0 has removed this call "as it makes no sense".
# - https://eth.wiki/json-rpc/API#eth_protocolversion
# - https://infura.io/docs/ethereum/json-rpc/eth-protocolVersion
# - https://blog.ethereum.org/2021/03/03/geth-v1-10-0/#compatibility
for n in node.capabilities:
if n.name == "eth":
return some($n.version)
return none(string)
server.rpc("eth_syncing") do() -> JsonNode:
## Returns SyncObject or false when not syncing.
# TODO: make sure we are not syncing
# when we reach the recent block
let numPeers = node.peerPool.connectedNodes.len
if numPeers > 0:
var sync = SyncState(
startingBlock: encodeQuantity chain.startingBlock,
currentBlock : encodeQuantity chain.currentBlock,
highestBlock : encodeQuantity chain.highestBlock
result = %sync
result = newJBool(false)
server.rpc("eth_coinbase") do() -> EthAddress:
## Returns the current coinbase address.
# currently we don't have miner
result = default(EthAddress)
server.rpc("eth_mining") do() -> bool:
## Returns true if the client is mining, otherwise false.
# currently we don't have miner
result = false
server.rpc("eth_hashrate") do() -> HexQuantityStr:
## Returns the number of hashes per second that the node is mining with.
# currently we don't have miner
result = encodeQuantity(0.uint)
server.rpc("eth_gasPrice") do() -> HexQuantityStr:
## Returns an integer of the current gas price in wei.
result = encodeQuantity(calculateMedianGasPrice(chain).uint64)
server.rpc("eth_accounts") do() -> seq[EthAddressStr]:
## Returns a list of addresses owned by client.
result = newSeqOfCap[EthAddressStr](ctx.am.numAccounts)
for k in ctx.am.addresses:
result.add ethAddressStr(k)
server.rpc("eth_blockNumber") do() -> HexQuantityStr:
## Returns integer of the current block number the client is on.
result = encodeQuantity(chain.getCanonicalHead().blockNumber)
server.rpc("eth_getBalance") do(data: EthAddressStr, quantityTag: string) -> HexQuantityStr:
## Returns the balance of the account of given address.
## data: address to check for balance.
## quantityTag: integer block number, or the string "latest", "earliest" or "pending", see the default block parameter.
## Returns integer of the current balance in wei.
accDB = stateDBFromTag(quantityTag)
address = data.toAddress
balance = accDB.getBalance(address)
result = encodeQuantity(balance)
server.rpc("eth_getStorageAt") do(data: EthAddressStr, quantity: HexQuantityStr, quantityTag: string) -> HexDataStr:
## Returns the value from a storage position at a given address.
## data: address of the storage.
## quantity: integer of the position in the storage.
## quantityTag: integer block number, or the string "latest", "earliest" or "pending", see the default block parameter.
## Returns: the value at this storage position.
accDB = stateDBFromTag(quantityTag)
address = data.toAddress
key = fromHex(Uint256, quantity.string)
value = accDB.getStorage(address, key)[0]
result = hexDataStr(value)
server.rpc("eth_getTransactionCount") do(data: EthAddressStr, quantityTag: string) -> HexQuantityStr:
## Returns the number of transactions sent from an address.
## data: address.
## quantityTag: integer block number, or the string "latest", "earliest" or "pending", see the default block parameter.
## Returns integer of the number of transactions send from this address.
address = data.toAddress
accDB = stateDBFromTag(quantityTag)
result = encodeQuantity(accDB.getNonce(address))
server.rpc("eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash") do(data: EthHashStr) -> HexQuantityStr:
## Returns the number of transactions in a block from a block matching the given block hash.
## data: hash of a block
## Returns integer of the number of transactions in this block.
blockHash = data.toHash
header = chain.getBlockHeader(blockHash)
txCount = chain.getTransactionCount(header.txRoot)
result = encodeQuantity(txCount.uint)
server.rpc("eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber") do(quantityTag: string) -> HexQuantityStr:
## Returns the number of transactions in a block matching the given block number.
## data: integer of a block number, or the string "earliest", "latest" or "pending", as in the default block parameter.
## Returns integer of the number of transactions in this block.
header = chain.headerFromTag(quantityTag)
txCount = chain.getTransactionCount(header.txRoot)
result = encodeQuantity(txCount.uint)
server.rpc("eth_getUncleCountByBlockHash") do(data: EthHashStr) -> HexQuantityStr:
## Returns the number of uncles in a block from a block matching the given block hash.
## data: hash of a block.
## Returns integer of the number of uncles in this block.
blockHash = data.toHash
header = chain.getBlockHeader(blockHash)
unclesCount = chain.getUnclesCount(header.ommersHash)
result = encodeQuantity(unclesCount.uint)
server.rpc("eth_getUncleCountByBlockNumber") do(quantityTag: string) -> HexQuantityStr:
## Returns the number of uncles in a block from a block matching the given block number.
## quantityTag: integer of a block number, or the string "latest", "earliest" or "pending", see the default block parameter.
## Returns integer of uncles in this block.
header = chain.headerFromTag(quantityTag)
unclesCount = chain.getUnclesCount(header.ommersHash)
result = encodeQuantity(unclesCount.uint)
server.rpc("eth_getCode") do(data: EthAddressStr, quantityTag: string) -> HexDataStr:
## Returns code at a given address.
## data: address
## quantityTag: integer block number, or the string "latest", "earliest" or "pending", see the default block parameter.
## Returns the code from the given address.
accDB = stateDBFromTag(quantityTag)
address = data.toAddress
storage = accDB.getCode(address)
result = hexDataStr(storage)
template sign(privateKey: PrivateKey, message: string): string =
# message length encoded as ASCII representation of decimal
let msgData = "\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n" & $message.len & message
$sign(privateKey, msgData.toBytes())
server.rpc("eth_sign") do(data: EthAddressStr, message: HexDataStr) -> HexDataStr:
## The sign method calculates an Ethereum specific signature with: sign(keccak256("\x19Ethereum Signed Message:\n" + len(message) + message))).
## By adding a prefix to the message makes the calculated signature recognisable as an Ethereum specific signature.
## This prevents misuse where a malicious DApp can sign arbitrary data (e.g. transaction) and use the signature to impersonate the victim.
## Note the address to sign with must be unlocked.
## data: address.
## message: message to sign.
## Returns signature.
address = data.toAddress
acc = ctx.am.getAccount(address).tryGet()
msg = hexToSeqByte(message.string)
if not acc.unlocked:
raise newException(ValueError, "Account locked, please unlock it first")
result = ("0x" & sign(acc.privateKey, cast[string](msg))).HexDataStr
server.rpc("eth_signTransaction") do(data: TxSend) -> HexDataStr:
## Signs a transaction that can be submitted to the network at a later time using with
## eth_sendRawTransaction
address = data.source.toAddress
acc = ctx.am.getAccount(address).tryGet()
if not acc.unlocked:
raise newException(ValueError, "Account locked, please unlock it first")
accDB = stateDBFromTag("latest")
tx = unsignedTx(data, chain, accDB.getNonce(address) + 1)
eip155 = chain.currentBlock >= chain.config.eip155Block
signedTx = signTransaction(tx, acc.privateKey, chain.config.chainId, eip155)
rlpTx = rlp.encode(signedTx)
result = hexDataStr(rlpTx)
server.rpc("eth_sendTransaction") do(data: TxSend) -> EthHashStr:
## Creates new message call transaction or a contract creation, if the data field contains code.
## obj: the transaction object.
## Returns the transaction hash, or the zero hash if the transaction is not yet available.
## Note: Use eth_getTransactionReceipt to get the contract address, after the transaction was mined, when you created a contract.
# TODO: Relies on pending pool implementation
address = data.source.toAddress
acc = ctx.am.getAccount(address).tryGet()
if not acc.unlocked:
raise newException(ValueError, "Account locked, please unlock it first")
accDB = stateDBFromTag("latest")
tx = unsignedTx(data, chain, accDB.getNonce(address) + 1)
eip155 = chain.currentBlock >= chain.config.eip155Block
signedTx = signTransaction(tx, acc.privateKey, chain.config.chainId, eip155)
rlpTx = rlp.encode(signedTx)
result = keccak_256.digest(rlpTx).ethHashStr
server.rpc("eth_sendRawTransaction") do(data: HexDataStr) -> EthHashStr:
## Creates new message call transaction or a contract creation for signed transactions.
## data: the signed transaction data.
## Returns the transaction hash, or the zero hash if the transaction is not yet available.
## Note: Use eth_getTransactionReceipt to get the contract address, after the transaction was mined, when you created a contract.
# TODO: Relies on pending pool implementation
let rlpBytes = hexToSeqByte(data.string)
result = keccak_256.digest(rlpBytes).ethHashStr
server.rpc("eth_call") do(call: EthCall, quantityTag: string) -> HexDataStr:
## Executes a new message call immediately without creating a transaction on the block chain.
## call: the transaction call object.
## quantityTag: integer block number, or the string "latest", "earliest" or "pending", see the default block parameter.
## Returns the return value of executed contract.
header = headerFromTag(chain, quantityTag)
callData = callData(call)
res = rpcCallEvm(callData, header, chain)
result = hexDataStr(res.output)
server.rpc("eth_estimateGas") do(call: EthCall, quantityTag: string) -> HexQuantityStr:
## Generates and returns an estimate of how much gas is necessary to allow the transaction to complete.
## The transaction will not be added to the blockchain. Note that the estimate may be significantly more than
## the amount of gas actually used by the transaction, for a variety of reasons including EVM mechanics and node performance.
## call: the transaction call object.
## quantityTag: integer block number, or the string "latest", "earliest" or "pending", see the default block parameter.
## Returns the amount of gas used.
header = chain.headerFromTag(quantityTag)
callData = callData(call)
# TODO: DEFAULT_RPC_GAS_CAP should configurable
gasUsed = rpcEstimateGas(callData, header, chain, DEFAULT_RPC_GAS_CAP)
result = encodeQuantity(gasUsed.uint64)
server.rpc("eth_getBlockByHash") do(data: EthHashStr, fullTransactions: bool) -> Option[BlockObject]:
## Returns information about a block by hash.
## data: Hash of a block.
## fullTransactions: If true it returns the full transaction objects, if false only the hashes of the transactions.
## Returns BlockObject or nil when no block was found.
header: BlockHeader
hash = data.toHash
if chain.getBlockHeader(hash, header):
result = some populateBlockObject(header, chain, fullTransactions)
result = none BlockObject
server.rpc("eth_getBlockByNumber") do(quantityTag: string, fullTransactions: bool) -> Option[BlockObject]:
## Returns information about a block by block number.
## quantityTag: integer of a block number, or the string "earliest", "latest" or "pending", as in the default block parameter.
## fullTransactions: If true it returns the full transaction objects, if false only the hashes of the transactions.
## Returns BlockObject or nil when no block was found.
let header = chain.headerFromTag(quantityTag)
result = some(populateBlockObject(header, chain, fullTransactions))
result = none(BlockObject)
server.rpc("eth_getTransactionByHash") do(data: EthHashStr) -> Option[TransactionObject]:
## Returns the information about a transaction requested by transaction hash.
## data: hash of a transaction.
## Returns requested transaction information.
let txDetails = chain.getTransactionKey(data.toHash())
if txDetails.index < 0:
return none(TransactionObject)
let header = chain.getBlockHeader(txDetails.blockNumber)
var tx: Transaction
if chain.getTransaction(header.txRoot, txDetails.index, tx):
result = some(populateTransactionObject(tx, header, txDetails.index))
# TODO: if the requested transaction not in blockchain
# try to look for pending transaction in txpool
server.rpc("eth_getTransactionByBlockHashAndIndex") do(data: EthHashStr, quantity: HexQuantityStr) -> Option[TransactionObject]:
## Returns information about a transaction by block hash and transaction index position.
## data: hash of a block.
## quantity: integer of the transaction index position.
## Returns requested transaction information.
let index = hexToInt(quantity.string, int)
var header: BlockHeader
if not chain.getBlockHeader(data.toHash(), header):
return none(TransactionObject)
var tx: Transaction
if chain.getTransaction(header.txRoot, index, tx):
result = some(populateTransactionObject(tx, header, index))
server.rpc("eth_getTransactionByBlockNumberAndIndex") do(quantityTag: string, quantity: HexQuantityStr) -> Option[TransactionObject]:
## Returns information about a transaction by block number and transaction index position.
## quantityTag: a block number, or the string "earliest", "latest" or "pending", as in the default block parameter.
## quantity: the transaction index position.
header = chain.headerFromTag(quantityTag)
index = hexToInt(quantity.string, int)
var tx: Transaction
if chain.getTransaction(header.txRoot, index, tx):
result = some(populateTransactionObject(tx, header, index))
server.rpc("eth_getTransactionReceipt") do(data: EthHashStr) -> Option[ReceiptObject]:
## Returns the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash.
## data: hash of a transaction.
## Returns transaction receipt.
let txDetails = chain.getTransactionKey(data.toHash())
if txDetails.index < 0:
return none(ReceiptObject)
let header = chain.getBlockHeader(txDetails.blockNumber)
var tx: Transaction
if not chain.getTransaction(header.txRoot, txDetails.index, tx):
return none(ReceiptObject)
idx = 0
prevGasUsed = GasInt(0)
for receipt in chain.getReceipts(header.receiptRoot):
let gasUsed = receipt.cumulativeGasUsed - prevGasUsed
prevGasUsed = receipt.cumulativeGasUsed
if idx == txDetails.index:
return some(populateReceipt(receipt, gasUsed, tx, txDetails.index, header))
server.rpc("eth_getUncleByBlockHashAndIndex") do(data: EthHashStr, quantity: HexQuantityStr) -> Option[BlockObject]:
## Returns information about a uncle of a block by hash and uncle index position.
## data: hash of block.
## quantity: the uncle's index position.
## Returns BlockObject or nil when no block was found.
let index = hexToInt(quantity.string, int)
var header: BlockHeader
if not chain.getBlockHeader(data.toHash(), header):
return none(BlockObject)
let uncles = chain.getUncles(header.ommersHash)
if index < 0 or index >= uncles.len:
return none(BlockObject)
var uncle = populateBlockObject(uncles[index], chain, false, true)
uncle.totalDifficulty = encodeQuantity(chain.getScore(header.hash))
result = some(uncle)
server.rpc("eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex") do(quantityTag: string, quantity: HexQuantityStr) -> Option[BlockObject]:
# Returns information about a uncle of a block by number and uncle index position.
## quantityTag: a block number, or the string "earliest", "latest" or "pending", as in the default block parameter.
## quantity: the uncle's index position.
## Returns BlockObject or nil when no block was found.
index = hexToInt(quantity.string, int)
header = chain.headerFromTag(quantityTag)
uncles = chain.getUncles(header.ommersHash)
if index < 0 or index >= uncles.len:
return none(BlockObject)
var uncle = populateBlockObject(uncles[index], chain, false, true)
uncle.totalDifficulty = encodeQuantity(chain.getScore(header.hash))
result = some(uncle)
server.rpc("eth_newFilter") do(filterOptions: FilterOptions) -> int:
## Creates a filter object, based on filter options, to notify when the state changes (logs).
## To check if the state has changed, call eth_getFilterChanges.
## Topics are order-dependent. A transaction with a log with topics [A, B] will be matched by the following topic filters:
## [] "anything"
## [A] "A in first position (and anything after)"
## [null, B] "anything in first position AND B in second position (and anything after)"
## [A, B] "A in first position AND B in second position (and anything after)"
## [[A, B], [A, B]] "(A OR B) in first position AND (A OR B) in second position (and anything after)"
## filterOptions: settings for this filter.
## Returns integer filter id.
server.rpc("eth_newBlockFilter") do() -> int:
## Creates a filter in the node, to notify when a new block arrives.
## To check if the state has changed, call eth_getFilterChanges.
## Returns integer filter id.
server.rpc("eth_newPendingTransactionFilter") do() -> int:
## Creates a filter in the node, to notify when a new block arrives.
## To check if the state has changed, call eth_getFilterChanges.
## Returns integer filter id.
server.rpc("eth_uninstallFilter") do(filterId: int) -> bool:
## Uninstalls a filter with given id. Should always be called when watch is no longer needed.
## Additonally Filters timeout when they aren't requested with eth_getFilterChanges for a period of time.
## filterId: The filter id.
## Returns true if the filter was successfully uninstalled, otherwise false.
server.rpc("eth_getFilterChanges") do(filterId: int) -> seq[FilterLog]:
## Polling method for a filter, which returns an list of logs which occurred since last poll.
## filterId: the filter id.
result = @[]
server.rpc("eth_getFilterLogs") do(filterId: int) -> seq[FilterLog]:
## filterId: the filter id.
## Returns a list of all logs matching filter with given id.
result = @[]
server.rpc("eth_getLogs") do(filterOptions: FilterOptions) -> seq[FilterLog]:
## filterOptions: settings for this filter.
## Returns a list of all logs matching a given filter object.
result = @[]
server.rpc("eth_getWork") do() -> array[3, UInt256]:
## Returns the hash of the current block, the seedHash, and the boundary condition to be met ("target").
## Returned list has the following properties:
## DATA, 32 Bytes - current block header pow-hash.
## DATA, 32 Bytes - the seed hash used for the DAG.
## DATA, 32 Bytes - the boundary condition ("target"), 2^256 / difficulty.
server.rpc("eth_submitWork") do(nonce: int64, powHash: HexDataStr, mixDigest: HexDataStr) -> bool:
## Used for submitting a proof-of-work solution.
## nonce: the nonce found.
## headerPow: the header's pow-hash.
## mixDigest: the mix digest.
## Returns true if the provided solution is valid, otherwise false.
server.rpc("eth_submitHashrate") do(hashRate: HexDataStr, id: HexDataStr) -> bool:
## Used for submitting mining hashrate.
## hashRate: a hexadecimal string representation (32 bytes) of the hash rate.
## id: a random hexadecimal(32 bytes) ID identifying the client.
## Returns true if submitting went through succesfully and false otherwise.