mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 21:00:49 +00:00
* renamed nimbus folder to execution_chain * Renamed "nimbus" references to "execution_chain" * fixed wrongly changed http reference * delete snap types file given that it was deleted before this PR merge * missing 'execution_chain' replacement --------- Co-authored-by: pmmiranda <pedro.miranda@nimbus.team>
273 lines
7.8 KiB
273 lines
7.8 KiB
# nimbus-eth1
# Copyright (c) 2023-2024 Status Research & Development GmbH
# Licensed under either of
# * Apache License, version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
# * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or
# http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
# at your option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
# except according to those terms.
{.push raises: [], gcsafe, inline.}
import stew/[arraybuf, arrayops, bitops2, endians2, staticfor]
export arraybuf
NibblesBuf* = object
## Allocation-free type for storing up to 64 4-bit nibbles, as seen in the
## Ethereum MPT
limbs: array[4, uint64]
# Each limb holds 16 nibbles in big endian order - for buffers shorter
# 64 nibbles we make sure the last limb holding any data is zero-padded
# (so as to avoid UB on uninitialized reads) - for example a buffer
# holding one nibble will have one fully initialized limb and 3
# uninitialized limbs.
iend: uint8
# Where valid nibbles can be found - we use indices here to avoid copies
# wen slicing - iend not inclusive
HexPrefixBuf* = ArrayBuf[33, byte]
func high*(T: type NibblesBuf): int =
func nibble*(T: type NibblesBuf, nibble: byte): T {.noinit.} =
result.limbs[0] = uint64(nibble) shl (64 - 4)
result.iend = 1
template limb(i: int | uint8): uint8 =
# In which limb can nibble i be found?
uint8(i) shr 4 # shr 4 = div 16 = 16 nibbles per limb
template shift(i: int | uint8): int =
# How many bits to shift to find nibble i within its limb?
60 - ((i mod 16) shl 2) # shl 2 = 4 bits per nibble
func `[]`*(r: NibblesBuf, i: int): byte =
ilimb = i.limb
ishift = i.shift
byte((r.limbs[ilimb] shr ishift) and 0x0f)
func `[]=`*(r: var NibblesBuf, i: int, v: byte) =
ilimb = i.limb
ishift = i.shift
r.limbs[ilimb] =
(uint64(v and 0x0f) shl ishift) or ((r.limbs[ilimb] and not (0x0f'u64 shl ishift)))
func fromBytes*(T: type NibblesBuf, bytes: openArray[byte]): T {.noinit.} =
if bytes.len >= 32:
result.iend = 64
staticFor i, 0 ..< result.limbs.len:
const pos = i * 8 # 16 nibbles per limb, 2 nibbles per byte
result.limbs[i] = uint64.fromBytesBE(bytes.toOpenArray(pos, pos + 7))
let blen = uint8(bytes.len)
result.iend = blen * 2
block done:
staticFor i, 0 ..< result.limbs.len:
const pos = i * 8
if pos + 7 < blen:
result.limbs[i] = uint64.fromBytesBE(bytes.toOpenArray(pos, pos + 7))
if pos < blen:
var tmp = 0'u64
var shift = 56'u8
for j in uint8(pos) ..< blen:
tmp = tmp or uint64(bytes[j]) shl shift
shift -= 8
result.limbs[i] = tmp
break done
func len*(r: NibblesBuf): int =
func `$`*(r: NibblesBuf): string =
result = newStringOfCap(64)
for i in 0 ..< r.len:
const chars = "0123456789abcdef"
result.add chars[r[i]]
func `==`*(lhs, rhs: NibblesBuf): bool =
if lhs.iend != rhs.iend:
return false
staticFor i, 0 ..< lhs.limbs.len:
if uint8(i * 16) >= lhs.iend:
return true
if lhs.limbs[i] != rhs.limbs[i]:
return false
func sharedPrefixLen*(lhs, rhs: NibblesBuf): int =
let len = min(lhs.iend, rhs.iend)
staticFor i, 0 ..< lhs.limbs.len:
const pos = i * 16
if (pos + 16) >= len or lhs.limbs[i] != rhs.limbs[i]:
if pos < len:
let mask =
if len - pos >= 16:
(not 0'u64) shr ((len - pos) * 4)
pos + leadingZeros((lhs.limbs[i] xor rhs.limbs[i]) or mask) shr 2
func startsWith*(lhs, rhs: NibblesBuf): bool =
sharedPrefixLen(lhs, rhs) == rhs.len
func slice*(r: NibblesBuf, ibegin: int, iend = -1): NibblesBuf {.noinit.} =
let e =
if iend < 0:
min(64, r.len + iend + 1)
min(64, iend)
# With noinit, we have to be careful not to read result.bytes
result.iend = uint8(e - ibegin)
var ilimb = ibegin.limb
block done:
let shift = (ibegin mod 16) shl 2
if shift == 0: # Must be careful not to shift by 64 which is UB!
staticFor i, 0 ..< result.limbs.len:
if uint8(i * 16) >= result.iend:
break done
result.limbs[i] = r.limbs[ilimb]
ilimb += 1
staticFor i, 0 ..< result.limbs.len:
if uint8(i * 16) >= result.iend:
break done
let cur = r.limbs[ilimb] shl shift
ilimb += 1
result.limbs[i] =
if (ilimb * 16) < uint8 r.iend:
let next = r.limbs[ilimb] shr (64 - shift)
cur or next
template copyshr(aend: uint8) =
block adone: # copy aend nibbles of a
staticFor i, 0 ..< result.limbs.len:
if uint8(i * 16) >= aend:
break adone
result.limbs[i] = a.limbs[i]
block bdone:
let shift = (aend mod 16) shl 2
var alimb = aend.limb
if shift == 0:
staticFor i, 0 ..< result.limbs.len:
if uint8(i * 16) >= b.iend:
break bdone
result.limbs[alimb] = b.limbs[i]
alimb += 1
# remove the part of a that should be b from the last a limb
result.limbs[alimb] = result.limbs[alimb] and ((not 0'u64) shl (64 - shift))
staticFor i, 0 ..< result.limbs.len:
if uint8(i * 16) >= b.iend:
break bdone
# reading result.limbs here is safe because because the previous loop
# iteration will have initialized it (or the a copy on initial iteration)
result.limbs[alimb] = result.limbs[alimb] or b.limbs[i] shr shift
alimb += 1
if (alimb * 16) < result.iend:
result.limbs[alimb] = b.limbs[i] shl (64 - shift)
func `&`*(a, b: NibblesBuf): NibblesBuf {.noinit.} =
result.iend = min(64'u8, a.iend + b.iend)
let aend = a.iend
func replaceSuffix*(a, b: NibblesBuf): NibblesBuf {.noinit.} =
if b.iend >= a.iend:
result = b
elif b.iend == 0:
result = a
result.iend = a.iend
let aend = a.iend - b.iend
func toHexPrefix*(r: NibblesBuf, isLeaf = false): HexPrefixBuf {.noinit.} =
# We'll adjust to the actual length below, but this hack allows us to write
# full limbs
result.n = 33 # careful with noinit, to not call setlen
limbs = (r.iend + 15).limb
isOdd = (r.iend and 1) > 0
result[0] = (byte(isLeaf) * 2 + byte(isOdd)) shl 4
if isOdd:
result[0] = result[0] or byte(r.limbs[0] shr 60)
staticFor i, 0 ..< r.limbs.len:
if i < limbs:
let next =
when i == r.limbs.high:
r.limbs[i + 1]
let limb = r.limbs[i] shl 4 or next shr 60
const pos = i * 8 + 1
assign(result.data.toOpenArray(pos, pos + 7), limb.toBytesBE())
staticFor i, 0 ..< r.limbs.len:
if i < limbs:
let limb = r.limbs[i]
const pos = i * 8 + 1
assign(result.data.toOpenArray(pos, pos + 7), limb.toBytesBE())
result.setLen(int((r.iend shr 1) + 1))
func fromHexPrefix*(
T: type NibblesBuf, bytes: openArray[byte]
): tuple[isLeaf: bool, nibbles: NibblesBuf] {.noinit.} =
if bytes.len > 0:
result.isLeaf = (bytes[0] and 0x20) != 0
let hasOddLen = (bytes[0] and 0x10) != 0
if hasOddLen:
let high = uint8(min(31, bytes.len - 1))
result.nibbles =
NibblesBuf.nibble(bytes[0] and 0x0f) &
NibblesBuf.fromBytes(bytes.toOpenArray(1, int high))
result.nibbles = NibblesBuf.fromBytes(bytes.toOpenArray(1, bytes.high()))
result.isLeaf = false
result.nibbles.iend = 0
func getBytes*(a: NibblesBuf): array[32, byte] =
staticFor i, 0 ..< a.limbs.len:
const pos = i * 8
assign(result.toOpenArray(pos, pos + 7), a.limbs[i].toBytesBE)